Syria’s Kobani hit by fresh round of Islamic State assaults


ISIS fighterssis
Fresh clashes shook the Syrian city of Kobani on Sunday as militant group Islamic State fired repeated mortar shells at Kurdish militia following a brace of car bomb attacks.

Islamic State fired at least four mortar shells at Kobani on Sunday morning, adding to more than 40 shells launched in the past few days, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group. The Islamists also detonated two car bombs in vehicles the near the center of the city—which lies on the Turkish border—on Saturday afternoon, the monitoring group added.

The U.S. military said Saturday it had conducted 15 airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria over the previous two days, adding that two strikes near Kobani had hindered the fighting positions of the militant group. The U.S.-led coalition also launched three strikes on Sunday morning, according to the observatory.

Although a small border city in northern Syria, Kobani has become a key strategic battleground between Islamic State and Syrian Kurdish militia backed by airstrikes from the U.S. and its allies. The city, and Islamic State’s potential success there against the U.S.-led coalition, is considered symbolic by the militant group and a key recruiting tool for extremists, according to analysts.

On Friday, Gen. Lloyd Austin, head of U.S. Central Command, said the American-led strikes had slowed Islamic State’s advance and its ability to bolster its front lines. The strikes, however, still might not be enough to stave off an all-out capture of Kobani by the militant group, Gen. Austin added.

“We’re no longer seeing them move around the country in large convoys,” Gen. Austin told reporters in the Pentagon in his first news conference since the U.S. started launching airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq in August.

But by Sunday afternoon, it was still unclear whether airstrikes had effectively damaged Islamic State’s ability to continue its assault on Kobani.

Mosques in Raqqa, Islamic State’s home base in Syria, have been appealing in recent days for blood donations as wounded fighters fill hospitals there, Syrian activists said. The casualties have forced the group to recruit new fighters as young as 12 years old, the activists added.




23 responses to “Syria’s Kobani hit by fresh round of Islamic State assaults”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    I hope Kobani will be the dead end for ISIS and will put an end to this devilish group once and for all.. Inshallah..

    1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

      The US paid them to kill everybody in the ME so they wont leave until they r done and there is nothing ur allah can do about that

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        and how much dope have you inhaled today?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad


          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar


        2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          He doesn’t need to. Lol

        3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          exactly this much

      2. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        Remember Saladin angel? He was a Kurd, he defeated the Crusaders :))..Don’d be so besimistic..

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          You really like the bad boys don’t you hind.

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            what bad boys..? irani angel is a good boy he has the rigth to his obinions.

          2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            I was refering to saladin.

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            He won didn’t know Moslems were as disunited as today, many fought on Crusaders side and he fought against Moslems.

        2. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          its bcos kurds r awesomeeeeee 🙂 (i’m a half kurd lol)

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            They support the Syrian beginning they were begging for coalition to strike ISIS. Centcom watched ISIS long convoy when it left Rakka on it’s way to Kobani, coalition ignored them..said they have a mission in Irak.

      3. Hind Abyad Avatar
        Hind Abyad

        They’re the descendants of Salah el Din…I’m in admiration:))

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Didn’t I tell you?
          Just wait until the Harleys roll in from Europe. 😉

          1. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Kobane will not be saved ultimately…remember how Centcom observed ISIS long convoy moving from Rakka and did nothing, because Kobane allegiance is with the Syrian government (who protected minorities).
            They “help” because Kobane is in public scrutiny.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Seems they are really ticked off that ONE small town can stand up to them – females included – and with a little help from other guys with bigger weapons knocking their stolen ones off, keep the idiots at bay for a month, decimate their wreaking crews, and cause them to run in retreat each time.
    Definitiely a dozen ‘ups’ for the Kurds.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yanks are doing ‘Air-Drops’ to Kobane … ‘Up Yours, Erdogan.’ 😉

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