PSP praises Hariri’s achievements


The Progressive Socialist Party issued a statement on Thursday in which it praised the achievements of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri who was assassinated on February 14 2005.

The statement credited Hariri with rebuilding and developing Lebanon, improving its regional and international standing, preserving its national unity ,  support for the Palestinian cause and the adoption of the Taif Accord.

The statement added that Hariri was a prominent statesman who was aware of the Israeli danger and traveled extensively to solicit support for Lebanon in order to end Israeli attacks against the country.

The statement also said that the special relationship between the former Prime Minister and PSP leader MP Walid Jumblatt helped stabilize Lebanon.

On February 14 Lebanon will be holding a commemoration to mark the 5th anniversary of Hariri’s assassination. Jumblatt said he will attend but will not make any speeches



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