Lebanon seeking Russian arms to combat terrorist groups


Mashnouq lebnon I ministerLebanon’s Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq will be heading to Moscow on September 18 to purchase military equipment for the Internal Security Forces, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Monday.

Lebanon will use the $1 billion Saudi grant to Lebanon to fund the Russian arms the report added.

According to al-Akhbar, Mashnouq will also discuss with Russian officials the possibility of receiving a Russian military grant.

Al-Akhbar also quoted diplomatic officials as saying that Army chief Gen. Jean Kahwaji recently visited Russian Ambassador Alexander Zasypkin to prepare for his visit to Moscow.

His agenda will include the activation of a Russian grant that was announced in November 2010 and which includes providing the Lebanese army with helicopter gunships, tanks, cannons and ammunition, the diplomatic officials added.

This development comes after the United States delivered an emergency shipment of weapons to Lebanon’s military which is part of a broader regional effort to combat the growing threat posed by Islamic extremists.

The Lebanese government requested the weapons after militants from Syria attacked the Lebanese border town of Arsal earlier this month, killing and kidnapping soldiers and police in the most serious spillover of violence into the tiny country from the neighboring civil war.

Russia made in the past many promises to Lebanon to supply its army all types of equipment from fighter jets to helicopters but according to media reports it never delivered on its promises.

The Saudi grant of $1 billion was announced last month by former PN and Future Movement leader Saad Hariri. This was in addition to the $3-billion grant that was announced last year to cover French made military hardware



8 responses to “Lebanon seeking Russian arms to combat terrorist groups”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Ahhhh …. The Americans step up to the plate, and everyone rushes off to Russia to try to find something promised 4 years ago. Nice.
    And oh, by the way, thanks for making it impossible to have a government or a President for the last 5 years, FATHEADS.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Did anyone read the “Syrian Needs Assessment Project”?? Bottom lines say it all.

    2. MekensehParty Avatar

      5th for president!!!

    3. You forgot to mention that we are still waiting for the $3billion grant ????

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Too many promises to catch up to …. must be a long list by this time.

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    I don’t understand where the one billion and 3 billions from Saudi to France to provide the army with weapons.. what the hell is going on here.

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