Israel attacks Damascus military airport near Assad’s palace


 Mezzeh Military Airport  on fire after airstrike
Mezzeh Military Airport on fire after airstrike
Israel’s military attacked an airport in Damascus near Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s palace early on Wednesday morning, Arab media reported, in what appeared to be the second air strike by Israel inside Syrian territory in less than a week.

Arab-language websites in Lebanon and Syria reported what they said was an Israeli strike on the Mezzeh military airport in Damascus in the early hours of Wednesday. Social media channels recorded a series of explosions in the area of varying intensity, which then led to fires.

Al-Mayadeen, the pan-Arab television channel, reported that explosions and columns of fire erupted at about 4am at the airport on Wednesday, and blamed the Israeli military for the attack.

“It appears that a Zionist rocket attack struck military positions inside the airport, which caused massive and intermittent explosions for approximately half an hour while ambulances and fire trucks rushed to the scene,” Al-Mayadeen reported. It said the attack was “almost certainly” a rocket strike originating from the airspace over neighbouring Lebanon.

Syria’s ANA news agency, citing a military source, said the airport was attacked by surface-to-surface missiles fired from inside Israel at around 3am. It said the attack caused fires but no casualties.

Israel’s military did not comment on the reported attack, in keeping with a policy of not claiming responsibility for the air strikes it carries out in the region. Israeli media reported widely on it on Wednesday, saying that foreign media sources had attributed the attack to Israel.

Israel has declared itself neutral in Syria’s civil war, but its military has struck repeatedly inside the country to prevent the transfer of what it calls game-changing weapons to the Lebanon-based Shia militia group, Hizbollah, which is fighting alongside the Assad government in the war, with the support of Russia.

Later on Wednesday Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s defence minister, made an oblique reference to the attack. “We are first and foremost making efforts to maintain the security of our citizens and protect our sovereignty, and trying to protect the smuggling of sophisticated weapons, military equipment and weapons of mass destruction from Syria to Hizbollah,” Mr Lieberman said at a meeting of EU diplomats in Israel.

On Tuesday evening, the Israel Defence Forces’ official Twitter account posted a mapof what it said was “Hizbollah’s military infrastructure in Lebanon”, which it described as a “war crime”.

Last week, Arab media reported that Israeli jets attacked what they said was a convoy of arms intended for Hizbollah near Damascus. Separately, in late November Israeli jets bombed a truck carrying four militants affiliated with the so-called Islamic State in the partially Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan region after the militant Islamist group targeted Israeli soldiers operating in the area.

In Israel, analysts said it was unclear whether Wednesday’s purported Israeli air strike was carried out with the acquiescence of Russia, or without its knowledge.

After Russia’s entry into the war with Syria last year, the Israeli and Russian militaries agreed a mechanism by which Israel could coordinate its sorties in Syrian airspace with Russia and avoid clashes. At the time, Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, assured Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel’s interests would be kept in mind. However, the agreement is delicate for Israel, given that Moscow is allied with both the Syrian government and Hizbollah in the war.

Russia’s military deployed anS-400 anti-aircraft missile system to the Syrian port of Latakia following the shooting down of a jet by Turkey last year. In October, Moscow said it had deployed its older S-300s in Tartus.

The system’s ability to attack aircraft over a range of several hundreds of kilometres was seen by defence analysts as compromising Israel’s ability to strike within Syria at will.

However, Yiftah Shapir, head of the Middle East military balance programme at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, said: “People tend to look at S-300s as omnipotent, and they are not.” He added: “Even a weapons system with a 400-mile range can’t see over the horizon.”




76 responses to “Israel attacks Damascus military airport near Assad’s palace”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    Hind and Omega must be furious!!!
    They just bombed their school
    Is Dr. Maher ok? Or have you been cut of updates?

    1. O'Matrix Avatar

      Doubtful if you see a Hind and Omega reaction on the incident.

      The incident just proves that Israel is not to be trifled with.

      1. Here is my reaction: I can care less.

        Quit acting like Israel was built from ground up from the sweat and hard work of. There would be no Israel today if it was not for the UK, the US and the billions siphoned from the sheeple around the world.

