Kurdish leader: Shiite Militias Could Create Bigger Problems Than Islamic State


Masrour Barzani , Kurdish leaderThe Chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council has expressed concern about the actions of the estimated 20,000 Shiite Militias known as Hashdi al-Sha’bi (Popular Mobilisation) involved in the battle for Tikrit.

In an interview with the BBC, Masrour Barzani also expressed anger at the Baghdad government for failing to send the due budget to the Kurdistan Region whilst the militias and other provinces are receiving funds.

“They [Iraq’s government] are paying Mosul, they are paying Anbar, which are under the control of [Islamic State (IS)]. Why aren’t they paying Kurdistan, who is an ally? We are fighting a common enemy, how come we are not getting the appropriate support?”

In regards to the importance of fighting together to defeat IS, Barzani said, “All of us have to together fight [IS]. But if revenge, retaliation between sects or religions, ethnic groups happens, then this will become a much more difficult problem.”

By talking about “revenge”, Barzani was referring to the massacre at Camp Speicher last June. Up to 700 soldiers were executed by IS, most of them Shia, and Shia leaders have vowed to exact revenge.

US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter also expressed concern about the Shia militias and their close ties with Iran. He believes that the presence of Iranian military advisors “is something that is concerning to us in particular because the sectarian danger in Iraq is the principal thing that can unravel the campaign against IS.”




514 responses to “Kurdish leader: Shiite Militias Could Create Bigger Problems Than Islamic State”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “… how come we are not getting the appropriate support?”
    Should know the answer to that. For sure. And …THAT ‘needed’ support at Kobane, they got from the ‘western’ Alliance, at least, although Turkey wasn’t fast to open the help lines either.
    Somebody ‘forgot’ one of those other old lines: ‘Revenge is MINE, sayeth the Lord.’
    The problem being that Supremes think they are also Lords ….

  2. ““They [Iraq’s government] are paying Mosul, they are paying Anbar, which are under the control of [Islamic State (IS)]. ”

    Very interesting

  3. Christina Metron Avatar
    Christina Metron

    The hasbarat trolls here have a hold on the news page. Their wings need to be clipped. Hephzibah who comments under the gurue name of himd, paves the way for her commander in hasbarat chief 5th to carry on and fill it up with regular. Forgetting that now he needs to upgrade to a higher octane to make it fly as a good lie.

    1. Rudy1947 Avatar

      Speaking of higher octane, your drug of choice is definitely high octane.

      1. Christina Metron Avatar
        Christina Metron

        I see another Hasbarat ZioVermin has picked up the ball and is running with it. born in 1947 and you can still type. more power to you grandpa. can you still shew or you suck now?

        1. Rudy1947 Avatar

          Just quality control over asinine little boys who type but say nothing of any relevance. Night night, sweet dreams little fella.

          1. Christina Metron Avatar
            Christina Metron

            Don’t you go choking on your dentures now my “elder of Zion”.

          2. Lol I like that one

          3. Pedophile

          4. whistleblower Avatar

            How much did your father rape you?

          5. None
            But every dog has raped your mom hence why she gave birth to a mutt like you

          6. whistleblower Avatar

            The dogs won’t look at your mom once we’re done with her

          7. No because the dogs are busy performing muta on your mom. My friend dvlIrn won’t mind if I copy paste his comment

            Shit zombie dance… Kheah kheah kekekeke eki eki hind hind Iran Iran shit shit


      2. And your drugs of choice is sectarianism and stupidity.

        1. whistleblower Avatar

          And yours is hashish like the animals hashashin that your history of sunni murderers are so proud of.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            True, the word Assassin derives from Hashishin…hum…

          2. Talking to yourself dear hind aka whistleblower

          3. Who are the biggest hash producers in Lebanon? Lol yeh hind you know who the biggest drug dealers are.

          4. whistleblower Avatar

            Ommik woo bayyik must have been on so much krack when they got you

          5. whistleblower Avatar

            Your fathers and brothers hide 5kg of drugs in their big O each time they cross a border

  4. What the F….. Is going on with these comments????? Man this site used to be fun to read and comments were an exchange of ideas and some funny comments but now it’s the same crap on every story and nothing to do with the news articles…. Sometimes I have to check that I am still on YaLibnan and not been transfered to an insane asylum where I am the only one who didn’t understand what the hell people are on about! And yes, to the very smart and original people out there who are tempted to use the fact that I said “insane asylum” as a joke or a come back, I say think twice…. Or actually keep thinking until you reach a root of 10,000… Yes I said “root” too, something a few people on here need to do more of to get rid of some steam…..

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      I agree, the level has fallen to a new low with new insult contestant popping up every day.
      But hey the current level of the Lebanese society is very similar to this… insulting is the way of life.
      I don’t encourage having a moderator, but I think it’s time to start banning some hot heads who are bringing nothing to the conversation.

      1. Banning is a form of moderation

        1. Heck the evidence is staring you in the eyes.

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          go play with your barabies

          1. Lol resorting to insults when you have no comeback shows a lack of genius. The evidence is staring you in the eyes

    2. sweetvirgo Avatar

      I agree….but there are some that do post comments about the articles but they get bombarded by the people making the insults.

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