What if Einstein was Lebanese?


The 20th Century’s most influential physicist, Albert Einstein, had a birthday this week, March 14. He would’ve been 137, a pretty ridiculous age even for modern science’s most popular poster boy. But equally ridiculous are a spate of tweets spewed out by Beirut-based pranksters, (and already picking up momentum since the birth date) opining online: what would happen if the German, Jewish-born, genius was, in fact, Lebanese?

Twittersphere asks in #Arabic: #What if Einstein was Lebanese? https://t.co/YUU02XH36L #لو_اينشتاين_لبناني pic.twitter.com/mje0c87qM0

— Al Bawaba News (@AlBawabaEnglish) March 16, 2016

If Einstein were Lebanese he’d emigrate because he couldn’t find a job.” At one point, this byword for genius was a school dropout; and we know how much the Lebanese respect a good student. *Our rebel dropped school in Italy and flunked college entry exams in Switzerland. It’s never easy transferring schools and countries, even for a genius!


If Einstein were Lebanese-  There is an  uncanny resemblance  to  Lebanon's PSP leader Lebanon, Walid Jumblatt.  “If Einstein were Lebanese, his people would have mistaken him for Walid Jumblatt!”.
There is an uncanny resemblance to Lebanon’s PSP leader Lebanon, Walid Jumblatt. “If Einstein were Lebanese, his people would have mistaken him for Walid Jumblatt!”.  Back to square one

Riduculous yet still by the fact that you’d think the Lebanese had enough to tweet and chatter about on this nationally-charged day, just given the calendar-date-named political party block, March 14, alone. But, leave it to the Lebanese to find a way into any topic, full throttle. Continue reading below »

Since the eccentric German actually spent much of his adult years in Switzerland where he raised his family (to first wife), maybe this hypothetical premise is not all that far-fetched. Who can forget the nostalgia rekindled by the 1960s Lebanon epithet, our Switzerland of the Middle East. The Lebanese certainly do a fine job of keeping the stale, and less and less relevent, reference alive in the face of ongoing sectarian strife.

Al Bawaba





10 responses to “What if Einstein was Lebanese?”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    If it had been “our Switzerland of the Middle East”, it would not have allowed ANY to come in and be citizens if they were not born there before ‘The Inception’. :-)))
    But yes, they all look the same, don’t they? And, sort of Human. ;-)))))))

  2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Einstein was an Israelite of the Ashkenazi variety. We are half Middle Eastern biologically. That is why there is a resemblance to Jumblatt.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      No-body has his eyeballs … :-))))

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        WHAT a stupid article…Jumblatt looks like the village idiot!!!

    2. Hannibal Avatar

      Wow there are varieties of you people as well? 😉

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