Putin’s WW3? Russia holds massive nuclear war exercise as military tensions rise with US


putin mad

The Russians conducted a massive nuclear war simulation in 2014 , shortly after Ukraine announced its intention to become nuclear power during the 2014 nuclear summit at the Hague in which Putin did not participate.
The Russians conducted a massive nuclear war simulation in 2014 , shortly after Ukraine announced its intention to become nuclear power during the 2014 nuclear summit at the Hague in which Putin did not participate.

RUSSIA is holding a massive evacuation drill for more than 40million people to prepare for nuclear war.

More than 200,000 emergency services personnel and soldiers will use 50,000 pieces of equipment during the massive civil defence exercise.

The former Soviet nation is ramping up fears over nuclear war and blaming the West for the unsettling possibility of a conflict.

As international tension builds following attacks in Syria, Russian state officials are preparing terrified citizens for a nuclear war – which they say would be started by America.

Today’s exercise is being run by EMERCOM, Russia’s Emergencies Ministry.

Civil Defence Department director Oleg Manuilov told Interfax: “Training will be held from October 4 to 7 and will be attended by more than 40 million people, more than 200 thousand professionals rescue units and 50 thousand pieces of equipment.”

The fear that the West is set for war with Russia is being spread throughout media reports and official statements.

One headline on the website Zvezda last week read “Schizophrenics from America are sharpening nuclear weapons for Moscow” – claiming the US wanted to punish Russia over challenges in the Middle East.

EMERCOM announced on Friday that underground shelters which could fit the entire population of Moscow – 12 million – if war broke out.

At a level of constant fear of devastating attacks from America, Moscow has carried out at least two nuclear attack drills since Vladimir Putin became the president again in 2012.

Russia currently has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons with 8,400, and a section of its nuclear doctrine which allows for use of the weapons if there is a vague suggestion of a threat.

America has 7,500 warheads, considerably less.

The Sun



148 responses to “Putin’s WW3? Russia holds massive nuclear war exercise as military tensions rise with US”

  1. Rudy1947 Avatar

    It’s Russia’s time to waste if they really believe the US will fire nuclear weapons. This is Putie’s political massaging of his people for upcoming elections.

    1. Russia’s elite want their people to believe it. You said it yourself: “political massaging of his people for upcoming elections.”

      1. Rudy1947 Avatar

        Has a no-fly zone been agreed to?

        1. Was a no-fly zone agreed to in Libya?

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            We’re in Syria now.

          2. Had Russia not intervened, there would be no difference.

    2. The last thing that matters in Putin’s Russia is “elections”.

  2. chelsea5465 Avatar

    Can we just start the war? I kind of want to see what will happen no one will be blaming everyone once the world is screwed . Whist our countries could just get along

    1. The chaos of the past two centuries is entirely attributable to a small group of banking oligarchies from Anglo-America. It is them who want perpetual wars and who benefit from them.

      1. Carthago delenda est, my retarded Arab Nazi friend, Carthago delenda est. 🙂

        1. That’s precisely what that small group want: destruction; to profit from it. I don’t know how a sane person can support such endeavor – there again, the criterion is to be sane.

          About the “Arab Nazi”, Bolsheviks were used as proxy, then Nazis and now Wahhabis. Every time, the modus operandi was the same: destroy the targeted country/region, loot its resources and make it needy of that group’s commercial, industrial, military, economical/financial imports. I am guessing your masters are running out of made-up boogey men and are resorting to creating imaginary hybrid proxies: Arab-Nazi.

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            “destroy the targeted country/region, loot its resources and make it needy of that group’s commercial, industrial, military, economical/financial imports.”

            That’s a bit funny since the ME has few resources other than oil.

          2. Funny how? Last time I checked, ‘everything’ on Earth runs on oil; and I am not talking about the myriad of products derived from it.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Funny how the last time I checked the world runs on water and food/agriculture.

          4. How is water, food and agriculture related here?

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            They are the top two resources in the world. Can you drink or eat oil and exist?

          6. Are you diverting because I exposed your imbecility about the importance of oil and the reason for the wars in the ME?

            You’re the one who said “That’s a bit funny since the ME has few resources other than oil.” after all, didn’t you?

            What ressources do you think the West is going after in the ME? Lemons and olives?

          7. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Oh pluuuuuuuueeese. If your silly scenario were true then Iraq wouldn’t be selling oil, the US would still be there sending it home. Iraq can’t exist without oil and many countries in the ME would whither away. The ME has one major resource….oil.

