Lebanon’s TVs tell Gazans: ‘Palestine, you are not alone’


Lebanese TV chanelsAll of Lebanon’s main TV channels decided to broadcast simultaneously on Monday at 8:10 pm (1710 GMT) a unified News Bulletin in support of Gazans in the face of an Israeli military offensive that has killed hundreds under the banner ‘Palestine, you are not alone’.

The action is being taken, said a statement from Lebanon Broadcasting Co (LBC) “to take an initiative in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza who are the victims of furious bloody raids. The decision has been taken inspired by the slogan “Palestine…You are not alone” which is translated in terms of broadcasting a unified News Bulletin.”

The unusual effort brings together networks with radically different views and include LBC-1, Tele Liban, Future TV, Al Jadeed TV, OTV, MTV, NBN and Al Manar TV.

The TV stations broadcast an identical report on the humanitarian dimension of Israel’s two-week assault on the Gaza Strip, which has cost the lives of more than 500 Palestinians.



36 responses to “Lebanon’s TVs tell Gazans: ‘Palestine, you are not alone’”

  1. MekensehParty Avatar

    wow, you tv channels are so creative
    I wish I had cool ideas like these, I’d facebook them

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    What a load of crap! Are these stations supposed to make the palestinians feel better? Is there any electricity in Gaza for the people to watch TV? Sending fighters, opening another front is how you make them feel “not alone”. Don’t get wrong, I am not inciting war, but I do not think Palestinians want to hear any more words, they want action.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      There’s rarely electricity in Lebanon. :-)) TV? How about a fridge??
      I wonder just how many they think can actually watch?

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        My guess would be none 🙂

  3. master09 Avatar

    So again hasan gets his way to make things bigger. We are with you and so are the rockets that sit in schools hospitals and put kids and women next to them and tell them they are cooking pots.
    Come on both sides are committing war crimes its just one side do not fire rockets from next to children.

    1. master09 Avatar

      Still, Aoun persisted in the “war of liberation”, denouncing the regime of Hafez al-Assad and claiming that he fought for Lebanon’s independence.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Ouch … you found one good thing to say about Aoun. :-)))

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Not alone for sure … all in the Middle East Shithole together. Buddies in bad times, I guess.

  5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Its a very warm sentiment to simultaneously agree on a worthy cause for our neighbour’s down south, how about we see more unison in the country, like electing a president. No big deal but a few worthy presidential candidates would be nice.

  6. sweetvirgo Avatar

    I understand the scentiment but maybe they should say…..”GET RID OF HAMAS, THEY ARE KILLING YOUR PEOPLE!!!

    The casualities are rising and yes Israel needs to stop already for clearly they know hamas is hiding in hospitals, houses, and just basicaly using civilians as shields. Palenstians need to wake up and stand up to hamas and get rid of them for they are the force of these attacks.

  7. Just facts Avatar
    Just facts

    The main question is whether Lebanon’s TVs agree with the following too: Gazans, make one smart thing since 1948, stop to support Islamic terrorists transforming Gaza into Iranian military ground against Israel and join Mahmoud Abbas to build your own country and make a peace with Israel.

    Because if the message was to express the support for Gaza Hamas leaders, then it made the opposite for Gazans – more years of poverty and destruction.

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