Assad compares “liberation of Aleppo” to the birth of Jesus Christ, Muhammad’s revelations


assad-aleppo-liberationSyrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday the world would be different after what he called the “liberation of Aleppo”, describing it as a historic moment.

“What is happening today is the writing of a history written by every Syrian citizen. The writing did not start today, it started six years ago when the crisis and war started against Syria,” Assad said in a video statement published on the Syrian presidency’s Twitter account.

An operation to evacuate thousands of civilians and fighters from the last rebel bastion in Aleppo began on Thursday, part of a ceasefire deal that would end years of fighting for the city and mark a major victory for Assad.

Talking about events in Aleppo, Assad alluded to major moments in history including the birth of Jesus Christ, the revelations to the Prophet Muhammad and the fall of the Soviet Union.

“History is not the same before and after … I think after liberating Aleppo we will say that not only the Syrian situation, but also the regional and international situation, is different,” he said.

“This history that is being made now is bigger than the word ‘congratulations’. Everybody is saying congratulations now.”



4 responses to “Assad compares “liberation of Aleppo” to the birth of Jesus Christ, Muhammad’s revelations”

  1. Is he holding his 2 inch while giving the speech.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And ‘Merry Christmas’ to all who are left to listen, I guess.
      Actually, the ‘euphoria’ of ‘a one-street party’ got to him – he can’t believe he got this far, all things considered. Sure beat the White-House Crowd in that, we can admit. (they forget the aspirin too)
      And it’s always amazing to live a little ‘history’. But we all know what a pile of aspirin is needed next day – even while forgetting and planning the next one. (although ‘Happy New Year’ may ring more hollow)

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