Lebanon today: Sunday , June 2, 2019 Top news


Here are the top stories for Lebanon today:

Minister challenges Hezbollah chief  : Prove  you are a Lebanese party

Richard KouyoumjianSocial Affairs Minister Richard Kouyoumjian of the Lebanese Forces on Sunday challenged  Hezbollah chief  Hassan Nasrallah to prove that his party is “Lebanese,” after the Iran   backed leader criticized the Lebanese delegation’s stance at the Mecca emergency Arab summit. “The stance of the prime minister at the Arab and Islamic summits in Mecca reflects Lebanon’s commitment to the Arab League’s charters and joint Arab defense and its rejection of Iran’s attacks,” Kouyoumjian tweeted.“We reject Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s remarks about turning Lebanon into a confrontation arena on behalf of any foreign state. The lives and interests of the Lebanese are not a mailbox through which Iran sends its messages to the rest of the countries,” “Hezbollah’s interferences and its wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen are what is undermining the dissociation policy and not our adherence to the common Arab interests and Lebanon’s Arab depth,” the minister added. and is

It will be next to impossible for the Hezbollah  chief to prove that his party is Lebanese , since it was created by  Iran , it is a division of the Quds Forces of  The Iranian Revolutionary guard and his boss is  Qassem Soleimani the head of the Quds Force. Hezbollah is also completely  funded by Iran .

Israel tells Lebanon: We know locations of Hezbollah’s precision missiles

Fateh-313 an Iranian solid-fuel short-range ballistic missile, was unveiled on 21 August 2015. The missile is a new generation of Fateh missiles family. The missile was almost identical to the previous generation of the Fateh-110 missile. The missile uses a new composite fuel and body that have increased the range to 500 km. The main difference between this model and the previous model is the increase in range. Iran reportedly built a factory for Hezbollah in Lebanon to manufacture this missile and several others
Fateh-313 an Iranian solid-fuel short-range ballistic missile, was unveiled on 21 August 2015. The missile is a new generation of Fateh missiles family. The missile was almost identical to the previous generation of the Fateh-110 missile. The missile uses a new composite fuel and body that have increased the range to 500 km. The main difference between this model and the previous model is the increase in range. Iran reportedly built a factory for Hezbollah in Lebanon to manufacture this missile and several others

Israel knows where Hezbollah has hidden its precision rockets, and has sent a warning about them to Lebanon through the Americans,  the London-based Saudi paperAl-Hayat reported Sunday. Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield showed pictures and maps and  the location of these missiles  to President Michel Aoun, Speaker Nabih Berri, Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Army Commander General Joseph Aoun  according to the daily.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was reportedly angered by the US move . In a speech  on Friday he rejected what he called U.S. conditions for mediating the border and maritime dispute with Israel. Nasrallah accused  Washington of  “using the talks” to discuss, and even make threats over, degrading his group’s capabilities, bringing up an Israeli claim that Hezbollah has precision missile factories.Nasrallah acknowledged his group has the weapons but denied it produces them. “So far in Lebanon there are no factories for precision missiles,” he said. Nasrallah threatened for the first time that his party  could consider setting up such factories if Washington continues to use the talks on border demarcation to discuss his group’s capabilities.



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