      2. Here is my reaction: I can care less.

        This is to stop another shipping of weapons to Hezbollah and only postponing the inevitable.

        Besides, quit acting like Israel was built from ground up from the sweat and hard work of. There would be no Israel today if it was not for the UK, the US and the billions siphoned from the sheeple around the world.

    2. Hahaha!!! Glad to see you’re still as butt-hurt as before. Nothing some Prep-H can’t fix.

    3. Hahaha!!! Glad to see you’re still as butt-hurt as before. Nothing some Prep-H can’t fix.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        Your spiritual father has just been Prep-H’ed by the Israelis… or was it fireworks?
        any disruption of the stream of brainupdates?
        You’ve been silent lately…

        1. Mekhara the Goyim.
          The Goyim <– Jewish word for non Jew which means in Yiddish sub human beast .

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            HebAlba DEFINITION of “goyim”
            “Jewish word for non Jew which means in Yiddish sub human beast.”, your own absurd explanation that I don’t buy.

            Urban Dictionary DEFINITION of “goyim”;

            Wikipedia DEFINITION of “goyim”;
            Goy (English /ɡɔɪ/, Hebrew: גוי‎‎, regular plural goyim /ˈɡɔɪɪm/, גוים or גויים) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a nation.[1] The word nation has been the common translation of the Hebrew goy or ethnos in the Septuagint, from the earliest English language bibles such as the 1604 King James Version[2] and the 1530 Tyndale Bible,[3] following the Latin Vulgate which used both gentile (and cognates) and nationes. The term nation did not have the same political connotations it entails today.[4][5]

            Long before Roman times it had also acquired the meaning of someone who is not Jewish.[6] It is also used to refer to individuals from non-Jewish religious or ethnic groups; when used in this way in English, it occasionally has pejorative connotations. However, many people do not see the term goy as any more or less offensive than the term gentile.[7][8][9] However, to avoid any perceived offensive connotations, writers may use the better-known English terms gentile or non-Jew.

            You are making this site stupid

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’d say by this time, we need to accept some of the stupidity to maintain the sanity.
            Why ‘dictionaries’ need several ‘versions’ of the meanings of words placed into the dictionaries of other languages is ludicrous anyway – except that there’s an attempt to put the ‘feelings’ of another language-usage into them, which can’t be translated when the ‘feelings’ don’t exist in the first place. ( Always pick the first definition … ;-))
            One gang hears ‘Goy’, and thinks ‘So?’
            Another gang hears it, and strangely thinks it’s a reason to make a war.
            So really, half a dictionary could be used up simply trying to explain the exact words needed to ‘really hurt’ that ‘other-language’ gay/goy/guy enough to make him angry enough to come up with the ‘feeling’ needed to go to war. Which would be stupid.
            If actually studying a language – and then it’s varied evolutions for what becomes ‘acceptable’ within the community OF the language – knowing the original is the more important when writing with any desire for sensibility, sanity, and much less stupidity.

            AND, if you grab someone else’s dictionary to use, but then in conversation do not ‘pronounce’ the word properly, look out for another war when a single syllable from lazy lips and mouths can drop an unintended bomb into a happy dinner-moment. :-)))
            Strangely enough, those seem to be the moments during which everyone else stopped talking at the same time and actually ‘heard’ what was said. It’s insane. :-)))

          3. O'Matrix Avatar

            Dictionaries need several ‘versions’ of the meanings of “5thDrawer”.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And they won’t get them from me … hahahaha

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh .. deduct 1/3 ‘up’ for the last line … the site got stupid a while ago.

          6. MekensehParty Avatar

            sorry for dr. Maher, did they find him or not yet?

        2. Surface-to-surface missile to destroy a shipment of weapon to Hezbollah isn’t spiritual, it’s to keep the show going. Show that suckers like you slurp on. I don’t have a “spiritual father”, you seem to have missed the point of my comments, and like I told your brother OhYeah/Matrix/OMatrix, I can care less.

