U.S. lawmakers want more Iran sanctions, but can’t agree


Iran-sanctionsA senior U.S. senator said on Tuesday he would like to pass legislation to extend expiring sanctions on Iran and enable Congress to quickly enact new ones if necessary over the country’s ballistic missile tests.

The Iran Sanctions Act, which imposed nuclear, missile and terrorism sanctions on Iran, expires at the end of 2016, and both Democrats and Republicans in Congress support extending it.

But Senator Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, acknowledged that lawmakers have not yet unified behind a proposal that would attract enough votes to pass and become law.

“Members have different views,” he said at a roundtable discussion with reporters.

The Obama administration has warned Congress that it would oppose new sanctions that interfere with the international nuclear pact, laying the groundwork for a potential fight over any legislation.

Senator Bob Corker, the committee’s Republican chairman, has said he is working on legislation with Cardin that he hopes will attract strong bipartisan support. That measure has not yet been unveiled and aides said they had no more information about when it might be introduced.

Cardin was one of several Democrats who joined every Republican in Congress in opposing the nuclear agreement with Iran announced last July. But he has urged lawmakers to accept it since a Republican-led effort to block the pact failed in September.

After the deal went ahead, Cardin filed legislation meant to increase U.S. oversight of it. That bill never came up for a vote in the Republican-controlled Senate.

Cardin said he still felt that bill was valid and wants to amend it to extend the Iran Sanctions Act and create a “legislative framework” so sanctions could be imposed quickly if Iran pursues its ballistic missile program.

Late last month, two Democratic senators who supported the Iran nuclear agreement, Tim Kaine and Chris Murphy, introduced a separate bill to extend the Iran Sanctions Act until Obama can guarantee Iran’s nuclear program is purely peaceful.

And Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, with 18 other senators form her party, introduced a separate bill that would extend the Iran Sanctions Act through 2031 and require new sanctions over Iran’s ballistic missile efforts.

Senator Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has said he wants any Iran bill to come to the floor with at least the 67 votes needed to override a presidential veto.





14 responses to “U.S. lawmakers want more Iran sanctions, but can’t agree”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I don’t think there are any more Flying Carpets to sanction … and has anyone seen a Genie Bottle lately??
    (ref: ‘Jinn’ … Museum Of Dreams … El Supremo updates ..)

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Enough Bafflegab ….
    JUST Explain Nuclear Waste to El Supremo … (maybe take notes for Education purposes ..)

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Gotta wonder which Religious Freaks are spying on lovers ….
    The Rocks that talk ??

  4. Rascal Avatar

    Are you boarded or lonely? That was 5 consecutive messages in a row?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Water-boarded … :-)))
      Was talking to myself while a pack of people were sniping at our friend Hind – ad infinitum.
      I’ve decided that if they punt a story into here, at least one comment could be made on it. 😉
      But adding something of ‘news’ items seems at least one way to get extra information out – expand your horizons. :-))

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Since YaLibnan is giving us the space to punt news items, I think they decided to retire for a bit. SO ….
    “the only candidate who seems to actually care about the American people is Bernie Sanders”
    A quote from an article ….

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