Why Hezbollah wants anything but a ‘real state’ in Lebanon


Hezbollah supporters watch as Hassan Nasrallah, the head of the Lebanese Shiite movement, addresses them from an undisclosed location  via a giant screen on January 30, 2014 in Beirut's southern suburb  . Joseph Eid/AFP Photo
Hezbollah supporters watch as Hassan Nasrallah, the head of the Lebanese Shiite movement, addresses them from an undisclosed location via a giant screen on January 30, 2014 in Beirut’s southern suburb . Joseph Eid/AFP Photo

Hassan Nasrallah was quick to stress that the piles of rubbish recently lining Beirut’s streets again exposed the Lebanese state’s ineffectiveness at managing a simple service.

The Hezbollah secretary-general chided his domestic opponents for calling on his group to disarm while they failed to fulfil the basic services of a government.

“Establish a real state and then come talk to us about that,” he said in a televised speech on July 25.

This would be a fair criticism were it not coming from the head of an organisation that has largely undermined Lebanon’s state institutions, and – along with the country’s other sectarian factions – hindered its ability to serve its citizens.

Mr Nasrallah speaks with accuracy when he refers to the dysfunctionality of the Lebanese state. The country’s infrastructure continues to crumble, while factions feud over government and military positions and the seat of the president, which has been vacant since May 2014. According to the World Bank, more than 1 million Lebanese – nearly a quarter of the population – are living in poverty as the economy struggles with a staggering public debt of 149 per cent of GDP, and a burgeoning Syrian refugee population of 1.2 million.

Twenty-five years after the end of the country’s civil war, the Lebanese state still cannot provide 24-hour electricity to its citizens or guarantee a supply of water all-year-round.

Now, nearly a month after Lebanon’s largest landfill closed down, the state has still not found a long-term solution for its waste. The piles of rubbish that were previously lining the capital’s streets have mostly been removed but much of it has instead been illegally dumped in spots across the country.

The current rubbish crisis is but a continuation of historic state mismanagement, and hardly a surprise for the average Lebanese, whose priorities have long been forgotten by the country’s political leaders.

Lebanon’s failure as a state stems from the fact that its political and socio-economic systems are rooted in sectarianism and clientelism – where so-called favours are given in exchange for political support.

Lebanon’s political system divides governance among sectarian fiefdoms, where each sect determines its own political rulers and policies from within its communities. However, each sect follows the same pattern, whereby the loyalty of locals is awarded to political parties in exchange for favours. Often these favours consist of employment and basic services normally provided by the state. As Sami Atallah, executive director of the Lebanese Centre for Policy Studies, noted in a 2014 conference on this very topic, “politicians compete with the state in the provision of these services through the use of state resources, and in the process weaken the role of the state”.

In this way, Lebanese political factions have essentially formed mini-states that collectively work to compromise the independence, integrity and efficiency of the central state. They have each clearly demarcated their territories with banners, posters and flags displaying their respective political insignia, as well as the presence of small militias, which handle security.

As these factions are often guaranteed parliamentary representation, there is little accountability and therefore incentive for these factions to change behaviour, or develop policies focused on economic development and the public interest.

The chief protagonist of this system is Hezbollah , the most powerful political and military force in the country. Hezbollah ’s strength can largely be attributed to its ability to build the most successful mini-state of all Lebanon’s factions. In addition to its paramilitary forces, it has an extensive services network, supplanting the role of the state in the regions it dominates by providing health, education, employment, welfare and internal security.

Hezbollah is acutely aware that any strengthening of the central state would challenge its position in the country, and undermine its own ability to provide services that have so far guaranteed strong support from the Lebanese Shiite community. At present, there is no authority in Lebanon capable of overriding Hezbollah , a status quo that the group is determined to maintain. While rival Lebanese factions may oppose Hezbollah ’s power, a weak state enables them to operate their own fiefdoms within their sectarian enclaves. There is therefore little push from major political forces to introduce reforms that would strengthen state institutions.

