Israel more barbaric than Hitler, says Turkish PM


Palestinians sleep at the yard of a UN school in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya early on July 16, 2014, after evacuating their houses near the border with Israel. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABEDMOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images
Palestinians sleep at the yard of a UN school in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya early on July 16, 2014, after evacuating their houses near the border with Israel. AFP PHOTO/MOHAMMED ABEDMOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of “barbarism that surpasses Hitler” during its ground invasion of Gaza.

Erdogan accused Israel of using disproportionate force in Gaza and said the operation there has derailed efforts to normalize Turkish-Israeli ties. Those soured after Israel’s 2010 raid on an aid ship which killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American.

Erdogan spoke in a campaign speech Saturday in the Black Sea port city of Ordu. He is running for the presidency in elections next month.

He has been speaking out strongly against Israel during its offensive against Hamas militants in Gaza, which has killed more than 300 Palestinians.

erdogan israel hitlerHundreds have also staged protests in recent days outside Israeli diplomatic mission in Ankara and Istanbul and more were scheduled for later Saturday.




187 responses to “Israel more barbaric than Hitler, says Turkish PM”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Erdogan ‘speaking for the votes’. Typical Politician.
    “Those soured after Israel’s 2010 raid on an aid ship which killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American.”
    Who … if they had just sat there in one spot and allowed the boarding and clearance-search to carry on … would still be alive. A line which is never added to ‘news backgrounders’.
    How do they present the ‘Armenian Genocide’ these days?

    1. master09 Avatar

      No they can’t tell the truth but people only see one side, the one they are brainwashed to see.

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Erdogan and ERD mean monkey in arabic. While I agree the israelis are bad that are not as bad as the Syrian President to his people. They’re not as bad as the ISIS you support. What about when Syrian Assad was bombing lebanon ruthlessly for many years. I never heard your gov’t condemn the SOB not even one word about it.
    But one question been lingering for a long time. Every time someone wants you to admit to the Armenian genocide you deny it and you won’t even give compensation to the relatives to the at least one million. so speaking of Hitler you need to review your gov’t history before you speak about anybody else. besides now the Turks are protesting you’re definitely collecting votes. Turkey and Israel are of the same mold. they never care about anybody else except themselves..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Could we say that is typical of all people … and that it takes a huge leap to consider another first? Especially when there is a pre-conception of what we think they should be?

    2. arzatna1 Avatar

      Turkish brutality is well documented , but this does not justify the brutality by Israel. Any form of brutality in my opinion should be condemned in the strongest terms

      1. israeli brutality…
        i have 2, actually 3 things to say about this:
        1. every war is brutal, if Hamas want’s to be treated gently it should stop fighting, no other alternative for it.
        2. even in this brutal enviorement, IDF is more human then all the arabs armies and most if not all western armies
        3. there is really no point in answering haters who will always find a way to distort reality- we do our job, Hamas does his. we’ll meet in hauge if PA insist, just don’t expect the palistinians to step out of it clean

        1. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
          Maborlz Ez-Hari

          Yeah sure, you’ll go to the Hague once you’ve assassinated all possible witnesses and then you’ll announce that benjimam shatanyahoo is too ill to travel. Just eat dick and wait for your time to come you disgusting evil isreali grubs.

          1. you express here your own personal opinion.
            fortunately a court house is not influenced by emotional outburst but deal with facts and blame.
            if PA is foolish enough to sue us for war crimes it will be the funniest thing ever- you’ll see a 180 degree U-turn and the accusers will find themselfs defending ..without really nothing to defend with

            but i are your feelings about prosecuting arabs? after all, the biggest war criminals of our centory are Muslims and yet you did not condem one yet

          2. Doron I Allways felt that you were able to look at this mess from a human issue and I respected you for it, neither you or anyone has ever had control as to where they will be born! I am neither Palestinian or Israeli but like Marbolz someone who has experienced the brunt of the Palestinian problem and have a clear picture of the brutality of the arab world and leaders towards their own.

            As spectators who are not the meat in the sandwich we are obligated moraly and spiritually not to take sides of bad behavior form either side, when the 3 teens from Israel were murdered I made a comment if you recall “here comes Bibi slow learners” with no rejoice of any lives to be lost from either side as I am not a violent person or believe that the matter will be resolved by means of violence, I say all this to you with concern that the events are dragging you towards a settler mentality rather than a rational calmer person, please know that I don’t make light of how all this makes you feel but all of us are prone to get sucked in and partake in siding with events that only make things worse. The losses on both side DID NOT HAVE TO TAKE PLACE.

            Soon this will be forgotten and another carbon copy episode will take place with no progress or accomplishment whatsoever. in a nut shell Please don’t discard the existence of a people that do exist just as you do, not attacking you but more persuading you to hold tight to a balance that I always took note of. I see Palestinians on my left and Israelis to my right and I don’t wish ill will to either side or feel that either people are lesser in Gods eyes.

          3. hey ,

            I appreciate your words here and i know these words and this message comes from the heart. i do not take it lightly and it is important for me you know that.

            even though settlers mentality means something else for me, i get what it means to you (or others).it means racial blood thirsty uncompromising hate.

            i also think it’s natural to feel this way judging by the pictures and reports coming from Gaza.and i can see how me supporting this operation worries you.

            why and how am i supporting this?

            i support this for several reasons.

            first ,casualties aside for a moment, it’s a just cause.

            first boot on the ground for israel was after the first tunnel infiltrate.tunnels that go into israel , 2 of them go into civilian settelments, others on their fences.what were those tunnels for exactly? for indiscriminate killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians.

            operations that take years in the building,an orchestrated planed mass murder of civilians.

            an eye opener to us in Israel how devilish and murderous Hamas are.

            you remember how you condemned the murder of the 3? we’re not going to wait till you condemned the murder of the 30.

            this is why i believe the cause is just.

            the casualties issue,

            i hope you built an assesment of my character over the past year, I’m not a blood thirsty man.i find no rejoice in war.i would not support op aimed at gaining
            a political profit or one set to bullie the Hamas around.

            Israel in general and IDF as the fighting force, has no wish in killing civilians.killing gives us no joy, we don’t take life lightly and we’re not the devil’s sons.

            i was a soldier once too, went through boot camp like everybody else and was instilled with the same values every israeli soldier goes through. purity of weapons and morality of army as a unit is highlighted and emphasized there.
            me and my neighbor which i don’t know went through the same process.

            i give you my word(which is the only thing i got really)that the casualties numbers would be significly lower had Hamas not held back civilians from evacuating.leaflets and telephone calls were used extencivly by IDF.2 days in advance the people were called to leave what was sure to be the deadliest battle field in the strip.

            the civilians were still there cause it’s Hamas’s tactic to drag the IDF into urban fighting with civilians around.

            for 2 reasons:

            1. it can inflict more damage to israel ,kill more soldiers
            2. dead civilians is a sure way to summon international community to stop the fight
            Hamas kills his own people for PR.

            and yet we’re not oblivious to Gaza’s civilian lives.even inside this hell.
            IDF could easly flatten the neighborhood with artillery shelling 30 km away and stroll in. instead, we send the foot troops in, clearing it and loosing good men on the process.this is how we see the fight.

