Egypt has destroyed to date 1,639 Gaza tunnels


An Israeli army officer stands at the entrance of a tunnel said to be used by Palestinian militants for cross-border attacks, during an army organised tour for journalists on July 25, 2014. Egypt's army said Sunday, July 27 it has destroyed 13 more tunnels connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip, taking to 1,639 the overall number it has laid waste to. -- PHOTO: REUTERS -
An Israeli army officer stands at the entrance of a tunnel said to be used by Palestinian militants for cross-border attacks, during an army organised tour for journalists on July 25, 2014. Egypt’s army said Sunday, July 27 it has destroyed 13 more tunnels connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip, taking to 1,639 the overall number it has laid waste to. — PHOTO: REUTERS –
Egypt’s army said Sunday it has destroyed 13 more tunnels connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip, taking to 1,639 the overall number it has laid waste to.

Cairo has poured troops into the peninsula to counter a rising insurgency since the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Mursi last year, and its security operation involves the destruction of these tunnels.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas, which is the main power in Gaza, reportedly uses the tunnels to smuggle arms, food and money into the blockaded coastal enclave.

Israel has been waging a military offensive on Gaza since July 8 to halt rocket fire, and it launched a ground assault on July 17 aimed at destroying the network of tunnels.

straits times



7 responses to “Egypt has destroyed to date 1,639 Gaza tunnels”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Tunnelling …
    The only ‘Full-Time Employment’ Hamas seems to have, besides making small rockets.
    Having spread earth from below over the topsoil, they can’t grow anything either – even if they wanted it to, the place can’t support them.

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