Geagea urges Hezbollah to hand over its arms to the Lebanese Army


geagea presidential campaign 2Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea blasted Hezbollah chief hassan Nasrallah over his declaration of victory against the militants in an interview published Sunday, calling on the party to hand over its arms to the Lebanese Army.

“What delays the establishment of an actual state is the current status of Hezbollah and its monopoly on strategic decision,” Geagea told  Al-Hayat newspaper . Hezbollah’s recent success in the Arsal offensive against the Islamist militants , Geagea said, is not a victory but rather “a collateral advantage” for Lebanon.

On  July 21, Hezbollah launched an assault on positions held by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham – the militant group formerly known as the Nusra Front – on the outskirts of both Arsal and the adjacent town of Flita in Syria.

The battles lasted  for a week  and the conflict was concluded with a cease-fire deal that went into effect Thursday.

“[The offensive] is an episode … in the series of the battles that [Hezbollah] has been fighting for six years in Syria, for the purpose of keeping [Syrian President] Bashar Assad in power,” Geagea said.

He added that although the defeat of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham is a positive development – and a source of relief for people living on the northeastern border – Hezbollah’s arms are nevertheless part of “Lebanon’s essential problem.”

“If Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah wanted to gift the Lebanese something that is of value, let him offer his weapons to the Lebanese Army … just like we all did,” Geagea said.

After Lebanon’s 1975-1990 Civil War ended, the country’s various militias gave up their weapons. Hezbollah alone did not surrender its arms, due to Israeli threats on the south Lebanon border.

Geagea also cast doubt on the necessity of Hezbollah’s offensive, suggesting that even if Hezbollah had not conducted the operation, “the Army was adopting another tactic as regards Nusra positions on the border with Syria.”

“Why suffer human losses and go into the outskirts [of Arsal]?” he asked.

But Geagea said that his party approaches their disagreements with Hezbollah “responsibly,” while rejecting the “golden tri-part equation” of “Army, people and resistance” that Hezbollah officials espouse.

“The only golden equation is people, state and Army,” Geagea said, adding that Hezbollah’s infiltration of the border between Lebanon and Syria, “which they say is for military and security reasons,” undermines the state.

If not for these incursions, “[Lebanon] would be capable of controlling the border, and it has legitimate crossing points.”




75 responses to “Geagea urges Hezbollah to hand over its arms to the Lebanese Army”

  1. Well……. that’s Lebanon.
    Took this guy chief Samir Geagea, 15 years to wake up.
    What a LA LA land, sure tomorrow Nasrallah is going to give him his arms……
    as the one to decide is Nasrallah……
    Asmthe Lebanese way says: Samir Geagea should take a look under his car everyday, as his days are numbered.

  2. Rudy1947 Avatar

    The only way the Hizzbillies will hand over any weapons will be to the IRGC in exchange for an upgrade.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Alternatively when Israel ceases to exist as an apartheid state then their raison d’etre will be no more. Simpler.

      1. Your stupid brain in apartheid state, dirty hateful fascist idiot

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Sieg Heil lol

          1. пнх

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          What are you doing here? you’re not welcome… One word: Leave.

          1. I told already, i will not tolerate you, dirty nazi Kannibal, try change, leave your hateful motivation

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            Leave parasite…

          3. ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I blocked him, there are limits

          5. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            I have more than only one word for you…
            I think the region is more in need of an educated elite. So encouraging the rich Lebanese diaspora to repatriate would definitely have a larger stabilizing impact on Lebanon than anything else.

          6. Your only “word” is: disarm Hezbollah.

            There again, it makes sense since you’re a Lebanese Phalange pretending to be Iranian.

          7. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            That would be two words.
            To be honest I don’t know what makes you think that I’m Lebanese, but even if I was a Lebanese I would still be an Iranian. Please refer to my reply to Arzna in this thread.

          8. You admitted provoking people in the other sites. Provocation is what trolls do. And thus, I can only tell you: keep trolling.

