Many Lebanese Shiites rejected Hezbollah’s support of Iran’s Hajj policy, says MP Wehbi

Lebanese MP Amin Wehbi
Lebanese MP Amin Wehbi

Lebanese MP Amin Wehbi says that a large number of Shi’ites have moved forward with their Hajj pilgrimage for this year, despite  Hezbollah’s ban.

The Iranian backed Hezbollah group has banned members from performing the Muslim Hajjpilgrimage in Saudi Arabia this year, a source close to the movement said earlier this week.

“Hezbollah has recently issued an internal decree to ban its leaders and members from going to the holy sites in Saudi Arabia for Hajj this year,” the source, who preferred to remain unnamed because he was unauthorized to speak to media, told Anadolu Agency on Wednesday.

He said the ban was in line with a decision by Iran to bar its citizens from performing Hajj this year due to differences with Saudi Arabia.

According to the source, Hezbollah has threatened to expel members, who disobey the ban.

Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on Saturday , MP Wehbi said that Hezbollah’s decision is defined as an official politicization of religion, under Iranian request.

The Lebanese politician explained that all Iranian efforts are poured into politicizing the religious event, so it is made available for exploitation and employment into the regime’s totalitarian agenda for the region.

The Shi’ite politician said  Hezbollah’s move   will cost it support  within the Lebanese Shi’ite community




4 responses to “Many Lebanese Shiites rejected Hezbollah’s support of Iran’s Hajj policy, says MP Wehbi”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When it’s that ‘once-in-a-lifetime-chance’ to fulfill the deep desire to follow a common book’s magnificent request, and one already planned and booked the trip, trying to make the tourists lose their sheckles over any little previous event in a Nosh-Pit seems rather un-godly. The Christians have enough trouble just trying to hit Jerusalem once in a lifetime. At least the Saudis keep trying to upgrade the conditions, raising the odds of survival, and trying to accommodate the hordes.
    The Supremes are not supposed to be the headliners, after all. ‘Playing’ Mohammad doesn’t cut the mustard.

  2. It is ok to say you “ban” something you were never accepted to in the first place. Iranians were denied access because of its government policy of burning down embassies and creating trouble everywhere it goes and Hezbullah members were never invited or wanted in the first place because they are pawns of Iran. Go to Qom or Karbala instead were shiites are widely accepted as their holy places.

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