Lebanon opposition , launches the “National Council to End the Iranian Occupation”


Lebanese protest against Iran’s influence in their country.

BEIRUT- More than 200 Lebanese personalities gathered in Beirut last week for the launch of the National Council to End the Iranian Occupation in Lebanon (original name in Arabic المجلس الوطني لرفع الاحتلال الإيراني – al-majlis al-watani li raf’a al-Ihtilal al-Irani). According to the former Lebanese member of the Parliament Fares Antoun Souaid, the Council aims to find a solution to the Lebanese crisis resulting from Iran’s occupation of Lebanon represented in the country by Hezbollah.

Former Lebanese member of the Parliament Ahmad Fatfat and about 200 Lebanese who oppose the occupation of Lebanon by the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group launched the National Council to End the Iranian Occupation in Lebanon Jan 10, 2022

More than 200 Lebanese personalities gathered in Beirut last week for the launch of the National Council to End the Iranian Occupation in Lebanon (original name in Arabic المجلس الوطني لرفع الاحتلال الإيراني – al-majlis al-watani li raf’a al-Ihtilal al-Irani). According to the former Lebanese member of the Parliament Fares Antoun Souaid, the Council aims to find a solution to the Lebanese crisis resulting from Iran’s occupation of Lebanon represented in the country by Hezbollah.

The Council, according to its founding statement, comprises parties, individuals, opinion leaders, youth, intellectuals, expatriates and politicians, provided “full commitment to the principles, and based on the preamble to the constitution, which stipulates the finality of the Lebanese entity and its Arabness.” According to its founders, the Council’s goal is to break free of Hezbollah’s armed hegemony which has always posed a threat to Lebanese sovereignty.

The launch of the Council gathered about 30 personalities in Beirut and 165 Lebanese from the Diaspora who participated through an electronic conference.

Around 200 including 165 from the Diaspora participated in the launch through an electronic conference. They discussed the foundations and program of the Council and chose the former member of the Parliament, Ahmad Fatfat, as Chairman of the Council for a transitional period until elections are held.

File photo: A parade by the Iranian backed Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah militia (which is the only militia that was allowed to keep its arms following the end of the civil war ) . It is now the most powerful group in Lebanon and acts as ” the state within. none-state ”

Souaid said in a statement to the media agency Asharq Al-Awsat that:

“The council’s launch from Beirut aims to lift the Iranian occupation because we consider that the national crisis in which Lebanon is floundering in terms of economic, political, living, financial and diplomatic, is due to Iran’s occupation of Lebanon and its institutions , through Hezbollah’s weapons. The arms under the command of Iran abolished the Republic and the institutions that became unable as a result of its paralysis to solve the problems of the Lebanese.”

Former Lebanese member of the Parliament Fares Antoun Souaid and about 200 Lebanese who oppose the occupation of Lebanon by the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group launched the National Council to End the Iranian Occupation in Lebanon Jan 10, 2022

Souaid explained that the newly formed Council does not deny that corruption and mismanagement are severe problems in Lebanese politics, although the current priority is to liberate the country from the Iranian grip and Tehran’s influence exercised through Hezbollah’s arms.

The Council includes Lebanese politicians , human rights, activists , media figures, former ministers economists , former members of the parliament and other prominent figures

It is unclear how effective the group can be in reducing Iranian influence. Most experts believe that the disarmament of Hezbollah can only happen if there is an international and Arab move , which is currently outside the political realm

On May 15th, 2022, Lebanon will hold the parliamentary elections after a long period of economic and political crisis.




2 responses to “Lebanon opposition , launches the “National Council to End the Iranian Occupation””

  1. BRAVO . Time to kick them out and free the country from this evil

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