Trump pledges US aid in Lebanon fight against ISIS


trump-hariri-2US President Donald Trump promised to aid Lebanon in its fight against the Islamic State group on Tuesday, while praising the visiting prime minister and his efforts to secure the country’s borders.

Trump met with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the White House on Tuesday with security top of the agenda.

“America’s assistance can help ensure that the Lebanese army is the only defender Lebanon needs,” Trump told reporters after the meeting.

He also expressed optimism about security cooperation with Lebanon but did not specify what level of support the US would be providing.

The US, as well as the UK, has channelled hundreds of millions of dollars towards Lebanon in a bid to bolster the country against IS.

Hariri, meanwhile, expressed his hope that US military aid would continue to provide support, especially given Trump’s “huge understanding” about helping Lebanon’s army.

President Trump also used the opportunity to take a shot at Iran, saying that Lebanon faced an internal threat from the Tehran-backed Hezbollah group.

Hezbollah, which Trump described as a “menace,” was the target of recent US legislation that seeks to sanction the group and restrict its fundraising abilities.

Lebanese officials, however, have expressed concern that the broadening of US sanctions on the group will damage the country’s banking industry due to Hezbollah’s influence in the sector.

“Additional bills if they are to come, we believe that it’s not necessary … but if they want to issue these bills, we need to protect Lebanon from any miswording in the bill,” Hariri told reporters.

The Lebanese PM said he discussed the proposed sanctions with Trump and will meet with US lawmakers later this week.




103 responses to “Trump pledges US aid in Lebanon fight against ISIS”

  1. Rascal Avatar

    ISIS and Hezbollah are terrorist groups that need to be eradicated. Hezbollah takes direct orders from Iran so Iran should pay he price for the Party of god actions. Iran wants war, it is soon time to give it to them.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      If each Iranian were to spit at you they will drown you in a sea of spit. Being a minority I would not stir that nest.

      1. Rascal Avatar

        Just calling a spade a spade. If Hezbullah/Iran are planning terror attacks and stirring conflict, they need to be called out on that. Maybe the mass of decent Iranians should grow a pair and remove these evil mullahs that throw their country down the toilet.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullahn

          1. please visit doctor

          2. Lol Hezbollah is anti jihadist lol

          3. HA is anti jihad lol

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            If you haven’t noticed the entire planet is watching while HA is beating the crap out of them and IsraHell is irked because their nasty plan fell apart. Bye Bye ISIS (Israeli Intelligence).

          5. Stupid idiot, HA may be less but more close evil and kudos lol done good job for Israel plan

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            Idiot here and idiot there idiot idiot vs everywhere Is that what your dad called you?

          7. Idiot Kannibal, no matter how someone called, matter someone is indeed

  2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
    Rainbow Sponge

    The only difference between the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq and the Islamic State of Iran is that one came about in 2014 while the other in 1979.

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      So Iran was more modern in 1970 vs now..They have advanced technology though that’s scaring Israel. what you gonna do about it. not that I like Iran but that’s reality dude.

      1. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
        Rainbow Sponge

        “They have advanced technology though.” As is the case with most countries when you compare them to the year 1970.

  3. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Why bother with aiding the Lebanese Army, they’ll just give it to the Hizzbillies. Besides, Iran is supplying the Hizzbillies with weapons and supposedly two factories.

    1. Danny Farah Avatar
      Danny Farah

      what are they giving the Lebanese Army some old equipments and Humvees.. you are really joking. As you mentioned Iran is giving them weapons and more modern ones. hezbollah stole some old tanks so they can show the world that they are controlling the Army.. And all this fuss by Israel and it’s supporters to put pressure on the US not to supply the LAF with modern equipments just in case. but the US was giving the still to Israel the most sophisticated weapons and on top of it billions of dollars while their beloved son Jonathan Pollard and many more spying on the US. that tells me you don’t trust and you cannot be trusted. Israelis hate the US anyway no matter what and they will dump the US anytime they please. Turkey and Israel are in the same mold no matter how much you give them they always kick the bucket from underneath you. Watch out VS coming down on me. Well at least i didn’t insult his Settlers today.. Lol

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Wasn’t joking. The outdated APCs were put to good use by the Hizbillies. How you went from military equipment to Pollard is a very peculiar path. Alice would have loved it.

