LF official holds Hezbollah responsible for any future assassinations in Lebanon

Charles Jabbour

Charles Jabbour, Lebanese Forces Party’s , top media official criticized Hezbollah during an interview on Al jaded TV , describing the party’s doctrine as “a metaphor that belongs to the stone ages.”

After the criticism of Hezbollah he was bombarded with threats by Hezbollah supporters and top Hezbollah clerics and officials included statements by tribes in Baalbeck , threatening to kill him

Following the attacks by Hezbollah supporters Jabbour confirmed in a tweet via his Twitter account that “so that my words will not be misinterpreted, the “clouding creed” that I spoke of has nothing to do with any religious dimension. I respect all Religions, pointing out that the word “Tajlita” that he used was to drescribe the past political doctrine of “Hezbollah”, which has no limits to my disagreement with it due to its lack of belief in borders, constitution, life and a person who wants to live in peace.

The fierce campaign against Jabbour reached the point of threatening by “ clans and families of Baalbek” to shed Jabbour’s blood for “harming the Shiite Muslims if he was not arrested.”

During his interview he said ” The title of the next stage should be confronting Hezbollah, and any assassination or Security event the party bears its responsibility,

Freedom of Speech

This threat and intimidation by the “party” on Jabbour, prompted a large number of citizens to defend him and hold “Hezbollah” responsible for any harm that he may be subjected to specially since he especially since he clarified his position.

Many say freedom of speech has declined in Lebanon since the nation’s 2019 protests
 | dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

The Journalists for Freedom association condemnedThe statement that was distributed in the name of the Baalbek clans, which was threatening journalist Charles Jabbour, following a position he announced in one of the TV interviews, specially since he clarified his position and apologizing for what was misunderstood.”

The association warned against any harm to Jabbour, and stressed that any objection to what he said should be handled by the judiciary, not by threat and intimidation.

The association added: “The campaign against , Charles Jabbour, hides within it a settling of scores in politics, and it is part of a systematic bullying campaign against our society, including media professionals, employees and businessmen, with the aim of intimidation and exclusion.” 

Source : Lebanese media



4 responses to “LF official holds Hezbollah responsible for any future assassinations in Lebanon”

  1. Nasrallah
    Tomorrow at 20:30, Nasrallah was scheduled to be solemnly interviewed by the Iranian Al-Alam channel. The interview was announced last week but today it was reported that the festive interview will be postponed to an unknown date.
    As someone who reads the map well, Nasrallah surely knows which rumor mill provokes such a rejection and despite this it was decided that the interview would be postponed. Apparently there is a good reason.
    Those close to the Iranian axis keep the cards close to their chests and do not provide a thread tip to solve the mystery https://t.me/abualiexpress/32978

  2. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    If you want to know who controls Lebanon and the limits of your freedom, consider the one political element that is still forbidden even for discussion: Peace with Israel.

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