Israeli bombings of Gaza killed mostly civilians, war crimes may follow


Palestinians collect items from the rubble of a 12-story apartment building that collapsed Saturday after it was hit in an Israeli airstrike in the heart of Gaza City. (Thomas Coex / AFP/Getty Images)
Palestinians collect items from the rubble of a 12-story apartment building that collapsed Saturday after it was hit in an Israeli airstrike in the heart of Gaza City. (Thomas Coex / AFP/Getty Images)
The youngest to die was a 4-day-old girl, the oldest a 92-year-old man.

They were among at least 844 Palestinians killed as a result of airstrikes on Gaza homes during Israel’s summer war with the Islamic militant group, Hamas.

Under the rules of war, homes are protected civilian sites unless used for military purposes. Israel says it attacked only legitimate targets, alleging militants used the houses to hide weapons, fighters and command centers. Palestinians say Israel’s warplanes often struck without regard for civilians.

The Associated Press examined 247 airstrikes, interviewing witnesses, visiting attack sites and compiling a detailed casualty count.

The review found that 508 of the dead — just over 60 percent — were children, women and older men, all presumed to be civilians. Hamas says it did not use women as fighters in the war, and an Israel-based research group, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, which tracks militants among the war dead, said it has no evidence women participated in combat.

In addition:

  • Children younger than 16 made up one-third of the total: 280 killed, including 19 babies and 108 preschoolers between the ages of 1 and 5.
  • In 83 strikes, three or more members of one family died.
  • Among those killed were 96 confirmed or suspected militants — just over 11 percent of the total — though the actual number could be higher since armed groups have not released detailed casualty lists.
  • The remaining 240 dead were males between the ages of 16 and 59 whose names did not appear in AP searches of militant websites or on street posters honoring fighters.

The review was the most painstaking attempt to date to try to determine who was killed in strikes on homes; Israel’s army and Gaza militants have refused to release information about targets and casualties. The count tracked all known airstrikes on homes, though not all strikes had witnesses and damage inspected by the AP wasn’t always conclusive.

Smoke rises in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike August 8, 2014. REUTERS/Amir Cohen
Smoke rises in the Gaza Strip after an Israeli strike August 8, 2014. REUTERS/Amir Cohen
The number of civilian deaths has been a key issue in the highly charged battle over the dominant narrative of the 50-day war.

Fighting erupted in July, after a month of escalating tensions triggered by Hamas’ abduction and killing of three Israeli teens in the West Bank, and an Israeli arrest sweep of Hamas supporters that led to renewed Gaza rocket fire on Israel.

Palestinians say Israel attacked with disproportionate force and callous disregard for civilians.

If most of those killed are civilians, “you cannot call them collateral damage,” said Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian spokeswoman.

Israel says it tried to avoid harming civilians, even as Hamas embedded weapons and fighters in residential areas.

“Our position is very clear. Israel did not commit war crimes,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon.

A Palestinian girl, wounded following an Israeli military strike, arrives at the hospital in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, on August 3, 2014.
A Palestinian girl, wounded following an Israeli military strike, arrives at the hospital in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, on August 3, 2014.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked the International Criminal Court to investigate the war, a move that could pave the way for possible prosecution of both Israel and Hamas.

International law experts note that a high civilian death toll alone does not constitute conclusive evidence of war crimes. But it “raises a red flag and suggests that further investigation is warranted,” said Alex Whiting, a former top official at the ICC in The Hague, Netherlands.

Israel would not say how many of its 5,000 air attacks were directed at homes. However, it insists it only aimed at legitimate military targets.

Asked for comment on the AP’s findings, an Israeli army spokesman, Lt. Peter Lerner, said that “one cannot draw broad conclusions” by examining only a small percentage of Israel’s airstrikes.

An explosion in Gaza City on Thursday  July 31, 2014
An explosion in Gaza City on Thursday July 31, 2014
Reuven Erlich, a former senior Israeli intelligence officer, questioned the reliability of Gaza witnesses and said only military experts could determine what happened in each strike.

