US hits Iran with more sanctions over nuclear program


iran nuclearThe United States on Friday sanctioned more than 25 businesses, banks and individuals suspected of working to expand Iran’s nuclear program, supporting terrorism and helping Iran evade U.S. and international sanctions.

The action is part of the Obama administration’s effort to show it will enforce existing sanctions even as it works with other world powers to negotiate a deal that will curtail Iran’s nuclear program.

“Treasury’s action against over 25 entities and individuals, who are involved in expanding Iran’s proliferation program, supporting terrorism in the region and helping Iran evade U.S. and international sanctions, reflects our continuing determination to take action against anyone, anywhere, who violates our sanctions,” Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen said in a statement.

As a result of the action, Americans are banned from engaging in transactions with any of the designated parties and blocks all their property or interests in property under U.S. jurisdiction.




3 responses to “US hits Iran with more sanctions over nuclear program”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    AND, they are delivering ‘arms’ to the right place.
    “U.S. delivers more arms to bolster Lebanese army” (a no-comment story in here …)

    Send some to Ladies I know in Tripoli. OR At least one body-bag … after a week, it’s leaking.
    Maybe they could blast a hole in a cemetery ….. 🙁

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