“Christmas has no place in the Holy Land”, says Jewish extremist leader, wants it banned


Benzi Gopstein Israeli anti-racism activists have called for an investigation after a Jewish extremist leader urged a ban on Christmas celebrations in the country and called Christians “vampires”.

Benzi Gopstein, who heads the far-right Lehava organisation and has been arrested a number of times, made the comments in an article on the ultra-Orthodox Jewish website Kooker.

“Christmas has no place in the Holy Land,” wrote Gopstein, who lives in a Jewish settlement in Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

He spoke of the “fall of the line of defence of the Jewish people for hundreds of years against our enemies, the Catholic Church.”

“The mission of those vampires and bloodsuckers remains. If Jews cannot be killed, they can be converted,” he wrote.

“We must remove the vampires before they drink our blood once again.”

The Coalition Against Racism in Israel and others have called on authorities to investigate Gopstein.

In August, Israeli police questioned Gopstein after he condoned torching churches amid an uproar over recent hate crimes, including the firebombing of a Palestinian home that killed a toddler and both his parents.

On June 18, an arson attack occurred at a shrine on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel where Jesus is believed to have performed the miracle of loaves and fishes.

Israeli prosecutors have charged three Jewish extremists in that case.



15 responses to ““Christmas has no place in the Holy Land”, says Jewish extremist leader, wants it banned”

  1. man-o-war Avatar

    The Palestinians have to live next door to this douche nozzle. I can only imagine what he thinks of Palestinians.

    “The mission of those vampires and bloodsuckers remains”, last I checked it was Mohels that sucked blood, lol.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      The ‘man’ wanting POWER does not want you hear words like this ….

    2. This person is a disgarce and should br made to shut up ASAP before he does something with dire concequences. As to the mohels, at least you can be sure they didn’t (and wouldn’t) touch you. Unless, of course, you actually believe your blood is needed for matzo balls.

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        He is a disgrace and there are many more like him living illegally in the occupied territories, they just don’t air their bigoted views to the public. “As to the mohels, at least you can be sure they didn’t (and wouldn’t) touch you” , thank god for that. Blood in matzo balls? Gross! Is that even kosher?

  2. There are idiots everywhere. Ban this, ban that. All I can say is f**k you. Even Iran allows Xmas.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Well, I guess THAT is fairly direct … Words from the most heavily brainwashed are always so great to publish … have him debate Trump sometime, for a ‘Sit-Com’.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      :)) what a good idea.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Another Quote …

  4. Mutih Skeini Avatar
    Mutih Skeini

    Does pro-Zionist Israel media seize on such news, such as Fox “News”, and other biased media outlets? The answer is obviously No. Shameful and timid; no journalistic integrity. The ultimate of double standard.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      The difference between what you call pro-Zionist media and pro-resistance media, is that the alleged pro-zionist ignore such news or publish it for its readers/viewers to point at the monster, while every day on the pro-“resistance” media you find dozens of the same level monsters like Gopstein inviting the public to annihilate Israel while the readers/viewers cheer and applause.
      Haven’t seen any anti-racism activists in Iran, Syria, Lebanon or Gaza calling for an investigation into the racist and inhumane things your masters say on tv every day.

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        So ethnic cleansed Syrian Christians and Gaza-West Bank-Palestinians-Christians & Moslems should be calling for an investigation into the racist and inhumane things the Western media masters would print and say on tv every day…

  5. MekensehParty Avatar

    Like all his followers and all who believe in the promised land as the exclusive territory of the Jewish people, this guy is a holocaust sympathizer
    When you say these people or that group or that community have no place in a certain area you are reviving Hitlerian ideas and principles and among them the persecution and genocide of all non-pure-blooded.
    A question I repeat to all Israelis, what today distinguishes you from the Palestinians? Same decadent society that produces monstrous characters like this guy based on centuries old scriptures written by half-sedentarized apes.

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