Rivers in hot water for saying Palestinians ‘deserve to be dead’


Joan RiversJoan Rivers has little sympathy for civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip.

“You’re dead, you deserve to be dead. You started it. You started it. Don’t you dare make me feel sad about that,” she said in a video recorded outside Los Angeles International Airport.

The TV personality and the daughter of Russian-Jewish immigrants lifted her hands to her cheeks in mock outrage when a TMZ reporter brought up that nearly 2,000 Palestinians have been killed since the Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Protective Edge a month ago.

“Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima,” she said. “When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don’t count who’s dead.”

Palestinians pray over the bodies of 17 members of the Abu Jamea family, killed by an Israeli strike at their house, during their funeral at the main mosque in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, Monday, July 21, 2014. (AP Photo/Hatem Ali)
Palestinians pray over the bodies of 17 members of the Abu Jamea family, killed by an Israeli strike at their house, during their funeral at the main mosque in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, Monday, July 21, 2014. (AP Photo/Hatem Ali)
After the reporter reiterated his point about the overwhelming number of civilian casualties in the conflict, Rivers countered that the Israeli military told them about impending attacks — and it’s their fault for not heeding the warnings.

“They were told to get out. They didn’t get out. You don’t get out, you are an idiot. At least the ones that were killed were the ones with very low IQs,” she said.

The video set off an Internet firestorm when it was posted to TMZ Thursday morning, prompting Rivers to release a “clarification” of her comments on her website later in the day.

Rivers said she is saddened and disappointed that her comments about civilian deaths were taken out of context.

“What I said and stand behind is, war is hell and unfortunately civilians are victims of political conflicts. We, The United States, certainly know this as 69 years later we still feel the guilt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” she said.

She accused the media of narrowing in on only her most inflammatory comments, obscuring her overall sentiments.

“Along with every other sane person in this world,” she said. “I am praying for peace.”

NY daily News



231 responses to “Rivers in hot water for saying Palestinians ‘deserve to be dead’”

  1. cook2half Avatar

    Joan Rivers is an angel from heaven

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      Joan rivers has swallowed too much sperm.

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        lol, I love your humor bro. However I think cookie has also done a bit of swallowing.

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          Yes, we’ll said.

    2. Where have you been Mr.Roach???:)))

  2. roccolore Avatar

    But no one says anything when the hate comes from the terror mosques where the imams advocate the murder of Jews.

    1. Right no one says anything , they just go bomb Muslim nations that have nothing to do with what’s going on and FYI Israelhell isn’t killing Palestinian cuz they r scared for their life they r trying eradicate all Palestinians to take over the rest of the land that have not stolen yet! Don’t be a jackass and educate urself , people aren’t against Jews they r against Zionist pigs!

      1. roccolore Avatar

        You Jew-haters are the jackasses. You have 57 countries for yourselves yet you want to get rid of one tiny Jewish nation.

        1. arzatna1 Avatar

          Are you trying to defend what River said ?
          I am really surprised that someone with Russian-Jewish roots would say something like this about innocent civilians regardless what nationality they may have.
          Shame on her and everyone who justifies the killing of civilians

          1. roccolore Avatar

            You attack Joan Rivers yet ignore what comes from the imam in the mosques who defend Hamas using kids as human shields and firing rockets from schools. Shame on you for justifying jihad and Sharia.

          2. You are a good parrot, dear jackass, cartoon, fascist, fruit, shit, satanist!:)))

          3. roccolore Avatar

            You Muslims are the parrots, asslifters, woman-haters, fascists, terror apologists, jihadists

          4. arzatna1 Avatar

            You are obviously misinformed and I feel sorry for your ignorance . I never supported using kids as a human shield , Sharia or Jihad . I believe in being civil and resolve my disagreements through modern and peaceful means such as negotiations , dialogue or courts . I also believe no human has the right to kill another.

            Israeli agents on the other hand like yourself automatically accuse every one that criticizes a jew or Israeli as being a Jew hater or anti semitic . This is because you cannot logically defend your acts …you are bankrupt. I feel sorry for you , because one day you are going to be in the same position the Palestinians are in today….it is only a matter of time, because what goes up can only go down and Israel starting heading that way.

          5. roccolore Avatar

            You cry “Islamophobia” every time someone criticizes suicide bombers.

          6. arzatna1 Avatar

            When did I do that ? Show me !
            Say anything you want but please don’t lie …I despise liers .
            Unfortunately you are being a typical racist and this is what Israel the country of apartheid taught you.
            I feel sorry for you because the only way people like you discuss issues is by reverting to lies and false accusations . Time for Israelis to be civil , because it won’t be long before you find yourself in the same position as the Palestinians , perhaps even worse. ….it is only a matter of time and tie is not on your side

          7. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            They are cruising for a bruising all of their own doing, this silly spider is going to get caught in its own web. Continue your wicked ways at your own peril keep killing innocent people and fooling your allies the day will come where your deeds will be exposed and you will only have your foolish selves to blame.

          8. roccolore Avatar

            What race is Islam? And if anyone supports apartheid, it’s the anti-Israel crowd that ignores the treatment of gays, women, and non-Muslims in the Muslim world.

          9. sweetvirgo Avatar

            That’s what I said as well but roccolore is so offended that most of the people here are blasting rivers. I will echo your sentence…shame on everyone who justifies killing of civilians

        2. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Yes Yes, the chosen people. The chosen people from hell. You pieces of shit will NEVER see peace in the ME. So enjoy eternity fighting for your lives. The time will come when you will fall. And the REAL arabs will piss on each and every last one of you.

          1. roccolore Avatar

            Muslim fascists like you are pieces of shit. You stone rape victims, hang gays, kidnap schoolgirls, fly planes into buildings, and use children as human shields. Muslim fascists like you are greedy hypocrites who have 57 countries for yourselves.

          2. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Ah, flying planes into building hey. Tell me, can you explain to me why the day the world trade center was supposedly attacked by Bin Laden and co, there was conveniently 3500 Jews who happened to be sick that day. I know, I know, all these bloody conspiracy’s.

          3. roccolore Avatar

            None of your Muslim friends that weren’t hijackers died in the World Trade Center attack. But there were over 400 Jews who died. So you Muslim fascists are wrong again. Muslims like you hate America, hate Europe, hate Australia, but you love those welfare benefits.

          4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Don’t credit the world trade centre disaster with no Arab, it was a precise hit that only the automated systems guided it head on into that building. Yes three or four or five Arabs armed with only pocket knives hijacked a plane full of people against their will so calmly into a building. Pull the other one, the passengers on that plane couldn’t disarm and submit 5 or so hijackers, even in the face of death? Wake up stupid.