          8. Really? And who in Iraq is selling the oil? Western companies are: Shell, BP, Exxon, etc.

            I am, again, going to say this rhetorically as it will not happen but you need to educate yourself on the role of Britain and then its colony, the USA, about the Middle Eastern oil.

            Yes, the ME’s main resource is oil. Who said otherwise?

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He knows everything.. he’s here to deny & make jokes.

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (not Israeli lemons and olives .. hehehe)

          11. Sadly, there’s nothing imaginary about the Baath and the SSNP. Not to mention the Muslim Brotherhood. They are all too real.

  3. Ya(houdi)Libnan is once again reporting one side of the story.

    Oligarchs on all sides have used and still use this tactic: fear. Scared people then blindly follow those who promise them safety.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yup … a lot of ‘Schizophrenics’ out there these days … and no wonder.
      (oh yah .. imagine you are one of 40 million running to a shelter, or even 12 in Moscow. Ever seen a Haj?)

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        United States wants war with Russia
        “I wouldn’t treat a diseased rat the way the United States treats Russia. The Russian government has exercised such incredible restraint that the United States has apparently decided it can get away with being even nastier, a move that is now openly described by Washington insiders as being driven by weapons profiteering:”..as if we didn’t know who runs US government, humm.. except YaLibnan


        1. Don K Johnson Avatar
          Don K Johnson

          What the hell are you talking about? Are you nuts? The USA does not want a war with Russia! Has the US invaded a new country lately? Has Russia? Has the US shot down a passenger jet over a foreign soil? I agree the the US is not without sin, but Putin is out of control.

          1. What the hell are you talking about? Are you nuts? The USA does not want a war with Russia!

            Yet, the Russian Embassy was shelled in Syria.

            Has the US invaded a new country lately?

            Only 3 in the past 10 years and I am not counting Somalia and South Sudan.

            Has Russia?


            Has the US shot down a passenger jet over a foreign soil?

            Wonderful parroting of the Western propaganda.

            I agree the the US is not without sin, but Putin is out of control.

            You’re an idiot. Look at the US’ foreign policy (read: invasions, was and conflicts it waged) since WW2.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            US illegally bombed Syrian Army in their sovereign country, can you imagine if Russia would shoot US Army in America? Israel owned US Congres is out of control.

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The Russians shot down a passenger plane, does that count?

          4. To her, all that matters is that Hezollah continues to run Lebanon (and what’s left of Syria) in order to “protect the Christians from the Jooz.” 🙂

          5. Humanity needs to get rid of the cancer once and for all.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Le monde se réveille.. What has the US done since it went to Syria?
            ISIS is stronger that it has ever been, US bombarded Syrian soldiers
            while al Nusra monkeys were screaming Allahuakbar.

            EU responsible for chaos in Syria’ – France’s Marine Le Pen

          7. It is more then clear why RT takes Marine Le Pen as reference.
            However you talk about terrorists, while Le Pen talks about “Syria engaged in a terrible civil war.”

            ISIS are experts in geting strong when there is a power vacuum like in Syria.

          8. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            It’s so amazing some of the Gulf, US, Euro owned controlled news websites and social media sites.

          9. Are you claiming that Euronews, ARD and ZDF are controlled news websites?

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I said from the Gulf..Insuferable

          11. Euronews, ARD and ZDF are NOT some of the Gulf, US, Euro owned controlled news websites.

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Hey Alzheimer, try to read I said from the Gulf. Be a man

          13. “I said from the Gulf…”
            Read again your own text “some of the Gulf, US, Euro owned controlled news”

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            .. shut up already!

          15. your own text “some of the Gulf, US, Euro owned controlled news

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            .. shut up already!

          17. If you don’t like the russian propaganda TV RT (Russia Today), why do you refer to the RT link https://www.rt.com/news/361716-eu-responsible-chaos-syria/ ?

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “The United States virtually blocked the United Nations Security Council’s statement that condemned the mortaring of Russia’s embassy in Damascus, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the global organization said.
            “It was actually blocked by the U.S. delegation, which tried to bring outside elements into a standard text. Brits and Ukrainians clumsily helped Americans,” the mission said.”

            Show me any other Western Media where it’s published? They’re all blocked
            Descartes Insufferable.

          19. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Considering the lack of integrity of the many sources you have quoted, there is reason to believe it never happened.

          20. I can read your sensasional news “The United States virtually blocked the United Nations Security Council’s statement that condemned the mortaring of Russia’s embassy in Damascus, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the global organization said.
            “It was actually blocked by the U.S. delegation, which tried to bring outside elements into a standard text. Brits and Ukrainians clumsily helped Americans,” the mission said.”