According to preliminary U.N. figures, at least 1,483 Palestinian civilians were killed in the war — 66 percent of the overall death toll of 2,205.

Gaza militants fired about 4,300 rockets and mortar rounds at Israel, according to the Israeli military. The barrages drove tens of thousands of Israelis from their homes to seek cover. Five civilians were killed, among them a 4-year-old boy, along with 67 soldiers.

Advocacy groups and U.N. investigators have said that Hamas’ battle tactics over the years, including indiscriminate rocket fire at Israel, amount to war crimes.

The AP examined cases in which people were killed in homes or adjacent yards, including those hit by shrapnel or debris from attacks on neighboring buildings. The count excluded artillery strikes which are inherently inaccurate.

Father's Grief: The father of one of the four boys, all from the Baker family, killed during Israeli shelling, react outside the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.
Father’s Grief: The father of one of the four boys, all from the Baker family, killed during Israeli shelling, react outside the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.
Starting in November, three reporters visited the vast majority of attack sites, interviewed survivors and collected hundreds of death certificates — documents recognized by Israel as proof of mortality.

The youngest victim, Shayma Sheik Ali, died four days after her pregnant mother’s body was pulled from the rubble of their home in the Deir el-Balah refugee camp.

The infant was delivered by emergency cesarean section, her relatives said. She died July 29, according to her death certificate.

The oldest victim, 92-year-old Abdel Karim Abu Nijem, was killed along with a son, three grandsons and three other relatives, in an airstrike on his home in the Jebaliya refugee camp. Islamic Jihad later confirmed that two fighters were also killed in that strike.

Palestinians look at a pool of blood from victims of an explosion that killed 10 people, 9 of them children, at a park at Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, Monday, July 28, 2014. Israeli and Palestinian authorities traded blame over the attack and fighting in the Gaza war raged on despite a major Muslim holiday. Photo: Lefteris Pitarakis, AP
Palestinians look at a pool of blood from victims of an explosion that killed 10 people, 9 of them children, at a park at Shati refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, Monday, July 28, 2014. Israeli and Palestinian authorities traded blame over the attack and fighting in the Gaza war raged on despite a major Muslim holiday. Photo: Lefteris Pitarakis, AP
A nephew said the family received no warning. “Otherwise we would have fled,” said Mohammed Abu Nijem, whose 29-year-old wife, Soha, and 3-year-old daughter, Ragheb, were killed.

The military said it warned civilians when possible, including through phone calls or “knocks on the roof” with non-explosive missiles, and it aborted some strikes due to civilians in the vicinity.

In January, the Palestinians joined the International Criminal Court, opening the way for possible investigations of both Israel and Hamas. In response, the ICC prosecutor launched a preliminary review of whether a full probe is warranted.

Israel’s military says it is conducting a transparent investigation of any wrongdoing by its forces in the Gaza war. However, rights groups in Israel and abroad demand an independent investigation, arguing that house strikes were part of a policy approved at the highest levels and the Israeli military cannot investigate itself.




140 responses to “Israeli bombings of Gaza killed mostly civilians, war crimes may follow”

  1. Ron Bockman Avatar
    Ron Bockman

    yes, make war, people die, I suggest the so-called palestinians vote more wisely next time, vote for peace, kick hamas out

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        Cook stop being a jerk and admit that zooinist jews are scum. It’s ok to be honest with yourself, start with that thought and you will progress, eventually you will disown and rebuke the zooinist ways unless ofcourse you enjoy being a scum and you value your enjoyment over other people’s miseries. I’m not saying you need to become a Pali or a moslem or whatever but it won’t kill you to be human.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Oh Mab .. he’s living ‘the good life’ in England … with a guy named MichaelInLondon.
          (and a one and a two and a three and a four …)

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            He’s gay? No wonder.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            LOLOLOLOL ….. 😉

        2. cook2half Avatar

          Any other country would have wiped Gaza off the map. If thousands of rockets were fired at us in London from France, we would have nuked France. As Joan Rivers said: if New Jersey dug tunnels into New York to kill people, New York would have wiped them out.