While Hezbollah has publicly stated that it desires a secular democracy, which would go a long way to reducing the divisive sectarian politics that plague the political system, it has done little to actively press this matter. This is despite its allies controlling the government of Nijab Mikati between 2011-2013. No serious political reforms to improve the efficiency and cohesion of the political system were introduced during that government’s time in power, and no major infrastructure, development or economic projects – which are urgently needed – were undertaken.

If Hezbollah wanted to build a “real state”, it has had ample opportunity to do so.
By: Antoun Issa



46 responses to “Why Hezbollah wants anything but a ‘real state’ in Lebanon”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    What Nassrallah is telling us is you follow my way and you will see a Faliat Al faqih state that is effective and efficient instead of the current garbage you have. yes try taking over a state by Force then tell them you are no good.. Nice try asshole.. you go all the way to fight in Syria and yet you don’t have a solution either for this Garbage crisis? aren’t your ministers and Aoun in the states yet they complain about the state? who the hell is the state here just PM Salam? Also you keep talking about electing president yet none of M8 shows up to elect a President deeming it ineffective state. when you are interrupting the functions of the state then don’t come to talk to us about the real state. Or is it the Real Estate of Iran? they come and go to the Airport uninvited and meet with Nassrallah head of state. he wants lebanon disruptive and chaos so he can be the absolute ruler of the state.
    Enough garbage..

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      If Hezbollah wanted to build a “real state”, it has had ample opportunity to do so.
      How true!!
      excellent article !!
      Nasrallah wants to be the supremo
      and having no real state suits him perfectly .
      calling Hezbollah the no. 1 cancer in Lebanon is an understatement

      1. Me and the rest from JIDF agree with you !

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Is that something like ‘Resistance’? Jewish Indefinite Defending Freaks?
          (I hate acronyms …)

  2. Wait a minute, what’s this “they”, I thought you were pulling the strings – what an idiot. Lebanon deserves you and the other idiots ruining it.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      The amazing thing is, they manage to ‘pull the strings’ when, ON A NATIONAL BASIS, they ONLY got 2 seats out of 30 in a ‘National Election’ – something they don’t want to happen again, and not now for sure. So what chicken-shit elements ‘lined up behind them’ to make one of those wonderful ‘Coalitions’ ALL the Crazies of the Middle-East seem to need to make to keep ‘the people’ controlled? Remember their names too … IF there is EVER another open election.

  3. digital82711 Avatar

    The US and Israel undermined and then destroyed Lebanon as a state when Israel began its US-supported attack and 25-year+ military occupation. Then, when Israel could not advance against Hezbollah and was getting starched, it began its terror bombing of unarmed civilian targets that focused on apartment complexes. I thought the Merkava was supposed to be undefeatable, but Hezbollah was turning them into 65 ton paperweights. If Lebanon and its takfiri scun wanted Lebanon to be a state, it would have expelled Israel as Hezbollah did. The fact is that without Hezbollah Lebanon would have been an Israeli base and military outpost used against Wahabbists too cowardly and too corrupt to defend Palestinaina women and children. Saudi Arabia is the US’s number one ally in the Middle East because it provides the US with the money to fund Israeli slaughter of Muslims. If I were a Muslim i would sign up for Hezbollah tomorrow. It is an elite, disciplined and effective fighting force that could defeat the cowardly Saudis itself. Long Live Nasrallah! These truths come from a retired US military officer.

    1. Oh ya, your brainwashing is working perfectly. You can not let a sectarian foreign militia the rule of 18 different religion groups. You are delusional. Go secular and rid the land of religious multi part rule.
      All you are saying is kneel to Hezbullah or suffer a dysfunctional country at the orders of Iran.
      Fuk Hezb/Iran.

      1. They should do like Israel and set up a national socialist theocracy.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Communism by any other name … Socialist, until Theocrats become involved. ;-)))

    2. master09 Avatar

      Your missing the part to explain WHY Isreal came to our country in the first part. The real reason not the one u been brainwashed to believe.

