Russian strikes killed more Syrian civilians than Islamic State fighters, report

In this handout picture released by the Khanfoura family which was taken on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, a Syrian girl Raghad Khanfoura, 4, poses for a picture a few hours before she was killed in a Russian airstrike on her grandparents house in the central Syrian village of Habeet, Syria. The girl is among dozens of civilians who activists say have been killed in the Russian air campaign in Syria, which Moscow says is aimed at crushing the Islamic State group and other Islamic militants. (AP Photo)
In this handout picture released by the Khanfoura family which was taken on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, a Syrian girl Raghad Khanfoura, 4, poses for a picture a few hours before she was killed in a Russian airstrike on her grandparents house in the central Syrian village of Habeet, Syria. The girl is among dozens of civilians who activists say have been killed in the Russian air campaign in Syria, which Moscow says is aimed at crushing the Islamic State group and other Islamic militants. (AP Photo)

The 4-year-old Syrian girl was ending her first trip to her grandparents’ house. Posing for the last family photos before returning to Turkey with her mother, Raghad dressed up in a pretty blue-and-white polka dot dress and put her hair up in ponytails with red barrettes.

About an hour later, the family heard Russian warplanes overhead and the missiles struck. Raghad, her grandfather and another relative were killed.

The girl is among dozens of civilians who activists say have been killed in the Russian air campaign in Syria, which Moscow says is aimed at crushing the Islamic State group and other Islamic militants.

But the month-old Russian bombardment has killed more civilians than it has IS militants, according to the main activist group tracking the conflict, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Despite Russian boasts to be going after the extremists more ferociously than Americans have, the Observatory’s figures also suggest the air campaign waged by a U.S.-led coalition the past 13 months has killed IS members at a higher rate while harming civilians less.

The Observatory said it has so far confirmed 185 civilians killed in Russian strikes the past month — including 46 women and 48 children — while the toll among IS fighters was 131. The heaviest toll came among Syrian rebels not connected to IS, with 279 dead, the group said. In contrast, the U.S.-led air campaign has killed 3,726 IS members — an average of 252 a month, and 225 civilians — according to the Observatory’s statistics.

The Russians have flatly dismissed all claims of civilian casualties or damage, saying they use various intelligence sources to plan each strike to make sure there is no collateral damage.

U.S. Central Command, which is responsible for U.S. forces in the Middle East, confirmed two civilian casualties from a Nov. 5, 2014 U.S. airstrike in the vicinity of the Syrian city of Harim, and has seven open investigations into civilian casualty allegations, said Col. Pat Ryder, spokesman for Tampa, Florida-based CentCom.

Ryan said U.S. forces work hard “to be precise in our airstrikes” and “reduce the potential for civilian casualties and collateral damage.”

“In regards to the statistics others may have reported, we can’t comment on the standards they use to arrive at those numbers other than to say again that we take every allegation seriously and look into each one,” Ryan said.

Activists say most Russian strikes have targeted Syrian rebels not connected to IS, including U.S.-backed factions, with the aim of tipping the civil war in favor of Moscow’s ally, President Bashar Assad. For example, Raghad’s grandfather, Col. Abdul-Razzaq Khanfoura, was a defector from the Syrian military who until recently was a senior commander in the Western-backed Free Syrian Army, though it is not known if he was the target of the Oct. 1 airstrike in the village of Habeet in the rebel-held province of Idlib.

When the Khanfoura family heard the Russian warplanes overhead, Abdul-Razzaq’s wife Zahra scooped up her granddaughter Raghad and rushed to a shelter in the house’s garden. Just as she handed the girl to a cousin in the shelter, the missiles hit the house.

“The explosion was above me,” the 48-year-old Zahra told The Associated Press as she lay in a hospital bed in this southern Turkish city, where she is being treated for the extensive burns from the blast. “After that I have no idea what happened.”