            Hamas view i imagine is different. they consider the human sacrifice as necessary for the cause. how many of those civilians volunteered to die.

            we send our sons to die to protect our civilians.Hamas sends his civilians to die for his fighters can kill more Israeli soldiers.with heavy heart we accept our “part of the deal” and it seems the other side is indifference on his part.
            we must destroy the tunnels and sinse Hamas chooses to put civilians on the front lines ,as sad as it is. their blood is on Hamas’s hands

            a word for the future, there will be a cease fire, if it doesn’t stop Hamas’s re-arming ,there will be another round, and another one, and then another one and who knows how many more.and each round the death toll will be higher..guarantied.

            this is why i support this

            and no, i’m not in a settler mode but in a calm rational mode with a view for the future

            turned to be a long replay but it was important i explain

          4. Thanks for the reply and the personal side of it, while I expected an unfortunate and a heavy handed reaction I happen to be a very slow griever by nature and have a very hard time processing the enormity of human and animal suffering of any kind , just last week I had a funeral to go to for pilot that crashed his plane and the very next day another funeral for a friend that had an accident on a cargo ship, newly married with 7 months wife pregnant, 2 losses that are keeping me up at night when I look at the faces of families on both sides and yet I read of hundreds dying in Gaza not by accident or a plane being shot down in ukraine but by leaders that have failed to skew the course of the palestinian problem in a direction that is different than status quo. I am frustrated as many people but probably need to feed on less of these issues and put my energy in places where I can make a difference, Again thanks for not being offended and for your reply I do appreciate quality exchanges 🙂

          5. we lost 25 soldiers so far.i myself attended one yesterday of a co-worker’s brother.was only 20.
            i grieve everybody that dies.
            i hear that Hamas is seeking a cease fire now, what stopped them from doing it yesterday?
            and yes, i enjoy or conversations too

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Descent exchange.

          7. that’s beneath you 5th.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Oh well Doron, I can get down and grubby with the best of them if I choose.
            (didn’t like my little Haiku … noted …)
            What I see in here mostly, is the ‘great quotes’ on ‘property rights’ from those ancient scripts – the books of a past history and ancient gods whose ‘directives’ came down from the hands of men doing the scribbling. And as with all ‘data’, the little factual things become hugely confused with the scribbler’s personal feelings.
            There may well be a ‘Creating God’ who happened to say to a Man:
            ‘Thou shalt not kill MY creations’. And he told ‘the people’.
            After which, the ‘historians’ managed to find and write down any number of reasons and extrapolations for/of ‘The Word’ to run around the planet and cause the death of just about anything on it … beyond what was needed for their own survival, of course; which survival, curiously enough, also has all kinds of funny ‘rules’ in it about what humans should or should not eat.
            For instance ….
            A while ago I posted in here a great recipe for Fried Grasshoppers (Locust) – especially the fat ones from North Africa – and was waiting for them to hit in Lebanon. They flow on the winds, after all. But the damn farmers in Israel got out the ‘great clouds of poison’ and by the time a few stragglers reached Tripoli there was some suspicion they were a little tainted. Advice was that they were only good as an occasional snack, and no longer viable for main meals – which the out-of-work-friends actually needed.
            (If you wish, I can re-post.)
            Well, long and the short of it was, that I had to bring in a case of frozen bacon … and while cooking it, found there were some locals driven absolutely bonkers by the mouth-watering aroma exiting from the stove-vent. And GUESS what?? Some ancient book said a god told them not to kill a pig and eat it. Had to switch fast to some dry tough goat-meat. Damn stuff is only good for a stew, really.
            (Apparently pigs in the Middle East are like cows in India … can’t eat them even if starving to death … while they in turn eat your food. There’s a book.)
            So … back to fishing in the Med. (healthy pastime, ‘they’ say)

            Want the recipe for Grasshopper?

          9.’re confusing us and HA

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        War IS brutal. Period.

        1. The war is in mind started, yes is brutal, not innocent

    3. master09 Avatar

      No no, the Jews are the worst when they kill 390 the world screams, when anyone else kills 150,000 who dare say anything. Just remember people are programmed to hate.

  3. JUSTICE Avatar

    Look who is Talking, the PM of the biggest barbarian nation, you are not supposed even to open your mouth, your nation is build on humanitarian crimes, occupied lands from different nations, you destroyed over one thousand churches… THEY ARE STILL THEIR, THE ROCKS COULD TALK WITH THE ARMENIAN ALPHABET SCULPTURED FOR CENTURIES…
    You forgot what your barbarian fathers did to the Armenians, you forgot how you smashed our children, raped young girls, beheaded our intellectuals… 1.5 Million lives were lost in a brutal way…
    the first Genocide of the 20th century… continue to deny till your time comes to an END.
    How could someone deny the history and all the evidences… ???
    Turkish nation, criminal nation, descendants of Genghis Khan…
    Don’t worry soon the time will come where your supporters will make war business by destroying your nation too, because you are barbarian and your blood is barbarian and your DNA is barbarian…

  4. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
    Pedro Rabaçal

    Killing 334 palestinians is worst than killing 25 million people and erasing many european capitals?

    Anti-zionists love being hysterical and whining.
    If they just could stick to the facts. Israeli crimes seems to be too small for their rhetoric…

    1. and that is the reason they never stick to facts!
      their all case is built on 20% truth and 80% lies.
      admitting truth would make their case collapse.

      1. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
        Pedro Rabaçal

        Not to mention they also love to say bloodthirsty dictators are nice chaps slandered by zionists just because they are heroic anti-zionists. Like Saddam Hussein…

        1. hey pedro , didn’t see you much here before .
          i got a tip for you, develop an elephant’s hide and bring a solid proof to every thing you claim and never allow the stupid comments you might (and will ) see here discourage you.
          most are reasonable people in here but there are some that are beyond hope. will let you find out who they are by yourself 🙂

          good luck

          1. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            Thanks. The trolls will refuse to admit my solid proofs but at lest they will be angrier and laugh less.

            Thank you for the advise. I will need it. 😉

          2. trolls are i-relevant, it’s the ones that use their mind that are relevant

          3. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            Relevant but few. Trolls are insignificant, but not in numbers.
            Though, I must be prepared for difficult cases. 😉

          4. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            How nice, two Jews trying to comfort each other whilst at the same time justifying the inhuman brutality their sick government is using against innocent civilians. I bet you never thought that Hamas could kill Israeli soliders. Did you. Stay turned boys for more exterminated Israeli’s.

          5. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            hahahahaha Another pissed dumb islamonazi! I love this!

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            Islamonazis are as bad as zionazis… They deserve each others… After all according to the torah they are half brothers.

          7. ..right…..

          8. Hannibal Avatar

            Look at you agreeing with me… 😛 The Middle East can turn into paradise when all of it can become secular non-sectarian admitting its commonality in its shared history… Good or bad. A little like Switzerland if you like…

          9. 🙂
            was cynical, Hannibal.. i do not agree with you at all.
            (exept on the Switzerland part..would love to see it happening here)

          10. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            You mean sarcastic. No offense intended. 😉

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            LOL ….. 😉

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Speaking of which ….
            I often wondered how the Jews felt when the Japanese flew the Kamikaze Jets at the American ships screaming ‘Torah Torah Torah’.
            (sends a chill up My spine …. ;-))
            (just because they deleted an ‘h’ doesn’t make it sound different …)

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            The plot thickens 😛

          14. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            With that response, it seems you are the one who is pissed.

          15. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            And with your hatred against jews, its obvious you are the one who is pissed. Fail. 🙂

          16. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Who said I hate Jews, On the contrary ya Pedro, I admire Jews for all the things they have achieved. My hate my friend is for those assholes who run your country. Oh, and I especially hate Zionist.
            Tell me Perdo, can you say the same thing for yourself when it comes to Muslims?

          17. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            “How nice, two Jews trying to comfort each other while at the same time justifying the inhuman brutality” Your hatemongering words.
            Guess you cant face the fact you suck as a liar, among many other things.
            And which is my country? A clue: I am european, prejudiced little bigot! 😀

            I tell you Fart2, I wont insult 2 strangers for being muslims and then claim I admire Muslims.

          18. elephant skin brother, don’t forget the elephant skin 🙂
            i wouldn’t call her a whore myself.
            it’s degrading not only her but yourself as well.

          19. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            You are right. I must have your will power. 😉

          20. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            I could care less who you admire wanker. It doesn’t change the fact your a heartless piece of shit amoung many other things. Remember Pedro, elegant c@#k. In your mouth. Enjoy.

          21. Pedro Rabaçal Avatar
            Pedro Rabaçal

            LOOOOL I love pissing bigots.
            More angry insults, please!

