Aoun , Diab fail to resolve cabinet formation disputers


The meeting that took place Sunday evening between President Michel Aoun and the PM -designate Hassan Diab, failed to reach a final understanding on the distribution of Christian ministerial seats and also failed to expand the number of ministers to twenty to address the Druze and Catholic representation contract with an additional minister for each of them.

PM -designate Hassan Diab left Baabda palace following his meeting with president Michel Aoun without talking to the media

According to local reports Hezbollah has continued its efforts during the past two days to resolve the disputes. The party proposed to Diab to raise the number of ministers to 20 to improve Druze and Catholic representation with an additional minister for Talal Arslan and one for the “Marada” Movement, but Diab refused to increase the number to twenty and insisted on a cabinet of 18 ministers.

Diab is also still insisting on the appointment of Captain Amal Haddad to the Prime Minister’s Office and the Economy Portfolio, while President Aoun wants Ayman Haddad as the Minister of Economy even though the Captain is not an expert in economic affairs.

Aoun’s son-in-law Gebran Basil criticized Diab’s lack of commitment to the representation of sects and parties, as he did not interfere in the designation of Shiite ministers and chose the Sunni ministers, but he interfered with the representation of Christians.
It appears that the government is not likely to see the light in the next two days.

In a related development MP Elias Hanaksh tweeted the following: “We can save Lebanon”
But why do they cling to a power that lacks legitimacy?
Why are they clinging to seats they cannot properly represent ?

Why do you cling to false glory?
Why don’t they listen to the demands of the people that have been going on for 95 days?

  1. To form a government of specialists separate from the political system
  2. To restore the decision to the people through early parliamentary elections.

MP Majid Abi Al-Lama of the Strong Republic bloc tweeted that the people of Lebanon have trashed the upcoming cabinet before it will born and told the parties involved in forming it : “Shame on you ” , you are so far from reality. 

According to analysts , this cabinet will be dead on arrival because it does not meet the demands of the protesters.

Meanwhile Mohammad Raad the Hezbollah parliamentary bloc leader warned the opposition;

“Whether you join this cabinet or not we will not leave you alone “



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