Over 4 million refugees have now fled Syria, UN says

The UN estimates that more than 4 million Syrians  have fled abroad since the outbreak of civil war,   the largest number from any crisis in almost 25 years. July 8, 2015
The UN estimates that more than 4 million Syrians have fled abroad since the outbreak of civil war, the largest number from any crisis in almost 25 years. July 8, 2015

The number of Syrians who have fled abroad since the outbreak of civil war in their country has risen to more than 4 million, the largest number from any crisis in almost 25 years, the United Nations said Thursday.

A recent wave of people leaving Syria and an update of Turkish statistics confirm the tragic milestone, according to the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR. The agency said in a statement that 7.6 million additional people are displaced from their homes within Syria.

“This is the biggest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation,” said U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres in a statement. “It is a population that needs the support of the world but is instead living in dire conditions and sinking deeper into poverty.”

The new figure shows that the flow of refugees is accelerating only 10 months after the agency recorded more than 3 million Syrians fleeing their country.

A Syrian refugee reacts as he waits behind border fences to cross into Turkey at Akcakale border gate in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, June 15, 2015. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
A Syrian refugee reacts as he waits behind border fences to cross into Turkey at Akcakale border gate in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, June 15, 2015. REUTERS/Umit Bektas

Turkey has seen much of the recent flow. In June alone, according to UNHCR, more than 24,000 people arrived from northern Syria amid fighting between the Islamic State group and Kurdish militants. The more than 1.8 million Syrians in Turkey have made it the biggest host of refugees in the world, an expensive undertaking that the country is bearing mostly out of its own treasury.

The dire situation in the region is pushing a wave of refugees to seek escape in Western Europe, taking increasingly risky paths as European countries resist the flow.

“We cannot afford to let them and the communities hosting them slide further into desperation,” Guterres said.




9 responses to “Over 4 million refugees have now fled Syria, UN says”

  1. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

    It can come out of NATO, and US military budgets. Not interested…
    25 years? you never regularly gave the counts for the multiple Iraq wars…25 years later there is a lot more people for the west to bomb…

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      This after Palestinian refugees.
      4 million Iraqi refugees.
      4 million Syrian refugees.
      Many of these are 2nd 3rd time refugees.

      1. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

        Agreed..There is at least 7 or 8 camps across the Sahel with similar numbers also displaced

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          and continuing.. “A Mounting Humanitarian Catastrophe in Yemen: War Death Toll Tops 3,000, Fear of Famine Grows”

          1. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

            The thing I like with Lebanon is the effort Communities have put in to water conservation. Rainwater catching, using water in the landscape. It is a good article and set of interview’s. If you look at the difference on current satellite between water use in Lebanon/Syria and Yemen. It is fascinating to see the difference. I was looking at a Roman dam in the Syrian desert the other day that man does not use but is still retaining water in the landscape and creates a water zone. You can see by tree growth. Though I suspect the local herdsmen eat it faster than it is capable of growing forest. Then Look at the millions of acres in Yemen and almost zero history of dams.
            Unfortunately none of this deals with family planning and population growth. Which is Yemen main problem.
            Having the US regularly bomb them over the last 20 years and now the Saudis as well does not help either. Both wanting political control but not the responsibility for feeding the population…Starvation as a tool is nasty. And I thought against the Geneva convention….

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            I’m glad Lebanon is implicated in water conservation..i can’t bare to think about ME peoples tragic lives, foreign alliances, trouble making, barbarians paid to destroy..

          3. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

            Thank you for the links …Interesting.

      2. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

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