The emergency in Aleppo


An injured child waits after receiving treatment at the university hospital in a government-held neighborhood on Nov. 3, following reported rebel fire on government-held parts of the northern city of Aleppo. (GEORGE OURFALIAN/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)
An injured child waits after receiving treatment at the university hospital in a government-held neighborhood on Nov. 3, following reported rebel fire on government-held parts of the northern city of Aleppo.
(GEORGE OURFALIAN/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images)
By Laila Maher Soudi, Raed Saleh and Ahmad Tarakji

Today, more than 250,000 Syrians remain trapped in besieged eastern Aleppo with limited access to food, clean water and medical supplies. Living under constant aerial bombardment, residents in the eastern part of the city have nowhere to go. Eastern Aleppo is expected to run out of food and medical supplies in 20 days or less, after which we risk losing more than a quarter-million people to mass starvation and restricted access to lifesaving medical care.

Of the quarter of a million people stuck in Aleppo, 100,000 are children. These children cannot eat or sleep without incapacitating fear. Every day, they experience unparalleled levels of trauma and anxiety, making them an especially vulnerable group with only 29 doctors remaining to care for them and their families. Our doctors are faced with the unimaginable task of having to decide which child to save and which to let die due to the severe shortage of medical supplies and staff. Furthermore, we do not have the infrastructure in place to provide those who survive with mental-health services to alleviate their severe trauma symptoms. Instead, we let them leave our hospitals in anguish and despair, knowing we helped rescue them from underneath the rubble and provided medical care for them in our hospitals but also knowing we cannot alleviate their fear. We are all afraid. We work knowing that the next child we help may be our own.

Our children in Syria deserve a better future. They deserve dignified medical and mental-health care. They deserve to go to school and play with their friends without fear.

We have to work together immediately to help the people of Aleppo. This is not a divisive political appeal to a single party; the White Helmets affirms its stance to help everyone regardless of their ethnicity, religion or political affiliation inside Syria. The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) affirms the same stance to help internally displaced Syrians as well as refugees in neighboring countries and beyond receive the medical care they deserve. This appeal we are making is a human one. We are calling on the international community to stand with us now and in solidarity with the people of Aleppo.

We must all come together and place pressure on our governments to lift the siege on besieged areas especially in rural Damascus, Homs and, in line with the U.N. Security Council resolution, all other regions across Syria and allow for food and medical supplies to enter immediately. We are asking you to mobilize, place pressure on your governments and demand that the people of Syria be granted the supplies they urgently need.

Call your political representatives immediately. Organize on the streets. Demand that action be taken. We have less than 20 days, and the time to act is now. Help us help them.

Raed Saleh is head of the organization White Helmets, the Syrian Civil Defense (Twitter: @SyriaCivilDef). Dr. Ahmad Tarakji is president of the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS). Laila Soudi works with SAMS and the psychiatry department at the Stanford University School of Medicine.



97 responses to “The emergency in Aleppo”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Everybody needs ‘help’ … here’s one that ‘Matrix’ will enjoy hearing about …

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Like I said …Everybody. :-)))))))

        I think I’m getting too old … furk’em all.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Meanwhile in the ‘North Dakota War’ …. more false ‘News Reports’.
          “In order to keep protesters from crossing the bridge, law enforcement have utilized less-than-lethal means, including launching CS gas,” it says.
          An eyewitness interviewed by Gilbertt said the fires at the scene were started by police projectiles, not protesters – contrary to the statement by Morton County.”

          1. O'Matrix Avatar

            Canadians trust mainstream media more than social networks: study (UBC)

            Once there were 88 Media Companies – Today there are only 6 All Owned by Rothschilds

            Who needs mainstream media news when we have The Huffington Post, Facebook, Omega news, Twitter, Press TV, RT and HebAlba news….

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Re: ‘Trust’. Logical reasons in Canada. (and remember ‘change’ is over time-periods)
            Past ‘conditioning’ by a ‘Gov’t Funded’ news SERVICE which didn’t worry about begging for paycheques (income) from advertising moguls, and which was critiqued BY the tax-payers. Now it seems ‘critiques’ are only by a few ‘serious-comedy’ persons who draw enough numbers for the advertisers.

          3. O'Matrix Avatar

            Poor you who live in that awful Canada, with throbbing heart for your old ‘multi-religious’ Lebanon.