            “Show me any other Western Media where it’s published?
            They’re all blocked”…….

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Quick … gimme another word for ‘mission’ …. errr … NGO ??
            If it was an attack on the embassy, it wasn’t aimed well … :-)))))

          22. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            i don’t understand your sarcasm.

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’d suggest moving their embassy staff before the aiming of the weapons improves, if they actually think they were being targetted …. although aiming seems to be the basic problem in those cities of civilians.

          24. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Because the news are blocked elsewhere genius, we are at War.

          25. “we are at War.”, and who are the We?

          26. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            The World.

          27. The world is not at war, however there are ongoing conflicts around the world. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5ee896de722cc4e2f116618141a1d08a428a4e1ae38312d05fffa93ff1c8e78.jpg
            Locations of the ongoing conflicts worldwide.

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I assume red means using the bigger weapons … the others only ‘police actions’. 😉

          29. Your assumption is idiotic.
            [Braun] Major wars, 10,000+ deaths in current or past year.
            [Red] Wars, 1,000–9,999 deaths in current or past year.
            [Orange] Minor conflicts, 100–999 deaths in current or past year.
            [Yellow] Skirmishes and clashes, fewer than 100 deaths.

            It’s about time that you stop turning everything to a joke.
            The ongoing conflicts around the world are not a subject to joke about.
            How would you and your friends feel if I start turning the slaughter in Syria to a joke?

          30. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You should admit that having the map ‘Legend’ helps understand it.
            There are so MANY of them plonked into here to prove something, after all.
            And jokes?? This place seems full of jokers lately … I thought the subject of Lebanon had been shifted to USA and Russia with all the extra fluff – not counting what some Euro-types pack in for the jokes.

          31. Arab Nazis love Marine Le Pen, that great friend of the Arabs, hehe. 🙂

          32. For the world to wake up, it would need to know who’s behind the chaos of the past two centuries: private bankers owning/running central banks. The thick layer of confusion, disinformation and propaganda they spread in the media they own give them immunity. In the end, it’s a war between oligarchs where the people on both sides pay the price.

          33. MekensehParty Avatar

            dont forget the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the reptilians, the raelians and that shadow that follows you everywhere

          34. Other than high hierarchies of Freemasonry, I don’t know how the rest of what you mentioned is related but I take it that you have swallowed the Communists/Nazis/Islamists vs the Free/Democratic/Savior West fairytales. A very typical and automated response by the ignorant mass.

          35. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Start with radical Islam.

          36. Most definitely but Radical Islam is supported by those waving wars from the West.

          37. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I’ll laugh this off then worry about the future of the Lebanese people.

          38. The West supporting Radical Islam is old news. You don’t like facts.

            Quit acting like you give a flying duck about the Lebanese people.

          39. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Actually I do about Lebanon. I’m always a sucker for the underdog. Since Lebanon has been the doormat in the ME I would like to see them work towards a better position economically and be identified as Lebanon, not the latest Iranian pawn.

          40. What you’re saying is: you want Lebanon to be a Anglo-American-Israeli puppet, not an Iranian one.

          41. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Since when has Lebanon had a choice?

          42. Where did you read me write it ever had a choice? Lebanon’s never-ending clusterfvck is due to the French dividing its power between five greedy factions.

          43. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Now it’s the French. You do spread the blame around.

          44. Damn, you really are an ignorant idiot.

            Yes, Lebanon’s power division comes from the French National Pact of 1943.


          45. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The Lebanese have had over 7 decades to figure it out for themselves. I guess the Lebanese were not up to the task.

          46. Ten minutes ago, you had no clue about the National Pact of 1943.

            Now, you’re trying to cover up your ignorance with a lamentable diversion.

          47. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Really, some how I remember the French and British dividing the ME into a few countries. Blaming the them is not getting you anywhere.

          48. This is about Lebanon, why are you diverting with other ME countries? But since you insist: tell me of another country in the ME where its power was divided (by either the Brits of the French) between more than one faction. Go ahead.

          49. Rudy1947 Avatar

            OMG, you poor baby. Now I can see why Ya Libnan and the TDS are always writing stories about their gov’t spinning in circles.

          50. I asked you a question, why don’t you answer it?

          51. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Okay. Lebanon is not alone in the ME and as I have stated before they are the doormat to anyone who wishes to obtain their country.

