Aoun: “I am the most popular Christian politician” !!


aoun angryFree Patriotic Movement founder MP Michel Aoun  claimed Tuesday that “invisible players” confronted the FPM-backed list in Jounieh’s municipal polls, but boasted that he did not  need the municipal polls to prove he is the most popular  Christian politician

“I don’t need the municipal elections to prove that I’m the most popular Christian politician,” Aoun went on to say.

He  stressed  that the elections will not affect his movement’s rapprochement agreement with the Lebanese Forces.

He accused the so called “invisible players” of buying votes

“All the information we received about vote buying operations in Jounieh were verified through steps that were taken on the ground” by the rival alliance, Aoun said in an interview on OTV.

“Before the elections, we knew that something was being prepared with the aim of being used after the polls,” he noted.

“Money had started flowing into Jounieh since Wednesday and vote buying operations started on Friday by individuals who do not hail from Jounieh,” Aoun claimed.

Following a heated electoral battle and close results, the list backed by the FPM, the Phalange  Party, the National Liberal Party, the Tashnag Party and the Waad Party managed to clinch 14 seats on Jounieh’s municipal council against  four seats for the rival alliance .

On Saturday, a day before Jounieh’s municipal vote,

Aoun had already on Saturday  charged that “an Africa-based Lebanese billionaire” was paying money in support of the rival list, which was formed by prominent Jounieh businessman Neamat Frem, former MPs Mansour Ghanem al-Bon and Farid Haykal al-Khazen, and the Lebanese Forces.

Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire  Gilbert Chagoury  , left has been a supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton since the 1990s.
Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury , left has been a supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton since the 1990s.

Aoun was apparently referring to Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire businessman who reportedly played a role in ex-PM Saad Hariri’s nomination of Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency after meetings in Paris.

“I don’t think that (Lebanese Forces leader Samir) Geagea was part of this game and he had commitments with candidates who were on the other list,” he explained, reassuring that “the electoral battle in Jounieh will not affect the so called  Maarab agreement.”

Franjieh emerged as Aoun’s main rival in the electoral race after the Hariri-Franjieh meeting.

The Lebanese parliament failed again earlier this month and for the 39th time in a row to elect a president to replace Michel Suleiman whose term ended on May 25 , 2014.

As in the past sessions the parliament was unable to reach a quorum because the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group and its ally MP Michel Aoun’s Change and Reform bloc MPs boycotted the session, because they could not reportedly guarantee Aoun’s election as a president.

Speaker Nabih Berri a key ally of Hezbollah postponed the election to June 2.

MTV reported that only 41 lawmakers attended the session while 85 MPs are need for quorum to be met.

Franjieh claims he has the votes to beat Aoun



57 responses to “Aoun: “I am the most popular Christian politician” !!”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I hope somebody ‘floats’ some money into Tripoli for impoverished Christian Women, Aoun.
    Otherwise, they are voting ‘YOU STINK’.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Wow.. A Lebanese-Nigerian Jew. Amazing.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      behold! Clinton’s mafia.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        You should be watching Trevor Noah after the CTV sports hour … 😉

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Another can of worms, i separate myself from the real and ‘virtual’ world in the evening..this is sacred.. and listen to music…

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Each of us has AND needs that small ‘my world’ inside the brain to ‘get away’ from everyday realities of survival. Call them dreams or small fantasies, it’s the ‘rest moment’ for the overworked brain trying to run a body through the daily crap. The ‘quiet time’ needed.
            Each to their own in this world of individuality.
            Sometimes ‘the dream’ can occur with a partner willing to supply bits of the fantasy … and it’s good to be able to trust and ‘give yourself’ over to something which hurts no-one.
            Causing permanent damage while ‘Power-Tripping’ is not a desirable human trait.
            I think that occurs in ‘group-think’ with a certain crowd re-enforcing ‘a dream’ to attempt to ‘live it’ all the time – which then obscures the realities of life on the planet.
            Practised often enough, it leaves the power-tripper friendless and alone in a rather horrible fantasy created by themselves. Finding a correct balance with real life seems to be impossible for too many – as they don’t understand the need of the ‘quiet moment’.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            A very good analyses i totally agree 😉

    2. PatienceTew Avatar

      What?! There’s a muskrat-groomer out there somewhere?

    3. I especially liked the addition of “Jew” in your comment (not even the degenerate Aoun called him that). Did you do it specially to please your demented “lady” friend?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        No .. I just go by appearance like everyone else. Seems the only way to go these days.

        1. An expert on Jooish nozes? How original :-). Well, your expertise sucks. He’s an Arab, or a Phoenician, whichever you prefer. And evidently an extremely industrious one.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It wasn’t the nose, so much as the beady dead eyes and cupid lips. With a hair-transplant.
            I’ve said it here, long ago, I have both a Japanese and an Armenian friend. Decent folks.
            Astoundingly they came up with very similar lines when doing business years ago …
            “Nothing worse than a Japanese Jew”, said the one, and then a few years later from the other, “Nothing worse than an Armenian Jew” … and with all the wry chuckles over that statement, and anger at their ‘deals’, notes of sincerity ring.
            I thought at the time it was certainly a poor way to describe a characteristic of a human ‘cheap money-grubbing bastard who’s trying to screw me’ – since those characteristcs occur in any particular ‘race’ anyway.
            But all things considered, it’s at least a shorter way to describe a ‘character’. ;-))
            And billionaires don’t get there by becoming ‘nice’ after making the first million.