          22. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Spanish, I’d say. :-))

          23. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Speaking of pissed …. something for the War Buffs.
            Never-ending …..
            Free to download and play in the top corner of your screen …. Left or Right …

          24. MekensehParty Avatar

            Ya nousak, were you revolted by the sick brutality of the Israeli government? Did you faint? Need mazaher? Maybe bashar can send you some.
            Ya nousetak chou hessass

          25. Anti ISIS Avatar
            Anti ISIS

            Ta3a misili hal ayr ya Mek. After all, we all know how much you enjoy it.

          26. MekensehParty Avatar

            need to find it first
            hold on, let me grab a microscope

          27. bet you never thought Hamas can kill israeli soldiers…can you say idiot boys and girls?….
            really it’s a dumb a$$ comment Farq, does a bullet knows the difference between a jew and a muslim??
            of course we know we will have dead soldiers and we regret it but we take comfort in 2 things:
            1. they are defending israel
            2. they are not cowards hiding behind civilians

            how long will you keep that ridiculous claim that Israel is killing civilians when the entire world including arab states admit that it is Hamas that prevents the evacuation of civilians?

          28. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Scotch ?? 😉 (only the ‘Glens’. Pedro ….)

          29. glen morangie for me please ,18 years 🙂

  5. he actually looks like Hitler with that small mustach of his..

    Hil Erdogan lol

  6. MekensehParty Avatar

    Sure he’s going to jump on the opportunity (the blood of the Palestinians) to try to polish his image among the Arabs, Turks and all those who saw the piece of total shit that he truly is.
    Only propagandists advancing their agendas care today about the Palestinians of Gaza
    The world still doesn’t care!

  7. Hitler had millions of different people killed. Until someone else can kill so many, then they can be compared to Hitler.

  8. It is a common knowledge that Zionists employs a whole army of internet shills whose job is to troll influential websites with a goal to manipulate the “image” of Israel online. They are paid trolls.

    All the shills hired to push the pro Israeli propaganda can give Israel for its money is lies, because that’s all Israel has – lies. And thus everyone who whitewashes Israeli war crimes for money has sold their soul to the Devil – figuratively and literally. All the Zionists have done is mutilate children and commit genocides while using money obtained with usury to maintain the public’s perception of themselves as “eternal victims”.

    The shills are trained in psyops propaganda and equipped with secret hasbara handbooks, such as “Global Language Dictionary” written for The Israel Project by Frank Luntz.

    The “Hasbara Handbook” explains many standard techniques of propaganda and deceptive rhetoric. It rehearses specific arguments and counter-arguments and outlines a program of training for advocacy and rebuttal. It also stresses the importance of labeling or “name-calling” – the linking of a person or idea to a negative symbol. The handbook places itself in a larger context. It commends the work of “CAMERA” – the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America – an organization notorious for the viciousness of its efforts to blacken the reputations of those who criticize Israel or advance accounts of events that deviate from the official Israeli narrative by branding them as “anti-Semitic” or “self-hating Jews.” It notes that CAMERA provides a free monthly magazine full of timely hasbara materials for Jewish students in the United States. A myriad of Israel-oriented think tanks provide similar guidance online, as do numerous websites in Israel itself.

    Israel also hosts workshops for shills to educate them on how to effectively feed propaganda and misinformation to the voting sheeple. Video below is of one such workshop, this one training the shills on the specifics of whitewashing Israel on Wikipedia:

    Hasbara Trolls are well organised and have links they point to to prove their flaky points. Although the links these trolls cite are often from their own hasbara chums and the blogs they reference do not have original source material just second hand re-cobbled quotes.

    Supreme point of view
    The Hasbara troll knows best
    Condescending & Patronising
    Socialist (Smart and ‘caring’)
    Do not have to be Jewish but Pro-Israel
    Internet experts
    Like to ask the questions, not answer questions
    Control freaks
    Inflamed by anyone being critical of Israel
    ‘Moral’ Guardians
    Classic insults: Anti-semite, Neo- Nazi, White Supremacist, Holocaust denier
    Adept with social networks well trained on IT

    Turn up randomly asking question about Israel, trying to engage/educate.
    Guilt by association, they point to some source your are linked to as being anti-semitic or neo-nazi.
    Opportunity to redeem – the offer chance to recant from your naive ways.
    Smears and insults – if the top 3 fail then it’s just character assassination.
    Name b**bing – using seo in blackhat ways to denounce and smear people. ie website with 37 mentions of someones name will prob get a Page one on Google.
    Hasbara trolls generally follow the rules of social networks, because they want to continue to influence people and subvert open and free debate.

  9. Under a Hasbara argument highly popular among Israel’s apologists, the country has already withdrawn from Gaza and Lebanon and has been attacked with rockets from both places. That’s why it can’t consider further withdrawals, for instance from the West Bank. The Israeli population is firmly committed to a 2-state solution and wants to evacuate most of the settlements, and it’s only Arab intransigence that prevents an agreement. But the day a Palestinian leader arises who is prepared to talk peace, the Israeli side will be there, prepared to make all sorts of painful concessions.

    This is a bad-faith argument for more than one reason. In the first place, the withdrawals from Lebanon and Gaza were not part of an agreement; the only retreat carried out by Israel under an agreement was that from the Sinai, and not a single missile has been fired on Israel from there. It’s not like the Gazans promised something and then didn’t deliver.

    In the second place, the argument explains why Israel can’t withdraw from its existing settlements, but it doesn’t explain why it is tolerating and, in fact, encouraging (through the provision of State services) the construction of ever more new outposts and roads.

    In the third place, what does “most” mean? 51% of the settlements is most of the settlements. The argument doesn’t clarify that the settlements Israelis are not prepared to painfully concede are the ones currently driving two long wedges into the West Bank and making territorial contiguity of a Palestinian state all but impossible.

    Finally, asserting that Israel can evacuate the West Bank because it already evacuated Gaza is like someone claiming that he can quit cocaine anytime because last year he quit smoking. The situations in both territories are radically different. The settler population in Gaza was small and concentrated. They hadn’t built roads that criscrossed the territory, nor did they roam it at will harassing the local population.

    In the West Bank, on the other hand, the militarized settlers have created a state within the state. They have resources to carry out public works, they issue internal building permits and they have patrols dedicated to the repression of the native population. The State is absolutely powerless to stop them from stealing land, uprooting trees, burning fields or harrassing the Palestinians.

    The balance of power between Israel and the settlers is very much like that between the Sicilian government and the Mafia, or between the Brazilian government and the São Paulo narcos. The State can take a few symbolic measures, but never seriously crack down on them. That’s why the State can issue orders against the construction of a road, but it can’t actually stop the work. To use a rude but fitting popular metaphor, while a majority of Israelis hate the settlers, the settlers have Israel grabbed by the testicles. There’s nothing the State can do to them. So we need not speculate that when the time comes the State will deal with them appropriately; the settlers just won’t allow that time to come.

    The prospect of a binational state, in which they’ll have to share their country with the Palestinians, is hell to Israeli Jews. Too bad they didn’t stop their fanatics in time, because now, with all the frantic settlement building taking place, and with Jewish outposts scattered all over the West Bank, a situation has been created in which it’s impossible to unscramble an egg, and the country is firmly on the road to that perceived hell.

  10. A university in Haifa, Israel offers a class in how to brainwash people into believing Israel isn’t evil through online trolling methods.

    Entitled “Ambassadors Online,” the spring semester class – the first of its kind – will explore international news coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and attempt to rectify alleged media bias.

    Though it does not offer university credit, the course will teach students about the main issues behind Israel’s delegitimization.

    They will hear from Foreign Ministry officials and learn to use social networking sites to defend government policies on an ad hoc basis.

    The four-hour program is the brainchild of Prof. Eli Avraham, who teaches communications at the University of Haifa and who felt the need to respond to what he said was an epidemic of anti-Israel media activity.

    “There’s a lot of bias in the European and American media. We’re trying to ask why and how it’s biased and what we can do about it,” he said.

