Syria death toll tops 180,000, report



An international human rights group says on the anniversary of the deadly chemical attack outside Damascus that “justice remains elusive” for the victims and their families. (AP Photo)
An international human rights group says on the anniversary of the deadly chemical attack outside Damascus that “justice remains elusive” for the victims and their families. (AP Photo)

BEIRUT, Lebanon –  More than 180,000 people have been killed in Syria since the conflict broke out in March 2011, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a new toll published on Thursday. 

The Britain-based monitoring group, which relies on a network of sources on the ground, said it had documented the deaths of 180,215 people. 

Among them were 58,805 civilians, including 9,428 children and 6,036 women. 

The group said 49,699 members of the armed opposition had been killed, among them fighters from jihadist groups like al-Qaida affiliate Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State. It did not break the figures down further. 

The new toll includes 66,365 regime forces — 40,438 from the military, and 25,927 members of a pro-regime militia. 

The Observatory also documented the deaths of 561 members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, which is fighting alongside the regime, and 1,854 other non-Syrian pro-regime fighters. 

The toll also includes 2,931 unidentified people whose deaths the Observatory has confirmed without being able to record their identities. 

The conflict in Syria erupted in March 2011, with peaceful anti-government protests that the authorities responded to with force. 

It has also displaced nearly half the country’s population.

imps of India



60 responses to “Syria death toll tops 180,000, report”

  1. One year later, and still, no justice. 1500 innocent people got rocked with sarin gas by Assad, only to be met with complicit silence in the global community.
    I haven’t mentioned Barack Obama’s “red lines” yet, but I’m sure you remember the coward that called for airstrikes, then immediately called for an appeal through congressional approval.
    Thank you Mr. Obama for being the pawn you are. Vladimir Putin sure made you and your administration seem like an empty trope — and now I wholeheartedly believe it.
    The Syrian people don’t need you, and God-willingly, never will. They have Allah. That is all they have. That is all they need.

    1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

      assad is not to blame but ur beloved ISisisisisisis… assad doesnt kill his own ppl n despite he’s very busy wiping out these nasty jihadists from isisisisis he is in fact the only arab leader who is helping the palestinians in gaza as the israelis r bombing the hell outta them.
      btw its time for u to retire ur allah… she is even nastier than isisisi

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        (pssstt … it’s the same Allah. Ask El Supremo.)

        1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          okay what?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            That was the answer you should have given to ‘Guest’. 😉

      2. $89733098 Avatar

        “assad doesnt kill his own ppl”

        STFU you lying holocaust denier.

        1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          assad doesnt kill his own ppl but isisissis does n about every syrian can conrfirm that for u.
          btw i dont deny holocaust, i actually glorify holocaust n wish for holocaust part 2

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            I don’t understand how you seem upset that the Americans “responsible for the deaths of millions of ppl”, but on the other hand you “glorify” the holocaust and wish for another. Kind of takes away your credibility

          2. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            kinda like the americans who wanna bring democracy n freedom to iran but overthrew mossadegh

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            I’m talking about the Syrian holocaust!

      3. What does sisisisi have to do with this?

        1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          if u dont know that u r outright stupid

      4. By your support for Asshead , you credibility is shot.

        1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

          what does the fact that u support the rebels tell about u?

          1. The anti assad rebels are the unsung heroes who walk the walk. They should be held in the highest honours,

          2. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar


    2. man-o-war Avatar

      I’m guessing you’re not aware of how American politics work, but you need congressional approval before you attack another country (declare war). Its not a dictatorship, sorry.
      What if congress had approved? They would have destroyed the Syrian army, Assad would have been captured (killed), the Alawites would have been forced to flee or killed. Then the extremist would have come anyway and a caliphate would have been declared sooner, would that be a good thing? Oh, sorry I asked. I forget that you crave for the day the Caliphate would be declared and the black flag of death would be raised over every capital in the world. Uniting the world under Islam.

      Isn’t that the ISIS/Qaeda/Islamic extremist flag in your avatar?

      1. $89733098 Avatar

        Why can’t you debate without making ridiculous accusations? Can’t you find anything to debate with except your far out fantasies?

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          What ridiculous accusations are you referring to? Btru2u would love the establishment of a world wide caliphate. He truly believes the world would be a better place if it was ruled under Sharia law.

      2. Because there are no democracy in there,Syria and Iraq so all side will find their new dictator.Since most of people in Iraq and Syria not understand democracy,including their politicians.It is not a bout religion it is a bout political survival.Politicians in Arab countries are too greedy.Not to step down and hanged too long on their office,even in democracy.When the world favor to democracy,but Arabs pretend to plant ,dictatorship.They will fight to death for this weird kind of politic,dictatorship.That why the rest revolt on them.Hence the root of wars in Arab world is dictatorship not religion.Arabs need politic teachers.They know not dictatorship is a politic tool to unite people at ancient times,at the past..They know not that democracy is the best politic tool ever known by human being to unite people.And if there are some differences between them,they can engage in debate and vote not in war.Since there are no civilization in Arab world,hence they are lack of advance knowledge to debate on,so they will engage in wars to win.This bad event what make world too sad on Arab world .Even Arabs are too rich because of oil.But they are not using this advantage to achieve civilization and they are know nothing what is civilization and it,s primacy in a country or a nation.