        1. Danny Farah Avatar
          Danny Farah

          well because always the Israeli lobbies against giving arms to Lebanon and they try to use Hezbollah even though most of the weapons used are not US made.. so I am trying to remind them that just supporting the Israelis were not much in the US interest after all that they spy on the US?

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Which Israeli lobbies?

          2. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Half of the freaking congress and senate are either of Jewish origin if not influenced heavily by jewish lobbyists.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            10% of Congress is Jewish. And again, which Jewish lobbies?

          4. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
            Rainbow Sponge

            Maybe he means J Street, who are more likely to lobby for the Palestinian Authority than Israel.

          5. Hannibal Avatar

            The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy Sep 2, 2008
            by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            If the Palestinians are guilty of incitement, then what does Israel’s 24/7 occupation amount to?

          7. רשות האוכלוסין וההגירה סרבה את כניסתו לישראל של כאמל הוואש (Kamel Hawwash),
            חבר הנהלת ארגון
            PSc הפועל באופן מתמיד ועקבי לקידום חרם נגד ישראל

          8. Kamel Hawwash at war with Israel like you, sharmuta, not permitted enter Israel

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Sharmuta grandmama

          10. ???????????? ???????????????????????????? Kamel Hawwash intellectually raped you, not your grandmama

          11. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            I strongly believe its more than 10%. The israeli lobbies are the ones who stuff senators and congressmen with money. I read many times so many rich jews do business with these guys. or support their campaign. what do think that is? there is nothing in congress that failed any proposal when it comes to favoring israel. you guys are whining about 100 Million dollars that the US has helped the Army over the course of 8 years. Let me tell you one thing and i read a book by a former mossad agent who was in Beirut when Hezbollah/Iranian struck Marines barracks in Beirut and the US embassy. The mossad where within sites of the Truck laden explosives and when he asked his superior should we not warn the Americans. The Superior replied screw the americans let them get killed since at the time the Marines were not allowing Israeli army from occupying Beirut. Of course the bastards in Iran didn’t want Lebanon to be friendly with the US and wanted revenge on the US. So it was convenient arrangement between the Iranians and Mossad to see these suicide bombings go thru. I know you are going to say what’s that got to do with the lobbyist. It does because when the US hands you money and weapons and be friendly with you, then you turn your back on them and do not warn them. What do you want me to name them? How could many agreements go in Israeli favor if it didn’t have someone getting sweetened to make these deals happen? what has Israel done to the US to deserve 10 billions of dollars a year and free weaponary?

          12. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Actually the 115th Congress has a decrease of Jewish members to 6%. 3 Buddhists, 3 Hindus and 2 Muslims have joined the ranks.

          13. I don’t know why you keep on lying that you read Ostrovksy’s By Way of Deception but I highly suspect that it is to insert your deceitful propaganda. No where in his book does he blame or point the finger at Iran (or Hezbollah – which did not exist back then) for either the bombing of the US Marine barracks in Beirut or the US embassy.
            In regards to the US aid to Israel, don’t forget the billions of indirect year per year.

