French mosques attacked after deadly shootings in Paris

French police forensic scour the scene of an explosion at a kebab shop damaged following an explosion near a mosque, on Jan 8, 2015, in Villefranche-sur-Saone, eastern France.  GETTY
French police forensic scour the scene of an explosion at a kebab shop damaged following an explosion near a mosque, on Jan 8, 2015, in Villefranche-sur-Saone, eastern France. GETTY

The deadly shootings in Paris are prompting concerns that a fledgling anti-Islamic movement and far-right parties may be able to harness the reaction to gain support in Europe.

Amid those concerns came reports that grenades were thrown at a mosque in a town southwest of Paris, according to French daily Ouest France.

An explosion in a kebab shop in eastern France Thursday morning also appeared to be a criminal act, according to an official speaking to the Reuters news agency.

“The kebab shop was adjacent to a mosque” a police officer told Reuters.

Gunshots were also fired at a Muslim place of worship in the south of France Wednesday night, according to French newspaper L’Independant.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said Thursday the way two right-wing parties and the PEGIDA movement are “trying to exploit this attack for their own purposes is disgusting.”

Marches in Dresden by PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, have grown steadily over three months. Organizers were quick to comment on the attack, posting on the movement’s Facebook page the killings were “grist for our mill.”

A supporter of the PEGIDA movement holds a flag while supporters gather for a march in their first Berlin demonstration, which they have dubbed "Baergida," on Jan 5, 2015 in Germany. GETTY
A supporter of the PEGIDA movement holds a flag while supporters gather for a march in their first Berlin demonstration, which they have dubbed “Baergida,” on Jan 5, 2015 in Germany. GETTY

PEGIDA marches outside Dresden have been small, with the numbers of supporters dwarfed by the numbers of counter-demonstrators. Austrian supporters of PEGIDA are now planning their first demonstration within the next month.


CBS News



5 responses to “French mosques attacked after deadly shootings in Paris”

  1. Anti ISIS Avatar
    Anti ISIS

    Can you seriously blame these people.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      After the last 5 years, especially with ASSad’s dirty work, and Boko Haram’s Atrocities added in, and the money taxpayers are being asked to use ‘for refugees’ and the pile of orphans that have been ‘created’ ( on top of support efforts needed to fight the idiots ), it may not take much more at all.
      There will be a last straw … and taxpayers will begin to reduce something.

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    The muslim world who are silent is awaking the rage of the right wing extremists and unfortunately ISIS is going to love it because when the west have backlash on muslims. Isis is going to get more support. sad but it will be true. but its time for muslims to protest and fight these terrorists and maybe the west will not kick you out. but again ISIS is the main winner here..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And yet, STILL, more Muslims die from them than any other group of religionists.

  3. In the southern suburbs of Paris, near the town of Montrouge shooting occurred. It is reported by radio station RTL.
    According to reports, a gunman opened fire on a police officer. Wounded law enforcement officer and employee of the road service. Both victims are in critical condition

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