            Do not rely on state-controlled news in Canada, you have The Huffington Post, Facebook, Omega News, Twitter, Press TV, the RT and HebAlba news ….
            Hind (you trust her) have got a huge database with appropriate links that are not controlled by Jews, right-wing extremists, Zionists, Al-Quaida, ISIS (both created by the CIA / MOSADA) and the capitalists.

            I’m still trying to find out wich propaganda bureau engaged her, it must be a fat salary she receives for the daily publication of the ‘anti’ Jew, Western, European, Zionist, capitalist, war-loving establishment ….

            She can not live without Dirty Word (four-letter word), in her remarks, so she needs to take a course of wits and ethics……

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            She learned the words from you guys. All I can say. Never saw that before that time.
            Will say Y-K knows ’em all, Few ‘views’, only insults.

          5. O'Matrix Avatar

            Don’t turn me to “you guys” and don’t start claiming that I participated on this forum with Dirty Words.
            Unfortunately (I allowed myself to be pulled down to their level), I replied in the same coin in early reply comments from Omega and Hind – Hind and Omega kipping the same style.

            How come that you can claim “not that you’re old enough to remember it” when you don’t know me.

            When I ask about participants, I ask those that answers in a pleasant, agreeable manner.

            I’m marked as ‘one of them’ since I didn’t asked Omega….

            By the way – DISQUS have as Facebook ONLY “Vote up” counter….

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            As some say … “Oy Vey … Facebook’s in here too??” 😉 Another spot to avoid.
            Yah, we had decent discussions. Not agreeing all the time isn’t necessary.
            And as I’ve said before (no-one cares) I’m 73 … I was 15 before we had a TV … used to run to collect ice-chips from the horse-drawn Ice-Block-Man and the Milk trucks to suck on in summer – not that Mom enjoyed when we did, but the ice wasn’t always gone in the fridge and he could leave 1/2 a block. :-)) Was always amazed the horses knew the route – when the new-fangled electrics began to show up, the horses still stopped at old customers. :-))
            Good old days – to be a kid. Freeze-dried Long underwear always looked funny as mothers struggled to get them back into the house.
            Try to figure out how many ‘techie’ changes I’ve seen. Can I say ‘all’ were useful? Nope.

          7. I’m 69 and have learned not to bring up the “old days” unless requested or shared by others of the same age. After all, would you like Ice blocks delivered by a horse drawn wagon in 2016?

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I see the advantages, of course … BUT Kids would … :-))) However, letting a guy into the house to put it in the fridge would have the ‘modern mom’ in a panic and screaming her head off about the need for ‘child protection’ from the ice-chips which ‘might’ carry some bad germs. :-)) The Insurance costs for ‘delivery’, and the ice-cutters in winter, would also sink the business faster than ice could form. Heavy paranoia reigns.
            Have grandchildren doing ‘beavers, cubs, scouts’ … have to say I feel sorry for them.
            Won’t be much of the experience I had.

          9. Rant on guy, not many are listening.

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And Hind has her theory on ‘why’ about that, doesn’t she.
            6 years ago a bunch in here had some fun. When ‘news’ came out about the Dam building for hydro-electric-power in Ethiopia, they talked about losing square meters of water for a while, until it filled. I made a small fortune off inventing the square-meter bucket, and selling in North Africa. 😉

          11. Hind? Hydro-electric-power? Thought we were talking about ice blocks and horse drawn carriages.

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m ‘up’ for anything :-))))

          13. Yeah sure, perhaps a touch of counseling as well.

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Here’s some councelling you’ll enjoy … from August, if you like ‘past’. (FP, not TP. ;-))

          15. Not impressed with the last freebie stuff, not interested anyway. Any counseling should be done by a professional, hope you find one.

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Did. And a Real councelor … as expected, long … maybe a 3-day read for some.
            Do one part a day. It’s free.

          17. Perhaps you should have bought the horse, or at least its foal. You could have ice delivered in chips in the nostalgic way.

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (and an ounce of the Glens on top.)