          5. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Your not saying it was an inside Job?, are you Maborlz. They wouldn’t lie to us, would they?. Man I am so gullible. -:)))

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (sigh … the theorists are at it again …:-(

          7. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Lesson number 2, the Americans are like sheep, no brains they just follow the others even if they walking off a cliff, such as our 5th Yes mr president I am a real American.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (ooohhhh … a ‘nice’ word … but the civility is being removed by ‘others’ I fear.)

          9. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            At the moment you are either an American or a Zionist, but hang around and I’ll take you places. You will learn to see and distinguish the truth from error.

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hey, if you can’t find enough real reporters to report a truth, this is not my problem. If you can’t have police and investigative people who actually do it, and can’t report findings accurately, this is not my problem.
            I do see a building down, and KNOW there are people of many nationalities and faiths crushed under it. If YOU can’t figure out what report to read, that’s not my problem either. I did see it happened. And THAT is the truth.

          11. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Get off the bottle.

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Magic carpet rides in order, I’m sure. 😉
            Mystical music to match the words, please. 🙂

          13. $89733098 Avatar

            5th lives in Canada but i get your point about him being more american than a real american. I am sure you have come across australians who will defend the US or israel way before they defend Australia.

          14. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            They talk the same, I must admit Canadians generally are better informed and more civil than the mob to the south.

          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And soon, your tax-dollars will help Yazidies … 😉

          16. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            My friend they are not the only ones distorting the truth, the leaders in the Middle East are eating out of the same bowl.

          17. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            So True.

          18. roccolore Avatar

            You are stupid for defending radical Islam.

          19. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Show me where I am defending radical Islam, I love good people equally Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu whatever, and on the flip side I despise all the evil radicals be they Sunni, Shiite, zionists, Christian, gay or whoever is low enough to take another persons life, belongings, country,
            Rights or whatever. Evil is evil, even when it is in conflict with itself it is in the same category and from the same source the old bag himself.

          20. Seems you are not getting yours!:)))

          21. roccolore Avatar

            Muslim fascists like you flood Europe for the welfare benefits. Meanwhile, Christians are chased out of the Muslim world. You want terror mosques everywhere, but Christians can’t build churches in the Muslim hellholes.

          22. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Stop defending Christians, to justify your actions.

          23. roccolore Avatar

            So what Muslim countries allow the construction of churches and synagogues?

          24. 5thDrawer Avatar

            valid question … 😉

          25. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Silly comment from one of my pupils, not impressed.

          26. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well there had to be something valid in here … and he got an answer.
            (can’t say that was valid .. however …)

          27. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            That’s their problem to deal with, doesn’t justify why children get murdered while walking on the beach in gaza.

          28. All of them….including Iran!:))) Unlike some necons/evangelist/zionist powered nations!….what else???

          29. roccolore Avatar

            Really? How do you explain Saudi Arabia?

          30. The pain seems unbearable, get a zionist doc asap!:)))

          31. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            I understand your hate for Muslims now, You have had you rectum hammered by a Muslim, right. It’s either your in a lot of pain, or you desire more anal penetration.

          32. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Put bluntly.

          33. roccolore Avatar

            You have a hate for Jews and Christians.

          34. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Your instigating again.

          35. Oh forgot to add ‘shit’ to your ever growing list of titles!:)))

          36. roccolore Avatar

            Muslims like you are Shit.

          37. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Thank him for reminding you …. 😉

        3. Said the Jackass, cartoon, fascist, fruit, Satanist himself!:)))

          1. roccolore Avatar

            Muslims like you are the fascists. You are anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, and pro-Sharia. Muslim fascists like you stone rape victims and hang gays. Muslim fascists like you kill over cartoons and kidnap Christian schoolgirls. Muslim fascists like you flood Europe for the welfare benefits. Muslim fascists like you are the Satanists who demand special privileges for yourselves.

          2. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Man for F@&k sake, have you nothing new to say.

          3. He is in pain, please be sympathetic!:)))

          4. Ok….what else???? Take it all out!:)))

    2. Oh forgot the zionists are lovely angels who bring the worst in good people!:)))

      1. roccolore Avatar

        And Muslims are so angelic when they invade synagogues during their “peace rallies”, bomb subways, fly planes into buildings, and bomb schools.

        1. What else??? Keep it coming….audience are thrilled to have you here!:)))

          1. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            It’s quite funny actually.

          2. Is it?….I am not good at it like some zionists in here.:(((

  3. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Shame on her and anyone who agrees with her

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yes … it’s not about the ‘I.Q.s’ …. it’s about ‘education’. She should have just stayed with ‘violence begets violence’ and left it at that.
      Of course, when in the ‘Star Mode’, an idiot ‘reporter’ poops out the most ridiculous question to ‘make news’ for the slavering masses … the ‘Star’ should have more sense … or a better I.Q. The ‘rag magazines’ are making money still. 😉
      Did anyone ask her how she makes cookies?

      1. sweetvirgo Avatar

        She’s an idiot anyway. She just needs attention to bring her more money for more plastic surgerys.

        How do they make cookies?? ;)))

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I have no idea, sweets. :-)) Probably without the good stuff that makes them light and crispy and flavourful … more like a bagel I imagine. Kinda doughy and hard on the jaw. 😉
          If I have a cheese & bacon bagel, it’s a meal in itself. And probably fattening.

    2. roccolore Avatar

      Shame on you Muslim fascists.

      1. sweetvirgo Avatar

        Shame on anyone who promotes violence. The article is about Rivers saying something horrible. Does that mean I agree with hamas, IS??? Of course not,….may they burn in hell too along with rivers. And by the way Im not muslim as you can see by my avitar I’m christian so they are not my muslim fascists.

        1. roccolore Avatar

          So why are you defending the very people who would kill you?

          1. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Who the hell am I defending??? Listen is rivers related to you that you feel that you are so insulted?? No innocent people deserve to die…not muslims, not jews, not christians not anyone. Over 1500 Palestians died and most of them were civilians…innocent civilians and did not deserve this and save your breath I know hamas is not innocent in this either. I hope they rot in hell too. Where is your humanity?? Feel bad for the innocent no matter what their nationality is for they are the one’s that suffer.

          2. Tell your lovely Zionists and their creations that!:)))

          3. roccolore Avatar

            Your Muslim friends invade churches and fire bombs from there.

          4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Don’t worry about our churches, God can defend himself. Stop instigating hate, Christians don’t follow the eye for an eye values. We love forgiving and we despise instigators of conflict.

          5. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Amen to that ;)))

          6. What else??? Take all the frustrations out, damn those zionists…..they should have been gentle!:)))

      2. No to war Avatar
        No to war

        Just because somebody is against this killing doesn’t me he/she is Muslim. I am not and I think you have to be a heartless monster to support killing of innocent children. Did you forget about WW2?