          It doesn’t hurt to be anti-stupid.

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            the thing is that israel is not a country.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            The Islamic Republic is a group of mafias that held diplomats hostage for 444 days and occupied Iran and destroyed its culture

          3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            the hostage crisis was an operation coordinated by the americans and the french mullahs. that be said i dont see any relevance to this subject?

          4. cook2half Avatar


          5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            which? that u occupy palestine? Or that u kill babies?

          6. cook2half Avatar

            Like, everything you say. Doesn’t surprise me you support the mullahs. Usually regime supporters hate Israel, it comes with the package lol

          7. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            liar, i dont support french mullahs… usually everybody in the ME hates israel… actually more and more westerners hate israel too

          8. cook2half Avatar

            I thought you said ISIS and FSA and Saudis bla bla bla love Israel lol

          9. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            they r not middle easterners just like the french mullahs

          10. cook2half Avatar

            I sent you an email

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar


          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (she never gave me her address … hmmmm)

          13. cook2half Avatar

            I talk often to her :-))

          14. Hind Abyad Avatar

            I see no one is interested..

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We COULD be, and read a link … why need to say anything, or copy and paste half of it back here? Just a thought ….
            “Righteous Among the Nations” …. rather weird saying it that way, but Among All Tribes, there really ARE people who care about other humans … no matter which tribe they fell out of … which, is what it means.

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Reminds me of that song ‘Love And Marriage’. 🙂
            ‘Goes together with the Horse and Carriage.’
            (or in this case the goat and camel … I guess)
            ‘You can’t have one without the ooooooooother’ …. :-))))

          17. cook2half Avatar

            :-)) We won so much money at the casino last night in #Mayfair #yay #rebelheart

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Lucky YOU. Errr … there’s some cuties in Tripoli I’d like to introduce you to …

          19. cook2half Avatar

            omg lol, I guess its Valentine’s day after all.

            My friend says that anyone can be sexual, but not everyone can be filthy.

          20. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Another old song then …..

          21. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m gonna teach you …. 😉

          22. cook2half Avatar

            lolol, tonight is PG-13 for me. Might go to a restaurant with someone. Working on stupid essay now.

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hope you’re not plagiarizing me too much … hahahaha

          24. cook2half Avatar

            Oh don’t worry I do. At level 5 (second year) we need to do more reading, so I go on Wikipedia and cite the sources from there.

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            lolololo … wise (ass) student … wish you the best, really. 🙂

          26. cook2half Avatar

            How’s everything on your side?

          27. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Battery in car froze when it hit -23 … will be outside soon, working …
            Have to buy one, I guess, because the ‘spare’ I keep indoors doesn’t fit the space.
            Got more years out of that one, anyway. (something about age …)

          28. cook2half Avatar

            That’s unfortunate. Hope its not too bad when I come in April :-))

          29. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wow. April … I’ll be busy that month … a Lady from Texas will visit too … hmmm ….
            Should be warmer – ‘April Showers’ however … :-))

            (Will need ‘date-timings’ for coffee-shop meetings …. ;-))

            By the way, you both have to leave your guns behind before visiting … :-))))

          30. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            the israelis r not welcome in tripoli

          31. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Anyone with money is OK … just take off the silly little hat on top, they wouldn’t know. :-))

          32. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            i doubt that

          33. cook2half Avatar

            In light of the Iranian expansionist threat, more and more sunnis want closer relations with Israel. The Islamic Republic has taken over Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and now Sana’a. It makes me laugh when regime supporters say Iran doesn’t invade other countries, lol.

          34. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            u r a regime supporter.

          35. cook2half Avatar

            Omg lol

          36. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            israel and the US armed the french mollahs in the iraq-iran war

          37. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Don’t forget Yemen and Afghanistan.

