Aoun branded ” Disruption Godfather” by Lebanon opposition

General Michel Aoun was branded as The Godfather of disruption by the opposition that rejected his call for dialogue

Lebanon MP Hadi Abou El-Hassan, a member of Progressive Socialists party’s Democratic Gathering parliamentary Bloc , which rejected General Michel Aoun’s call for dialogue said that instead of “lecturing” the dialogue boycotters, the president should have addressed “his ally,” which is “the main party disrupting the country.”

He added that “the one who had disrupted the country for 9 years out of his 16 years of management, shouldn’t accuse people of arrogance and of disrupting dialogue.”

Aoun on Thursday verbally attacked those who announced their boycott of his proposed national dialogue conference, holding them responsible for the continued paralysis of the country, which prompted the dialogue boycotters to strike back accusing the FPM founder and his ally Hezbollah of disrupting the whole country.

The media advisor of former PM Saad Hariri said that the presidency is “the godfather of disruption” and that it had disrupted the government for years.

Lebanese president Michel Aoun L is shown with his son-in-law FPM leader Gebran Bassil . The background is the flag of their ally the Iranian backed Hezbollah militant group. In the past Aoun disrupted the government for six months to make Bassil a minister

Hussein Al-Wajeh, accused Aoun of “suffering from paranoia.”

“It is very saddening for the presidency to reach a phase of complete denial of the chaos it has plunged the country into,” Wajeh said in a tweet, criticizing a statement by President Michel Aoun.

Lebanese Forces MP Anis Nassar joined the Progressive Socialist Party and Future Movement in hitting back at Aoun.

He told al-Anbaa news portal that the President is “an expert in disruption,” as he had in the past disrupted the government for six months “to make his son-in-law Gebran Bassil a minister.”

He added that Aoun had disrupted the presidential elections for two years and a half to secure his appointment by Hezbollah as a president, and had also prevented the government from making reforms after the elections because of a bickering between Bassil and the Prime Minister at the time.

Nassar went on to say that “the call for dialogue came too late, now that the country is at its last breath.”



4 responses to “Aoun branded ” Disruption Godfather” by Lebanon opposition”

  1. Aoun never accepted responsibility for anything . He even was quoted as saying that he was not responsible for the port after the massive explosion . His deal with Hezbollah got the country where is today . He should be prosecuted and sent to jail to spend the rest of his life there , or sent to Nasrallah’s bunker so the two can rot together He has been the worst president ever

    1. Ok, but ANY follytical body really indeed has Private Ultimate Responsibility. What? In Hebrew this responsibility called Casta”h

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