    The syllabus for “Ambassadors Online” will concentrate on identifying what constitutes hostile or non-objective reporting.

    Afterward, students will be encouraged to contact foreign media outlets to present an Israeli perspective and reframe the public narrative.

    “We’re going to take every allegation against Israel and give [the students] advice as to what they can do,” Avraham said, from contacting editors to alerting Facebook friends of possible bias.

    The students will participate in writing Wikipedia entries, publicizing hasbara (public diplomacy) talking points and confronting anti-Israel activists in online chat rooms. The class will also host workshops on news articles to outline bias and propose alternative narratives.

    Course organizer David Gurevich, a PhD student at the university, described online forums as a target of pro-Israel strategy. He mentioned in particular one Wikipedia article on Israel’s security fence.

    The official title on the Web page is “Israeli West Bank Barrier.” The website adopted the “objective” terminology after a long and heated discussion between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian activists, according to Gurevich.

    Without the participation of pro-Israel voices, public opinion can drastically sway in the other direction.

    If we can contribute our side to the discussion, that’s very important,” Gurevich said.

    “We are going to first of all give the students knowledge and tools to present the Israeli side online,” from uploading positive YouTube clips to speaking with interested third-party participants.

  11. Hasbara refers to the propaganda efforts to improve Israel’s image abroad, to justify its actions, and defend it in world opinion. It is a public diplomacy effort undertaken by Israeli government officers, or individuals in target countries (public or private efforts; group or individual efforts). Israel portrays itself as fighting on two fronts: against the Palestinians/Arabs and world opinion. The latter is dealt with hasbara. The premise of hasbara is that Israel’s problems are a matter of better propaganda, and not one of an underlying unjust situation.

    Hasbara Campus Manual

    A Hasbara manual for students to use on US univesity campuses is now available online[2]. A summary of the techniques is provided from page 31 onwards:

    Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message.

    The manual goes on to describe seven propaganda techniques:

    Name calling: through the careful use of words, then name calling technique links a person or an idea to a negative symbol.

    Glittering generality: Simply put, glittering generality is name calling in reverse. Instead of trying to attach negative meanings to ideas or people, glittering generalities use positive phrases, which the audience are attached to, in order to lend positive image to things. Words such as “freedom”, “civilization”,…

    Transfer: Transfer involves taking some of the prestige and authority of one concept and applying it to another. For example, a speaker might decide to speak in front of a United Nations flag, in an attempt to gain legitimacy for himself or his idea.

    Testimonial: Testimonial means enlisting the support of somebody admired or famous to endorse and ideal or campaign.

    Plain folks: The plain folks technique attempts to convince the listener that the speaker is a ‘regular guy’, who is trust-worthy because the are like ‘you or me’.

    Fear: Stressing that ignoring the message will likely lead to war, terrorism

    Bandwagon: Suggest that the stated position is mainstream and use polls to suggest this.

    Nation Branding

    The Israeli government has contracted with several international PR companies to improve its image in the US, Europe and Canada. In the UK, Acanchi was hired to work on Israel’s nation branding[5]. Saatchi and Saatchi acknowledged that it works with the Israelis free of charge on the re-branding effort.[6] Haaretz also revealed that it attempted to hire a Norwegian PR company for the same purposes.

    Cultural Event exposure

    Part of the efforts to improve Israel’s image abroad is to increase the number of cultural events at which Israeli artists are present. Israeli writers, film makers, dance groups, etc., are subsidized by the Israeli government so that these groups can go on tour. Artists receiving funds to represent Israel abroad are paid, and they are also required to sign a contract requiring them to comment positively about Israel.[7] The Batsheva Dance Company tours Europe and North America as the “cultural ambassadors for Israel”.[8] The company is mostly funded by the Israeli government and the Rothschild family.


    Agenda Setting

    The person who sets the agenda will usually win the debate. Reactivity forces Israel activists to be constantly on the defensive (“no, Israel is not all that bad”). However by setting the agenda Israel activists get to determine what to talk about, and can therefore discuss the things they feel help promote the pro-Israel message. Being proactive keeps the right issues in the public eye, and in the way Israel activists want them to be seen. It is much easier to get Palestinian activists defending Arafat against charges of being a corrupt terrorist than it is to explain to disinterested students that Ariel Sharon didn’t kill anybody at Sabra and Chatilla (which of course he didn’t). It is much easier to feed students falafel at a party than to explain why Zionism isn’t racism to a student who doesn’t even know what national self-determination is.
    To understand the value of agenda setting, consider the 6-Day War of 1967. When the war was inevitable, Israel decided to seize the initiative through a pre-emptive strike. This allowed them to control the war from the beginning. In 1973, the Yom Kippur was fought on the defensive. Many lives were lost in trying to turn the situation around. When Israel activists are proactive and set the agenda they don’t need to waste energy trying to turn things around.

    Point Scoring

    Point scoring is a method of communication that prioritises making certain points favourable to the speaker, and attacking opponents of the speaker by trying to undermine their positions.
    Point scoring communication ought to give the appearance of rational debate, whilst avoiding genuine discussion. The aim of the Israel activist point scorer is to try to make as many comments that are positive about Israel as possible, whilst attacking certain Palestinian positions, and attempting to cultivate a dignified appearance.
    Point scoring works because most audience members fail to analyse what they hear. Rather, they register only a key few points, and form a vague impression of whose ‘argument’ was stronger.

    When to Point Score

    Point scoring is the correct method of communication to use when the audience is likely to be only partially engaged. Talk radio, student newspapers, large panel discussions, and anything to do with television or the Internet should probably be viewed as having partially engaged audiences, and so point scoring is the right way to communicate in these forums.
    Point scoring can irritate audiences who are genuinely committed to thinking seriously about their views on a subject. When talking in serious academic circles, or talking to friends, or answering questions addressed personally by genuinely interested individuals, it is preferable to refrain from point scoring, which can seem shallow, and to instead more fully engage using rational argument.

    How To Score Points Whilst Avoiding Debate

    Central to point scoring is the ability to disguise point scoring by giving the impression of genuine debate. Audience members can be alienated by undisguised attacks, so all point scoring needs to be disguised.
    To disguise point scoring, comments need to seem to be logical, and to follow from what was said before. Use phrases that subtly change the agenda or reframe the debate to do this:
    “Well, that’s not really the right question…”
    “I don’t think we should be focusing on …, the real point is that…”
    “That’s an interesting point, but I don’t think we can really begin to address it before we think about…”
    “You seem to assume that …, an assumption that’s impossible to share. Really, we need to consider…”
    “It’s a shame that the Palestinian leadership have led the Palestinian people down a dead-end, where conflict and violence leads to tragic situations. Things would have been better if…” “I really think that we would all be better served by looking forward instead of back at the things that happened over 50 years ago. The past is important to note, but we have to move on in an attempt for peace. That’s why I think we would be better served talking about…”
    The examples above ‘field’ the comments that precede them by giving the appearance of addressing what was said. They then go on to reframe the discussion by setting a new agenda.

    What Points To Make

    Point scoring needs to be focused. Because the people listening to ‘point scoring’ are only paying partial attention, only two or three points have a chance of ‘sticking’. For this reason, focus point scoring on a few points supporting Israel, and a few points pointing out weaknesses in Palestinian positions. These points should be made again and again, in as many forums as possible. If people hear something often enough they come to believe it.
    Attempts to make too many different points will result in the audience remembering nothing.

