Hezbollah confirms alliance with Amal, FPM in polls, says results won’t be the the end of the world



Combined file photo of Amal Movement leader Speaker Nabih Berri, (L) Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah ( R) , Free Patriotic Movement ( FPM) founder president Michel Aoun .FPM’s current leader is Aoun’s son-in-law Gebran Bassil , who aspires to replace his father-in-law and at the same time concerned over losing many seats in the upcoming elections . Bassil is by far the most despised politician in Lebanon to the extent that during the 2019 protests a popular song directed against him became the symbolic hymn of the revolution

MP Hassan Ezz El-Din , a member of Hezbollah parliamentary declared on Saturday: “We are allied with the brothers in the Amal Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement, in a way that achieves the national interest in Lebanon and the interest of our members and people.”

During a political meeting organized by “Hezbollah” in the Imam Hussein complex in the town of Anqoun, Ezz El-Din touched on the issue of the budget, saying that “this budget is inevitable, because everyone knows that the state is stumbling, and this is a result of the collapse of the state, and this collapse led to the failure of the institutions in managing people’s affairs,” noting that “the budget comes if they want to pass it through the necessity that it be for the sake of managing people’s affairs. The Lebanese, especially since the salaries are limited and not sufficient to secure the minimum level of national dignity. He stressed that “if they try to pass anything that harms the citizen, we, through Parliament, will defend this issue.”

File photo: Effigies of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah and FPM chief Gebran Bassil were attached to mock gallows which have become a key symbol of the demonstrations in Martyr Square in downtown Beirut . The gallows were erected in the same place where several people were hanged more than 100 years ago by the then ruling Ottoman Empire for revolting against Istanbul. The Martyr’s Square statue commemorates those executions. During his tenure as the Minister of Energy and Water, Bassil promised to provide electricity 24-hours a day . After years of failures and billions of dollars in subsidies , Lebanon is running out of time – and money – to keep the lights on .

Regarding the electoral issue, Ezz El-Din said : “These elections are important , and y the Americans, Saudis the, French and their local allies beting on them ” He believed that “this entitlement is a natural entitlement and we will fight it, but its results will not be the end of the world.”

He added: “If we take the majority, we will not turn the right-hand side against the left, nor will they, if they secure the majority, they will not turn the right-hand side against the left, but there will be competition,” noting that “the American and Saudi will pay political money in these elections, they want to come with the majority, and they work for the sake of that”.

Hezbollah was created by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in 1982 and has been funding, arming and training it ever since.

The only banks that dispense US dollars in Lebanon are Hezbollah’s . All the others froze the accounts of depositors.

Lebanon defaulted on its sovereign debt in 2020, a first in its history. 

Its currency has lost about 90 percent of its value on the black market and four out of five Lebanese now live below the poverty line, according to the United Nations, a situation made worse by triple-digit inflation.

70 % of the losses incurred in Lebanon as a result of the corruption of the ruling class will be charged against the accounts of the depositors , the Lebanese banks will cover 16 % and the government will cover the balance

The basic rule worldwide, is the state first takes responsibility, then the banks and lastly the depositors, the Vatican envoy who visited Lebanon last week said .

The Lebanese people are extremely concerned about the budget that PM Najib Mikati is planning to submit to IMF in order to secure its help , after the World Bank accused Lebanon’s political rulers and the financial elite of “orchestrating a deliberate depression” by exploiting their grip on economic resources and “threatening the country’s long-term stability and social peace.”

Hezbollah is the only militia in Lebanon that refused to hand over its arms to the army . Its arms are now being used to protect the ruling elite .

Free Patriotic Movement ( FPM) founder, president Michel Aoun returned from exile , weeks after former PM Rafik Hariri was assassinated in 2005 . During his exile in France Aoun was very outspoken against Hezbollah, Syria and Iran but after he returned to Lebanon he signed a deal with Hezbollah that gave Hezbollah a Christian cover for its in Lebanon and the region activities and in return got him the presidency .

A UN tribunal found a Hezbollah operative guilty in killing Hariri



8 responses to “Hezbollah confirms alliance with Amal, FPM in polls, says results won’t be the the end of the world”

  1. Aoun threw his Christian community and all of Lebanon under the bus in order to become the president and now he is powerless because Hezbollah calls all the shots and tells him exactly what to do . If this is not treason what is

  2. Wow, so essentially nothing will change and Lebanon will continue down the same self destructive path of Iranian control and the very same people that have destroyed the country will still be running it. There will be no prosecuting anyone for the port disaster or any other crimes and basically Hezbollah gets away with murder and for Iranian occupation. If I was living in Lebanon I would say fvck that shiite.
    The coming election is a big scam and I hope there will be no 100’s of billions to go to the Hezbollah war machine from the IMF.
    The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I guess that mean another war with Israel is also on the horizon with a growing and more powerful IRGC/Hezbollah forward Iranian occupation of the new Islamic state of Lebanon.

  3. Nasrallah is expected to be interviewed on the Iranian Al-Alam channel this coming Tuesday at 8 p.m.

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