          19. Ya, he’s boring..

          20. Your eloquence is deafening stupidity

          21. In 1947?

          22. You mean illiterate old 1947.. like the Universe is 6000 years old?

          23. O'Matrix Avatar

            Only a illiterate muslim like you claims that the Universe is 6000 years old

          24. “THE BIBLE IS CLEAR THAT ADAM, THE FIRST MAN, LIVED ONLY 6000 YEARS AGO. God created Adam directly from the earth on the sixth day of Creation Week. There was no evolution involved. So according to the Bible, the earth must be 6000 years old.” Twit..

          25. O'Matrix Avatar

            “God created Adam directly from the earth on the sixth day of Creation Week. There was no evolution involved. So according to the Bible, the earth must be 6000 years old.”…..bla bla bla, so according to the Bible, the earth must be 6000 years old. Only a twit like you except this theory.

          26. Like according to Revisionists Zionists Middle East history began in 1948?

          27. Were there horse drawn ice wagons in the Middle East in 1948?

          28. O'Matrix Avatar

            According to 5thDrawer.

          29. No ice in ME .. in Jabotinsky’s Russia

          30. O'Matrix Avatar

            In 1925 came the First refrigerator for home use on the american continent, a hermetically sealed standalone home refrigerator of the modern type, based on pre-1900 work by Marcel Audiffren of France and by self-trained machinist Christian Steenstrup of Schenectady, New York, be commercially introduced.

            You are today 73 … but was only 15 before you had a TV but no refrigerator in 1958……

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Who had money to buy a fridge in ’25?? Who had ‘American’ anything??
            The fridge came before the TV … by 1952, perhaps … I wasn’t time-dating objects then.
            It was a ‘happy-sad’ Christmas gift to Mom … the Solid Oak, tin-lined ice compartment, with melt-water-collecting tray at bottom, old fridge with 3 shelves … was wonderfully varnished, and the wood-grain made it a real piece of furniture they were proud to own – not really ‘old’ in the sense of usage when Dad decided the house-current could handle new appliances. So, suddenly, there was this white thing in the kitchen.
            Gave poor Mom another job, now that I think of it. She had to chip the frost-ice off the damn freezing part 4 X a year at least … kids kept opening the door.
            But they loved each other, and thus accepted all these trials. She actually liked the way the wooden one looked. It had been a prized ‘extra’ when buying the house.
            However … the change left enough space for a new stove next time Dad got the ‘new’ bug. :-))) (only males understand this)

          32. Could be a NCCM volunteer or worker.

          33. Desperate for attention? Alzheimer has a youngman new avatar..hum..
            i mean (another again) now attacking 5th.. Haha.. You have the highest morals twit.

          34. There is something to say about a “religion” that has to be reminded to fulfill their prayer obligations 5 times a day, 7 days a week and 365. A pronounced sign of insecurity I would think.

          35. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Here, we just tell them to cut the volume on the loudspeakers … if they can’t read a clock, there’s English schools. ;-))

          36. That’s wonderful Hind, didn’t even see your mouth move.

          37. You’re boring mosquito

          38. Talking about religion..this is interesting

            “We Don’t Know What We Are Talking About When We talk about Religion”
            No, Salafism is not a religion — Fooled by the label — IYIs should bathe in Saudi Arabia.

          39. Sorry I’m not Moslem.

          40. O'Matrix Avatar

            Ashamed of yourself being a Shia Muslim, don’t be sorry it’s nothing wrong being a muslim. However stop using a Taqiyya.

          41. I’m not Moslem and i’m not bothered by this except by your Wahhabi cousins…huh, i forgot you all came from Europa.

          42. O'Matrix Avatar

            It doesn’t bothered me that you are a Muslim, but you aren’t a Christian!

          43. O'Matrix Avatar

            Please translate, I don’t speak your language.
            Is my Avatar insulting you?

            Desperate for attention?
            Hind Abiad has a new Avatar and a new name…. hum.. I mean (another again).

            “You have the highest morals twit.”, I don’t Twit or have any Facebook account.

          44. Translating;
            twit [idiot] meaning, definition, English dictionary,

          45. O'Matrix Avatar

            Playing dumb again, you know very well that I asked you for translation of the and nothing else you twit.