Civilians in the areas that have borne the brunt of the air campaign, like the northwestern and central provinces of Idlib, Hama and Homs, have taken a heavy toll, activists and rebel commanders say. Assad’s forces have launched ground offensives against rebels, trying to benefit from Russian air support. The combination of strikes and the offensives has fueled a surge of 120,000 Syrians who fled their homes in October, according the U.N. figures.

In this picture taken with a mobile phone on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, a Syrian boy Abdulhamid Khanfoura, 16, background, helps his wounded mother Zahra Khanfoura, 48, who was burned by a Russian airstrike that hit her house in the central Syrian village of Habeet, as she lies on her hospital bed in the southern city of Kadirli, Turkey. Zahra's granddaughter Raghad was among dozens of civilians who activists say have been killed in the Russian air campaign in Syria, which Moscow says is aimed at crushing the Islamic State group and other Islamic militants. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
In this picture taken with a mobile phone on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, a Syrian boy Abdulhamid Khanfoura, 16, background, helps his wounded mother Zahra Khanfoura, 48, who was burned by a Russian airstrike that hit her house in the central Syrian village of Habeet, as she lies on her hospital bed in the southern city of Kadirli, Turkey. Zahra’s granddaughter Raghad was among dozens of civilians who activists say have been killed in the Russian air campaign in Syria, which Moscow says is aimed at crushing the Islamic State group and other Islamic militants. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

The Observatory gathers its figures through activists on the ground who confirm identities of the dead with relatives and officials. Witnesses can usually distinguish Russian airstrikes from those by the Syrian air force because the latter’s strikes are relatively crude and have lower technology. Russian warplanes often move in large squadrons that people on the ground can see and strike from higher in the sky with more powerful ordnance. The activist groups also check reports against Russian daily announcements of the areas targeted.

In the case of the strike that hit the Khanfoura family home, the Observatory reported the attack in Habeet at the time, saying three people were killed. The next day, the Russian Defense Ministry put out a statement of targets over the past 24 hours that included Habeet, saying it struck “a facility used by the rebels as a temporary base and ammunition depot.”

Russia has pushed back hard against reports of civilian deaths. Dmitry Peskov, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, denied accusations of civilian deaths, saying Russia “pays special attention to the fact that there will be no harm for the civilian population.” Russia’s Defense Ministry has said that its forces only strike facilities away from populated areas. On Tuesday, it released satellite pictures it said refuted the claims of damage to civilian areas.

Human Rights Watch last week said at least two airstrikes on Oct. 15 that killed a total of 59 civilians, including 33 children, “apparently violated the laws of war.” It said the strikes were apparently by Russian warplanes: One hit a house in the village Ghantou and killing members of the extended family of an FSA commander, including women and children, and the other struck near a bakery in the neighboring town of Ter Maaleh, killing an FSA commander and 13 civilians.

The Syrian National Coalition, the main Western-backed Syrian opposition group, said Russian attacks “amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity” and should be condemned by the U.N. Security Council.

Russian bombardment targeting the Islamic State group has also affected civilians.

Anwar Ahmad Abdullah fled with his family to escape Russian strikes on the central Syrian town of Palmyra, which was captured over the summer by the extremists. He, his wife and three children ranging from 10 months to 7 years old, fled to the Islamic State group’s de facto capital, Raqqa. There, a school where they were staying was hit in a strike, so they fled again, making their way to Turkey.

“We had no intention to leave our country at all. But the Russian airstrikes made us leave,” Abdullah’s wife, Hind, said in the southern border Turkish city of Reyhanli.

When asked whether he was scared in Syria, her 7-year-old son, Ahmad waved his hand as if it is a plane and said: “Yes from the plane. It goes like this wooooooooo, booom!”

“I used to close my ears and cry,” he said.

In Habeet, Raghad and her mother had come to visit from Turkey, where they have lived since late 2011, soon after Raghad’s birth. It was the young girl’s first trip back into Syria. Her grandfather, Abdul-Razzaq, defected from the military in 2012 and founded the Ahbab al-Mustafa Brigade, one of the early factions that made up the Free Syrian Army. But earlier this year, he stopped rebel activities to stay at home.