    Points Supporting Israel
    Israel wants peace, and is willing to make far-reaching concessions in order to achieve this.
    At Camp David, Israel offered the Palestinians more than any observer had ever thought possible, and their generous offers were turned down.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Generally speaking, the same methods are utilized for ‘Peaceful-Muslim’ Debates at ‘Progressive’ Universities.
      Debating Theories has always been a little iffy, of course (Jung & Freud), and understanding ‘how-to-debate’ for success, no matter how far out the theory, is a useful tool; ‘debating societies’ DO exist in the ‘upper echelons’ of academic thought. 😉
      (also a good tool for those ‘motivational’ guys on TV who say EVERYONE can flip houses for great profits – especially if they browse death-notices and get to the beneficiaries fast with bad offers while everyone is crying over a coffin.)
      The real problem here is, no-one ever begins with the best question.
      Is there really only ONE god?
      Was RA the greatest after all?
      I think the Greeks and Romans really had a handle on it (considering everyone obviously worships so many things … sports&movie stars, money, power, fame, women’s bodies, best kill-ratios, good scotch, twittering …) and there should be a rush to get all the old gods back into the lime-light. I mean, they were accepted as ‘de-facto’ and no-one needed to debate which one they could blame for all their problems.
      Just had to do a sacrifice for the right one? No??
      After that, life was simply politics.

  12. cook2half Avatar

    time to recognize armenian genocide natanyahu? lol

  13. Training for these overseas missions for successful applicants takes place at Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College, after which the would-be missionaries “will set off for a one-year mission in the various Jewish communities around the world, and will also receive a scholarship of up to NIS 5,000 [$1300].”

    NUIS has also partnered with the Jewish Agency, the Israeli state body that encourages Jews from around the world to settle on stolen Palestinian land, to spread propaganda on college campuses around the world.

    Applications are open to Israeli citizens who have lived in the country for three years, those who have completed service in the Israeli army, and those who speak foreign languages, among other criteria.

    The project seeks to take advantage of the fact that “Many students in Israel master the Internet and are proficient at using the Internet and social networking and various sites and are required to write and express themselves in English.”

    After training, the student will begin his activities. The student will do the activities in the comfort of his home, where every week he will be obligated to about 5 hours of activities for a period of one calendar year (not academic year). Students will be paid a total of NIS 7,500 [$2,000] to perform the tasks of the project, at least 5 hours weekly for a total of 240 hours of activities under the project umbrella.

    The scholarship will be given to the student at three periods; in April, in August at the NUIS scholarship award ceremony, and in November.

  14. Illegal Occupiers are the Oppressed!
    Non-Semitic Occupiers want the Semitic natives to move out and forget their land!

  15. Netanyahu’s vision is to consolidate Israel’s control over “Judae and Samaria” in the name of “security.”

    Israeli leaders, it seems, are neither interested in peace, nor a two-state solution. According to U.S. Middle East envoy Martin Indyk, Israel had deliberately “sabotaged” the peace talks by refusing to even consider a freeze on expanded settlement activity. Netanyahu, he said, “would not yield an inch” for peace. Although he blamed both sides for their intransigence in negotiations, he pointed out that Israel’s pro-settlement stance torpedoed negotiations on purpose.

    That is why “Operation Protective Edge” has deliberately targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure. This is not simply a war on Hamas. It is a war on the very concept of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state, it seems.

    Indeed, U.S. intelligence officials confirmed that from the late 1970s to the 80s, Israel had “directly and indirectly” financed Hamas as a counterweight to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) “to divide and dilute support” for the secular movement for self-determination. But there was another agenda. “The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place,” said one U.S. government official. “Israel would still be the only democracy in the region for the United States to deal with.”

    A hint at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s game-plan was revealed on day four of the military operation in apress conference. Speaking in Hebrew, Netanyahu “made explicitly clear that he could never, ever, countenance a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank.” While he is known to have previously indicated he is opposed to a single bi-national Israeli state which would include Palestinians, favoring instead a unilateral “separation” from the Palestinians, he now “made explicit that this could not extend to full Palestinian sovereignty.

    “Separation” in this context does not mean a two-state solution at all. It seems it means the opposite – a greater Israel without Palestinians.

    “There cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan,” he said.

    His or say Zionists goal is to end Palestinian sovereignty.

  16. History later revealed that the first Israeli prime minister, David Ben-Gurion set a military guideline for his country when dealing with Israel’s Arab neighbors rejection. It was based on the idea of escalating deterrence and the understanding was that it showed little tolerance towards any resistance, and predicated that Israel would react to it in an escalating manner so that all its surrounding countries would understand that they will have to accept Israel or reject it without any form of resistance. It seems there is just one outcome; Israel does not want Arabs to love it. It also does not need to convince them that it has the right to live amongst them it seems. It came into being by force and will live and die by force. Therefore, in order to survive, it must always be pulling the trigger it seems. A review ovf Israel’s history will reveal that the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is just abiding by his predecessors’ guidelines. According to the escalating deterrence policy, it seems Israel will offend all Palestinian resistors in Gaza until they surrender.

    Recall this historical scene and apply it to Gaza today.

    The problem is that Israel doesn’t want to change, but at the same time, it wants Arabs to change. The “occupation” can also lead Arabs to accept and surrender to a bitterer status-quo. The Israeli occupation is supported by the U.S. as it perceivably deals with the “occupation” with racism and arrogance.

    The occupation and the Israeli war that never stopped against Palestinians since 1948: “There is no meaning in asking: How was the current war on Gaza initiated? Was it initiated by Hamas or Israel? When did the Israeli war on all Palestinians, including Gaza stop anyway? The war is not always triggered by firing missiles, rockets and bombs, as it might also be carried through assassinations, destruction of homes, land theft, settlements, arrests, forced displacement, and humiliation at all scattered checkpoints on all the Palestinian territories. It can also be waged through the demonization of the victim as a terrorist who refuses to recognize the right to a Jewish state. This is why in opinion of many, the Israeli war did not stop against the Palestinians since 1948; This war take the form of a low-profile conflict at times, and at other times, it becomes a full-sized military war. Israel always decides when and how to move from a case to the other.”

    It seems that as much as “peace” has become impossible, “surrendering” has also become impossible.

    As for Hamas and the rest of Gaza or all the Palestinians, they are trapped in a big prison. They cannot leave their homes even if they wanted to, because it is their homeland and their prison, and this is implicitly accepted by the whole world.

  17. The land of Palestine has been known historically for thousands of years. It is usually used to refer to the land that falls between the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Jordan river to the east, and possibly other neighbouring lands. Jews and some Christians refer to the same land as the “Land of Israel” or the “Holy Land”. The name Palestine came about because the “Philistine” people were among the earliest known people to inhabit this land.

    Being located at the crossroads between several major civilizations, including the Egyptians to the west, Babylonians to the east and Romans to the north and west, Palestine was invaded and inhabited by many different peoples through the ages. The Bible also identifies this land as being the “Promised Land”, which God instructed Moses and his followers to emigrate to after they left Egypt.

    It is believed that the Israelites, under the leadership of Moses, arrived in the land of Palestine in the 12th – 13th century BCE. The United Kingdom of Israel was established, but was later split up into the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. At the same time, there were several other kingdoms of the original inhabitants of Palestine that existed in the land of Palestine.

    Around 720 BCE, the Assyrian Empire invaded and destroyed the Kingdom of Israel, and the Israelites were exiled. In 586 BCE, the Kingdom of Judah was invaded by the Babylonians, who destroyed Jerusalem and deported most of the population to the Babylonian Empire. Later on in 538 BCE, the Persian Empire defeated the Babylonians and allowed the Israelites to return to Palestine. In 333 BCE, the Persian Emipre was conquered by the Greeks under the leadership of Alexander the Great. Palestine remained under Greek control for nearly 200 years.

    After a period of instability and war, the land of Palestine finally came under Roman control around the year 63 BCE. Jesus was born and lived in this period when the Romans ruled Palestine. The wars between the Jewish people of Palestine and the Romans resulted in the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Romans attempted to wipe out Jewish influence from Palestine. Around the year 330 CE, emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and this became the official relgion of the Byzantine Roman Empire, including Palestine.

