Geagea urges citizens to rise against the politicians and elect new ones


Geagea calls for  changing the politiciansLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea urged the Lebanese people to hold the politicians accountable for the deadlock the country is facing and to elect new ones in order to change the status quo.

“The decision is in the hands of Lebanese citizens. Either they rise against the political establishment and hold the politicians accountable for the current impasse , or they can keep them and preserve the status quo,” Geagea said Friday night about the current impasse during a dinner for LF bankers.

“The choice is yours, and I hope you make the right choice in the elections so that we can achieve all our goals,” Geagea said in addressing the Lebanese people.

“Each citizen must therefore carefully consider the situation and rectify it at the first democratic opportunity he or she gets, such as the parliamentary elections,” added the LF chief.

“Those obstructing political life must be kicked out of the parliament because they are hindering democracy, state institutions, and the interests of the people,” he stressed.

The Lebanese lawmakers failed again July 2 to elect a president on , for the eighth time, to succeed president Suleiman , prolonging a political vacuum as the country struggles with violence, economic decline and an influx of Syrian refugees.

After Geagea secured 48 votes last April 23, the Hezbollah led March 8 alliance including FPM leader Michel Aoun and Marada leader Suleiman Franjieh walked out from the parliament to make sure there was no quorum to elect a president. They continued their boycott of the parliament during the 7 other sessions that followed .

Both Aoun and Franjieh boycotted also the July 2 session.

Aoun has not announced his candidacy but he aspires to become a consensual nominee
“I will announce my nomination when the political situation in parliament becomes clear and when (the current candidates) are dismissed,” Aoun said last month.

The civil war in neighbouring Syria has aggravated long-standing rivalries in Lebanon, where political power is divided among religious communities – the presidency goes to a Maronite Christian, the parliament speaker is a Shi’ite Muslim and the prime minister a Sunni.

Some of Lebanon’s deepest political divisions come over the handling of the Syrian crisis, which has driven over 1 million refugees into Lebanon.

Politicians from the March 8 coalition, which includes Shi’ite Muslim group Hezbollah, support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The rival March 14 coalition backs Assad’s opponents.

The deadlock comes at a time of worsening security. Three suicide bomb attacks late last month targeted Beirut and a checkpoint on the road to Syria. The Syrian crisis and the political stalemate have also hit the Lebanese economy, prompting the central bank to introduce stimulus packages.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam’s government has taken over some presidential duties until a new president is chosen.



9 responses to “Geagea urges citizens to rise against the politicians and elect new ones”

  1. Reasonableman Avatar


    the citizens will have to forget the mistakes of the last government and forget being compensated.

    Lebanons biggest problem is that there is no government , rising or electing a president will not solve the other small problems lebanon face.

    There will be blood spilled and the minority will suffer the most.

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      I Think what Geagea is telling the Lebanese citizens make your representatives accountable for their mistakes , let them pay for them , don’t let them get away with it . After all we elected the MPs to attend the parliament sessions and represent us . What is happening right now is misrepresentation .
      What do you think?

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Yea that what he means ma 5talafna.

        The problems with the politicians is that they repeat this sentence over and over again they say admit that they are responsible for representing the people and still fail to make changes.

        I agree that the citizens are now the ones responsible since the government is out of actions and should rise and they will, weather it be in m8 or m14s favour or anybodies favour blood will be spilled and this is natural with lebanons different sects and political views.

        Electing new candidates to represent the people in a sensitive time in my opinion should be out of question. The people have suffered enough new people means repeating old and making new mistakes, it just leads to more unrest. Lebanon needs a helping hand but no country will give something for nothing, it is what it is.

      2. Reasonableman Avatar

        Oh btw, 1am last night tripoli roads opened. Not sure what kind of deal was offered. Took them 3days

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          a bit of good news ….

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    As usual, the guy makes sense … you can see why ‘they’ don’t like him.
    And yet, if he has 48 behind him, then it’s the stupid ‘rules’ in that Confessional Constitution that block ANY ability of ‘the people’ to enjoy some ‘self-determination’.
    Ghassan has spoken at length on this … as well as others … I think Geagea is the only one who gives that need some serious thought. I’m sure he realizes he is as bolloxed as the rest of them.

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      This is not fair whoever gets the majority of the votes should be elected. Regardless whether its 10 or 48.. But Berri the devious politicians he is will not change any rules. He outlasted Saddam, Mubarak ,Ghaddaffi. i think its time to put a tiny grenade under his arz and make him go away.
      Hezbollah and Syria and Iran are all afraid of him because they know he will try to confront them. Not sure if he can do much anyway with Hezbollah controlling every sides of lebanon from police force to the army. but they seem to be very concerned enough not to let him get elected.

  3. Need a revolt to rid the country of those idiots, starting with you – there is no democracy in Lebanon.

    Where does he live, this Lebanon, and obviously he doesn’t seem to know, that people in Lebanon don’t vote for change, but they vote the same. These are not politicians, but local mafia like heads controlling elections in their regions.

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