Lebanon is the only country that defeated Islamic State, declared Czech FM


Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir ZaoralekCzech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek praised on Wednesday The Lebanese army and declared that Lebanon is the only country that was able to defeat the Islamic State.

He was referring to the battles in Arsal in eastern Lebanon and in the northern capital Tripoli.

Zaoralek who arrived in Beirut on Wednesday on a two-day visit to discuss bilateral ties and ways to bolster them made the statement following talks with Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil.

Commenting on his talks with Bassil he said:
” We discussed bilateral cooperation between our two countries and I informed him that the Czech Republic is ready to develop trade and economic cooperation . We hope that during the month of January of next year, Lebanese businessmen will visit the Czech capital of Prague in order to search for different areas of common interests, because my government is interested in the reforms carried out by the Lebanese government in various fields. ”

He added: “The Czech Republic is an industrial nation and is ready to work on the development of joint cooperation with Lebanon on the level of economic exchange. Also, my country is ready to support Lebanon in the military field to confront terrorism, and support for military equipment and military cooperation with the Lebanese security forces. ”

He also said that his country is interested in providing humanitarian aid to Lebanon to deal with the displaced Syrians.

National News Agency said Zaoralek and an accompanying delegation headed from Beirut’s airport to Speaker Nabih Berri’s residence in Ain al-Tineh but ded not elaborate on the discussions.

Bassil confirmed that the discussions covered a “broad range of issues from bilateral ties to partnership between Lebanon and the European Union.”

“We covered the Czech Republic’s contributions in support of the efforts provided by Lebanon to tackle the adverse impact of the Syrian crisis,” Bassil wrote in a tweet.

Zaoralek is set to meet later in the day with Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the Serail palace.



12 responses to “Lebanon is the only country that defeated Islamic State, declared Czech FM”

  1. Great statement coming from an official of a country that is famous for manufacturing military hardware

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      I have two Egyptian friends use to best European restaurants, they said that even at the most Expensive “best” restaurant in Prague “we left the plates as they were”…

      1. Your comment does not relate to my post nor to the article .
        I don’t know what you meant by “left the plates as they were”.

        If you are talking about food ,Prague has some of the best food in Europe .
        Czech food won several international prizes

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar

          I was thinking of my friends who are accustomed to the best European cuisine,
          they found – “the country that is famous for manufacturing military hardware”-
          infamous for their cuisine..(cynicism).. dumpling, kraut, pork, and dumpling liver soup
          But Prague is second only to Paris

          1. I lived there for years and it took me a year to eat the dumplings , but believe me dumplings, sour krauts and roasted pork are now my favorite meal whenever i go back . This particular dish won the international award in Brussels in 1965.
            Not all dumplings are alike by the way.
            The Czech cuisine is unique in many ways , but you may need to l spend more time there to learn how to appreciate it …I love it.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          No danger of being attacked by Muslims, I suppose …
          The ground is soaked in pork blood instead of mutton … :-))))
          (reminds me … I need to get bacon today… )

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar

            PS. Wait a minute, it’s the same for Jews..

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Ah well … what else can you expect from Falafel inventors.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Wait until they see the WOMEN of Prague …. Mmmmmmmm ….

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      Yalaaaatiiiiifff. We have a few over here, their on display mainly in the eastern suburbs of sydney working as the most beautiful waitresses you ever seen, yum.

  3. Now they are using Lebanon to to do their work on behalf of Zionist Jews.America plan to destroy sunni at the time of saddam and now is wrong.Sunni make 80% out of near 2 billion muslims.Many of them will sided sunni or not oppose them.Most muslims will hate and oppose America and the coalition.Hence Isis can,t be difeatead forever.I guess Many muslims will host isis.It is eventually prolong the war for many decades in future.

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