U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza


un security council meeting gazasecu The U.N. Security Council agreed on a statement on Sunday urging Israel, Palestinians and Islamist Hamas militants to implement a humanitarian truce beyond the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr and engage in efforts to achieve a durable ceasefire.

The statement expresses strong support for “an immediate and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire, allowing for the delivery of urgently needed assistance” in Gaza, where Israeli troops and Hamas have been fighting for nearly three weeks.

All 15 council members had agreed on the statement, diplomats said, and it would be formally adopted at a midnight meeting on Sunday.

Gaza Strip residents and Reuters witnesses said Israeli shelling and Hamas missile launches slowly subsided on Sunday, suggesting a de facto truce might be taking shape ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which begins on Monday.

The Security Council statement, drafted by Jordan, “urged all parties to accept and fully implement the humanitarian ceasefire into the Eid period and beyond” and “calls on parties to engage in efforts to achieve a durable and fully respected ceasefire, based on the Egyptian initiative.”

Diplomatic efforts led by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to end the conflict have shown little sign of progress. Israel and Hamas have set conditions that appear irreconcilable.

The council commended the efforts of Kerry and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who spent last week in the Middle East trying to help broker an end to the fighting.

Some 1,031 Palestinians, mainly civilians and many of them children, have been killed in the 20-day conflict. Israel says 43 of its soldiers have died, along with three civilians killed by rocket and mortar fire out of the Mediterranean enclave.

Israel launched its Gaza offensive on July 8, saying its aim was to halt rocket attacks by Hamas and its allies.

The Security Council expressed “grave concern regarding the deterioration in the situation as a result of the crisis related to Gaza and the loss of civilian lives and casualties” and “reiterates the need to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and well-being of civilians and their protection.”

It “emphasizes that civilian and humanitarian facilities, including those of the U.N., must be respected and protected.”

A United Nations-run school in Gaza was attacked last week and the Gaza health ministry said at least 15 civilians had been killed and some 200 wounded. Rockets have also twice been found hidden in vacant U.N. schools during the conflict.




6 responses to “U.N. Security Council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza”

  1. cook2half Avatar

    No ceasefire, the pal trash need to learn their lesson.

    No peace, no negotiations, no recognition

  2. master09 Avatar

    This is getting so sick to listen every day. Lets look at what the world and the UN or many on this site and around the world don’t talk about.
    1. almost a million people were killed when Hutu militias targeted Tutsis in 1994. No one said anything.
    2. In Iraq Christian convert or Die, no one talking or taking to streets.
    3. In 7 nations in Africa Christians and kids and women by the Thiusands killed but no UN or anyone going to streets.
    4. In Syria thousands killed per day I see no one wanting to do anything on the streets or Un.
    5. In Mexico the drug wars kill more people per year than Israel killed Palestinians in 20 years no one in UN or walking the streets.
    6. 50,000 Lebanese and more are still missing by Syrian hands and the Lebs kiss Syrias ASS. Why.
    7. Ukrain, but Russia can do what ever. Cyprus but that’s an Island with no Palestinians.
    The list can go for another 20 locations around the world that 100 times worse is happening to normal people by outside and own government but I see no one going to the streets or demanding the deaths of those countries. WHY. Someone have the balls to have an open mind and talk facts. P
    Please someone, I know what’s happening in Israel is not nice and it has been there long time but please SOMEONE answer why they ignore the above and many more.

    1. nope…no one..not even one courageous soul.
      sigh…..and then they wonder why we trust no one but our selfs..

  3. ok we agree
    …5….4….3….2….1… Hamas broke it

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