          46. “O’Matrix • 17 minutes ago
            Playing dumb again, you know very well that I asked you for translation of the and nothing else you twit”

            Playing dumb forever? You know very well i gave “the translation of the and nothing else you twit”

            Again..’The kind of person that makes a retarded chimp look smart. Twit according to Oxford Student’s Dictionary: ‘a foolish person’
            No more time for stupid posts. Bye

          47. O'Matrix Avatar

            I asked you for translation, so Im still waiting for the translation in this cartoon.
            I don’t speak your Arabic language.

          48. and blablablablablaba Alzheimer

            Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media: worldpolitics

        2. O'Matrix Avatar

          You live in Canada, you care about Canadian news and Lebanese news..

          I live in the EU and I care about European news and ME news that influence EU.

          For some reasons you always forwarding news about some ‘citizens of Israel’ (Arabs or Jews) as if the internal Israeli news was a subject that I care of.
          More fear-mongering goes on in other places … as well, of course I must be informed about it…

          No one (including you) have the right to tell me what news sources I have to choose or trust.

          You are “getting too old”, but unfortunately not wiser!

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh, I see blatant stupidity happening everywhere – even where I live.
            Actually, if there were not people making wars, I would talk more about what I think is the real curse of creating more humans than the planet can hold – especially when they are not educated by ‘the sciences’ we utilize now, compared to what existed in science-knowledge 3000 years ago. And there ARE so many subjects to cover in that – many related to the Global Warming ‘we’ as humans contribute 50% of now.
            I may not recommend this as a great ‘media source’ … but there ARE some moments of truths in most of them, necessarily brought out in tiny bits for people to digest.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And here’s some more EU news … a bit positive …

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And one or two about the modern ‘Fear’ and the ‘Witch hunts’ … everywhere

          4. O'Matrix Avatar

            I don’t need RT ‘news service’ about EU.

            Now when the American president election are over, we see how easy they label EU parliament to be ‘At war with Russia’. LOL.

            ‘Fear’ and the ‘Witch hunts’ a la Putin….

            Didn’t you consider to immigrate to the perfect “Russian Federation”….

          5. O'Matrix Avatar

            I presume that you love the RT perspective, and distrust the german press – DW, WELT, SPIEGEL and so on.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You guys ALWAYS ‘presume’, don’t you.
            I try to avoid presumptions, unless I think there’s a reason to be desperate to know.
            And ‘love’ is hardly a word I’d use about news-sources.

          7. O'Matrix Avatar

            Hold your horses, Im not “You guys” for you, I have no evidence that “you PREFER the RT perspective, and distrust the german press – DW, WELT, SPIEGEL and so on.”, so I just ‘presume’.

    1. Chlorine gas that hit Aleppo was made by Jordan company named Albaha here is their website they produce chlorine.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Viable Industrial Products only need some ‘tweeking’. You can gas yourself mixing the wrong 2 ‘cleaners’ in your toilet.

        1. Not the case..;-(

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            No … but knowing that only requires the ‘rocket scientist’ to throw two balloons of the wrong pair of chemicals high and far enough, to break together upon landing.

          2. ‘Syria and the Statistics of War’
            Trust none of what you hear, some of what you read, half of what you see.

  2. Can’t stop laughing…YaLibnan

    ‘We Saved 60,000’ – Bogus Claim by Syria’s White Helmets Raises Even More Questions
    The western media and politicians have been going all-out in the last two weeks to promote and pump-up the profile of what they are calling a “first responder NGO” known as the White Helmets who claim among other things, to have “saved 60,000 lives” in only 3 years of the Syria conflict. Is it true, or is this claim bogus?’ Meet White Helmets star actress. A piece of light weight Styrofoam stuck on the ‘victim’ pants haha.. Kenneth Roth uses same WH in to different places

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Many ‘links’ are supplied – IF people really want to see …. And Red Cross reports are NOT read in Mainstream Media. Those reports by people attempting to do an honest job get buried in the propaganda.

      “When I was in Syria, I met with a young man who had managed to escape from Kafarya and Foua under cover of darkness and was now working with various Syrian state organisations, based in Damascus, to get aid and vital supplies of food and medicine into the two villages. He explained how the US backed Ahrar Al Sham gangs would intercept the aid convoys and steal all the contents, promising to pass them on to the residents of Kafarya and Foua. Of course they never did.
      This is a familiar story when the various NATO gangs and counter gangs are imposing an external siege or internal occupation upon the towns and villages of Syria. Any aid that does enter or is sent through, is requisitioned by these terrorists and either sold at inflated and extortionate prices to the Syrian people or simply stolen and given to the terrorists themselves and their families.”