          Come back in a few decades, YKhara will be just that: khara. I waisted enough time on it and have better things to do.

        3. Surface-to-surface missile to destroy a shipment of weapon to Hezbollah isn’t spiritual, it’s to keep the show going. Show that suckers like you slurp on. I don’t have a “spiritual father”, you seem to have missed the point of my comments, and like I told your brother OhYeah/Matrix/OMatrix, I can care less.

          Come back in a few decades, YKhara will be just that: khara. Look at Roodie, he grew old online. I waisted enough time on it and have better things to do.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            I’d be as angry is they bombed my school and killed my teachers…
            Fortunately I graduated from an educational institution rather than a house of torture, and the chances of my school being hit are very slim. May the missiles keep falling on your heads and your school turned to rubble. Kharaye fik wou be mazzeh

          2. Once again, I have no clue what you’re talking about. All I see if you endlessly talk like a self-proclaimed martyr. You were never sent to a torture house in Syria. According to your own comments, you were questioned in Lebanon by Syrian soldiers after hanging a Lebanese flag on a building. You supposedly left Lebanon to the USA in 2005 after that. How and why does one leave that quick is odd. I am thinking there is/are people in your family who suffered under Syrians and you act like you personally did. I told you this before: you need to ask yourself who allowed Syria to be in Lebanon for over three decades.

    4. Are you OK?

    5. Better live with ISIS Makhara.. no Syrians bomb their own children’s school.

    6. I always have direct updates on Syria.

      From the Church of Our Lady in the old city of Aleppo Syria 08.12.2016
      AleppoIsWinning SAA_Salute
      (don’t know your Dr.)

  2. Destroying a shipping of weapons to Hezbollah is only postponing the inevitable.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      The removal of the Hizzbillies at least from Lebanon, an opportunity to allow Lebanon to grow and telling Iran their caliphate has failed.

      1. There is being biased and then, there is being plain fucking dumb. You’re both.

        The sub-human Wahhabi zealots are causing mayhem but it’s the caliphate of Iran that bothers you?

        For the record, Shia, Sunni and Talmudic “clerics” are all the same shit.

      2. The sub-human Wahhabi zealots are causing mayhem but it’s the caliphate of Iran that bothers you, is the problem?

        There is being biased and then, there is being plain fucking dumb. You’re both.

        Shia, Sunni and Talmudic “clerics” are all the same shit.

        How many times do I have to say this: quit pretending to give a shit about Lebanon.

      3. There is biased and then, there is plain fucking dumb. You’re both.

        The sub-human Wahhabi zealots are causing mayhem but it’s the caliphate of Iran that bothers you, is the problem?

        How many times do I have to say this: quit pretending to give a shit about Lebanon.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          One caliphate at a time mon ami. The reason I do care about Lebanon is twofold. For one it can be more than the doormat it has been and be a productive country without Islamic interference. Second, I like the name. 🙂

          1. I am not ton ami, du con.

            One caliphate at a time — Nothing but bs for some to take over and control, aka: importing American “Democracy”.

            doormat — Have you been or live? Clueless idiot.

            I do care about Lebanon — As long as your convince yourself of your own bullshit, that is what matters.

            Islamic interference — Neither Iran nor Hezbollah has/is pushing an Islamic caliphate on Lebanon. Saudi Arabia and Hariri tried.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Your roids must be acting up again. Let’s see here:

            One caliphate at a time: Reference the Daesh, Turkish(sequel) and Iranian boasts.

            doormat: How many times has Lebanon gone through “wars”?

            I care: Yeah, it would be a much better ME with Lebanon as a productive country.

            Islamic interference: Oh dear, reference the history.

          3. Interesting to see you use the word “roids” – especially after I brought up Pre-H to Mekenseh. Do you ever come up with anything on your own du con?

            One caliphate at a time, YET, you only bring up one of them. Hypocritical idiot.

            There would have been no wars in Lebanon and the ME had it not been for the illegitimate creation of the Zionist state of IsraHell.