          38. Hind Abyad Avatar

            The only thing you know in the ME is TRIPOLI hahaha..blabla

          39. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I see you’re in a ‘snit’.
            Wind-chills to -35 for Sunday …..

          40. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Dork don’t say snit to hind, my sensibilities are offended.

          41. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            but that the french mullahs have been 5 months from an a-bomb since for ever ago, that was true, right?

          42. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You quote Joan Rivers and that’s anti stupid? You gotta long way to go cook.

          43. cook2half Avatar

            Shall I quote Bill Maher instead? 🙂

          44. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Zionism is to Judaism what Terrorism is to Islam

          45. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Bulls Eye

          46. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Don’t quote no one, use your head and do the sums. Maybe have a peep at the Beatitudes.”Beatitude is a possession of all things held to be good,
            from which nothing is absent that a good desire may want.
            Perhaps the meaning of beatitude may become clearer to us
            if it is compared with its opposite.
            Now the opposite of beatitude is misery.
            Misery means being afflicted unwillingly with painful sufferings.”

          47. Relay that last comment to Hamas, it would be appropriate although ineffective.

          48. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            It applies to everyone Rudy, everyone.

          49. 5thDrawer Avatar

            That’s the part they never get, Mab … the ‘everyone’ part.
            The tribalist chants roll on … ‘Mine, mine, mine mine … Mine, mine, mine mine.’

            In 4/4 time …

          50. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            “Don’t quote no one”

            And the very NEXT sentence he quotes someone. Like I said, hypocrite.

          51. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Who said I’m not a hypocrite? Open your eyes ya taissaton.

          52. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            I opened my eyes and there you were on all fours (like the donkey you are) ready to polish maborlz with your tongue.

          53. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Yafek, let me know when they drop.

      2. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar


    1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

      i suggest the israelis to move back to germay… as far khamas is concerned the israelis wont let them go anywhere. this way israel has an excuse to continue its babykillings. let me remind u that khamas was created by israel.

      1. Open your eyes Avatar
        Open your eyes

        “let me remind u that khamas was created by israel”

        Yet your beloved is arming the terrorists you claim we created while at the same time arming assasd and Hezbollah. And they are fighting for that terrorist hyena. How do you explain that strange turn of events?

        1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          no israel is not my beloved

    2. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Hamas was created by Sharon Mossad after Lebanon invasioni

  2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    The IDF is a barbaric killing machine, the indiscriminate, ruthless and Godless manner in which it operates makes all noted war criminals of the past look like pansies. Ivan the terrible was a fairy compared to the actions of the zionists we see today, Adolf who?, Idi Amin did what? The world needs to put a stop to this underhanded serpent its venom is paralyzing world peace.

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar

      Well said Mab.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      As Boko HumDrum moves into Chad and begins slaughtering all ages of humans there, we cannot say it’s getting any better anywhere, especially since we know that if they had the weapons Israel does, there would be a hell of a lot more slaves leaving Africa than there ever were in history.
      The Tribal Sales are becoming brisk.
      And the bodies pile up. As in Somalia.
      Yemmen is no longer yummy – there’s not enough Khat to keep a lid on the activities.
      Ukraine has been another wonder of Tribal differences too.
      Draw up the list … it’s very depressing. And While a couple of thousand in one ‘city-battleground’ seems an abomination, on the scale of things compared to Syria, it’s still low.
      There’s more ANGST about losing some ‘Special Buildings’ than about losing Tribesmen.
      ‘Normal’ people are wondering … ‘What happened? Disease wasn’t enough?’
      It’s a ‘Black Death’ of minds …..