      1. Why did they come in the first place? So many rivers are full at the moment with all the tears that are crying? What do you expect? Come on what do you expect? Israel invaded and the south was left to fend for itself? So what did you expect? Good on them the south of lebanon is probably the safest place in the middle east at the moment and all the sects live in harmony. Truth is its not about weapons everyone has weapons. It’s the fact that a certain sect has come from nothing 40 years ago to being able to stand on its feet in its own right. Education commerce social services. Don’t cry blame the state. If the state didn’t neglect this wouldn’t exist. Don’t blame the player blame those that allowed them to play. Are you going to honestly tell me that the north isn’t lawless and doing its own thing? Look what they have done and look what the south has done? Miqati recently spent $25million on his sons wedding it went over 3 days he hired 3 MEA planes to transfer guests there. Tripoli is the second largest city in lebanon and look at it? Ask yourself why? Mitt romney have a look on YouTube has even praised the social services policies of the hzb. Sorry but don’t cry my friend the state is to blame not them. First thing the state did after 2006 war was cancel conscription why? 20 years the south was occupied and noone did anything for them. If it wasn’t for them lebanon would be occupied right now from isis. You may whinge and cry but fact is we have 25 soldiers held captive inside lebanon in arsal for how long now and what has the state done? The local sheikh allows visits of family every now and then? I mean it’s a joke.

        1. master09 Avatar

          Yes, yes ur 100% correct I am crying ha.
          U see while some people only see one shade of a picture standing in front of it u see it one way, move from left to rite top to bottom and u will maybe see a complete picture.
          What’s that saying a wolf in a sheeps skin.
          Keep the people feed, clean the roads, good Heath and show them a bit of muscles so they think they are safe and u have a people that will say and do what you want.
          Yes the Lebanese Government is a shambles and some of them make a lot of money to keep it that way on both sides.
          I know that , but do you have the free brains to see who and how many are wearing the sheeps skin and who really is the Shheeeep, get it ha get it.

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          One man liberated the south and his name is Rafic el Hariri. Israel accepted to withdraw because it saw in him a possible partner in a future peace plan which cannot move forward without its withdrawal from Lebanese territory. And your buddies in dahyeh and Damascus knew this very well and rushed to KEEP Shebaa “occupied”. Dayheh wanted to keep its weapon that allowed it to invade Beirut in 2008, and Damascus did not want to be the last Arab country with occupied territories.
          The world knows the truth and your word don’t impress but the feeble minds of dahyeh and rabyeh.
          PS: Mikati was YOUR PM of choice. A piece of shit named PM through another invasion of Beirut by your black-shirts.

          1. Free Lebanese Avatar
            Free Lebanese

            well said!!!

          2. Haha. You mock nasrallah for being one man but glorify Hariri for being one man? “One man” liberated the south? Why because he has money? So all those people that lost their lives fighting the occupation did it for nothing? Israel withdrew because it could not sustain the casualties do some reading and let me know where it ever stated Hariri liberated the south? You really do live in a bubble. Good luck. Oh that’s right lebanon strength is in its weakness correct? We should have just left the south to become the new Palestine correct? And in regards to miqati I was simply pointing out an example of how all the politicians in the north have neglected their duties. How sad. Yallah the garbage problem in lebanon is also hezbollahs fault correct?