          14. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Iran assholloh existed then and Hezbollah was in its primary stage of being developed by the Quds brigade. i am not lying you jerk and it was hezbollah who boasted about the embassy and marines barracks bombings. I am sick and tired of defending them any time someday tells the truth about them. I know what I read and when i find my book I will definitely bring it out to you here. but you seem to agree that he blasted the Mossad for not saving the US from the bombings or warning them at least. talk about deception. just like your master assad always deceitful and a fucking people all are and there is no difference between Assad, Iran and the Saudis.. all playing games everybody does and you are part of that game whether you like it or not. you think of yourself as some of kind of intellectual and you just a pawn in Assad and Nassrallah hands. in 1982 AL Quds brigade entered the South and they started the process of Hezbollah.. Who hijacked PAN American Airlines in the early 80’s it was Hezbollah who stumped on the marine on the plane and brought the rest to Beirut Suburbs and even showed a video of them. You either were not born then or have selective memory..whatever it’s you are lying and always pretend not to support Hezbollah and Iran but you jump the gun when somebody is being critical of them.
            You are the one who is lying and saying that Harriri want to bring Daesh into Lebanon. there is not single shred of evidence or proof from what you are saying. In fact most of you jackasses gets on RIFI case even though he is an honorable and patriotic man. We don’t stinking syrian christian to tells us about our history. None of you jackasses came to help fellow christians when your beloved assad was bombing the hell out of us. go suck on lollipop dude.. it seems you have nothing else to show but deceitful agenda just like your masters in Tehran..then you are going to tell me i don’t support them. then next time shut up when i say something that’s against them.

          15. Another hysterical meltdown full of conjectures, lies all while ignoring Israel’s crimes.

            • I never said Iran did not exist. I wrote: Hezbollah did not.

            • Hezbollah boasting about the bombings doesn’t mean it did it.

            • Correcting and/or challenging your lies and propaganda doesn’t mean I am anyone’s pawn.

            • Which PAN AM incident are you talking about and how is it relevant?

            • Hezbollah came to be after Israel’s illegal invasion and occupation of Lebanon.

            • You lied again. I never wrote Hariri wanted to bring Daesh to Lebanon.

            • How is Rifi relevant here?

          16. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            How come this “Lebanese” Danny boy can type all that non-sense w/o you accusing him for being a zionist?

          17. Are you looking for tips on how to polish your act?

          18. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            I’m crystal clear ya 3assal

          19. I called Danny Farah as so not too long ago. Interesting.

          20. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            You are paranoid.

          21. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            You are agressive

          22. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            GO you play with your toys iranian jew boy.

          23. Danny Farah Avatar
            Danny Farah

            Everything is relevant here because you keep spreading lies about Hariri that he tried to bring Islamists to Lebanon to take control while it was Hezbollah and Syria who facilitating their entry that’s before of course the Syrian war started by the terrorists SHabiha..
            I am not lying as far as the truck bombing and I know you meant hezbollah didn’t exist in Lebanon then not Iran and I ask you who the hell drove the truck into the Marines Barracks and the Embassy?

          24. Until you show me where I wrote that Hariri wanted to bring Islamists to Lebanon, you remain the cowardly liar you are.

            In regards to the Beirut barracks incident, all I know is that Israel has foreknowledge about it but didn’t alert the US military.

          25. Until you show me where I wrote that Hariri wanted to bring Islamists to Lebanon, you remain the cowardly liar you are.

            No clue how you put the Alawite Shahiba militia and the Salafist-Wahhabi Sunni Daesh in the same sentence but I suspect it’s part of your manic-depressive raving.

            In regards to the Beirut barracks incident, all I know is that Israel has foreknowledge about it but didn’t alert the US military.

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A foreign army decided to help another foreign army, both invading Lebanon.

          27. Rudy1947 Avatar

            You mean the Syrian Army helping the PLO?

          28. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionists created PLO, Hezbolah and Hamas..

          29. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Sure they did, sure.

          30. Jews creating vs vandals Orabians destroying. Check your intention, sharmuta, create or destroy

          31. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            sharmuta your mutti.

          32. please don’t spoil internet

          33. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            please don’t spoil internet

          34. Are you sharmuta or stupid parrot? Together? I will not tolerate your hatred and destruction

          35. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What destruction, your ugly pigeon holes architecture ibn sharmutein?

