Lebanese flight attendants banned from flying to Israel


Lebanon Israel flags
All Lebanese flight attendants are banned from flying to Israeli airports, Lebanon’s Civil Aviation Authority stipulated Saturday

“The General Directorate of Civil Aviation … informs all foreign airliners operating in Lebanon … [that] there will be a strict implementation of the law banning illegal contacts between Lebanese [nationals] and the [Israeli] enemy.”

The authority specified that this law extends to “flight attendants of Lebanese nationality working onboard aircrafts from Arab or foreign airlines.”

The ban confirms the circular issued by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry on Nov. 11, 2016.

The 2 countries have technically been at war since the Jewish state declared independence in 1948

Israeli law enforcement treats Lebanon as an “enemy state”.

Israeli citizens or any other person who holds any passport bearing stamps, visas, or seals issued by Israel are strictly prohibited from entry to Lebanon and may be subject to arrest or detention for further inspection.



23 responses to “Lebanese flight attendants banned from flying to Israel”

    1. O'Matrix Avatar

      You’re weirder than this Israeli that claimed that a Chilean official drew a penis in his passport.

      Details of the incident emerged only this week after an Israeli journalist tweeted a photo of the relevant page of the passport.

      Obviously you swallow the whole story, you are addicted on your own passion.

        1. O'Matrix Avatar

          You are not blocking, stop being pathetic.
          You are blocked in your head…

          You never block, usage of the word ‘Block’ is pathetic ignorance.

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            You and IQ are not compatible.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Does look like a lot like the wedding-hat…. hahahaha.

      1. O'Matrix Avatar

        Do you have this “wedding-hat….” too?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          No .. not into 16th century ‘style’ … besides, I still have the original skin. :-))))

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            Old tradition…
            Köçeks dancing at the circumcision celebration of Sultan Ahmed III’s sons (1720); miniature from the Surname-i Vehbi, Topkapı Palace, Istanbul.
            Cruel tradition with this circumcision knife from the Congo; wood, iron; late 19th/early 20th century.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            In Africa, at least they wait until they are old enough to ‘man-up’ to the pain for a week or so, and understand the ‘tradition’.

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            You never had a ‘wedding-hat’ between your…..

      2. One can always count on you, pal, for the most thoughtful and relevant comment in the thread. 🙂

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Welcome. AND they are having trouble keeping THIS book on the shelves in India …
          Should be read widely … some folks need the analysis ..

    3. “Ban the Chileans now.. Yisrael”

      It’s not the Israelis who banned them, you peabrain retard. It’s the Lebanese.

      1. So what? Chileans insulted Israeli passport.. fascist squatter retard on YaLibnan

        1. O'Matrix Avatar

          How do you insult a passport?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Good question … maybe it’s something like fried flags … but I wish you two could both knock it off.

  1. The inmates running the Lebanese asylum never forget to distinguish between trivialities and the really important stuff. 🙂

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      … like jobs for the Lebanese .. does anyone really go along with these Fatwah-Head idiots??
      Get out the ‘dual citizenship’ passports. :-)))
      (always carry several … never know what flight schedules may pop up, and there’s few parachutes.)

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