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            I don’t glorify anyone, I simply say the truth. Hariri put lebanon on the path of modernization and possibly peace. Nasrallah linked lebanon to wars and the destruction of the state. Again only very few in the world do not know the truth or refuse to recognize it, and you are part of these very few. You really fool no one.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Indeed Mekenseh … but the ‘News’ doesn’t tell the stories of the people and their feelings.
            I was there in the later part of Hariri’s 6 ‘rebuild’ years … and Hariri was doing a great job of clearing the rubble which central Beirut had become after 1975. The ‘older friend’ drove me all around Lebanon to ‘show off’ – with ‘PRIDE’ – that life had changed for the better … FINALLY. It was a ‘feeling’ that pervaded the Lebanese Atmosphere, even as we needed to still be aware of spots not to enter or think of going to, and suffer, a very little, the ‘checkpoints’ of sloppy Syrian soldiers. That man was a ‘survivor’ … there was some language barrier between us, but we understood each other and made correct moves together. There was HOPE. Lebanon was rising from the Dark. And the elder Hariri was LEADING the way … had respect from all the ‘sects’ for the fact – the fact is he was Leading it to improvements no-one else had, and certainly ASSad had not.
            I was fortunate to catch that ‘feeling’ of a country working together … for the short time it was happening. Even if there was the usual payola and graft and greed involved, it was largely directed at Creating a New Lebanon. For all who lived in it.
            We will never know if the Lebanese could have succeeded. There seems no ‘Leader’ since.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Correct. You can say ‘everyone’s fault’.
            And aside from that, when the Syrian army left, the Israelis did too … since the UN had been pressing for ALL the ‘occupiers’ to get out anyway. Obviously, MANY were hoodwinked into believing that all ‘occupiers’ had actually gone.
            But NONE had. It was a ‘big-top-show’. Oh, yes. Crappy old Russian tanks and Syrian ‘checkpoints’ went away. A ‘Blue Line’ was set up to kill the occasional ‘Peacekeeper Observationist’, since no-one respects that concept or people promoting peace, while some debated farmland was still debated. ASSad still influenced viable governing. And PLO was stuffed forever into ‘Camp-Land’ with agreements not to ‘enter’ their political entities. AND Iran had successfully introduced it’s own ‘way of occupation’ … which developed a ‘Political Wing’ for the Show, and even got 2 seats in a cabinet.
            I’d say OCCUPATION has actually INCREASED GREATLY.
            As has Resistance to Life.

            Inside each little ‘Fief’, one can live the ‘Tribal Way’, as one might expect – only occupied with keeping itself alive, and making babies for the purpose. Some figured it wasn’t worth the effort to make Lebanon un-occupied, and left.

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Mikati could have done it in London …. he owns a lot there too. But it’s the ‘Tribal Thing’ to bring it all back home, and rub the faces of the homeless women in Tripoli in the mud of his ‘success’ in the world. Happy to see it impressed you. 😉

  4. Free Lebanese Avatar
    Free Lebanese

    Is anyone surprised about the speech of the devil nasrallah????

    I don’t think so…. Hizbullah is not Lebanese or has any belonging to Lebanon or the Lebanese state…. Its normal Hizbullah and a strong Lebanese state don’t survive together because if the state of Lebanon is strong, it will be the end(disarmed by force) of the terrorist organisation used as a tool and puppet of foreing powers to destabilize countries such as: (Lebanon, syria,dubai, yemen,quatar,bahrein, iraq, taiwan, bulagaria, ,egypt,koweit, cyprus, and the list is very long…When hizbullah have the opportunity they shoot bullets on the Lebanese state and ridiculize it in any kind of behaviour….but when they need help or anything else, they ask help from the state and seek for help from security agencies like the army and others….to save their ass any invader who wants to take revenge for their killings in syria, iraq……….This is called hypocrisy,manipulation,and treason…..They pretend to fight zionism butin reality they serve it….They serve their master Iran,whoworks for thebigMaster Israel and USA. In 2015 Hassan Nasrallah should be held accountable for high treason, and be judged as a terrorist leader and a criminal of war……And anyone who supports, join, defend or close eyes on their actions is complice. Today, the only way to get rid from their develish gripp is to expose those assasins hiding under the name of God!!!!

    1. Intouchable Avatar

      It will be interesting to see your reaction to a proud Lebanese ravaging his sick comments to The Daily Star.
      Your signature “Free Lebanese”, than I wounder why the signature “Omega” claiming to be “Born, raised and live in Beirut. Ring me up when you’re in town, I’ll show you around.”

