Rocket fired from Lebanon lands in Israel , update


Lebanon Israel flags

Around 10:40 pm Saturday Beirut time a rocket fired from southern Lebanon near Nakoura in an area between the villages of Ed Dhaira and Tair Harfa struck Israel LBC reported .

The Israeli Army later confirmed the strike, saying that a rocket fired from Lebanon had struck an area of open ground east of Acre causing no damage or injuries, but the rocket set off sirens across northern Israel.

According to analysts the incident could be related to the war in Gaza .

Earlier saturday evening the lebanese Army Command announced that an Israeli drone violated Lebanese airspace and staged circular flights over several southern towns and villages.

Update: The Iranian news website Press TV reported early Sunday that the ” Israeli regime shelled southern Lebanon following the rocket fire from the country into northern parts of Israel.”

Press TV claimed that the rocket from Lebanon was launched from a Christian village in Zgharta District which is in northern part of the country , while all other agencies reported that the rocket was launched from south Lebanon

The Press TV report could not be independently verified



11 responses to “Rocket fired from Lebanon lands in Israel , update”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “According to analysts the incident could be related to the war in Gaza .”
    Right. Heavy Heavy Analysing going on in the bunkers.

    1. $89733098 Avatar

      I thought it was related to the volcano erupting in Iceland.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Now THERE’s a place with nice Ladies …. for a long time they ran the country. 😉

        1. $89733098 Avatar

          Really? When did They run the country?

          Kinda ironic that is Iceland is where lava can flow.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah .. well, the guys figured it was more safe out in the fishing boats. :-))
            Coming back to the ladies in the hot springs for looong winter nights was good too .. but yes, the ladies had the political situations well in hand. :-))

  2. There is no need to lie – a building was hit and 2 were hurt. Just read for your self. I always thought this paper was honest.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They get too used to being thought of as ‘spies’ if they report something. There’s a reason….

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