French president Macron defends Zionism

French President Emmanuel Macron is shown with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Vel d'Hiv roundup in Paris on July 16, 2017
French President Emmanuel Macron is shown with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Vel d’Hiv roundup in Paris on July 16, 2017

French president Emmanuel Macron on Sunday condemned anti-Zionism as a new form of anti-Semitism, in what observers said was an unprecedented statement from the leader of France in support of zionism and  Jewish state.

“We will never surrender to the messages of hate; we will not surrender to anti-Zionism because it is a reinvention of anti-Semitism,” Macron said during  an event in Paris marking the  deportation of French Jews during World War II. He was directly addressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who attended the event.

During a lengthy and introspective speech commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Vel d’Hiv roundup, a mass arrest of 13,152 French Jews in July 1942 that was part of the Nazi effort to eradicate the Jews of France, Macron forcefully denounced Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism.

Like several of his predecessors, Macron accepted France’s responsibility for the deportations, admitting that the Vichy regime actively organized them. “It is indeed France that organized” the roundup, Macron said. “Not a single German” took part, he added.

“Time does its work,” the president said. “Archives open (and) the truth comes out. It’s stark, irrevocable. It imposes itself on us all.”

In 1995, then-president Jacques Chirac was the first French leader to admit his nation was guilty of having assisted in the mass murder of Jews.

Fewer than 100 of those who were detained at the so-called Vel d’Hiv and then sent to the Nazi death camps survived.

In a clear reference to far-right leader Marine Le Pen, the rival he defeated in May, Macron denounced “politicians who are prepared to reverse the truth.”

Le Pen had insisted during the campaign that today’s France could not be held accountable for the Vichy regime’s actions.

Netanyahu was the first Israeli leader to speak at the annual event in memory of the Vel d’Hiv roundup, which led to criticism by some leftist Jewish French groups, who argued that this event had nothing to do with Israel.

During his speech, delivered partially in French but mostly in English, Netanyahu hailed French citizens who protected Jews during World War II and vowed never to let Holocaust be repeated.

“Seventy-five years ago, a heavy darkness descended on this City of Lights,” he said adding that the Nazis and their collaborators in France “shattered the lives of thousands of French Jews at Vel’ d’Hiv.”

But he praised “Chirac and successive presidents” who deserved “much credit for telling the truth.”

A memorial to the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup, on Quai de Grenelle in Paris. (CC BY-SA Leonieke Aalders, Wikimedia commons)

During the Holocaust, the values of the French Revolution – liberty, equality and fraternity – were brutally crushed “under the boot of anti-Semitism,” he went on. “Yet we must say, and we heard it today as well, we must say that not all was dark.”

Netanyahu then saluted “the noble French citizens” who risked their lives to rescue fellow Frenchmen, such as the residents of Chambon-sur-Lignon who saved thousands of Jews.

“This is a special heroism. We have known in Israel a lot of heroism, as have you here in France. This is different heroism,” Netanyahu said. “There is heroism in battle, in pitting one’s life to save others. But the heroism of the people who saved Jews involved putting their families at risk, putting their children, their wives, their husbands, at the risk of execution… We will never forget, never, these great, great human beings.”

After the Holocaust, the State of Israel was established to guarantee that the Jewish people will never undergo a Holocaust again, Netanyahu said. “Never again. We will never let it happen again.”

Turning to the present, the prime minister spoke about a “war of civilization” between radical Islam and the West. “Militant Islam wants to destroy our common civilization. The militant Shiites led by Iran, the militant Sunnis led by ISIS – both seek to vanquish us,” he declared.

In the jihadists’ view Israel is merely the first Western target that stands in the way of their goal, he added. “Militant Islamists do not hate the West because of Israel. To the contrary, they hate Israel because of the West, because they rightly see in Israel a forward bastion of our common values of freedom, humanism, democracy. They try to destroy us, but also they try to destroy you.”

Netanyahu, who spoke ahead of Macron, praised the new president for condemning anti-Semitism and “this larger militancy that seeks to destroy our world.”

Israel identifies with France in its struggle against terrorism, the prime minister continued. “The zealots of militant Islam who seek to destroy you, seek to destroy us as well. We must stand against them together; we must remain strong against them together; and we must defeat them together.”

The event was also attended by famed French Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld; Francis Kalifat, the head of French-Jewish umbrella group CRIF, and several leaders of organizations representing French Holocaust survivors.

After the ceremony, Netanyahu and Macron headed to the Elysee palace for their first formal working meeting.



35 responses to “French president Macron defends Zionism”

  1. Of course he does for God’s sake, he was put in power by the very people who invented Zionism, Fascism and Nazism – the ruling class of England.