          9. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Alright then. I’ll keep trolling.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionists like Rudyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz are busy..

            “Israeli commanders reveal plans for mass evacuation of Lebanese civilians in next war”

          11. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Thanx to the Hizzbillies and Israel desire to save Lebanese live. But you so blinded by hatred you can’t see that.

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            How generous.

            “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
            The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”.


          13. Rudy1947 Avatar

            ROFL, only you and your fellow idïots would buy that crap.

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Time for the 100 years old Zionist plan to prove or shut up..

          15. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            New DNA Science Research Confirms… Jews Are Not Descendants of Abraham


          16. Look who’s talking about being “blinded by hatred”. (laughing)

          17. master09 Avatar

            People before have been fooled by the Trojan horse, but no one ever learns.
            Hind and big O are the front runners for lead shoe polishers for Hassan dikkkkles

      2. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Lebanon is nothing more than a defenseless nation.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          That was true… Try them now.
          The new formula: People, army, resistance to hegemony and imperialism.

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            That’s Hezbollah propaganda, not Lebanon. Why is Gaegea asking them to disarm?

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            I want them to disarm as well as soon as the army becomes well equipped.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Is that true then you need to stop the Hizzbilly propaganda videos. Very simple, otherwise your comment and videos are simply worthless.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad
  3. Danny Farah Avatar
    Danny Farah

    I am on my back laughing so hard and kicking my feet in disbelief of what Geagea is asking Nassrallah to do.
    Are you outta of fucking mind dude. Nassrallah will give up his children to Israel rather than give up the weapons.
    It was bad idea giving up your weapons in the first place because Hezbollah weren’t then and why would they now since they are even in much stronger position. be real Jojo…

    1. Agreed , Nasrallah won’t give up his arms just because Geagea told him so . Nasrallah only answers to his Iranian boss Qassem Suleimani . After all Hezbollah is an Iranian outfit …was created by Iran and continues to be managed and funded by Iran

  4. Hannibal Avatar

    I wonder how would the Lebanese army fight? With humvees or Hummus? Nobody would sell Lebanon advanced weaponry. Hezbollah fills the void. I bet if the Lebanese army switches route and gets weapons from China, Russia and Iran then Hezbollah will dismantle.

    1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

      Shou sar ma3ak? I remember you as staunch anti-Hezzy. Was ISIS a wake-up call for you?

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        I am with Lebanon… When HA turned their weapons against the Lebanese I was against them. During the civil war I was against the Palestinians. Now I have no problem with them. ISIS kidnapped Lebanese soldiers and threatened our existence. Therefore they became the enemy. Syrian regime attacked Lebanon. I was against it. Now it is fighting what I consider an enemy of Lebanon and I have no problem with them. Simple really.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        One more thing… If you are a Levantine you should know our adage…
        My brother and I against my cousin, My cousin and I against my neighbor etc.
        Translation: Lebanese and I against Palestinians, Palestinians and I against Israelis, Israelis and I against Germans… After all we are cousins 😉

        1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          I do know that saying.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Your obsession with Arabs is uncanny… Almost racist. Yet, you, as a nation, owe a lot to their culture and whether you care to admit it or not you have the same culture.
            Do me a favor… Listen to this talk then reply.
            Thank you

          2. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            That guy said he was a Christian. I expect Christians to be smart as I have heard dozens of Christians saying similar things. Find me one Sunni that is as bright as he is.

            As for the cultural thing, if all Iranians abandon Eslam today, tomorrow Eslam will cease to exist.

          3. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Good one Hannibal.. Love the video. Thank you

  5. What i admire about Geagea is the fact that unlike the majority of the politicians in Lebanon he has guts and there is nothing wrong with asking , knowing that Lebanon’s Hezbollah gets its orders from Iran and is not free to make its own decisions

    1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

      Listen Arzna… Lebanon belongs to Iran.
      1) Maronites are descendants of the Mardaites that was an Iranian tribe.
      2) The Druze community are followers of the Iranian Mohammad Darazi
      3) Shias are most definitely Iranians bcos…. well, for obvious reasons.
      4) Lebanese Armenians are also Iranian of origin bcos Armenia used to be and still is an Iranian province.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Wrong… The Maronites were Byzantine Romans.
        Lebanon belongs to Lebanon.
        Before you start expanding. Why don’t you do us all a favor and claim your country back from the Arab Mullahs who have their shaft up the a$S of all Iranian people?

