Will Lebanon Speaker Berri quit on June 10?


berri defWill Lebanese parliament Speaker Nabih Berri surprise the nation and announce his resignation on June 10 if the MPs boycott the parliament session and no quorum is achieved ? Asked Kuwaiti newspaper al Qabas in a report published on Thursday.

Sources close to Berri informed the daily that he will not accept any more boycotts of the parliament sessions under any circumstances. He is reportedly concerned about the vacuum created at the presidential level and thinks that all government institutions could be affected one way or the other as a result of this vacuum which could lead to the collapse of the entire state.

According to the daily a centrist MP who is close to Berri has been contacting several officials warning them about Berri’s intention to quit if the boycott does not end.

Berri issued a stern warning on Wednesday against the MPs who are boycotting parliamentary sessions, saying he would take measures against them for “cherry picking from the menu the food they like.”

Berri accused his allies of being “worse than farm owners.”

The majority of March 8 alliance MPs including Michel Aoun Aoun’s Change and Reform and Hezbollah blocs have been boycotting the parliamentary sessions aimed at electing a new president resulting in lack of quorum and the failure to choose a head of state.

Former President Michel Suleiman ‘s term ended on on May 25 leaving a void that has halted parliament sessions and raised questions over the role of the cabinet.



20 responses to “Will Lebanon Speaker Berri quit on June 10?”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    bashar will resign before berry does…

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      Remember my prediction – Bashar will be out before the end of the year!!

      1. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Lets hope

        1. AkhouManUki Avatar

          F**k hope – let’s make it happen!

      2. Farq2 Avatar

        I love our many resident Nostradamus’s. And my prediction is Assad will serve the next 7 years as well as the 7 after that.

        1. AkhouManUki Avatar

          Unfortunately Sayyed Farqrallah is not a certified prediction master, so what we are seeing is a sad, desperate and feeble attempt to sound intelligent on his part.

          Just remember where you were when you witnessed the great AkhouManUki predicting the demise of Bashar Al Assad. You can tell your grandchildren all about it.

          1. Farq2 Avatar

            I’ll remind you at the end of the year my friend.

          2. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Add it to your calendar. I expect boxes of chocolates, ba2lewa and barazze2 as a token of humility for your stubbornness to accept my vision. Until then, please continue to live in denial.

        2. Patience2 Avatar

          Remember, there’s always the stray bullet.

      3. Leborigine Avatar

        As much as I want him out I would also like him to stay, so that his country can remain at war for 40 years and suffer the same fate as Lebanon, which they have destroyed, partitioned and divided.
        Regardless I hope you are right as well, whichever way it goes it will bad for them anyway. I will be happy both ways!

        1. AkhouManUki Avatar

          My fellow patriot Leborigine, I would never wish such a fate on my worst enemy. Syrians deserve better, and I hope for everyone’s sake they live to see peace.

          1. Farq2 Avatar

            Your a good man Akhou with a good heart. God bless you.

          2. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Thank you, I know you are a good man too. War has that effect on people, it drives people to hate instead of love. That type of vengeance is an unfortunate part of human nature – look no further than our neighbors in the south. Israel does not treat Palestinians as humans, just like Hezbollah do not view Israelis as humans, just as Assad does not view human beings as such when he drops chemical bombs.

        2. Farq2 Avatar

          That is something a non human would wish for. Wake up fool. As much as you hate the Syrians, there are many innocent people who live in the country that have done nothing to you or Lebanon. What kind of a person would wish that upon any nation as a whole.

  2. Fauzia45 Avatar

    If they were concerned about government institutions and the state ,they would not boycott and create a vacuum !!!!!

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      are you kidding? not once, never in a million years did these thugs ever care about Lebanon or it’s institutions. These are Iranian agents acting in Iran’s best interests. Never forget that!

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Whats the point, he will be replaced with another low life scumbag anyway!

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