Mitri briefed the media on resullts of cabinet meeting


Lebanon’s Information Minister Tarek Mitri briefed the media following the cabinet meeting at the Grand Serail and which was chaired by PM Saad Hariri

Administrative appointments :

The Cabinet has appointed Judge Aouni Ramadan as Head of the Court of Audit, ex-minister Khaled Qabbani as Head of the Civil Service Board, and Judge Akram Baasiri as Head of the Judicial Inspection Committee.

ethiopia airline crash , lebanon - hariri w families of victimsEthiopian Airlines flight ET409

PM Hariri discussed with the cabinet his meeting with the families of the victims of the crashed Ethiopian airliner and listened to their demands. He promised the families of the victims that he will uncover the whole truth

Visit to Qatar

– Hariri briefed the cabinet on his visit to Qatar as well as ways and means to enhance the relations



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