    The Muslims captured the land of Palestine and Jerusalem in the year 632 CE. Under Islamic rule, Jews were given religious freedoms and were permitted to return to Palestine for the first time in over 500 years. The Muslims continued to rule Palestine for nearly 400 years. The Crusaders, coming from Europe, invaded Palestine and ruled it for almost 100 years, from 1099 CE to 1187 CE. The Muslims regained most of Palestine in 1187 CE, and the last of the Crusaders left Palestine in 1291 CE. From 1291 to 1917, a period of 626 years, Palestine was under Muslim rule.

    During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine and most of the Middle East, sided with the Germans. In December of 1917, the British captured Jerusalem and by 1918 all of Palestine fell under British rule. In 1917, British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour issued the “Balfour Declaration of 1917”, promising to establish a Jewish state in the land of Palestine for the first time in over 2000 years. At this time, the British instituted a policy of facilitating Jewish immigration to Palestine. The rate of Jewish immigration to Palestine accelerated during and after World War II, and many of those immigrating to Palestine were Holocaust survivors. This policy was therefore supported by other powers including the United States and France.

    During the period from 1917 – 1947, hundereds of thousands of Jews arrived and settled in Palestine. This caused a huge change in the demographics of Palestine. The Arab Muslim majority that existed before the First World War was quickly being reduced as a proportion of the total population of Palestine by the huge influx of Jewish settlers. The Arab Muslim population led several revolts against the British occupation and against the policy of demographic change that they were overseeing in Palestine. The most well known of these was the 1936 revolt, which lasted around 3 years.

    In 1947, Britain handed over the question of Palestine to the United Nations, which proceeded to devise a plan to partition Palestine into two nations, one Jewish and the other Arab. Jerusalem was to remain neutral and under international control. The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, but the Arabs of Palestine strongly rejected it. Other Arab nations also rejected the plan, as they wanted the situation in Palestine to be returned to the way it was before the First World War. Armed conflict between the Jewish and Arab populations of Palestine started soon after, and Britain formally ended control over Palestine. The state of Israel was established in May of 1948.

    The Arabs of Palestine and other Arabs nations rejected the creation of the state of Israel on land which had been under Arab and Muslim rule for over 600 years prior to the First World War. Several Arab armies entered into the conflict which later became known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Israeli army, with superior training and equipment and support by European powers, was able to achieve victory. The war ended in 1949 with Israel in control of most of Palestine, except for the areas later to become known as the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Israel captured all of the territories it was entitled to under the UN partition plan in addition to large parts of the lands allotted to the Arabs. Hundereds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs left their homes and land to escape the 1948 war and became refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza.

    Even after losing the 1948 war, most Arab and Muslim nations refused to recognize the state of Israel. In 1956, Israel invaded Egypt along with Britain and France to capture Sinai and the Suez Canal. The war was triggered by the Egyptian decision to nationalize the Suez Canal, which had been controlled previously by foreign companies. Israel, Britain and France were forced to withdraw from all Egyptian territories under pressure from the international community.

    Another war broke out in 1967 between Israel and the Arabs. Although it is disputed which side started the war, the result was that Israel captured the West Bank from Jordan, the Gaza Strip and the Sinai peninsula from Egypt and the Golan heights from Syria. In this war, Israel more than doubled the territory under its control. This war is also known as the six day war because Israel was able to defeat all Arab armies in six days. This was possible because of the strong military and financial support given to Israel by the Western powers. Although some Arab states turned to the Soviets for help, they were not willing to provide enough support to change the balance the power in the Middle East between Israel and the Arabs.

    In 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack against Israel to re-capture the territories they lost in 1967. Egypt was able to regain parts of the Sinai peninsula, while Syria regained parts of the Golan heights. However, with practically unlimited support from Western powers, Israel was able to fight the Egyptian and Syrian armies to a standstill therby forcing them to cease fire. The United States launched operation “Nickel Grass” a few days after the start of the war. This was an airlift operation that delivered weapons and supplies to the Israeli army. The operation lasted for at least one month, and transported at least 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition and other supplies to the Israeli side. Many experts believe that without this airlift, the Israeli army would have faced total defeat by the Egyptian and Syrian armies.

    In 1978, Egypt signed a formal peace treaty with Israel, becoming the first Arab state to do so. Egypt recognized Israel in exchange for Israel returning all Egyptian occupied lands. The Egyptian peace treaty with Israel was viewed as a betrayal by most Arabs, including most Egyptians. It also made it evident to the Palestinian refugees that the Arab states, especially without Egypt, will never be able to liberate Palestine or to facilitate their return to their homes and land. This led to the birth of a Palestinian nationalist movement and Palestinian resistance groups. These groups began to launch attacks on Israel and they established bases in neighbouring Arab countries. The Palestinians were most active in Lebanon, and in 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon to destroy the bases of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The PLO was forced to leave Lebanon, and the Palestinians lost all bases from which they could launch attacks on Israel.

    Having lost all hope that liberation will come from the Arab states around Israel, the Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza strip launched “The Intifada” (the revolt) in 1987. The Intifada consisted of protests, demonstrations and strikes that were intended to press for the rights of self determination and of the return of the refugees. The Intifada also received significant press coverage around the world, specifically for the images of young boys facing tanks and throwing rocks at heavily armed Israeli troops. The Intifada continued for nearly six years, during which the Israeli army responded with heavy handed security measures including imprisonment, beatings and even breaking the hands of young Palestinian boys caught throwing rocks at Israeli troops.

    After the 1990 Gulf War, a peace conference was held in Madrid in 1991 in which the Arabs began formal peace negotiations with Israel for the first time. The peace talks reached their peak with the 1993 Oslo peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel agreed to grant some automony to the Palestinians in exchange for recognition of the state of Israel. Palestinians started to take control of some cities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and they established the Palestinian Authority which acted as a Palestinian government.

    Progress in the peace talks was halted when in November, 1995, a radical right-wing Israeli assassinated Yitzhak Rabin, the Prime Minister of Israel who led the peace negotiations. In the elections of 1996, a radical right-wing government was elected in Israel. The new Israeli government was opposed to the peace treaties that were signed and were against giving the Palestinians any autonomy over any part of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In September of 2000, after years of no progress in the peace talks and in response to the desecration of the Al-Asqa mosque in Jerusalem by Israeli troops, the second Palestinian Intifada was launched. The second Intifada was not limited to rock throwing but evolved into armed confrontations between Palestinians and the Israeli army. Thousands of Palestinians and hundereds of Israelis were killed, many of them civilians on both sides.

    The situation has changed little to this day. Israel continues to occupy the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Palestinian refugees, living in refugee camps now for over 60 years, continue to be denied the opportunity to return to their homes. The Israeli army continues to impose thousands of road blocks in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in order to prevent Palestinian attacks. These road blocks have meant that most Palestinians are not able to leave their towns, not even for medical attention. The Palestinian economy is devestated and the Palestinians continue to live in poverty. Israel continues to confiscate Palestinian owned land and to build settlements in the West Bank, thereby making it harder and harder to ever achieve a two state solution to the conflict.

    A common example that is used is if someone shows up at your house and tells you that 2000 years ago this house and the land it sits on belonged to their ancestors. They ask you to take your belongings and leave the house and land with no compensation and no right to dispute these claims in court. And their strongest evidence of their claim is that they have a book they consider holy that tells them to expel you from your house. How would you react? Would you agree to simply leave your house and your land?

    As long as the Palestinians continue to be denied their rights of self determination, return of refugees and the opportunity to live a decent life, it is difficult to imagine how peace will be achieved in the Middle East.

  18. Man lived in Palestine since early ancient ages. There are ruins which trace back to the ancient Stone Age (500,000-14,000 BC) and the middle Stone Age (14,000-8000 BC). This age in Palestine is called Al-Natoofieh civilization, attributed to Al-Natoof caves, north of Jerusalem. Al-Natoof origin is not yet known. Their civilization was concentrated on the coast. They lived in caves such as those found on Al-Karmel Mountain.

    In the Modern Stone Age (8000-4500 BC) the cave life of man in Palestine was changed to settlements. He changed from food collector to food producer. The first evidence supporting settlement life appeared in Jericho, which is the most ancient city in the world. It was established in 8000 BC.