    3. 5thDrawer Avatar

      (Pssst … It’s Friday night … the witches are out … watch this place fill up fast … could set a new record for ‘comments’ on a single event. :-)))) Come back and scroll through on Sunday to do the ‘thumb-up’ stuff. More efficient. ;-)))

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        Lesson number 3, It’s Saturday morning.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yah .. but you’re upside down and freezing your ass off anyway. :-)))
          Even your toilet-water doesn’t swirl in the ‘right’ direction. :-)))

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Nah it’s nice day, the sun is out I’m going to watch the football and we’re not on booze 5th. Enjoy your day in the US of A.

      2. sweetvirgo Avatar

        Tune in next time for the OMG comments. Can’t wait to read them ;))

  4. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Once again typical zionists attitude being expressed without the slightest regard for human life, here in sydney earlier in the week the police arrested six 14 year old boys who teased some jewish school kids on a bus. It made the news there was outrage by the Jewish community all because of some kids teasing other kids. But when adult jews publicly and openly abuse palestinians it’s fair at worst taken out of context. Go get fucked zionist dog turds, fuck you and your sorry ass excuse of an excuse to exist in this world. Its no wonder why that race has been on the outer ever since the days of the Pharoah. Tfeeeeh, and shame on the Joan rivers of the world, tfeeeeeeeeeeh again and again.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Point there is, what kids do should never have reached the news. Kids ‘bully’ for any reason they can think of. They are not educated yet. Let the teachers handle it. Arrested?? Idiots.
      ‘If you don’t do the right thing, we bring in Big Brother’. No guidance from parents or educators in that way of handling things.

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        The point is don’t offend the Jew, heavens forbid if you do you are a criminal. Even if your an adolescent you don’t offend the Jew, they are special above royalty above all others. You anti Semitic criminals. Get stuffed yehoudis, you stink.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          The education should be for ‘all’.

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Well go get educated, your obviously lacking the basics. Listen to what I tell you and don’t argue, that will be lesson number 1, Class dismissed.

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Have you folks voted for democracy down there?

          3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari


          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’m happy you’re counting ‘lesson plans’. I’ll probably fail a couple … but it might be because of the translations.

          5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            No pupil of mine is allowed to fail, its too easy to succeed just sit on the fence and observe both sides. Yes that was number 6.

        2. roccolore Avatar

          Don’t offend the Muslims or else they’ll blow something up.

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            That can be interpreted as correct, but don’t turn the blind eye towards the other extremists the Zionist who has been ducking for cover and justifying his actions based on what the other evil counterparts are conducting.

          2. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            HaHaHaHaHaHa, that’s so original. He’s one for you, don’t offend a Jew or IT will go on a rampage and bomb innocent woman and children.

          3. roccolore Avatar

            Muslim fascists like you kill over cartoons.

          4. Said the cartoon himself!:)))

          5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari


          6. roccolore Avatar

            Fascist Muslim, remember how your kind reacted to Danish cartoons?

          7. How??? Please enlighten the audience!:)))

          8. Oh did the lovely Zionists do that to you too!:))) No wonder you are so agitated!:)))
            I hope they will be gentle next time!:)))

    2. roccolore Avatar

      Muslim fascists like you are the dog turds who demand everything and do nothing to better your lives.

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        His not even Muslim you idiot. See, not only Muslims despise you animals.

        1. roccolore Avatar

          Muslims like you are the animals. You fly planes into buildings, stone rape victims, hang gays, and kidnap girls for going to school.

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            The gay hanging part ain’t so bad is it, lol.

          2. Oh you forgot to mention the masters….the lovely Zionists!:)))

          3. roccolore Avatar

            Muslims are the masters of murder.

          4. Yawn…..lol…:)))

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (you forgot the ‘acid in the face’ sects …)

          6. $89733098 Avatar

            wow u really have it in for a certain side this weekend. Did u run out of alcohol?

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And joy barabie … but not related to you … only Lebanon friends.
            I wait contact from the Tripoli hell … more than ‘normal’ is wrong …

          8. $89733098 Avatar

            Sorry to hear that but no need to blame one side and generalize. I actually expect more from u coz i hold u to a higher standard.

          9. $89733098 Avatar

            u sound like cooked to death.

      2. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        I’m catholic, the truth is the truth take it or leave it.

        1. roccolore Avatar

          The truth is that Muslims will kill you and all the other non-Muslims like ISIS and Boko Haram are doing.

          1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Yes with the help off bigger evils, do I need to say more.

          2. Really….oh we didn’t know. Thanks for letting us know!:)))

        2. Joe Deno Avatar

          What should Israel do to stop hamas firing rockets?

          1. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            thats very simple… move back to europe

          2. Joe Deno Avatar

            why dont you move back too hell were you are from…If I were Israel I would nuke you dirt bags yo king dom com..

          3. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            israelis cant even defeat palestinian children but nuke iran yir that they can lol

          4. Joe Deno Avatar

            You are a typical trouble maker.Israeli trys to make peace with terrorists .They dont want peace they want to destroy Israel but they can’t Israel is to strong.lf Iran screws with them they will be destroyed and the world will celebrate…….Lol

          5. TheUSequalsTheIS Avatar

            u have hard time understanding so instead u make up stuff like that

      3. Really, said who…a satanist himself?:)))

    3. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      And again and again and again.

    4. master09 Avatar

      With words like that you must be in the same line as them and the ones who gave him a thumbs up well no diff. In every race and culture you have this staff. Like the Muslims in Sydney are making a good name for themselves with no respect for the law in Pissbowl and teskemba and other places they live. Every culture has discusting shit in it. First we must look in our own backyard. Just to save you time because I rite this I must be a Jew lover. Lol

      1. Anti ISIS Avatar
        Anti ISIS

        I must say master, I agree with you in terms of those two areas you mentioned.

  5. “Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima,” she said. “When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don’t count who’s dead.”

    Folks come on now, she didn’t mean that. Zionists are adorable discarded devils from HELL who never do no EVIL!:) Poor thing need lessons in mathematics, as she got confused in the count and actually meant them the lovely Zionists and got agitated that some actually went back to their everlasting dark abode!:)

    1. roccolore Avatar

      Muslims are the Satanists.

      1. Lol….you are fun to toy with! Go on keep us entertained!:))) Hey, btw don’t forget to call upon all your fellow satanists and your lovely zionist SATAN deity.:)))

        1. roccolore Avatar

          You Muslims are the Satanists who use kids as human shields.

          1. What else??? Don’t stop….keep it coming so we can stay entertained!:)))

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            @zjso:disqus wtf guys, some respect for satanists
            they’re one of the few cults who never declared war on anyone
            go count the billions of deaths that your respective religions created and don’t mess with “peaceful” religions like Satanism.

          3. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
            Maborlz Ez-Hari

            Corl kharra.