        1. Stoning and cutting is not the first choice in Syariah.Civil laws are allowed in Islam.Even the prophet urge to pardon stoning and cutting,since it is too hard..It is a warning at the past people.the past civilization, who are most of them are ignorant and brutal.That why there are strict laws all over the world at that time,ancient times,even in the west..If people not scare to God they must scare to laws to prolong human life beautifully.This is the concept of islamic laws.Not only non muslims not understand Islam even too many muslims not understand this religion.That why too many sect,chaos and wars.As Constantine who are using Christian as a politic tool.,many muslims do the same who interpreted religion as politic tool,only to gain politic and worldly life.This dragged religion to cult without people consideration and looked bad.That how Syiah and Wahabis emerged there in Arab world and that how we find too many sect in all religion.Some people are using religion for their lust ,some are loyal.Muslims is not exclude in this case.That why their religion looked ugly for whom,who are not understand and nor a scholars.

      3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        ISIS/Qaeda/Islamic extremist = USA/Israel

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          In your opinion, but i disagree. Maybe in the future I will be proven wrong. We will wait and see when the truth comes out.

          Hasn’t there been evidence that Iran is/was harboring al qaeda members in their country? You might know more about that than I do.

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            its not an opinion so how can u disagree wid facts?

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            What are the facts you’re presenting? Looks more like a baseless accusation to me?

            No response to the last part of my comment?

          3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            n how can u provide evidence to support ur claim that iran is harboring al-qaeda? repeating the same lies over n over again doesnt eventually turn those lies into evidence.

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            No solid proof, just news reports of the US and other countries accusing them of harboring al Qaeda operatives. Iran denies that it is.

            Just like you have no evidence to back your claim that ISIS=US, just rumors

      4. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

        america is not a dictorship, it is worse than a dictatorship. i mean i cant think of any dictatorship which is responsible for the deaths of millions of ppl worldwide

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          America looks out for their national interest first and foremost. Countries would be wise to remember that. No matter where they go or what they do, American national interest is the priority. I’m not going to deny that hundreds of thousands or even millions have died due to American action or inaction.

          However, it’s not a dictatorship and never will be. Better or worse than a dictatorship? Well, It seems you already made up your mind on that.

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            well i hope america understands the fact that other nations as well look out for their interests n dont give a damn shit about the americans.
            furthermore how can u be so certain that america never will turn into a dictatorship? isnt there the slightest possibility that in the future iran will take revenge n overthrow their ‘mossadegh’ n install a ‘shah’ n call them terrorists when opposing it? lol

          2. $89733098 Avatar

            “isnt there the slightest possibility that in the future iran will take revenge n overthrow their ‘mossadegh’ n install a ‘shah’ n call them terrorists when opposing it? lol”

            Not even the slightest. U work as a comedian?

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          Is the huff post not part of the Zionist media?

          Oh Ok, well i guess this makes beheading an innocent man justified. If they kill innocent civilians while going after terrorist fighters, you Muslims have every right to kill innocent civilians going after…ummm…innocent civilians?

          Muslim countries have no leg to stand on when it comes to treatment of felllow Muslims.

          1. I’m just saying don’t believe everything you read, or even watch on TV, and It. would be a good idea to stop inciting hatred and fueling the war.
            I hope your intelligent enough to tell the difference between truth , propaganda.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            True …
            ” … who showed mercy and protection to women, children, the elderly and even trees…” …. Unless they were Yazidis, of course .
            It’s the same everywhere ….
            MEN are known by their deeds. The words often float in the wind.

          3. man-o-war Avatar

            Somebody needs to remind ISIS and the rebels fighting in Syria about this.

          4. this is great.thanks.

          5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            bs! b4 the west decided to serve their own ‘national interest’ in the ME by installing puppet dictators nobody in the ME cared the slightest about sectarianism n neither do they now. I know syrians n iraqis of all sects n who actually dont wanna kill one another.

    3. libnan1 Avatar

      You are right the Syrian people don’t need anyone except for Allah to go to. There they can have their virgins. I guess Assad and HA are doing them a favor.

      1. you non muslim know nothing..what you know is insult..blame..and ect..we needn,t virgin.we need god please.we are fighting for our right.But without civilization and knowledge,and there are Syiah who interpreted religion as politic tool and twisted religion too far away,dictatorship and not understand democracy,plus planning by American jews ,hence there are wars and chaos there in syria and Iraq,even in Libya and Egypt You must speak using your brain,knowledge and sense, not hating and not to be a kid human being we are not better then others.Don,t be an arrogant.All people hate arrogant people,.even god hates them.