In the chaos after the nighttime bombing, Abdul-Razzaq’s son Ward ran to the top floor and found his father, bleeding from a shrapnel wound in his stomach. Ward recounted to the AP that he carried his father to a car that rushed him to a nearby clinic. Abdul-Razzaq died two hours later.

Ward then made his way to the shelter in the garden, which he found buried under debris. He dug frantically and found Raghad, face down. She was dead, with severe damage to her skull. A nephew of Abdul-Razzaq, 19-year-old Ahmed Khanfoura, lay dead beneath her. Raghad’s mother was in another part of the house when the missile struck and survived unharmed.

Ward heard his mother Zahra screaming in pain. She was caught under a fence that fell on her. “I recited the Shahada and surrendered to God,” she said later, referring to Islam’s profession of faith, “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his messenger,” which Muslims pronounce when they fear they are about to die

Ward got her to a clinic, and the next day she was taken across the border into Turkey and to a specialized burn hospital in Kadirli.

Four weeks later, Zahra still doesn’t know that her husband and granddaughter are dead. Every time Ward visits her, she asks why Abdul-Razzaq hasn’t called or come to see her. Ward tells her his father hasn’t been able to cross to Turkey and the phones aren’t working,

When she asks him to send him a message saying hello, Ward acts as if he’s writing a message on his smart phone and tells her he sent it.

Associated Press



39 responses to “Russian strikes killed more Syrian civilians than Islamic State fighters, report”

  1. That picture of the girl literally made me cry. FUCK YOU RUSSIA!!!

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      Putin is doing exactly what Assad has been doing for over 4 years . Generating more hatred for generations to come . Anyone looking for the first time at the picture of the little one will have exactly the same reaction like yours about Russia. Now imagine the reaction of her close relatives !!!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Unfortunately true enough, Arzatna … although the reactions should be like the ones of this Jewish Family which looked for ‘reason’ in the madness, and not revenge. Nothing ‘in revenge’ brings loved children back to life. I post it again … I think the man is correct in the concept. Should listen to the whole thing. ‘People’ need to find a future … revenge isn’t the way.
        General’s Son …

        1. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
          Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

          Outstanding presentation!

          Miko Peled is correct in the concept!

        2. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
          Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

          Outstanding presentation!

          Miko Peled is correct in the concept!

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Did anyone mention that Putin is a mass murderer? Whatever suits Russia’s (and his) needs/desires.

  3. I’m out of here

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    ” … they use various intelligence sources to plan…” …. yah, right … always loved that use of the word ‘intelligence’ … it’s variable.

    1. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
      Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

      ” … they use various intelligence sources to plan…” …. and the offensives has fueled a surge of 120,000 Syrians who fled their homes.

      Sweden will ask the European Commission to take some of the migrants off its hands by relocating them to other countries in the EU – 40 to 50% of the refugees are not registered!

      Germany cracks down on Afghan migrants – Merkel’s government claims deportations will rise “significantly.”

      Oh yeah that is EU – BABEL….
      [Cartoon carousel POLITICO]

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Funny thing is the stoplight … some fighter planes can actually DO that these days. :-)))

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Scary things not in the stoplight..
          Rabin bodyguard: ‘I put a gun to assassin’s head, chose not to kill him’

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            We have to live with Fascism..

            ‘Beitar Jerusalem fans chant name of Rabin’s killer’

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            ..and pay $$$ for it..

            ‘US officials: Israel requesting $5 billion in annual defense aid’

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            ..and for $$$ for this..
            The ‘non-lethal’ chemical weapon killing Palestinians

            Video: Israeli military tells Palestinian refugee camp, ‘We will gas you until you die’

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You’ll like this one … about the propagandists … oh .. press heads …

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Please send annual ‘donations’ … local charities can help … :-)))))
            (of course we send to aid the refugees everywhere …)

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Same site …. interesting … everyone is nuts.
            “released security-camera footage of an attack last month by an Israeli Jewish man, who stabbed a Jewish supermarket employee he mistook for an Arab.”

