U.S. will pursue Islamic State to the gates of Hell, warns Biden

bidenBidenU.S. Vice President Biden used the opening remarks of an economics speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday to vow retaliation for the execution of two American journalists in recent weeks by the militant group Islamic State, who he called “barbarians.”

The comments, the strongest yet from the Obama administration in light of the killings of  journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, were met with resounding applause as Biden declared that the American people would respond to the killings much like they did following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the Boston Marathon bombings.

“The American people are so much stronger, so much more resolved than any enemy can fully understand,” Biden said, speaking at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. “We don’t forget. We take care of those who are grieving, and when that’s finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice, because hell is where they will reside.”

Biden’s remarks came as he, flanked by Democratic members of Congress, delivered a populist speech about the importance of the middle class, which he called the backbone of the U.S. economy.

“The middle class is the fabric that stitches together this country unlike any other nation in the world. The middle class, when it’s doing well everybody does well.” Biden declared. “The reason why America has been the most stable nation in the world is because we’ve had an ever-growing middle class where people believe that if they play by the rules they get a shot.”

Biden’s appearance is the latest of several in which he has appeared in states that hold early presidential primaries. The vice president, who has sought the presidency twice before, is widely believed to be pondering a presidential bid in 2016.

Republicans in New Hampshire criticized the visit, noting that Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a prominent member of the Republican caucus, was not made aware of the appearance until after her schedule for the day was already set.

“By only inviting national Democrats to today’s event, the Vice President has injected politics where national security and economic issues should have instead been the focus,” RNC spokesman Michael Short said in a statement. “It’s clear the Vice President is more interested in buoying his presidential ambitions and the reelection prospects of vulnerable Democrats which are all being dragged down by their lockstep support for President Obama and his unpopular agenda.”

Washington Post




14 responses to “U.S. will pursue Islamic State to the gates of Hell, warns Biden”

  1. What are you waiting for??

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      The grieving stage to pass ….

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    And since we can’t comment on a Lebanese Soldier being buried … might as well fire something in here on it.
    “The soldiers’ captivity threatens to erode the Lebanese military’s moral, analysts say.”

    Fathead analysts. I’d rather they say what the soldiers are thinking … And I’m sure a lot of those are chomping at the bit to ‘go get some’ ISIS and Nusra. It has to do with being a soldier – not a Sunni.
    Are the anal-ysts TRYING to show the Army is now ‘afraid’ – like the people who are blaming ‘the government’ for not getting others out of the POW position??

    Blocking roads and burning those bloody tires again isn’t going to free anyone. Neither is shooting into the air wounding mourners. As much as we can feel the sorrow of a family in this, the wild melee of the funeral procession does nothing to change the fact that it’s murderers of the same ‘sect’ who have cut off a head. One hopes the local Mufti notes it well in the services.
    BACK UP your Army … after the funeral.

    1. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
      Comtessa di Alba

      How do you know “the fact that it’s murderers of the same ‘sect’ who have cut off a head”? How can Lebanon survive an ISIS invasion if their Media promote hatred between Lebanese. ISIS spared 5 Sunni soldiers and beheaded the Shia soldier, this is what i was told in direct from a friend in Lebanon.
      BACK UP you’re Army after the funeral.
      YaLibnan lied in “Anger as Lebanese bid farewell to soldier beheaded by ISIS”..he was not a Sunni.

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        He was from Fneideq and that’s a Sunni town. But no matter its very sad to see this happen after many warnings that the ISIS will be attacking the ISF and LAF and kidnap some in order to secure release of Roumeiah prisoners. But the gov’t as always is incapable of doing anything from small things like providing electricity, water and basic needs let alone negotiate a soldier release. But I hope the army would crush these bastards and make sure they never enter Lebanon again.

        1. $89733098 Avatar

          How dare u contradict daft mare! Don’t u know daft mare knows more than anyone else in this world? So does her mutah husband mr ed!

        2. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          INSHALLAH.. still on the soldier, when i mentioned
          “ham biedbakhou koul yom” he said: “Yes they killed Shia and spared five Sunni”. I was in chock, (i will talk to him tomorrow:) maybe he took his name for Shia (?) I’m scared of these developments, it gives US-NATO new justifications for bombardments at same time the Liberals are using ISIS for support from American middle class for political interests.
          Lebanese Government can’t unite what’s he doing
          with the billions donated by Saudi and France
          (corruption is embedded in politics..does the elite
          get electricity?).

          1. $89733098 Avatar

            Isis queen doesn’t want Isis to be attacked by the us/NATO. There you have it folks.

        3. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          Mazbout, hakeit mah sabeh, huweh massihi bitfakar heiss ism el haskar kan ali.. good night:)

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Well, then lets’ say ‘Muslim Sect’. It’s still murder.
        And the ‘army’ is autonomous …

        1. Comtessa di Alba Avatar
          Comtessa di Alba

          Much better expression:)) you learn fast.

      3. $89733098 Avatar

        Do u ever stop lying! I bet u were born a liar

    2. sweetvirgo Avatar

      I hope the army kills every last one of these barbarians. Who knows maybe the Lebanese army will put a stop to them. Nshallah ya rab

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