    The Brass Stone Age ran from 4500 BC to 3300 BC. A lot of archaeological civilization locations that trace back to that era were discovered in the Beer Sheba region, between the Hebron mountains and the Dead Sea and along the sea coast of Al-Khudiera.

    The beginning of the third millennium BC was characterized with the emergence of the old empires in the east accompanied by the discovery of writing and the start of writing history. From here, historical ages started in Palestine.

    The era that extended from 3200 BC to 2000 BC is called the Ancient Bronze Age. It was characterized by the emergence of the fortified defending towns built on high hills.

    1. 8 million years ago, the Palestinosaurus already lived here

  19. They were spread out in large numbers, and most of them were built in the middle and north of Palestine. The most important locations were in Bashan, Majideo, Al-Afoula, Ras Al-Nakoura and Tal Al-Farei’a north of Nablus. In the third millennium BC, the population of Palestine increased, and the cities grew and became political and economic powers. This period can be called the period of “small-States of towns.”

    During the third millennium BC, the Ammonites, the Canaanites and also the Yabousians and the Phoenicians, which are considered sub-branches of the Canaanites, had migrated to settle in Palestine. Their emigration to Palestine was around 2500 BC. The Canaanites settled on the plains of Palestine and the Ammonites settled in the mountains. The Yabousians settled in and around Jerusalem; they built the city of Jerusalem and named it “Yabous” then “Hierosolyma”. The Phoenicians settled on the north coast of Palestine and in Lebanon.

    Reliable historians believe that the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Yabousians and the Phoenicians had come from the Arab peninsula and that the majority of the current population of Palestine, especially the villagers, are the offspring of those old tribes and peoples or the Arab and Muslims who settled there after the Muslim Conquest.

    During that period, the emigration of the Canaanites took place on a large scale. They became the original population of the country. The name of “Land of Canaan” was the oldest name to which the land of Palestine had been known. The Canaanites built most of the towns in Palestine. Their number-within the borders of the current Palestine-was more than 200 towns during the second millennium BC, hundred of years before the coming of the HebraiJews. In addition to Jericho and Jerusalem, there were other old towns, namely Shechem (Balatah, Nablus), Bashan, Ashkelon, Akka, Haifa, Hebron, Ashdod, A’aqur, Beer Sheba and Bethlehem.

    After that time, the Middle Bronze Age followed from 2000 BC to 1550 BC. The first half of the second millennium BC witnessed the dominion of the Hyksos, who ruled Palestine during the eighteenth to sixteenth centuries BC. It seems that during this age (around 1900 BC), Abraham (peace be upon him) came to Palestine accompanied by his nephew “Lut” (peace be upon him) and there, Isma’il, Isaac and Jacob (peace be upon them) were born.

  20. The Late Bronze Age (1550 BC-1200 BC) started with the withdrawal of the Hyksos dominion from Palestine and the subsequent control by the absolute Egyptian regime. As to the Iron Age (1200 BC-330 BC), it seems that in its early period (approximately 1200 BC), Palestine had received groups of emigrants who came from various regions, the most important ones were “the peoples of the sea” migrations. It seems that they came from western Asia and from islands of the Aegean Sea (Crete and others). At the beginning, those peoples launched their attacks against the coasts of Syria and Egypt, but Ramses the Third, Pharaoh of Egypt, drove them away from his country in the Blouzioun battle (near Port Said) and gave them permission to settle in the southern part of Palestine. In the archeological inscriptions, the name of “PLST” was mentioned and, accordingly, those peoples were called “Palestians” and then the letter “n” was inserted in their name (maybe because of the plural). So they became the “Palestinians”. The Palestinians built five kingdoms, including the cities of Gaza, Ashdod, Jet, Aqroun and Ashkelon. These cities were possibly ancient Canaanites, and they expanded and organized them and built two new cities, namely Lod and Saklash. They occupied the rest of the coast up to the Al-Karmel Mountains. Then they captured Marj Ibn Amir. The Palestinians soon mixed with the Canaanites, used their language and worshipped their gods (Dajoun, B’al and Ashtar). Although the Palestinians had been mixed with the people, they gave this land their name, so, it was called Palestine.

  21. It is apparent from the comparative historical indications that Moses (peace be upon him) led the Children of Israel towards the Holy Land in the second half of the thirteenth century BC, i.e. in the Late Bronze Age. This Age and the Early Iron Age witnessed the beginning of the Jews entering Palestine and the emergence of the Kingdom of David and Solomon (peace be upon them) between 1004 BC and 923 BC. This period was divided into two kingdoms: the Israel Kingdom (923 BC-722 BC) and the Judah Kingdom (923 BC-586 BC). Each one ruled over a limited part of the land of Palestine. From 730 BC, Palestine, in general, was under the Assyrian dominion, which came from Iraq, till 645 BC. Thereafter, the Babylonians were the successors in dominion till 539 BC. The Assyrians and the Babylonians exchanged the domination over Palestine with Egypt. Then, the Persians invaded Palestine and ruled it from 539 BC to 332 BC. After that, Palestine entered the Greek Hellenistic Age. It was ruled by the Ptolemaics till 198 BC and was followed by Seleucias till 64 BC, at which time the Romans came and dominated over Palestine. After the division of the Roman Empire, Palestine was still influenced by the Eastern Roman Empire “Roman State”, with Constantinople as its capital. Thereafter, the Muslim Conquest took place and gave it its Arab-Islamic character.

  22. Abraham (peace be upon him), was the first of the Prophets whom we know lived and died in Palestine. He is the father of all Prophets, as many prophets descended from his offspring, including Prophets Isaac, Jacob, Yousef, Isma’il and Mohammed (peace be upon them).

    According to traditions, Abraham (peace be upon him), was born in Orr in Iraq and lived there for a period of time. He destroyed idols, called for monotheism and faced Al-Namroud with evidence. They tried to burn him at the stake as a punishment for destroying the idols, but God Almighty made it cool and a means of safety for him. Abraham migrated with his nephew Lut for the sake of God: He said: “I will go to my Lord. He will surely guide me (S.XXXVII:99).”

    It seems that Abraham in the beginning migrated with his companions to Harran (Al-Raha), which is presently located to the south of Turkey and north of Syria. From there, he migrated to the land of Canaan (Palestine). God Almighty says: “But we delivered him and Lut (and directed them) to the land which we have blessed for the nations.” Historians estimate that his arrival in Palestine was around 1900 BC. This date for the ancient history of Iraq represented the end of the “Third Orr” reign, which was ruled by the Samaritans and the beginning of the old Babylon era in which the Semitic elements that came from the Arabian Peninsula (Ammonites) prevailed.

  23. Abraham (peace be upon him), dwelled in “Shechem” near Nablus. From there, he moved towards Ramallah and Jerusalem, passing through Hebron and then Beer Sheba, where he settled for some time. He then departed for Egypt. He returned from Egypt accompanied by Hajar. She was presented to him as a gift by the Egyptian leader. It was also mentioned that she was the daughter of Pharaoh or an Egyptian princess. Then he returned to Palestine and passed through Gaza, where he met Abu Malek, the Emir of Gaza. Then he moved between Beer Sheba and Hebron. Thereafter, he ascended to Jerusalem. Lut (peace be upon him) moved to the south of the Dead Sea as he was sent by God as an apostle to the people of that region, while Abraham remained in the mountains of Jerusalem and Hebron. Isma’il (peace be upon him) was born to Abraham from his wife Hajar. Thirteen years later, Isaac was born to Abraham from his wife Sarah. It seems that Abraham’s sons were born while he was in his old age. This we know from the following verse of the Holy Qur’an, spoken by Sarah: She said: “Alas for me! Shall I bear a child, seeing I am an old woman, and my husband here is an old man? (S.XI:72)”

  24. It seems that Abraham (peace be upon him) visited the Hejaz many times. He brought Isma’il and his mother Hajar to Mecca. The story of Hajar running back and forth between the Safa and the Marwa hills and the gushing out of the Zamzam water is well known. Then Abraham returned and built the Ka’ba with Isma’il: And remember, Abraham and Isma’il raised the foundations of the House (with this prayer): “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: for thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing (S.II:127).” However, the place of settlement of Abraham remained Palestine, where he died and was buried in Al-Makfeelah cave near Hebron, which is the city named after his name (peace be upon him). It is said that his age was 175 years.