          7. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
            Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

            No wonder they look the same….

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Put a comma after ‘wonder’ … 😉 .. and yes, he asked the first guy he met in the store, but was super-anxious to stab something (besides the watermelon), and the second guy he just assumed was Arab, because the guy was stocking shelves. (What self-respecting Jew would stock shelves, after all?) //\ And THAT is how messed up they are there.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He’s manipulating since he came as Intouchable ruins my morning..i

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Good Morning, to you, anyway … rain coming, I hate to say …

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Did he get shit for not killing him? Could have been another Kennedy thing if he had …

          12. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            No, the killer is a hero
            ‘Beitar Jerusalem fans chant name of Rabin’s killer’. Bis

          13. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well .. at least ‘Officials’ are not happy with it … they say …

        2. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
          Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

          Talk about Hind being obsessed by Jew-phobia.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Talk ..

          2. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
            Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

            “Hind Abyad
            Nazi go home..
            5:30 p.m., Wednesday Nov. 4”, you change your mind with the wether…

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Right! Go home with your propaganda!

            ‘Israel’s Top Generals Split With Benjamin Netanyahu on Roots of Terror Wave’

          4. Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse Avatar
            Tvivel är vishetens begynnelse

            What propaganda?

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I suppose we all have an occasional phobia. Recently, my worries are centred on the treatment of old folks … and how some believe we can’t function simply because of age.
            Met a friend while shopping – older-than-me guy – we walk together to the parking lot … He says: ‘Well, we better carry on. You go ahead … I’m sure you’ll want to clear the lot before I get the car going.’ … We laugh … Understanding … but it’s not so far from the truth, as ‘they’ use ‘age’ to drag us in and ‘retest’ ability … which is MORE about memorizing all the ‘new rules & terminology’ and grabbing some extra tax bucks, than how to handle a car.
            It’s REALLY GALLING to find you’re being tested by a Chinese Woman driver. :-)))
            I watched a 5-car-accident happen in a parking lot once … and only one of those cars had a driver in it … she was attempting to back out of the spot … in front of the Chinese Supermarket … where I will NEVER park. :-)))
            It’s those little experiences that can make one somewhat paranoid.
            I think you are probably finding a little creeping paranoia too … Let me tell you, immigrants take a while to ‘adjust’ to … you find yourself watching for small ‘signs’ of ‘foreign driver’ by how a car moves on the road it’s supposed to share with you. I have learned ‘body language’ of cars … national origin can be almost be determined by how it moves. For example:
            Upon the first light snowfall, If you come up behind a car doing 5 miles an hour, and all you can see of the driver is a pile of heavy clothing, get out from behind and pass as soon as possible … and as you do, you will notice white knuckles squeezing the steering wheel super-hard, and a nose almost meeting them at the top of the steering wheel … and eyes wide with panic as the windshield wipers flail at high speed on the glass … and you can only nod in the confirmation of what you knew even before you began to pass … Jamaican. :-)))
            People from the Middle East buy HUGE SUV’s … put ‘Snow Tyres’ on them, and think that means they can drive like it’s a dry summer road. Car body-language usually ‘exhibits’ from the ditches, however, and you can drive safely past.
            Arabs wait for stop lights … especially the women who give extra seconds on green.
            Lebanese HATE red lights. Period. :-))))
            AND it’s ME they are going to want to test when I hit 80??? TAXES. (my paranoia)

  5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Syria is being gang raped, by Isis, NATO,Russia Turkey, Saudi Arabia,Israel,France,bashar, khomeini, America everyone is lining up for a go.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      7000 old Syria destroyed, a whole nation raped.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        …. by ideologies. (I’m out to patch a roof)

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