    1. ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????

  2. (off topic) The Iraqi army is preparing for an offensive against Tel-Afar

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  4. Hannibal Avatar

    For the life of me, how on Earth Germany and France and Europe abuse the Jews and they turn their wrath against the Palestinians who had nothing to do with it. France deported the Jews, acknowledges the mistake and praises zionism because it abuses others? Macron you are a MORON.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Excellent Mahdi school student. So the guy says something, you turn it however you want and then you call him a moron?

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        miin da3aslak 3a danabak ya kalb? Mind your own business… seeing you’re busy and all.

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          uf uf m3assab cheyfak
          did hassan not give you a lick of his ass today?

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            waate eben waate…

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            as low as I am, I still walk on shit like you

          3. Hannibal Avatar

            Again with that sewer mouth? You taste shit because that’s your job. Tasting my shit and saying it’s ice cream. Enjoy!

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            who’s a good boy? who’s a good boy? sit sit boy. Stop wiggling that tail.

          5. MekensehParty Avatar

            so lame

      2. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

        Is Mahdi school supposed to be an insult? For what reason is Jesus school better as both have the same source? Do the 3 Majoos ring a bell?

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          where did I say a Jesus school is better? or a Omar school? or any religious school for that matter? All are the same, they graduate idiots who repeat verses from this or that “holly book”, none teaches how to think independently.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            and you do? think independently that is? ha ha… The only thing on your mind is shit and it shows on your discourse day in and day out. But it’s ok we all forgive you. You work cleaning toilets so shit is on your mind 24/7. Did you have a bad day janitor? My little brother self-hating Lebanese compatriot? it’s ok… Now you can go home and chill until tomorrow. Make sure to shower. You must smell like a sewer.

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            oh wow, how original, repeating my jokes on me??? and you get pissed when I call you a Mahdi school grad. A parrot that repeats, never invents. I know I hurt your feelings a couple of days ago with my series of hilarious jokes. I know it’s tough for you to swallow the humiliation of more than a dozen people laughing their asses up on you, but please prove me wrong for once and be original, have your own ideas, your own jokes… stop repeating and copying male-hind. Show us all that you own your brain and use it fully, rather than having it simply to repeat what you hear from others.

          3. Hannibal Avatar

            Coming from a self-hating Lebanese zionist-lover Syrian-ass-raped Mekenseh? whatever you say dude is nothing but fluff.

          4. You can calling names but you are fake, Mek is not info criminal like you, dirty idiot

          5. Hannibal Avatar

            loooooooooonnnnnnnng zion nose… go away corrupt leaky sewer mouth.

          6. Sweet Nasrallah dick, for Kannibal
            ???????? ???????????????????????? ????????????

          7. Hannibal Avatar

            That was yesterday’s argument with your mother… I convinced her that mine was sweeter after getting laid ONCE.

          8. Dirty idiot, i’m not touching your sister and your mother. And you are infected long away from my mother, stop dirty dreaming, idiot mental masturbator

          9. Hannibal Avatar

            porn again?

          10. Porn is not disgrace (verecundiam). You are disgrace, idiot

          11. Hannibal Avatar

            You’re admitting to it as well… At least you’re honest.

          12. ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????

          13. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

            I agree. But secularism is not likely to be implemented unfortunately.

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          Well said… The majoos were the first to visit the King of kings…

    2. You are moron, Jews stay against terrorists and vandals Orabians, some of FaLIEstinians. Not all Orabians are wild or hateful like you, idiot

  5. MekensehParty Avatar

    The title is as misleading as the “observers” who saw in it a defense of Zionism.
    Macron said that many who are claiming to be anti-Zionists are in fact anti-Semite, which is pretty true.
    He forcefully denounced Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism.
    The theme here is anti-Semitism and its newest form, it’s a clear shot at Le Pen who is an anti-Semite masked as an anti-Zionist. France has and will continue to stand for Palestinians rights.

  6. Mr Macron , you have it all wrong . We know where you are coming from . Working for the Rothschild family doesn’t mean you can reinvent the meaning of anti-Zionism by equating it with antisemitism . anti-Zionism is entirely distinct from antisemitism and all efforts to bring the two phenomena together are considered as political discourse intended to de-legitimize criticism of Israeli policy

    1. +criticism of Israeli policy+ lol you are welcomed, but don’t be fake. Is it Israeli policy not recognizing (mostly failed) Orabian “states”? Does Israel not helping with US, Canada, UN etc. to Gaza, Judea, Samaria Orabians (so called FaLIEstinians)? Are Israeli Orabians not equal citizens?

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