  6. Anti ISIS Avatar
    Anti ISIS

    What an animal this Rivers is. I hope she can one day feel the pain some of these poor innocent people are feeling.

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      … said maher al assad

  7. libnan1 Avatar

    Bitch from hell. She just needs a hard dick in her mouth.

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      lol, How have you been libnan. Hope your doing well.

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        speaking of dicks in mouth directly attracts you doesn’t it?

        1. Anti ISIS Avatar
          Anti ISIS

          Oh, what’s wrong Mek, you need me to come and stick it in your mouth. AGAIN. Only if you promise not to bite on it again.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            Hahahaha so easy

          2. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Is that a yes or a no. -:))

        2. $89733098 Avatar

          Incredible how homophobic certain individuals on this blog are. The funny thing about guys dicks in girl’s mouths is that u fools BEG to be blown.

          1. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Lol. That’s so true. However in meks case it’s always a guy. -:))))

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            One could enjoy a reversal … 😉

      2. libnan1 Avatar

        Doing well my friend, you can’t beat hanging on the beach. I just saw one looked like Barabie bazookas …..:) Hope your doing well.

        1. $89733098 Avatar

          I’m so happy that “men” like u r quickly becoming extinct.

  8. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Later people, God bless his earth and stay safe, time to go.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Cheers. It’s been a laugh. :-))

  9. Waiting for MJ Avatar
    Waiting for MJ

    Where’s Micheal Jackson?

    1. Anti ISIS Avatar
      Anti ISIS

      He got convicted and sentenced to death for being a smooth criminal. -:)

      1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
        Maborlz Ez-Hari

        He told them to beat it, but the arseholes finished him. RIP MJ

  10. Cera long Avatar
    Cera long

    cSPAN aired a program this yeAr featuring engineers,scientists,and people from different walks of academia demonstrating how two planes couldn’t have caused the twin towers to collapse like that and that our government is hiding many things from us. And to all you saying Islam is not peaceful, calling it satanist, have you ever met a Muslim personally? Have you ever read the Quran? If not, then stop saying false things about something you have no knowledge of and falling into ignorance.

  11. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    She is just an old fart who cares what she says..Da Bitch of ISIS..

  12. $89733098 Avatar

    I don’t understand why people are getting upset about joan being honest. Much prefer her honesty than the usual zionist drivel of ” it has done everything possible to avoid harming innocents” blah blah blah.
    We should encourage the rest of the zionists to be honest like joan. .

    1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
      Maborlz Ez-Hari

      I see your point, but why is it when others are honestly expressing their opinions about the Israelis, they’re painted with the same old anti Semitic brush or worse charged?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Is there ANY difference ???
        Wait until I lay a couple on Muslims with great generality.

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          Yes there is a difference, the whole of society is talking about islam is this and islam is that, fine it may be warranted especially if you are alien to these scenarios occuring in the middle east and even in the west eg: the boston marathon and many more. However, why are the isrealis allowed to do the same and have the blind support of the west. Like ive said before evil is evil no matter who is committing the act. Be fair, and call it like it is.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Where have I not?

  13. Who are Satanists?

    Luciferans – Zionists, Globalists, Bankers, Ruling Elites, Entertainment Moguls, etc….the list is endless!

    “Most Zionists do not like to admit it, that their god is Lucifer.” They are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”

    Welcome to the Synagogue of Satan!

    Luciferian “Jewish” Organized Evil wants to establish their control on Earth totally, absolutely and forever.

    They want to establish ONE Religion that of Lucifer’s/Dajjal/Anti-Christ/ETC. by eradicating all the Abrahamic Religions, by systematically creating religious and sectarian wars which you have seen, currently see, and will see in coming times!

    One Religion – One Government – One New World – One Army – One Currency

    Satanists…Talmud…Pharisees…Illuminati…New World Order…

    Who are Kabbalahist?

    “Most people do not Knowingly go towards Lucifer (who is appropriately called Satan). So those who end up worshipping Lucifer essentially have to be tricked into doing this. Theosophy spends a great deal of time with the Kabbalah (caballa/quabalah), because the books of the Kabbalah pretend to be about Jewish History. The premise of those who study the Kabbalah is that they are reading an ancient series of books, usually containing HIDDEN knowledge about the Bible, and about the Universe.

    Since the so-called “Enlightenment,” mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Kabbalah. What we have been taught to believe is “progress” is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah.

    The “god” of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. Illuminati Jews and their Freemasonic allies are stealthily erecting a New World Order dedicated to Lucifer.

    The Kabbalah is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original god, who created the universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats him and comes to
    rule the universe in his stead.

    Lucifer is the offspring of the father god and his wife, the goddess. But the son-god also marries his mother. The son-god was identified with the sun while the goddess was identified with the planet
    Venus, the first star seen at sunrise. “Essentially, the god and the goddess were seen as two aspects of a single god.” Livingstone writes. “As such, other names for Satan have included “Prince of Dawn” or “Son of the Dawn.”

    Lucifer, who exemplified evil, was known as a “dying God” because every winter he died and descended to the underworld where he ruled over the spirits of the dead. Kabbalism is a sex cult
    tied to the cycle of the seasons. It is concerned with the incestuous mating of the god and goddess to ensure fertility.

    The problem is – that is not ACTUALLY what the Kabbalah is doing. The system of the Kabbalah claims to be based on Jewish Mysticism. But we have to look at that claim very closely. Some people who hear the term “Jewish Mysticism” think that this applies to Jewish Spirituality but it does not!

    Who are the Illuminati?

    They comprise of the Bolshevik Jews of old, the Lubavitch Jews of today, the Zionists, the Communists, almost every government in the world and secret society that takes oaths to Lucifer and participate in blood rituals whether sacrifices, drinking, or both. They’re practices in ritual and black magic which are taken directly from the Talmud.

    The Talmud Jews have been behind every major war and mass murder since the beginning of time. Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, just the more notable ones in our recent history. They even masterminded the Jewish Holocaust via the Nazi’s for political gain. They wanted their own Zionist state. To them, if you’re not a Talmudic Jew, you’re not a Jew at all. So sacrificing millions of “non-Jews” (Jews who worshipped only Torah) wasn’t a problem for them, in fact for them it was a Sacrifice and ritual to their God Satan.

    They were also responsible for World Wars, genocide and the impoverishment of large swathes of humanity during the 20th century. Conversely, a globalist is a Satanist because they seek to erase free will and the freedom to choose one’s destiny. If one follows the doctrine of globalism, they are following the mandates of Satan. There is no middle ground.

    There are now enough whistleblowers and evidence to show they engaged in human sacrifice, pedophilia and enslavement of children besides orchestrating world wars, religious/sectarian wars, etc.…the list is endless!

    There seems to be a great divide amongst the Jews. Those who worship the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and those who completely rebel and have always caused the nation to fall into idolatry and sin. As in the past, as is today.