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        5th a couple of thousands in one city battle ground doesn’t SEEM like an abomination it IS an abomination, and while boko humdrum and the like are slaughtering thousands remember that the IDF is an official army run by government whereas the boko’s and the rest are petty, deranged zombies. SEEMS like they share a lot in common.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes. Tribalism.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Racist! Anti-Antisemitism is not exclusively Jewish. Palestnians are Semites, Jews who don’t agree with
            “I’m Israel Likud” are self-hating Jews. Igor was right

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Igor may have found something to be right about on occasion.
            But surely I didn’t exclude Jews from the tribalism. They even build walls around their ghettos.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Stop your Arabesques.. nothing to do with this article.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            It’s the old ankle … a tendon problem … can’t help the awkward dance-step.
            But in my mind it has EVERYTHING to do with all the madness that’s growing.

          5. All you do is chatter your gums.Put do nothing to solve the problem..While you hide in your ivory tower.Somewere in Europe.

          6. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I think on many an occasion.

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Turkey ….. shhh … :-))))

          8. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Wild Turkey my friend.

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar

        Go to Hell

        1. MaImequer0 Avatar

          Oooh sweetie, not feeling well today? Such language.. tsk tsk tsk☻

          1. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            According to some on this blog she/he/it can bark all the profanities it wants but one isn’t entitled to respond coz supposedly it is a “lady”. Their “sensibilities” are offended.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            tsk tsk tsk..Dead Fish Eyes
            Salafist are Infallible..crucify, burn alive, rape children, shop heads..not a sin says Sunny-Sunni Al Azhar

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yup. Nice Link. 🙂

          4. OFCOURSE…LOL…

          5. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Egypt Al Azhar Scholars legalize ISIS

            1-“The sheikh of Al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayeb, repeated his rejection of declaring IS apostates on Jan. 1, during a meeting with editors-in-chief of Egyptian newspapers. This sparked criticism from a number of religious, political and media parties, especially since Al-Azhar could have
            renounced the Nigerian mufti’s statement on IS without addressing the issue of whether or not Al-Azhar considers the group apostates.

            In press statements, Al-Azhar representative Abbas Shoman said that the institution had not declared any person or group an apostate throughout its history. Yet, this claim was refuted by the daughter of late Egyptian author Farag Foda, Samar Farag Foda, who called into an Egyptian satellite TV program, saying, “My father’s
            assassination came as a result of fatwas issued by the majority of Al-Azhar’s sheikhs declaring him an apostate, because he had called for the separation of religion from politics.”

            Al-Azhar’s leaders — the grand mufti and the Council of Senior Scholars — have actually never declared any person or group an apostate throughout Al-Azhar’s history, yet they have not taken any measures against Al-Azhar figures who have issued fatwas to that effect.
            Prominent fatwas include those by Al-Azhar’s Scholar Front, headed by Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Aziz, who declared Foda an apostate on June 1,1992. The Scholar Front comprises sheikhs who are considered radicals and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Aziz was the dean of two of Al-Azhar’s colleges and among those who drafted the curriculum for Al-Azhar University. Sheikh Abd Rabbo Muftah, an inspector in the Department of Preaching at Al-Azhar, issued another
            notable fatwa declaring Egyptian writer Taha Hussein an apostate in 1926. Furthermore, a committee of 20 Al-Azhar scholars declared scholar Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
            an apostate and demanded that he repent for the ideas that appeared in his studies. In 1995, the Egyptian judiciary charged Abu Zayd with apostasy and forcibly divorced him from his wife, forcing the couple to emigrate.”

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar

            3- “Al-Azhar, which does not comment on the apostate fatwas issued by some of its scholars, confirmed its rejection of deeming IS apostates. Perhaps Al-Azhar leaders fear delving into the issue of fatwas expressing Al-Azhar’s “rejection or faith in some IS ideas, or due to the presence of a Salafist lobby within Al-Azhar that was behind this statement”.