            Productive Lebanon – right, is that why coward IsraHell bombed commercial/industrial buildings in 2006? Buildings that had nothing to do with Hezbollah. The ones who created IsraHell need to keep the ME under-developped and uncompetitive for a reason.

          4. Rudy1947 Avatar

            ROFL……. Your propensity for collusion has gone beyond comical, now it’s medical. Another time……still chucking.

          5. Have the last word clueless idiot. Waisted enough time with you. I’ll check back in 10 years, if you’re still alive, I’ll know where to find you.

          6. Glad you’re chucking.. transparently desperate beyond comical..

          7. Take care of your history 1947…

          8. Avec des amis comme plus besoin d’ennemis

          9. O'Matrix Avatar

            In other words everyone that don’t share your point of view (opinion), is an enemy of yours.
            No wonder that you live in a fairyland.

          10. don’t even know the meaning of the name BTW. Caliphate is Sunni not Shia.

          11. Chinese are the greatest acrobates

      4. You’re more stupid than i thought, Califat is Sunni not Shia you idiot.

        “Israel has declared itself neutral in Syria’s civil war, but its military has struck repeatedly inside the country to prevent the transfer of what it calls game-changing weapons to the Lebanon-based Shia militia group, Hizbollah, which is fighting alongside the Assad government in the war, with the support of Russia”.BS

        Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated In Syria
        Israeli officials have regularly expressed comfort with the idea of ISIS conquering the whole of Syria”
        Of course.. the Oded Niyon plan for greater Israel.

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Like so many other “words” that have been corrupted or misused, the term Caliphate is simply other version of another attempt at an Islamic Empire.

          Speaking of s2pid, your continued reference to the Oded Niyon and “we don’t want ISIS defeated” is really becoming comical. You and your buddy kept referring to your intellectual prowess and you continue with this intellectual garbage.

          1. Poor pretexts to disguise chronic ignorance and pathological denials.

          2. Rudy1947 Avatar

            I can always tell when you are upset. Basic English is becomes a problem and/or you fall back on standard excuses. In this case the standard excuses. You’re becoming predictable my dear.

          3. Who cares, we’re not on an American site:
            Poor pretexts to disguise chronic ignorance and pathological denials..

          4. You’re not on a Canadian website!

          5. Don’t know what you mean my, basic English?
            You’re on a Lebanese website and ‘love’ Lebanon
            like a hyena.

          6. If I was an Hyena I would look for something more nutritious. The problem with Lebanon is it’s weakness and a lovely location which is appealing to far to many in the Islamic world and is essentially a suburb of Tehran.

            BTW, you’re on a Lebanese site and you’re Canadian.

          7. BTW., my roots are in Lebanon where i was born. Zionist hyena.

          8. Why didn’t you stay in Lebanon?

          9. O'Matrix Avatar

            She getting better respect from her folks when she is telling about her life in the west….

          10. Good God you’re a real imbecile, this is none of your business.

          11. That’s nice, just shows that an international forum can bring folks from everywhere to discuss one topic.

          12. This site was Lebanese it was sold, each and every international article on YaLibhannow comes from Zionist owned news corporation.

          13. I send you some hand sanitizer or a mild acidic solution if I could. It must be he!! hitting that keyboard knowing you’re responding on a Zionist site. Gloves perhaps?

          14. O'Matrix Avatar

            Nine months after losing the historic Syrian city, so-called “Islamic State” militants have re-entered Palmyra.

            This comes after an intense three-day battle with Syrian government forces.
   “a dead fucd up YaLibnan” reports….

          15. The problem with Lebanon is it’s weakness and a lovely location which is appealing to far to many in the Islamic world and is essentially a suburb of Tehran.


            Every time I think you reached the abysmal depth of idiocy, you go even deeper. You really take the cake – all of it to the last crumb.

            No, you fvcking idiot, Lebanon is no essentially a suburb of Tehran. Get a clue.

      5. We will have no mercy on Lebanons infrastructure either they will be without electricity for years
        Reply Share

        Purple Sword . Cyan Button2h
        Any time lebanon wants to go back 20 years we will make it 40
        Reply Share

  3. Israel is attacking targets in Syria – and Russia is silent.
    Although the Kremlin is the ally of dictator Assad.
    Israel and Russia have arranged themselves.
    At a second glance, that makes sense.