          2. Your friends sound like first-grade morons, decent or not (I wouldn’t use the lofty word “bigots” as that would be giving the relevant parties too much credit). But lately so do you, so I’m not surprised. No such thing as Japanese (or Armenian) Jews, by the way.
            In any case, glad your expertise extends to the eyes, the lips and the hair. 🙂

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            One needs the ‘overall image’, of course … I could have just said ‘Fat rich slob’ too.
            Are you telling me there’s no Jews in Japan or Armenia?
            I hear some of ‘those people’ look at me and simply say ‘Goy’, while making it sound as bad as ‘Gay’ – which is certainly not the appearance nor the fact, as I am certainly not a ‘nation’.

          4. “I could have just said ‘Fat rich slob’ too”. Well, for some unfathomable reason you didn’t. 🙂

            “I hear some of ‘those people’ look at me and simply say ‘Goy’, while making it sound as bad as ‘Gay’”
            Looks like you’re living a real nightmare, buddy. I wonder where on Earth that might be. Anyway, you should probably consider moving to a friendlier neigbourhood. 🙂

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I live in a place where stone-throwing is not allowed, or practised regularly, so I don’t worry about who’s friendly or not.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I AM allowed to worry about who is stealing from Canada … and there ARE memories.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He moved his Wailing Wall to YaLibnan..

          8. More like the Pissing Wall. And don’t flatter yourself: you don’t own this site. I doubt you own anything of value at all.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Talk to yourself

          10. I’m telling you precisely what I’m telling you. No need to play stupid with me, mate. For an extra dose of that, you always got the demented Resister. Usually on the same tread.

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Said the zombie thread lurker

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        You call Palestinians Arabs. Stop Spamming
        Your discus is all the same hatred on dozen of sites, no other job but paid troll, Scradje is your muse.

        “Y K – Rudy1947 2 days ago
        “Did the villa actually belong to a PaliArab?”.
        Yes, it did. Just as the houses in the Jewish Quarters of Damascus and Aleppo belonged to Jews.”

        Provoke and scream Fire..prefer Khazar blond blue eyed Jews.

        1. Dumbissima, I never called you an Arab (is this an insult?). I call you a Moron. With a capital “M”.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


          2. “Talk to the hand” (Arnold Schwarzenegger, modern philosopher).

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            “Y K – Hind Abyad 2 days ago
            The retarded welfare recepient from Trou-du-cul, Quebec, is an expert on Jooz of all flavors, shapes and sizes.”

            PS. Correct recepient

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad


    4. Matrix Avatar

      How come that you portraying Aoun as “A Lebanese-Nigerian Jew.”?
      Isn’t he just a Lebanese politician and former Lebanese Army Commander?

      It’s like the claim that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have jewish roots – revealing his identity, family members worshiped at the synagogue in Aradan, a small country town where they were known as “Sabourjian” – a Jewish surname meaning cloth weaver.
      A self hating jew…….

      1. He was referring to Chagoury, not Aoun (the former is no more a Jew than the latter, but who cares). I guess he was trying to sound idiotically charming in his special manner, but turned out to be just plain idiotic.

  3. PatienceTew Avatar

    If only he’d learn to keep his mouth closed, he’d be somewhat more tolerable. (Remember, ‘Ol’ Potty-Mouth??)

    1. “If only he’d learn to keep his mouth closed, he’d be somewhat more tolerable.”
      Sadly, I doubt that’s possible – with or without the open mouth.

      1. PatienceTew Avatar

        And I do agree.

  4. “Aoun: “I am the most popular Christian politician” !!”
    Well, isn’t he? Looks like he is. Not that it’s a compliment to Lebanon’s (Maronite) Christians in any way.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      A chuzpanik may be defined as the man who shouts “Help! Help!” while beating you up.”

      1. Your idiocy shines through in each and every one of your posts, but to decypher this one… Well, I give up… 🙂

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Don’t give it up Y Krout

          Israeli ‘chutzpah’ versus Palestinian ‘sumud’

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True Understanding of a Definition is important. 😉

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Y K is typing humm..mad as hell

          1. You could try writing for Mondocrap, by the way. They have a weakness for moronic loser “artists” like yourself (in fact, they got a self-described “pottery artist” as “editor at large”). But then, even these degenerates require at least basic literacy…

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Y K – Hind Abyad 2 days ago

            The retarded welfare recepient from Trou-du-cul, Quebec, is an expert on Jooz of all flavors, shapes and sizes.”

            PS. Correct recepient

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    The psychopathic, real mission of Jewry by Hervé Ryssen. (mental disease)?

    Major Russian/Israeli rabbi, Michael Laitman, says mind-blowingly Jews are aliens sent to conquer earthlings

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      John Denugent as described in the list of American Loons:

      “John de Nugent is a white supremacist and hardcore anti-semite engaged in a whole range of whacko theories about history, science and pretty much any field of research imaginable – often to prop up his bigotry, but mostly because he is absolutely lunatic.”

      1. “absolutely lunatic”
        That’s just what the demented creature writing (more like copypasting) above needs.

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Not that I could find … unless you want to pick a series …

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Hinds link exist in Denugents blog and is a voice over of Maitland that speaks of aliens while the real video and others speak of spirituality, DeNugents video is a fabrication.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Man, the propaganda on all sides becomes heavy to track for sure … age-of-computer-edits sure don’t help anyone.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Try to skip the boys dancing together in this continuation of the same ‘meeting’ – too long.

          3. You actually watched this. OMG, you can are made of some really sturdy material.

    2. Hervé Ryssen? Why not go straight to Adolf Hitler? He knew a thing or two about the Jooz, you know. 🙂

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        It’s not Hervé Ryssen’s Russian/Israeli rabbi, Michael Laitman.
        (No Semitic genes or any relation to the Middle East, but Slavic genes as the Khazar who founded Zionism.) that is giving a public lecture, there are Jews questioning him, so shut up.

  6. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Gilbert Chagoury: The Lebanese Who Has done more evil to Nigeria than good

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Lots of Bribes going on there, for sure,

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