    So there’s really no big secret about who these NWO Satanists really are. They’ve been around for thousands of years in secret and occult societies. Infiltrating, deceiving, and persecuting God’s people under the guise of inquisitions, communism, and holocausts. And everything they’ve done, and everything they do, can be traced directly back to the Talmud.

    They control the Jewish Belief and Religion, The Money, Media, Internet, Mind Control Conditioning, Manipulation of Labor & Industry, The Religion, Entertainment Industry, Banks, etc….the list is endless!

    They promote Pedophilia, Homosexuality, Beastality, etc….the list is endless!

    Their plan is to kill at least 95% of the world population and permanently enslave the rest of humanity.

    Zionist Jews are pretending to be Israelites for political reason but are actually Illuminists-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanists as Harold Wallace Rosenthal admits in this interview. They are Pharisees. They want to establish a Zionist Luciferian state from the Nile to the Euphrates from where they plan to rule the Earth. The new Israeli Supreme Court is full of Masonic Symbols, just like the B.I.S. Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, which is the Mother of All Private Central Banks. The hexagram symbol on the Israeli flag is the ancient Star of Moloch, a deity to which people were sacrificed. There is no such thing as a Star of David which the modern Jews have been fooled into believing; however, the True Torah Jews are not fooled by the Zionists Illuminatis.

    Zionists like to hide behind the veil of anti-Semitism and pretend to be Jews so that people hesitate to criticize them.

    There is so much evidence for this now that only the fools still relying on Satanic corporate propaganda do not realize it yet. The plan involved a fake alien invasion, germ warfare, starvation, atomic war and artificially generated disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes.

    Even if you assume there are runaways who never contact their families again, there is a vast and growing pool of evidence that many of these children have been killed or turned into sex slaves by the Satanists.

    Possess the Soul by Controlling the Message is the Goal. The Satanic tools of enslavement begin with the control of the internet.

    The Satanists are mostly but not exclusively of Khazarian descent but they pretend to be Jews, Christians and Moslems in order to hide their affiliation.
    The Satanists are the people who were participating in the plot to enslave humanity.

    In a 2009 speech, Zbigniew Brzezinski proclaimed, “…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”

    Brzezinski is obviously the globalist’s man on the ground and serves the role as puppet master. Therefore, we would be wise to listen and to take seriously what this New World Order and Satanist demagogue has to say because he and his globalist colleagues are beyond hiding their intentions, they are making their move because they know if they don’t move soon, that too many people on the planet will awaken and stop their tyranny in its tracks.

    During a speech in Poland, Brzezinski publicly lamented that it has become “increasingly difficult to suppress” and control the “persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples.” Brzezinski is clearly referring to “we the people”, the people in the alternative media.

    Luciferians actually control demons and consider Satanist as very dangerous to them. Luciferians are ancient bloodlines. Satanists are like grunt soldiers for Luciferians. Either way they all kill people and serve the same master. You can watch “Eyes Wide Shut” for an idea of who Luciferians are.

    So you see these people are not playing games here and this is very serious stuff. Remember it’s not what your religion is, or lack of that counts. It’s theirs that matters as killing you is their religion. Warn others and always keep both guards up always, trust no one new especially the least likely ones you’d suspect such as clergy, church members.

    Many Satanists are active church members. Fact is Freemasons and Satanists donate the most money in most churches all to gain positions of power and trust. From there they can guide the flock onto what passages they want you to learn and not others.

    The Talmud is the Satanic version of the Torah. The Jews have an oral version of the Torah called the Tenach, or which some call the Talmud, but the Talmud a minority of real Jews are familiar with is not the Talmud being used today. The Babylonian Talmud has taken precedence since 1905 and is blasphemous. In fact every Jew today is taught through this particular Talmud. It refers to Jesus as an idol, and His worshippers as idolaters. It claims Jesus was into beastiality and is burning in hell in a pool of semen. Now where would that come from? Satan Himself. The books of the Talmud are based on the teachings of the Pharisees.

    Every disgusting teaching or beliefs of the Talmud are the same beliefs that the Illuminati hold today. We’ve been steered away from the Jewish aspect. They shove(d) the evils of the Vatican at everyone so the focus is off of them. The real and Christian Jews of today disregard the Zionists and want nothing to do with them. The god of the Zionists is their army, building their military strength. What does Daniel say about the Antichrist? His god is one his father’s knew not, a god of forces.

    Doesn’t get any clearer than that. Most know the Antichrist would have to have Jewish blood for the Jews to be deceived into believing he’s their Messiah. The Antichrist is coming out of the NWO. Do you get the picture now? And just as Hitler, a forerunner, he’ll have Jewish blood, and he’ll be Talmudic….occultic.

    The leaders of Zionism are neither True-Torah Jews, or Israelites or Judeans or practicing converted Jews, i.e. they are Babylonian Satanists Luciferians apostate imposters. Zionism is not Abrahamical, rather, it is Cabalism from Babylon Sion (Sun) worshippers.

    You are not “anti-Semitic” for opposing Zionism. But who or what is a “Jew”?

    Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to takeover Palestine? Not at all since people all already living there. And in any case, according to many historians, such as the Jewish historian Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe, the word “Jew” refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as “Chinese”. In such a case, some people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their race, and other people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their religion. Idiotic arguments would occur because some Chinese would insist that you cannot be Chinese unless your parents were Chinese.

    Other people would argue that we can all become Chinese, even Sammy Davis Jr. Incidentally, as Sammy Davis Jr. had become Jewish. A group of people referring to themselves as “Jews” are insisting that Palestine belongs to them because their ancestors lived there are 2000 years ago. They created the hoax of Zionism movement to help restore their homeland. However, numerous historians have looked into this issue and discovered that most of these Zionists are not descendants of the original Israelites. Rather, most Zionists are “Ashkenazi Jews”; a race of people from Asia.

    The real, original Israelites were physically and genetically similar to the Arabs, specifically, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. The Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic languages have a lot of similarities, also. The real homeland for the European Ashkenazi Jews is near the Caspian and Black Seas, not Palestine.

    Their ancestors picked up the Jewish religion many centuries ago. Due to the widespread ignorance of people in that era, after a few generations they assumed that they were the descendants of the Edomite/Yaphite Jews that lived in Palestine. During the past two centuries, the Rothschild Banking dynasties funded the hoax of Zionism.

    THE KHAZARS or Ashkenazis are European Russians Jews (counterfeit Israelites) and make up 90% of people who call themselves Jews, i.e. mostly European tribes from Russia, Poland and Eastern Europe and some from Germany. Khazars have always been known for their cruelty.