          52. Not sure what you’re talking about but it sure does sound like another diversion.

            The question was: tell me of another country in the ME where its power was divided (by either the Brits of the French) between more than one faction.

          53. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Faction? Does that include Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Salafi, Baath, Wahabbi, Christian, Druze, Jewish, Kurdish and I’m sure I missed a few.

          54. While you continue diverting, I am still waiting for you to answer my question.

          55. Rudy1947 Avatar

            If all those factions are in play, then all of them.

          56. At least, something reminiscent of an answer.

            Wrong: no other country in the ME created by either the Brits or the French gave legal power to more than one group to govern.

          57. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Oh that’s right, they were all dictatorships. My bad.

          58. You clearly don’t know much.

            Over and out.

          59. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yawnn..I can read mister dialogue Donald Duck yaK yaK, in the column.

          60. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Is he calling Lebanon a whore?

          61. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Nope, but you seem to think so. What’s the matter Hind, afraid to talk to me now?

          62. I checked and didn’t read that anywhere.

          63. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Okay. Lebanon is not alone in the ME and as I have stated before they are the doormat to anyone who wishes to obtain their country.”

          64. Didn’t I tell he could be unintentionally hilarious sometimes? 🙂

          65. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I seriously doubt the cats will listen to FatheadWhaas.
            There’s one which dumps kittens in my back yard a couple times a year. The strong survive. Cats don’t seem to understand the connection to boinking and babies either. They just carry on the tradition.

          66. MekensehParty Avatar

            lolol as old as the period where they cleaned what’s between your ears in mazzeh

          67. Darling, continuously talking about Syrian prisons will not make your bs story in Lebanon any more real. You are a self-proclaimed, lying martyr.

          68. MekensehParty Avatar

            no, he should start with himself

          69. MekensehParty Avatar

            agree, please go ahead and commit suicide

          70. Day off darling?

          71. No I can’t imagine that Russia would shoot US Army in America, simply because they must first enter the US airspace – an impossible task for the Russians.✈

          72. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            But i know that and Russia never had the intention

          73. Since you know that, YOU know too why the Russians entered the Mediterranean sea with additional battleships!

            Furthermore you know that Germany considering European sanctions against Russia over actions in Syria.
            According to the source, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is looking for ways to push Moscow into changing course in Syria, where Russia is supporting the Syrian army in a siege of areas of Aleppo.

            One measure Berlin is considering involves putting new European Union economic sanctions on Russia – a move that Merkel already persuaded the bloc to do in 2014, over Russia’s alleged involvement in Ukraine.

            Btw, your reply to Don K Johnson must be the ultimate joke – “Yes, they have invaded all countries in the Middle East.”…..

          74. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            What does it matter to you?

          75. Does it matter to you?

          76. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          77. Talk about a liar.
            It doesn’t matter to you – still you are coming with this list;
            “Iran Air Flight 655
            A300 Iran Air EP-IBT THR May 2010.jpg
            Date 3 July 1988 ….
            …. Shot down by USS Vincennes
            The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from Vincennes. All 290 people on board died.”
            that you supposed to turn to americans, not to europeans.

          78. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Liar yourself Matrax, does’t mater to you if it’s an Iranian plane?

          79. Have problems with spelling?

          80. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Look who’s talking

          81. It’s Matrix, not matrax.
            Now you know it Hinda Wassau.

          82. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          83. When talking about any civil airliner, the nationality is a matter of detail, not the detail about the surface-to-air missiles….

          84. “you know that Germany considering European sanctions against Russia over actions in Syria.”
            Great news.

          85. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Iran Air Flight 655

            A300 Iran Air EP-IBT THR May 2010.jpg
            Date 3 July 1988
            Shot down by USS Vincennes
            Site Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf
            Passengers 274
            Crew 16
            Fatalities 290 (all)
            Survivors 0
            Aircraft type Airbus A300B2-203
            Operator Iran Air
            Registration EP-IBU
            Flight origin Mehrabad International Airport
            Tehran, Iran
            Last stopover Bandar Abbas Int’l Airport
            Bandar Abbas, Iran
            Destination Dubai International Airport
            Dubai, United Arab Emirates
            It took place in Iranian airspace, over Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and on the flight’s usual flight path. The aircraft, an Airbus A300 B2-203, was destroyed by SM-2MR surface-to-air missiles fired from Vincennes. All 290 people on board died.