        1. man-o-war Avatar

          haha, “you infidel”. You’re crazy funny al zaber

      2. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        I love when you talk dirty. Lol

      3. I guess you find this amusing, you too will taste death in the not too distant future , and you will be held to account for everything you did and said. After all we are only on earth as a test for a short time .
        The akhirah will last a lot longer , (immeasurable).
        Once we die the test is over.
        How will you face your lord knowing you lived your life mocking at the misery of others.

        1. Sadly Btru the picture is pretty accurate and sad but no matter how I try to look at it, it always adds up to be that the palestinian leadership is neither competent, brave, or strategic in how they subject their own citizens to the slaughter with very predictable outcome that they must somehow view as cause worthy of world pitty or a condition that contributors set for them to keep the fire burning.

          The latest episode is no different than any other carbon copy one that only serves as a legitamate license and perimssion for israel to knock down everything they built the last 5 years, and they will keep doing it and israel will be on stand by to take advantage of the open door to respondevery time! the whole exercise is to the detriment of the palestinian civilians yet hamas somehow sees some kind of victory in it. Israel protects its citizens while Hamas leaves its citizens wide open for horror they know will take place, very frustrating.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yes. And the only way they could prove all the allegations against ‘The West’ is to lay down all the weapons, never shoot rockets again, make peace among all the different sects and tribes, and then wait to see if anyone wants to kill Arabs.
            Now, Ukrainians are a different story ….. 😉
            (And West Africans are just discovering Ebola.)

          2. No matter what you prove , they will brainwash gullible people like you with whatever they want.

            There has to be a balanced approach by world leaders and humans in general to the death of civilians irrelevant of race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. President Obama’s selective wording in which crimes a ‘Just God’ would stand by and stand against is as farcical as his statements on global peace and stability.

            The beheading of James Foley, a non-combatant journalist was wrong for so many reasons. However, the bombing of entire villages/towns with predator drones and F-16s, dismembering civilians is a completely different level of barbarity dressed up in political niceties of ‘fighting terrorism’.

          3. $89733098 Avatar

            Well said btru2u. Don’t forget “collateral damage”. When the west kills innocent civilians its “collateral damage” but when anyone else does (besides Israel ) it’s terrorism.
            They are BOTH terrorism.

          4. Thank you, Barabie for you input, your a good soldier, unlike the faceless cowards, who have destroyed their souls by chasing never ending worldly luxuries /pleasures at anyone’s expense Violent is their love for materialistic greed.

            The great sleeping warriors of Islam in ithe Armies of Egypt Pakistan, Turkey etc)need this message .
            “Don’t fall in love with the things that destroy men.
            Rouse your warriors and Come to that which gives you life, Honour God, love your families and defend your umma, .

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Propaganda = propaganda too.

            But I agree with your first line ….

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh, I am gullible. I want to believe people are good, That they want to live together in general harmony, That they want to be allowed to speak their minds.
            That they wish to discover this world … and the Universe as well.
            I tend to believe that, when I am living in that environment, it is a good thing.
            I’m as gullible as they come when someone says ‘How do you do’ and puts out a hand without a gun in it. I can vote out the guy who lied, but have found I can tell a lot by the handshake. Even if I had a boss at work who was an asshole, I believed he wanted his business to function.
            I got sucked in on that one too, a couple of times. But moved on. I am still gullible. It does seem to be a better way to be.
            Not that I’m not ‘aware’ … you need to sucker-punch me to wake me up.
            Some may have … but I’m still gullible. Living Life suits me just fine.
            And yes, an atrocity is an atrocity.
            Those should all be handled equally under Law. Of course. I agree. I’m gullible.

          7. It Is sad , but I believe the Palestinians are damned if they fight back , and damned if they don’t, because Israel can never ever be held accountable for anything that they do. I mean how the red lines have already been crossed , and there will be no consequences to pay.
            There is no incentive for them to stop. And don’t ever believe that Hamas fired first.

          8. This picture sums it up the cease fire deal

          9. good one 🙂

    4. America is not helping.They are planned to destroy Arab on behalf of Jews.America and U.K still in the hand of Jews.Jews bribed American politician to fight and die for them..To plant democracy is a fake.That is America.That why America dethrone Saddam and not intervene in Syria.Let we see america will not fight ISIS to the end.There are no strong force in any side.Hence both side will engage in wars for ever.That is their plan.They like if Iran intervene in Iraq.Hence they will destroy both Syiah and Sunni and there are no powerful country there to disturb Israel.I guess I m not wrong on this.But muslims still believe on them,even Quran urged them not to believe in them.

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