        1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          Then act like Lebanon is yours. It is almost like Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon collectively decided to outsource their border policing and internal securitiy to Iran. Why don’t you personally offer your help as to lessen the burden on Iran?

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        1)Maronites were in Damascus..unless Damascus and Mount Lebanon were in Persia.
        2)You’re all mixed up
        3) I can’t analyse what’s going on in your brain

        1. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

          I had 4 points while you only had 3, so I win 😀

      3. BS
        You know nothing about Lebanon and everything you stated is utterly wrong . You are obviously completely ignorant about Lebanon and its history. Your statements about Iran show that you know nothing about that country too.

  6. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    According to General Amir Eshel, Israeli air power — both qualitatively and quantitatively — “will surprise our rivals in ways they can’t even perceive.”

    He noted, presumably in reference to Israel’s war in Gaza during the summer of 2014, that the Israeli Air Force “has had [the] opportunity to test ourselves, so what I’m saying is not just a theory.”

    Capicce? Guarantied tested on Gaza or your money back.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      No he didn’t reference Gaza, not the same as Hezbollah.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Repeat above.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Repeat above
            He noted, presumably in reference to Israel’s war in Gaza during the summer of 2014, that the Israeli Air Force “has had [the] opportunity to test ourselves, so what I’m saying is not just a theory.”

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Now it’s presumably. I see.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “The Benefits” of the Israeli Occupation: Gaza is a Weapons Testing Ground for Military Contractors

            Israeli drone conference features weapons used to kill Gaza’s children

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Israel Uses Gaza As A Laboratory To Test Their Weapons — It’s A Highly Profitable ‘Enterprise’ (Video)

          5. Hamas uses Gaza as a gihad laboratory to test their hatred like you using your stupid brain for the same, sharmuta

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Gaza 2014: Speakable Atrocities, Speaking Up
            Published 2014-10-27 by Judith Deutsch


          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Shame on you

  7. 03.08 The fighters of An-Nusra, their relatives and those who wished to leave with them, left the territory of Lebanon on 116 buses, not counting the Red Cross column of 17 vehicles. In total, from the border area of Ersal, it was planned to export 7777 people to Syria.

    There were several camps of Syrian refugees in the area, which Hezbollah claims were used to organize attacks on Lebanese security forces

  8. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    “The Cruel Experiments of Israel’s Arms Industry”

    1. sharmuta, stop posting BS and hatred

  9. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    “The Lab
    A unique insight into the world of Israeli arms dealers selling weapons and experience around the world.”

  10. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    ‘Suicide Drones’ and the Spoils of War: Israeli arms manufacturers look to cash in on the war in Gaza

  11. William Petro Avatar
    William Petro

    Ya sure, just like Geagea handed over his soul to Israel!

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      Well Geagea soul in Lebanon not in Israel unlike your brothers who are dying to keep the Syrian regime alive.
      Your brothers sold their souls to Iran and they don’t let go. Geagea I am sure he dealt with the Israelis while the PLO and the Muslims ganged up on the Christians.. what was he supposed to do, let you have your ways and let Arafat runs all over Lebanon? or Let the late Assad who didn’t even acknowledge Lebanon and said it was part of his Syria and demolished lebanon practically more than 100 times what Israel did. You are just a traitor just like the others who dying for the sake of Iran and the greater Syria. bunch of stupid idiots.

    2. master09 Avatar

      Like you clowns selling to Iran and Syria, tell me how is that any diff. Go polish some shoes.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        You’re the biggest clown on yalibanana after vs & vice versa

  12. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad


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