Donald Trump rally in Albuquerque, NM turned violent

A Donald Trump rally in Albuquerque, NM, turned violent as demonstrators threw burning T-shirts, rocks and other items at police, who responded with pepper spray and smoke grenades. Photo: AP.
A Donald Trump rally in Albuquerque, NM, turned violent as demonstrators threw burning T-shirts, rocks and other items at police, who responded with pepper spray and smoke grenades. Photo: AP.

Protesters lit fires, smashed a door and threw rocks outside a Donald Trump rally Tuesday night in New Mexico — the latest scuffle to follow the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign.

The scene outside Albuquerque’s convention center was chaotic as police ushered protesters away from Trump’s event and into the nearby streets.

There, anti-Trump protesters — many critical of his positions on immigration — loudly chanted, “F*** Donald Trump.”

The protesters had broken a glass door to the convention center. Some taunted police and jumped on police vehicles as officers in riot gear and on police horses moved them away from the convention center’s exits.

Trump had already left the event.

The scene was reminiscent of the violence between Trump supporters and protesters in Chicago in March.
This time, though, police kept protesters and Trump supporters apart, and didn’t arrest or clash with the protesters.

Despite initial word of gunshots, Albuquerque’s police department said on Twitter that there was “no confirmation” of gunshots.

“There is no confirmation that any gunshots were fired, contrary to reports. Possible damage to Convention Center Windows by pellet gun,” the department tweeted.

Police reported rocks and bottles being thrown at their police horses, but downplayed their clashes with protesters on Twitter, noting that they hadn’t used tear gas and had not arrested any of the protesters.

“The smoke that has been seen is not tear gas, it’s just smoke. We have not deployed tear gas at this time,” the police tweeted.

Police added: “Only arrests at this point have been from inside the rally.”
Inside Trump’s event, protesters disrupted him sporadically. At least three were forcefully removed by police after they refused to leave.

A group of a dozen protesters in the grandstands around the stage where Trump spoke unfurled banners that read “Undocumented Unafraid” and “We’ve heard enough.” Another banner accused Trump of being a fascist.

At one point, a woman in what appeared to be a bra was throwing fake money in the air in the stands behind Trump. She was eventually escorted out by police and security.

Protesters inside Trump events have faced violence, too. One was punched at an event in North Carolina, with the Trump supporter involved in the incident later facing criminal charges.

Eventually, the Albuquerque police tweeted, “Appears that most of the @realDonaldTrump protestors have left & remaining contingent is only looking to cause trouble & be destructive.”




6 responses to “Donald Trump rally in Albuquerque, NM turned violent”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    New Mexico becomes Little Israel. :-))) Way to go, Trump. Found a way to make folks happy. ;-)))
    (Usual Anarchistic types disturb the messages, of course. On to the next ‘protest event’ next week.)

    1. More like Little Paris. But then you know so much more about how things in Israel look than any one of us…… 🙂

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Thank you. Must be all the U-Tube videos … got too hard for anyone to see past the walls. But Trump wants them too, so visitors can enjoy. His will be longer than Israel is and set records… :-))

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