          36. beauty destruction, diversity destruction, thought destruction, civilization destruction. you are just barbarian shizophazian vandal, sharmuta, parasitizing on West

          37. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Zionists created Hezzy too?

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes, Begin-Sharon invaded Lebanon to oust the PLO, but after Arafat and his men were exiled to Tunisia, Charon turned around and invaded the Lebanese capital. They slaughtered the women, children and elderly, babies were thrown on the walls in Sabra-Shatilla, during 3 days and nights of hashishin (that’s from were the word assassins came from)

          39. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            I thought you meant like the zionists were arming Hezzy.

          40. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Listen Danny… your name derived from the Jewish Daniel… The Biblical Daniel is thought to be burried in Iran…. Don’t make me go to his tomb and shit on it!

          41. Hannibal Avatar

            Let’s assume it’s only 10%… They are still over represented.

          42. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Oh dear, she starts with the 9/11 crap. Oh well, can’t fix s2pid.

          43. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No, you can’t fix 911

          44. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Just the conspiracy theories and those who worship them. You should chose better references.

          45. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Of course.

          46. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We don’t need Ann dear.

          47. Hannibal Avatar

            Israel IS THE RAISON D’ETRE of Hezbollah… Without it they will dismantle.

          48. Why are you screaming, dirty idiot?

          49. Hannibal Avatar

            So you may listen you ugly polish deaf baboon.

          50. ???????? ????????????????????????

          51. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but scientists just found their descendants living in Lebanon”
            ‘You shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them’

          52. Hannibal Avatar

            I do not believe anything in the bible, it has been altered to promote racism. Jesus changed all of that and called them vipers. There is no archeological evidence they ever were in Egypt nor that Moses ever existed nor that they ever had an exodus.

          53. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I know that..but they destroyed the Canaanites.
            Will talk about it 😉

          54. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Ahhhhhh, poor babies. How many other people throughout history have lost in battle? Are the Lebanese going to gather lawyers now and sue for actions committed centuries ago?

          55. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No they are not, and I was not ddressing you mosquito … zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

          56. Hannibal Avatar

            You got it wrong my compatriot… Suing is the speciality of jews. ;P

          57. Hannibal Avatar

            They destroyed NOTHING we still exist everywhere shawke be 3aynon 😉

          58. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Well said!

          59. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            Jesus was a enlightened Buddhist….
            Buddhism just makes more sense yunno… you will be reborn again and again until your desires are no more. Only then you will enter heaven/nirvana.

          60. Rudy1947 Avatar

            LMAO. They would totally take over Lebanon, bag and baggage. An Iranian suburb.

          61. Hannibal Avatar

            I do appreciate your concerns but don’t you have a mortgage to worry about first and a banking system exploiting you? Go worry about that and leave cleaning up house to our people.

          62. Rudy1947 Avatar

            How my mortgage applies to the Hizzbillies dismantling is quite a stretch.

            Not looking for a cleaning lady for our house, can take care of it ourselves.

          63. ????????????????????????

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Wrong Danny,
        Israel hates all human beings because of its ugliness… Inside and out.

        1. slander and mental masturbation, dirty idiot

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah Iran Hezbullah

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Your point?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          That’s my point..a running gag

        2. Rainbow Sponge Avatar
          Rainbow Sponge

          I think it malfunctioned.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        lmao… too funny. A fixation really.

  4. Hannibal Avatar

    Why not pledge aid to Hezbollah? They are the only ones fighting. I do not see any Syrian army nor Iranians fighting.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      So you have hands and eyes on the battles taking place. Interesting.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        As dumb as usual you are… You are devolving. It is all over the news… Very interesting.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Dealing with your inaccuracies and wild imagination does take me down to your level occasionally.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Rudy rudy… Is that your way of saying you’re right Hannibal?

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Repeat above.

          3. Hannibal Avatar

            I rest my case. I win. (again)

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