Who is Salim Fakhreddin and what does he accuse Jumblatt of doing in his open letter?


On the 40th anniversary of Kamal Jumblatt’s death Salim Fakhreddin launched an attack against PSP leader Walid Jumblatt accusing him of selling out the Druze and betraying them.

It is not clear whether Salim is a pen name, “nom de plume” (French for “pen name”) or his real first name , but Fakhreddin of course is a well known Druze family and one of the most famous Druze leaders is Emir Fakhreddin ibn Maan who ruled Lebanon parts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .

The open letter outraged the PSP leader who responded by threatening legal action against its author and accusing him of lies and fabrications



4 responses to “Who is Salim Fakhreddin and what does he accuse Jumblatt of doing in his open letter?”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    legal action? lol
    How suddenly these criminals remember the law

    1. I guess every one of the Lebanese criminal warlords will have his day one day , when he will be exposed by an insider and again will suddenly remember the law

  2. Jumblatt père – a “progressive social democrat” and a “Lenin Peace Prize” laureate – played a key role in the destruction of the Lebanese state. All in the name of “progress”, “secularism” and “Arabism”. Just read Farid el Khazen’s excellent “The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, 1967-1976”.

    His death at the hands of his erstwhile Baathonazi “friend” and enabler was ultimate irony.

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