          86. MekensehParty Avatar

            bringing together toz and marhaba as usual
            poor mazzeh product

          87. Poor darling. Mazzeh again.

          88. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Yes, they have invaded all countries in the Middle East.
            Do you need a map or waiting for Greater Israel Map?
            Complain in comments at New York Herald Tribune site, not here. Nutsi. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/43acb0d0bf7e0e9fa4b919465b04c2f9b6b5e44cf837354bacc047fe0d4d9ec9.jpg

          89. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Monsanto introduced a new garbanzo bean that increases the flatulence and a more toxic methane.

          90. Not sure she needs them to improve her performance in that regard, if you catch the drift (pun edefinitely intended). 🙂

          91. “Do you need a map or waiting for Greater Israel Map?”
            Wow, you’ve waited for a week before you brought this one up again. Do post it once more, pleeeeeeeeeeeze. 🙂

          92. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Sue MailOnline.

          93. Did you lift your famous “Greater Israel” map off them? 🙂

          94. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No, from Theodore Herzl

          95. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Cool down no need to be exited https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a91b9a46b5c62422a83eadb003d5a05de737cfb44c0e898f94c375cfd7c89d6.jpg

            “According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
            ” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      YaLibnan has contracts with MSM Zionists big Corporations not one from Middle Eastern.. oh yes..
      Saudi Arabia Al Arabia ‘;-)

      1. YahoudiLibnan and Yahoudi Arabia make a perfect pair.

      2. Allah be praised for Al Akhbar. Why did they stop their English edition, by the way? All their translators got whacked by the Zionists?

    3. Thank goodness you are no oligarch. Only a zombie would follow you anywhere. I say good riddance. 🙂

      1. Mumble, rumble, ramble … to say nothing, once again.

  4. Rudy1947 Avatar

    It would appear the “The Sun”, author of the article, is trying to stir the pot with comments like “Russia currently has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons with 8,400” and “America has 7,500 warheads, considerably less.” Then again Russia has a population of 45% of the US.

  5. Russian weapons tech in the battlefield is several years ahead of American, while we are floundering with F-35 debacle, they are fielding dependable workhorses. In electronic warfare Russia is even farther along.The Pentagon is rife with corrupt procurement system, squabbles regarding who will build what tech, and funding ridiculous platforms like the F-35. There would never be a debate in Russia pitting the proven A-10 against the F-35. In America the Pentagon is arranging a ill conceived contest between them, with lives of the American Soldier in the balance…just nonsense.American Weapons technology is rapidly falling behind, the Pentagon fell for glamour and pretty toys while China and Russia focused on what actually works in battlefield conditions. America buys Russian tech because it works. America Buys Chinese labor and technology because of trillions wasted on toys like the F-35 system.

    1. “America buys Russian tech because it works. ”
      Are you for real, bro? 🙂

    2. Oh Yeah Avatar

      “America Buys America Buys Chinese labor and technology because of trillions wasted on toys like the F-35 system. and technology because of trillions wasted on toys like the F-35 system.”, where did you find this idiotic nonsense?

      The whole world lives on the cheap Chinese labor!

      Apple says it is committed to improving working conditions across its global supply chain. But in at least one of its major suppliers in China, the U.S. company is failing to keep its word — and breaking Chinese employment laws in the process, according to an investigative report provided to International Business Times by a labor watchdog.

      Pegatron factory in Shanghai, June 29, 2013

      Chinese forced labor camp technology manufacturing…..

    3. MekensehParty Avatar

      Wow where exactly did you get your info from?

  6. Oh Yeah Avatar

    Do we have get used to the new name YahoudiLibnan?
    Is it not an insult against the Lebanese….

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      None of you business Matrix.

      1. “None of you business Matrix.. ” but you address it to Oh Yeah, and that was 3 days ago – without getting any answer – are you out of your mined?

        “you and friends like it here, so shut up.”, who is the YOU?
        I don’t have any particular friends on this forum – YOU have.

        By the way, you don’t need to answer, you already did it right now;
        “Hind Abyad Matrix • 2 minutes ago Matraxxx” – you are out of your mined.

    2. It is, actually. Not that they don’t deserve it. 🙂

    3. No, it is an insult against the Yahudis (Jews), just so we are clear.

      1. Any insult coming from that particular mouth is actually a compliment, so I wouldn’t take it too hard. But then a compliment coming from HIM should necessarily be seen as an insult by a normal person. Looks like we got us quite a logical loop here. 🙂

      2. Whatever you need to make up to regurgitate the Zionist anti-semitism fallacy.

    4. You might as well since YaLibnan is aligned with Anglo-America-IsraHell and Wahhabis.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        nkeye fik

        1. Paradoxical.

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