    Here is an explanation:

    “By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War.” Mossad Motto in Knesset

    The people who are mistakenly referred to as “Jews” today include:

    1. Israelites:
    these are the descendants of Jacob-Israel, who was the son of Isaac son of Abraham descendent of Sem son of Noah. Jacobites or Israelites are all mixed blood now through centuries of intermarriage.

    2. One of the 12 tribes of Israel is the tribe of Judah. Judeans are Israelites but a split occurred when Edomites (Sephardic Jews) were merged into them.

    The actual non-Israelite Jews are:
    3. Sephardics (Edomites or reds): these are the descendants of Edom son of Isaac. Sephardics Jews are estimated to be 5% of the total number of people who call themselves Jews. These are not Israelites but are Semites. May be they are the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and elsewhere who are the lost and forgotten tribe of Israel!

    4. Khazarian or Ashkenazi Jews: these are the descendants of a Southern Russian/Northern Turkic idol/phallic worshipping tribe who migrated to Russia in the 8th Century A.C. and whose nobility converted to Talmudic Babylonian Judaism (not True Torah Judaism) in the 8th Century A.C. and now inhabit mostly Europe. (About 95% of all Jews). There are not Israelites and are not Semites either.

  14. Zionism = LUCIFERIANISM

    Illuministic Communism the Goal

    The goal of the Jewish Masonic elite is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and to enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem.

    An essential element in this grandiose plan is the Masonic plot to blow up and destroy Islam’s golden-domed monument now sitting on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, despised by Orthodox Jewish rabbis and the secularist Masonic Illuminists alike.

    On the heap of its ruins, the Masons intend to build a Jewish Masonic temple where they and their satanically energized messiah shall worship and pay homage to the Egyptian double-headed eagle deity, Mammon-Ra, the god of money and prosperity (Daniel 11:37-39).

    The Jews are beset with an unbridled ambition—a consuming desire to acquire global power and establish once and for all their long-delayed Zionist Kingdom on planet earth.

    Freemasonry is Jewish Magic

    One of the unheralded and least known facts about Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge is its Jewish origins and nature. The religion of Judaism, based on the Babylonian Talmud, and the Jewish Cabala (or, Kabala), an alchemical system of magic and deviltry, form the basis for the Scottish Rite’s 33 ritual degree ceremonies.

    Thus, The Jewish Tribune of New York, on October 28, 1927, stated; “Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?”

    The well known rabbi, Isaac Wise, was emphatic when he concluded: “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”

    In the classic treatise of the Masons, Morals and Dogma, authored by the late Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike, we discover the revelation that the Jewish cabala is the very basis of Masonic practice and ritual and that the cabalistic “Theology of the Sephiroth” is at the root of all Masonic knowledge. This, admits Pike, is “high magic,”the “Sacerdotal Art,” and the “Royal Art.”

    The Jewish cabalistic nature of Masonry is demonstrated by the Lodge’s odd view of evil. Pike writes: “The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will.”

    As for Lucifer, the alternate name for the Devil, the former Sovereign Grand Commander frankly admits that he, Lucifer, is a good angel, and a divine god worthy of our esteemed worship.”Doubt it not!,” Pike commands.

    Intimating that the antichrist, the one whom the Bible warns shall have the unholy, combinedtriple number 666, is the one whom the Masons (Jews) await and shall recognize as their Messiah, Pike cryptically refers to the “Triple Secret of the Great Work.”

    Of course, he adds, “Masonry…conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead.”

    Having studied the dark recesses of occultism and satanism for nearly two decades and having produced and authored dozens of books and videos on this foul subject, I can assure you that Masonry, which, as Pike, Wise, and others assure us, is nothing more than pure Jewish cabalism, is rife with sorcery and witchcraft.

    It is of great interest that in the book of Revelation, chapter 18, verse 23, we are told that the bloody and wicked, last days “Great City,” Mystery Babylon (Jerusalem!—see Revelation 11:8), shall constitute a vast Empire of Evil that is to compass the whole earth. Its octopus-like tentacles spread via its control of money, banking, and commerce. Its rich men are secretly also sorcerers who merchandise both products and the souls of men: “…for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for by your sorceries were all the nations deceived.”

    When we survey the traditions of the Masonic sect, we see sorcery and witchcraft in abundance. We view their unmitigated worship of Mammon, their god. We also see how the Masonic Lodge is pleased to welcome in its ranks not only Jews but Gentiles, even apostate Moslems, Buddhists, and men of every religion…and no religion. Yet, Jews remain “first among equals,” to use George Orwell’s phrase from Animal Farm. They are the “Princes of Masonry” (Morals & Dogma, p. 819).

    Masons: Masters of Israel and the World

    The rise of Masons to political power in Israel dates back to 1948 and to Israel’s founding as a modern-day nation. David Ben-Gurion, its first Prime Minister, was both a Mason and an avowed Marxist-Leninist and Communist. Since that time, every single Prime Minister has been a high-level Mason, including Golda Meier, who was a member of the women’s organization, the Co-Masons.

    The Planned Jewish “Temple of all Religions”

    The secret rituals conducted by Jewish Masons deep in a cave under the city of Jerusalem. I also expose the sordid plot of these men to utterly destroy and remove from the Temple mount both the Islamic Mosque of Omar and the Golden-domed structure known as the “Dome of the Rock.” These two Islamic religious edifices will be brought down by Israeli defense forces—by missiles, sapper bombs, laser bursts, or other means. Naturally, this atrocity will be done in the chaotic midst of an ongoing war, and the disaster will be scandalously blamed on the Arabs. It will be said that an errant Arab missile or bomb is responsible.

    Then shall come a prophesied (II Thes. 2) Masonic Temple of All Religions to be built on the very spot from where the debris and ashes of the Moslem structures were bulldozed off and cleared.

    Through its golden portals shall pass the New Zionist Messiah, King of Planet Earth. Before its evil altar he shall announce to all the world, via television, that their Universal Savior has finally come, a man knowledgeable of “the Holy Kabbalah, the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel” (Morals & Dogma, page 839).

    The Jews to Become Christ and God Collectively

    The Zionist Messiah will confide that it is God’s Chosen People, the Jews, who collectively are “Christ.” According to the Kabbala and the Zohar, the Jews created “God” in their image and, in turn, this “God” of the Jews is the reflected image of divine man (the Jews) himself, for Jews are said to be “partakers of the Divine Nature.”

    This, then, is the ages-old, two-fold goal and final secret mystery of the Masons: First, through the worship of Mammon-Ra, god of forces (Daniel 11:39) and of money and riches, is to come the synthesis of all religions, superintended by a Jewish Messiah. Then will come a Jewish Utopia: World Government, of the Jews, by the Jews, and for the Jews, forever and ever. Amen.

  15. Albert Pike:

    He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still revered by the New World Order Gang. The god of the Illuminati and the New World Order Gang is Lucifer. “The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. . .”The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil.” A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l’enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588; Lady Queenborough,Occult Theocracy pp. 220-221.

    Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order.

    Albert Pike’s plan for the Illuminati was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions.

    The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

    World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect?

    World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

    After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England.

    “We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time” (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).

  16. Modern Zionism:

    Modern Zionism has its roots in a 17th century false Jewish messiah by the name of Sabbatai Zevi who claimed to be the promised savior of the Jews that has come to establish the Jewish kingdom in the promised land known then as Palestine. Zevi was a very controversal figure, he not only trashed the Talmud but said to do opposite what God said to do in the Talmud. “Sin” and “guilt” were no more and everything and anything was allowed; the commandments of God in the Torah were now null because according to him the messianic age has arrived and he was the one who was going to redeem them.

    As Jerry Rabow wrote in page 110 of his book “50 Jewish Messias” published by Gefen of Jerusalem, (source Barry Chamish): “Through all of this, Shabbatai Zevi continued to issue proclamations of the theological changes wrought by the coming of the messianic age. Shabbatai’s new prayer was, ‘Praised be He who permits the forbidden.’ Since all things would be permitted in the age of the messiah, Shabbatai declared many of the old restrictions of the Torah no longer applicable. He abolished the laws concerning sexual relationships. He eventually declared that all of the thirty six major biblical sins were now permitted and instructed some of his followers that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption.”

    Zevi or Zvi was a kabbalist and occultist who deceived most of the Jews of his time and those who came after him. He was born on Aug. 9, 1626, in Smyrna, Turkey. In 1666 he converted to Islam with some of his followers and took the name Aziz Mehemet. Most of the Jews were disappointed but he told them that he had to become Muslim in order to convert the Muslims to Judaism, and then he turned around and told the Turks and the Sultan that he was to keep in close contact with the Jews in order to convert the Jews to Islam. Thus he was free to go wherever he liked and do whatever he wanted.

    Zevi was betrayed to the Turks by another Jewish messiah from Poland. Zevi revealed to this Polish messiah the prophecy given by his close associate, Nathan Ghazzati the prophet, that Zevi was destined to become the ruler of the Ottomam Empire. Instead, Zevi was exiled to a small village in Albania were he died. But the followers of Shabbataism indeed became the real rulers of modern Turkey, albight in an invisible subtle way.

    Zevi’s influence among the Jews did not die with his death, many still believed this wizard of deception who legitimized deception as a mean to achieve one’s goals. Rebbe Berechiah, an extremist, succeded Zevi and took over his movement of Shabbataism.

  17. Contd…

    Rabow, in page 130 of his book mentions: “The Frankists also become involved in international political intrigue, and sent secret emissaries to the Russian government and the Eastern Orthodox Church offering to help in the overthrow of Poland and the Catholic Church.”

    Jerry Rabow gives more details in his “50 Jewish Messiahs” (source Barry): “He [Frank] extended the paradoxical teachings of Shabbati Zvi that the coming of the messianic age had transformed sexual prohibitions of the Bible into permissions and even obligations. According to Frank, engaging in sexual orgies now became the means to purify the soul from its sins. Debauchery became theraphy…Frank convinced his followers that the only way for their special form of Judaism to survive was for them to outwardly become Christians, just as the Donmeh had descended into the world of Islam…In February, 1759, the Frankists told the [Catholic] Church they were ready to be baptized.”

    On page 121 of Rabow’s book, it is mentioned: “The Donmeh now converted the Shabbatain Purim into an annual orgy, when members exchanged spouses for a ceremony called ‘extinguishing the lights.’ The Donmeh justified their Purim orgies, and their regular practise of sharing wives and engaging in other sexual activities, by citing biblical precedants.”

    The Jewish Encyclopedias defines Donmeh as “the Turkish word for ‘apostate’ and refers to the Jews of the Near East who followed Sabbatai Zevi into Islam in 1666, but secretly remained Jews who continued practicing Jewish rituals but worshiped Sabbatai as the Messiah and incarnation of God.”

    Another researcher said: “The Donmeh showed great public affection with Islam but amongst themselves entirely rejected and even despised Islam.” There is no need to say that they also in secret hated and despised more the Christians of the Ottoman Empire. Those same “Turkish” Donmeh were the ones that were in power in Turkey during WW1 when the Armenian Genocide occured. They were the visible rulers of the Ottoman Empire and they carried out and gave orders for the slaughter –in a most unimaginable barbaric way and according to plans they had– of almost the whole Christian population of Asia Minor: One and half million Armenians, half a million Greeks and Greek Pontians, and half a million Assyrians and Caldeans.

    The Turkish author, Mevlan Z. Rifat, was referring to this Donmeh sect by his words “a syncretist Jewish-Muslim sect,” when he wrote in his book “Inner Folds of the Ottoman Revolution” 1929.– “The Armenian genocide was decided in August 1910 and October 1911 by a Young Turk committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews in the format of a syncretist Jewish-Muslim sect, including Tallat, Enver, Behaeddin Shakir, Jemal, and Nazim posturing as Muslims. It met in the Rothschild-funded Grant Orient loge in now Greek Salonika. No wonder the infrastructure was in place by August by August, 1914, in Erzerum for the Great Massacres, almost three months before Turkey entered the Great War. During World War I and ever since, Jews have held prominent positions in the Turkish government, including three presidents, Ataturk, Inonu, and Bayar.” No known English translation exist of Rifat’s book, however it was translated to Armenian in 1939.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And, with all of this, you have proven largely my thoughts about religion. It is ‘man-made’.
      In all instances, the controllers are Men, and they lay ‘plans’ like bankers … for the future and the building for ‘MORE’, and the control of human minds to that end.
      The freedom in education is rarely met, as we can see. And even the ‘researchers’ of history invent, or extrapolate, or wish to prop up, the theories that ancients pushed for the control.
      It would need a lifetime to see them all. How indeed to ‘believe’ otherwise?
      So why not simply tell everyone to forget those old concepts and try to make things work for ALL humans in the future? And to just feel good about being around on the planet as long as humanly possible. Leave the great edifices to Gods alone, however … they are the ‘art of man’ after all, and very crafty.