      1. They surely made a big mess in Syria, remember when YaLibnan published the Caesar affair i said it’s faked?
        They transported corpses naked on sand floor with no real environment.

        The Caesar Fraud

        HR5732 is titled the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act”. Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Ed Royce (R-Ca) explained that the resolution is named after “the brave Syrian defector known to the world as Caesar, who testified to us the shocking scale of torture being carried out within the prisons of Syria.”

        In reality, the Caesar story was a grand deception involving the CIA with funding from Qatar to sabotage the 2014 Geneva negotiations. The 55,000 photos which were said to show 11,000 torture victims have never been publicly revealed. Only a tiny number of photos have been publicized. However, in 2015 Human Rights Watch was granted access to view the entire set. They revealed that almost one half the photos show the opposite of what was claimed: instead of victims tortured by the Syrian government, they actually show dead Syrian soldiers and civilian victims of car bombs and other terror attacks! The “Caesar” story, replete with masked ‘defector’, was one of the early propaganda hoaxes regarding Syria.’

        ‘Congressional Hawks Rush to Intensify War in Syria’

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Amazing that the ‘tech’ reaches out so fast these days to relay the events of a congress of ‘evil-doers’ that would have taken months to filter through normal ‘Media’ papers, let alone the compromised ones that exist as paper & TV ‘majors’ today.’
          I still like to think ‘the people’ are finally catching on, even with their banal 149-character ‘tweets’, because they see they have not understood anything that’s happening, or have been led around the ring too often – while nothing actually improved but got worse.
          There may, unfortunately, be a lot of ‘civility’ going the way of the Dodo sooner than we think, only because of that.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Didn’t want to feel his ‘boner’ ?? Assume they are not all gay .. ;-)))))))

          2. Putting this up and then deleting it from Youtube as everybody was laughing at them.. it’s Assad’s fault

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            … amazing, isn;t it? :-)))

          4. Oh yeah 😉

  3. ISIS has used chemical weapons at least 52 times in Syria and Iraq, a new report says.

    1. Funny how Syria and Iraq should have been free of chemical weapons.

      1. Funny..the DOD documents contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria.
        An October 2012 report confirms:

        1. Doesn’t address the chemical weapons Daesh is using in Iraq and Syria.

          1. …”chemical weapons Daesh is using in Iraq and Syria” came from Libya, you’re not the brightest bulb from the factory.

  4. Hah hah..authors:

    Raed Saleh is head of the organization White Helmets, the Syrian Civil Defense (Twitter: @SyriaCivilDef). Dr. Ahmad Tarakji is president of the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS). Laila Soudi (Saudi) works with SAMS and the psychiatry department at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
    White Helmets transport a corps, the actor corps moves his hand.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      ‘corpse’ … must have felt unsafe for a moment. 😉

      1. He was shacked.. hhhhh…..

        1. O'Matrix Avatar


          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok .. shaked she means … meaning shaken, or shook … and might be still shaking after seeing the poor acting. 😉

          2. 😉 Rock and roll..

      2. O'Matrix Avatar

        Yes the ‘corpse’ … must have felt numb for a moment. ;-)))

    2. O'Matrix Avatar

      “the ‘dead’ moves his hand.”

  5. Забота о резиденции – это забота о приятности. Термомодернизация фасадов – это не только модный облик, но и гарантия сохранения тепла в вашем уголке спокойствия. Наш коллектив, группа специалистов, предлагаем вам преобразить ваше жилище в идеальный уголок для проживания.
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    Чем подкупают шторы плиссе для вас? Во-первых, их самобытный дизайн, который прибавляет прелесть и стильность вашему декору. Вы можете выбирать из разнообразных текстур, оттенков и подходов, чтобы подчеркнуть отличительность вашего дома.
    Кроме того, шторы плиссе предлагают многочисленный базар практических вариантов. Они могут регулировать уровень света в пространстве, оберегать от солнечного света, предоставлять закрытость и создавать комфортную атмосферу в вашем доме.
    Наш интернет-ресурс: [url=][/url]
    Наша компания поможем вам выбрать шторы плиссе, какие прекрасно подойдут для вашего дизайна!

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