            The controversy surrounding Al-Azhar’s statement on IS may not dissipate until a review is carried out of Al-Azhar’s structure and curriculum. Concerning the latter, in September 2014, the US Embassy in Egypt’s charge d’affaires announced that he sought to increase US scholarships for some Al-Azhar students seeking to obtain master’s degrees and doctorates, even though Al-Azhar’s curriculum currently includes “calls to violence”

            Read more:

          7. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            ” Al-Azhar representative Abbas Shoman said that the institution had not declared any person or group an apostate throughout its history. It’s claim was refuted by the daughter of late Egyptian author Farag Foda”

            And then this

            “Al-Azhar’s leaders – the grand mufti and the Council of Senior Scholars – have actually never declared any person or group an apostate throughout Al-Azhar’s history”

            That was from the same article you FRAUD and LIAR.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Which it seems you didn’t understand. At all.
            The whole point of the article was about their willingness to Fatwah what they don’t like and the people who debate their ‘holy grails’, like the one author did – even to the extent of castigating the whole family for his ‘free thought’, as the daughter noted – but refuse to Fatwah anyone the twisted ‘believers’ think: ‘could be a little good because they spout the lines similar to ours’ …. as well as: ‘if we Fatwah those jerks, then it makes some of our ‘belief-lines’ look bad too’.
            A world of Mass Confusion: Mostly in Language.
            WHY ANYONE would think ANY Muslim would declare apostasy at all is slightly weird.

            ‘APOSTASY’ (n) – Orig. Greek – ‘DESERTION’ – updated meaning: Abandonment of a belief or principal.
            Somehow the word got worked around into the R.C. thinking, and a new word arrived.
            ‘APOSTOLIC’: … 1. Related to the Apostles, 2. Related to the Pope, regarded as successor to St. Peter. !?!
            AND SO … An APOSTOLATE: 1. The position of authority of a religious leader. 2. EVANGELISTIC activity.

            It may not be very ‘Logical’ to think that ‘Senior Scholars’ would dump on those who are ‘carrying their word’ with a great evangelistic zeal.
            But they sure DON’T like those who do the same on a Christian-belief Side – OR even their own people who attempt to slightly ‘modernize’ the lines a little.
            So, what they do – ad infinitum – is MAKE FATWAHS !!! :-))))))

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I will never understand WHY it was good to ‘CREATE’ the ‘BABBLE’.
            I mean, come ON God, the tower would have killed them by cold and lack of air as they climbed it anyway. YOU know that.
            And these days, it’s only gotten worse. People don’t understand their OWN babble.

          10. Hind Abyad Avatar

            +tt +tt +tt tsk tsk tsk..

          11. Hind Abyad Avatar


          12. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Another one of you personalities sweetie??.. lol☻

          13. MaImequer0 Avatar

            Sweetie, I know that you must be mad at the world due to your ‘operation’ when you were 9.. but, you can fix it with a cashew nut and some crazy glue.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Oh, Pardonnez-moi. Is there no ghettoization in Montreal ??
          Some tribes seem to stick together here.
          The only difference is, the ‘laws’ govern all. They can’t make up their own funky rules.

  3. AkhouManUki Avatar

    Thank you AP for your courage and humanity in performing this research. If over 60% are children, women and elderly men, then how many of the less than 40% remaining were also civilians? I would bet at least half. So, at best, Israel killed 4 civilians for every 1 militant. If that doesn’t constitute war crimes, I don’t know what does.

    Shame on Netanyahu, shame on the IDF and shame on Hamas for wasting precious human life. The only way that this heinous act will not be repeated again and again is for swift and decisive action on war crimes for everyone involved on both sides.

    1. cook2half Avatar

      I agree that Hamas fires rockets from civilian homes. Pretty much all terrorist groups do it, just lately Jordan accused ISIS of doing it. Only difference is you hypocrites whine only when Israel is involved.

      1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        khamas did what it was told by bibi.

      2. AkhouManUki Avatar

        You’re wrong – and please pick that victim card back up. You overplay that hand far too often. Israel is sloppy and indifferent to slaughtering civilians, that is clear as can be. Stop making excuses for their inhumanity.

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Don’t you think for a minute, that if Israel wanted civilians dead, that we would see 20 times more casualties?