    The people of Syria are accustomed to explosions, the Civil War now lasts five years.
    But the explosions, which the inhabitants of the suburb Mezze this week has frightened the people from the sleep at 4 o’clock were unusually loud.
    Not only the force was unusual, but also its alleged cause.
    According to Syria’s official news agency Sana, it was an Israeli attack – Israel had “launched several ground-to-ground missiles from the occupied territories” in the Golan Heights.

    In the case of Israel, different rules apply.

    Israel had acknowledged Putin’s interests in Syria, although this has negative consequences for Jerusalem. Russia has saved Assad, a partner of the Iranians and Hezbollah, who have committed themselves to the destruction of Israel.
    However, in return, Russia has allowed Israel to enter Syria – while it is not actively preventing the supply of weapons to Hezbollah, it is silent when Israel is operating on Syrian territory to prevent it.

    That is a strange procrastination pact of Putin and Netanyahu.

    1. Oh Matrix…Rolling Back the Empire: Washington’s Proxy-Army Faces Decisive Defeat in Aleppo

      1. O'Matrix Avatar

        Fake News, what else.

        1. Fake news O’Wilhem, Israel and West proxies for Greater Israel oil and gas

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            Eyewitness video for murder is not news unless it appears in the newscast that is going to the source.
            This is definitely no “Fake news”, also missing details of the background to the event and location.

            As well known for all you do not want to miss the occasion to project bloody scenes that you so enjoy.

            Though the text “Israel and West proxies for Greater Israel Oil and Gas” does not fit the context, such of this video.

          2. Bye !

          3. O'Matrix Avatar

            Then find the time YOU claiming you don’t have…. ❄

          1. Ah oui? Grace à Dieu je l’ait bloqué!

          2. O'Matrix Avatar

            Incorrect, you’re lying as usual.
            Grace à Dieu, are you sure?

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Yes indeed – there’s a bit more information ‘out there’, even with ‘official media blankness’.
    Lieberman ‘of the Infinite wisdom’, perhaps is (as many are) beginning to notice that MANY MORE people have become tired and upset with the ‘models’ of keeping secret just about anything that is done for political reasons or for business reasons at any given moment. ‘News’ pumping up headlines of something that actually happened, yet never explaining or concluding anything by it or after it, has been noticed well, BY all those ‘citizens’ who really are not brain-dead, even if they make their livings by actually working with their hands in what some seem to consider ‘lesser’, yet are happily-performed tasks strangely needed within societies anyway.
    And since after all the many years of obfuscations of ‘intents’ and simply most anyone assuming who ‘did the deeds’ (followed eventually decades later with the histories even watered down a little), because there is no other conclusion to draw in the circumstances, I’d suppose it’s not a hanging offence (yet) in Israel for a ‘defence’ minister to make “an oblique reference” to an attack somewhere – and then offer an oblique excuse of some sort of reasoning tied to “our sovereignty … and weapons of mass destruction”.
    That it becomes slightly more ‘oblique’ after saying “trying to protect the smuggling of sophisticated weapons, military equipment and weapons of mass destruction from Syria to Hizbollah” and makes the rest of the un-named ‘EU diplomats’ trapped in a meeting having to listen to that statement, and the following bits, oblique in minds, is only a simple language-translation problem because he didn’t add one word and say “trying to protect AGAINST”. 😉 (which may mean protecting Lebanon..) Those now ignoring the ‘official news sites’ at least half the time might recommend a dictionary – when it’s actually a Grammar-Course needed.
    HOWEVER, it IS unusual … hmmm … could politicians be noting we don’t think they talk much to ‘the bottom’?
    Trump does … even if it’s often unintelligible to the ‘intelligent finance heads’ of the societies. ;-))

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Real economy then … you’re welcome.
        The simple conclusions only need the sandwich-wraps, but no-one wants them.

        1. Yup, except it’s crap with no useful purpose.

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