  18. Contd…

    The Hebrew scholar, Avrum M. Ehrlick, writes in his book “Sabbatean Messianism As Proto-Secularism” (source, Berry’s article: Kerry, Gaza and the New Sabbatean Holocaust): “Dr Nazim, Nuzhet Faik, Mustafa Arif, Muslihiddin Adil, Sukru Bleda, Halide Edip Adivar and Ahmet Emin Yalman were all active in the Young Turks and of Donme families. Mehmet Kapanci (1839-1924) who was a mayor of Salonica and a well-known banker funded the C.U.P [ some Armenians were masons and were part of the Committee of the Union and Progress Party before the Genocide happened ] and was a Donme. Other Jews active in the Young Turks were Nissim Mazliah from Izmir and Vitali Faradji, Moise Cohen (later called Munis Tekinalp) who was an active Jew and once rabbinical student who turned to business and actively asserted a proud Turkish identity along with Zionist sentiments…It is curious that Israelís first and second Prime Ministers, David Ben Gurion and Moshe Sharett and her second president Yitzchak Ben Zvi had lived and studied in Istanbul and embraced the concept ‘lehitatmen’, Hebrew for ‘to become an Ottoman’. Ben Zvi is alleged by some to be descendant of a Sabbatean family. Sharett served in the Ottoman army in WW1. Ben Gurion gave up Russian citizenship for Ottoman citizenship, something many others in Palestine were afraid to do. Israeli Presidents Ben Zevi, Zalman Shazar and to a lesser degree Yitzchak Navon became students of Ottomanism. Mehmet Cavit Bey (1875-1926) was one of the most significant Donme political figures. He was active in the revolution [of 1908] as a highly articulate editor of a tabloid and professor of finance and was three times Finance Minister of Modern Turkey until his execution for his alleged role in the assassination attempt of Ataturk. It is believed that Cavit Bey was an ardent Zionist and saw the advantages for Turkey in the Jewish settlement of Palestine.”

    Avrum Ehrlich elaborates in more details in his same book: ” The extent to which Jews were involved in the Young Turk revolution is debated, some arguing that Jews and Donme dominated the Committee of the Union and Progress Party (C.U.P) which gained control of the State. Others argue that this was anti-Semitic rhetoric and exaggerated and that while the Jews supported the revolution on a grass roots level, they were not highly represented in the upper echelons of the party. Indeed British diplomats did report to the home office that a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy was at work favoring the revolution. The Donme are believed to have been equally involved in the revolution but exact details are less known due to a number of reasons…It was via the Masonic lodges that the Donme, the Jews, Bektashi and secularists who were less accepted in mainstream society were able to meet on an equal footing, many of them becoming major instruments of the revolution…Whether the suspicions that Masonry is responsible for sedition and subversive activities are true or not, in this context they were a convenient home for the revolution, providing lodges and personnel, secrecy and structures for the revolution. The Donme thrived in the Masonic environment, allowing them to be both secretive and influential, maintaining their religious ideas in a non-dogmatic atmosphere. Bridging the gap between the Jews and the Muslims, they seemed to represent the happy medium of the secular Young Turk revolution. Even today Donme are involved in the Masonic Lodges ofTurkey.”

    Barry Chamish believes that the Armenian Genocide was a dry run for the Jewish Holocaust. Berry is a former Israeli military man turned to investigative reporter who is warning his fellow Jews about a coming Second Holocaust of the Jews in Israel proper. This time the Arabs and Muslims playing the role that the Nazis played during WW2.

    Barry’s research lead him to the fact that basically both the planners and instigators of the Armenian Genocide of WW1 and the Jewish Holocaust of WW2 were the same entities and that those same entities are planning another holocaust of the Jews during the coming WW3, which is going to be ignited in the middle east.

  19. Contd…

    In the book “The Messianic Idea in Judaism” by the Jewish professor Gershon Scholem (1971 edition, page 126) the author writes about Jacob Frank: “In all his actions [he was] a truly corrupt and degenerate individual” and as “one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of Jewish history.”

    Jacob Frank considered himself to be another messiah. He claimed to be an incarnation of the the Jewish patriarch Jacob. He ordered his 13,000 followers to become Catholics and infiltrate the Catholic church. He referred to the Catholics as the “Esau,” the brother of biblical Jacob while he and his followers were the biblical Jacob. To the Christian Catholics he told that it was time for a reconciliation between “Jacob” and “Esau.” While he told his followers secretly that as Jacob deceived Esau in the story of the Bible, so by the way of deception we will establish a Jewish anti-christ kingdom in Palestine.

  20. Contd…

    Barry Chamish, in his above mentioned article, mentions Rabbi Antelman saying in his book To Eliminate the Opiate: “A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits’ goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God’s intentions [or high-class Satanism]. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted.”

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I’d say the Jesuits sure failed on that one. Too. :-))
      Like Muslims, they applied the cane too well in schools for children, and they were never forgiven for it.
      But 200 years later … things changed anyway. Quoting history will not bring it back.
      And I think the Pope realizes that now too.
      Now, why a Muslim hates a Protestant is really beyond me. Yet, it may be because the Protestant’s protests worked. Even their women gained by protesting correctly. 😉
      Then again, that could be the reason … hmmm …

  21. Contd…

    Jacob Frank succeeded Rebbe Berechiah and in eighteen century brought the Donmeh ideaology To Europe. He made an alliance near/in Frankfurt, Germany, with Jesuit Adam Weinhaupt (founder of the Illuminatti and the usurper of the Freemasonic lodges worldwide, specially that of England and Scotland) and the Rothschild empire.

  22. Contd…

    Barry Chamish, in his article “The Deutsch Devils,” (December 31, 2003), says that “The Shabbatai followers continued their hidden life in the Turkish sect of the Donmeh, whose activities continue to this day which was even reported by the straid Jerusalem Post. One of the Donmeh followers was Jacob Frank, 1726, who would transform Europe and the World into a Shabbataian hell barely a century later.”

  23. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Speaking of ‘Hot Water’ …. Erdogan stuck his foot in AGAIN. :-))))

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan faced new questions Friday over his attitude toward the media and women after he branded a prominent female journalist a “shameless woman” and told her to “know your place.”
    Erdogan lashed out at Zaman, without mentioning her directly by name, at an election rally in the eastern city of Malatya Thursday, calling her a “shameless woman.”
    “A militant in the guise of a journalist, a shameless woman … Know your place!” he declared.
    “They gave you a pen and you are writing a column in a newspaper … and you insult a society that is 99 percent Muslim,” he said, drawing loud boos from the crowd.

    (Hard to say who they booed more for … but women’s voices were ‘quieted’ in ‘the crowd’. 😉

  24. Leborigine Avatar

    She’s such a mole! She did not even know what she was saying. Just blabbing like the ho she is!

  25. I just want to say that Joan Rivers is a good example of prostitution in misinformation, Slander and mockery to human life and to the rest of the World, witness from the United Nations had denounced Crimes against Humanity, When a public character like Joan Rivers prostitute herself to give false statements that will convince ignorants or similar bastards like Her with corrupted souls who don’t give any value to Human life, and slander because the people of Gaza has nowhere to go, Added to that Winston Churchill (Mr. Chuchoy) Sent the English army to burn all files of Christian Property before placing the Jews in the region, stealing Heritage, past, present and future of those poor victims of Fascists that will make Hitler blush like a school girl.

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