          You REALLY think Israel would go through an expensive war and propaganda campaign against them, all for the sake of killing a few children? ever considered that Israel was retaliating to missiles being fired at Tel Aviv? :O

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            I never said that Israel was on a campaign to wipe out civilians, and I never argued that Israel shouldn’t retaliate for being attacked – so on both points, put that victim card back in your shirt pocket.

            I do believe that Israel would rather kill innocent Palestinian civilians than put their IDF at risk – hence dropping bombs from the sky and killing only 1 target for every 4 dead civilians instead of a more precise ground assault. After all, what do Israeli politicians care more about – answering to the world community about dead Palestinian civilians or to the Israeli voters about dead Israeli soldiers? I think the latter.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            Well yeah that’s obvious.

            I don’t think Israelis were very happy with Natanyahu.

    2. Don’t fire rockets at Israel from civilian neighborhoods. Quite simple.

  4. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

    and @doron moron wants us to “prove” that the israelis r babykillers!!!!

    1. Open your eyes Avatar
      Open your eyes

      The Israelis are angels compared to your heroes assasd and Hezbollah. The Israelis are only defending their country while your heroes are massacring children day and night and not one peep from you or the other supporters of the yellow terrorists. Stop pretending you care about those palis.

      1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        nobody is worse than the israelis

  5. Hind Abyad Avatar

    This is exclusively 5thDrawer and CoockTooHard dialogue page:))).

    1. cook2half Avatar

      Its good to catch up

      1. Hind Abyad Avatar

        Blood is not Kutshup Coockie

        1. Open your eyes Avatar
          Open your eyes

          “Blood is not Kutshup Coockie”

          Wow you are smart. When my donkey grows up I want it to be just like you.

          1. It’s an insult to them!

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar

            +tt talks to with himself

          3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You shouldn’t expect too much from your offspring. Eeeeeeeeh Oooòooòoh.

          4. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Don’t talk to me like that considering I’m your daddy, which makes you my offspring.
            I see you’ve mastered the language of donkeys.

          5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Learnt from the best.

          6. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Wow so your mum speaks donkey.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar

            He met your mum, stupid

          8. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Wow you are original. Here’s another shitload (pun intended) of my used toilet paper to wipe your crocodile fears, that you love shedding for those SUNNI palis.

          9. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You can talk as much as you want take any name you choose, you have nothing to say except same stupidities, parroting, repeating, copying … now reply, give a show in public.. too bad the only friends you have are imaginary, you talk to yourself or invade…as sweetvirgo said “you’re irrelevant”

          10. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Lol yet, like a true donkey, you keep replying. What can one expect seeing as your mum was the biggest donkey.

          11. Anti ISIS Avatar

            Must of been at the Zoo. :-)))))

          12. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            Yes visiting your mum in the yellow enclosure for donkeys. Has your wife stopped yelling out meks name when you mount her?

          13. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            What Jahash just up voted this post? I can’t see it on this dumb device.

          14. Open your eyes Avatar
            Open your eyes

            It was your mum

          15. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            You need a .40 to the jaw.

          16. Hind Abyad Avatar

            Talk to your friends. Imbecile

          17. Ya Majoos Ya Majoos Ya Majoos shmmm rhmmm ahhhhh oooooh kheah kheah kheah..

          18. Hind Abyad Avatar

            You had donkeys…and camels too?

          19. Ya Majoos Ya Majoos Ya Majoos shmmm rhmmm ahhhhh oooooh kheah kheah kheah…..

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Very good person. I hope most Palestinians are like him.

    2. Open your eyes Avatar
      Open your eyes

      Feeling left out? Poor thing, you can have my used toilet paper to wipe your tears. I see you were barking on here even on valentines day. Another reason to say poor thing to you. Looks like I need to send you more used toilet paper.

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “Hamas says it did not use women as fighters in the war,” ….
    Wow, a ‘no-brainer’ if I ever heard one …

  7. i don’t buy this..sorry but it’s not credible report when it’s based on Hamas testimony.
    i do not trust the numbers i do not trust the reason of deaths.

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