      This “Omega” is definitively counteract my image / opinion about Lebanon / Lebanese, unlike the signature “A worried Lebanese”.

      Some reactions made against the “omega” nonsense;
      – ” “Omega” (a well-known mullah boy very active on this thread) has said: Jews committed 9/11 attacks, Holocaust never happened, moon landing was faked, Jews control the international banking system, etc.”

      – “Sir Heywood J. Omega • 5 days ago

      See Omega, when you start with the holocaust denial stuff that’s when you lose people and not just Jews. It happened dude… It really did. There’s tons of evidence for it and many survivors are still living. Furthermore, life was not a picnic for Jews in Europe prior to the holocaust.

      The conspiracy nonsense you spout on this topic doesn’t help your cause. You need to get real about THAT.”

      1. Free Lebanese Avatar
        Free Lebanese

        Sometimes truth hurts but people has to accept even if its an uncomfortable truth……Prove that what I’m saying is a conspiracy theory and I’ll change my mind….. If you’re perception ofhassan Nassrallah is asaviour and asaint then stop watching the propaganda on almanar and other mainstream media owned by these criminals……

  5. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Force and power are needed to ^establish a real state^!!!!In the presence of such a strong armed militia ,it is not possible!!!!!!!!

  6. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

    Sorry but it just does not work as a story….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yup .. realistic … every year a newly invented ‘Crisis’, and ‘Resistance’ to change that. Always Resistance to ever finding the elusive something called ‘Peace’, and a working environment for good politics. Now it’s finally down to the Garbage. It has a ring of Religiosity to it.
      Similar garbage exists ‘next door’ too, on some streets.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah … better to let a guy die when he sees no light. But consider ‘in the beginning’ 3 months after Obama was elected the first time, and all that has happened … the decision indicated that President Barack Obama is unable to control growing divisions in his administration” … which of course flies in the face of ‘The People’ who also elected him the second time. ‘Some Elements’ never wanted him.
          Interesting now in Canada, to compare the case of a senator claiming expenses … with Obama’s people doing things behind his back. It’s not quite the same as our Harper ‘being taken care of’ by people around him, without telling the chief how they were doing it, to ‘make right for taxpayers’ a relatively minor and actually ‘foggy’ misinterpretation of ‘rules’. Although by now, it can be well-used against him. No, in Obama’s case it was probably an ‘aim’ from the beginning, in a much larger and more bloated bureaucracy, which can hide everything more effectively. And the unfortunately ‘led to prison’ by an ideology, have become and are simply the pawns in a game now … unjust treatment, against humane considerations, and anti-law, the ‘hidden inner bureaucracy’ runs it’s little dictatorships … forever … in ALL governments.

          1. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

            ‘hidden inner bureaucracy’ runs it’s little dictatorships … forever … in ALL governments.

            completely agree.

  7. William Petro Avatar
    William Petro

    look at all the little dogs barking and snapping at Nasrallah’s feet!
    He pays them no mind, for they are of no consequence!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      (must be Petro-Dollars yacking …)

  8. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    The rubbish of main concern is H.A and it’s Iranian supplied arms. Zut horlek bil zbarly first then worry about the other trash you flea infested brown bag of Khomeini faeces.

    1. Intouchable Avatar

      I will understand you comment better if you explain who/what is “Zut horlek bil zbarly”.

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        Explained “Throw yourself in the bin”

        1. Intouchable Avatar

          Is it an expression in Arabic?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Usually by the ones who recycle first. ;-))

          2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            No in Lebanese.

          3. Intouchable Avatar

            Wait a minute, are you trying to push me?

            It is not fair to do that to us Europeans who wish to learn about the Middle East culture and conflict.

            In the Sixties Lebanon was not as complicated as today – the fashionable class talked French the rest Arabic….

            Met many of these fashionable Lebanese on Rhodes.

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