    Abraham (peace be upon him) was contemporaneous with Jerusalem’s ruler “Malaki Sadeq”, who seemed to be a monotheist and a friend of his. At that time, the believers in God were very few. Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) related that Abraham said to his wife Sarah after he had visited one of the powerful people at that time: “There are no believers on earth except for you and myself.” This apparently happened when they went to Egypt. This can be concluded from the verse of God Almighty: Abraham was indeed a model (Ummat: Nation), devoutly obedient to God (S.XVI:120)…”

    However, Abraham, the Father of the Prophets, was one of the firm-willed prophets. He had a missionary role in calling for the message of monotheism in Palestine. He used to establish mosques and prayer niches for the worship of God everywhere he used to visit. It seems that he did not have trouble or distress with the people of Palestine, and he was not forced to leave it because of his religion and message. He remained settled in Palestine with full freedom of movement until his death.

  25. Isaac lived in the land of Palestine. God Almighty blessed him with Jacob (peace be upon him) and Israel, who is considered by the Jews as their father. Isaac and Jacob were the light of guidance after Abraham (peace be upon him).

    And We bestowed on him Isaac and, as an additional gift (a grandson), Jacob, and We made righteous men of every one (of them). And we made them leaders, guiding (men) by Our Command, and We sent them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular prayers, and to practise regular charity; and they constantly served Us (and Us only) (S.XXI:72-73).

    Jacob (peace be upon him) was born in the eighteenth century BC (around 1750 BC) in Palestine. But, it seems that he immigrated to Harran “Al-Raha”, where he got married and produced 11 sons, among whom was Joseph (peace be upon him). His twelfth son, Benjamin, was born in the land of Canaan (Palestine). Jacob (peace be upon him) and his children returned to Palestine and lived in Sa’ar near Hebron. The history concerning his son, Joseph, is well known and detailed in Surah Yousef (Joseph) in the Holy Qur’an. The story unfolds as Joseph’s brothers plot against Joseph and throw him down to the bottom of a well. Then Joseph was found by a caravan of travelers who sold him as a slave in Egypt. He grew up there, prayed to God, rejected women’s temptations and was in prison till he was honoured by God and was put in charge of the storehouses of the land of Egypt. This was a result of his skillful interpretation of a dream by a king, and his absolution was proved. Joseph brought his father, Jacob, and his brothers to Egypt where God restored Jacob’s sight after his eyes became white from the sorrow he experienced over his perceived loss of Joseph. Joseph had also forgiven his brothers. Some narrations mentioned that Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years, but he was buried near his grandfather and father–Abraham and Isaac–in Hebron.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      His WIFE produced 11 sons …. (why do they forget men can’t make babies????)

  26. The period during which Jacob and his children lived in Egypt coincided with the domination by the Hyksos over Egypt from 1774 BC to 1567 BC; they were not originally from Egypt.

    However, it seemed that Joseph and his brothers, the children of Jacob (Israel), were all kept busy with the liberty of work and worship in Egypt. They played their role in the calling for monotheism. However, their condition changed in the successive generations. The Children of Israel fell under the oppression of the Pharaoh till God sent Moses to Pharaoh to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt to the Holy Land.

    The rule of David and Solomon lasted for about 80 years, which was considered a golden period during which Palestine was ruled under the banner of monotheism and faith prior to the Muslim Conquest.

    After the death of Solomon, his kingdom was divided into two parts comprising two separate States with fights between them from time to time. Both suffered from internal corruption, military and political weakness and foreign influence. When Solomon passed away, the representatives of the 12 tribes of the Children of Israel held a meeting at Shechem (near Nablus) to set up Rehbe’am bin Solomon as a king. However, according to narrations, the representatives from 10 of the tribes agreed not to set him up as a king because he did not promise them to reduce taxes. They, instead, elected “Yarba’am” from the tribe of Ephraim as a king and called their kingdom “Israel”. They took Shechem as their capital (then Tarzah then Samaria).

    As to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, they maintained their loyalty to Rehbe’am bin Solomon and established the kingdom of “Judah”, with Jerusalem as its capital under his rule.

    The kingdom of Israel lasted during the period from 923 BC to 721 BC. The Encyclopedia Britannica disdainfully named it “The Tail Kingdom”. Because of the invasion by the residents of Damascus, it lost all its lands located in the east of Jordan and north of Yarmouk. “Omri” was the most famous king of the kingdom of Israel whose reign lasted from 885 BC to 874 BC. He built Samaria and took it as the capital.

    His successor “Akhab” reigned from 874 BC till 852 BC. He allowed his wife, “Isabel”, the daughter of the king of Sidon and Tyre, to enjoin the worship of the Phoenician God “B’al”, which consequently caused a revolution carried out by an officer named “Yaho”, who overthrew “Akhab” and restored the worship of “Yahweh”.

    In the period of “Yab’am the second” from 785 BC till 745 BC, the third of in the line of “Yaho” ancestry, his kingdom expanded towards the north on the account of the Aramaians. But this situation did not last for long because of the emergence of the Assyrian king “Tajilat Blissr the third” (745 BC-727 BC), who put an end to this expansion. His successor “Shillmanasar the fifth” and after him “Sarjon the second” had punished Joshua, who was the last of the kings of “Israel”. They exterminated his kingdom in 721 BC. Then, the Assyrians moved the people of Israel to Haran, Khabour, Kurdistan and Persia and replaced them with groups of Aramaians. It seems that the banished Israelis were completely mixed in with their neighbours in exile. Thereafter, there was not a trace left of the ten tribes of the Children of Israel.

  27. From historic and linguistic sources, that the Ashkenazi-Khazarian population of Eastern Europe, (the source of most of the people that call themselves “Jews” but are not), if not 100 percent Gentile before the mid-17th Century, were very near to it.

    For a very long time now, the elders of this group of so-called “Jews” have been telling the children to marry into the gentile people in order to soften or delete the facial features; this has been happening for a very long time in order to “infiltrate” the gentile without much notice of what they really are – controlling Khazars at heart.

    With this in mind, the Jewish claim that all of Eastern Europe contains at least some of the blood of Abraham becomes spurious; the crudest attempt to preserve the Askenazim from being as “Gentile” as the verdict of history decrees them to be. Rejecting history, Khazar-Jewish scholars scramble for even the smallest claim to the patrimony of Abraham, since it is essential not only to the “self-esteem” of Eastern European “Jewry,” but to legitimize the present Jewish claim to Palestine – a claim which has been most insistently made by those of Khazar origin.

    The most any Eastern European “Jew” can claim with confidence is that his forefathers were converted to Judaism out of Paganism. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.

    Yet if this black joke is on the Jews, it is almost as much on American fundamentalists. Most Jewish settlers in Palestine during the first half of this century were Ashkenazim. Yet Christians have defended them as “God’s chosen people” hogwash, whose zeal in expropriating the native Palestinians they viewed as the laudable predestined role of regaining the land promised to their fore fathers.

    The truth is, the majority of these Jews who pioneered Palestine, high-handedly expelling Arabs from their homes were no more the descendants of Abraham.
    While Christians have totally accepted the racial and territorial claims of the Ashkenazim, it is intriguing that most of their fellow Israelites, the Sephardic, and Oriental Jews, have not.

    In modern Israel there is a racial memory which persists a primal resentment of those aggressive, red-haired Jews from the north. In fact, antipathy between Ashkenazi and Sephardic-Oriental is so intense that it is an exception if they intermarry; racial slurs, discrimination, and even violence between them is increasingly common. Nevertheless, both Jews and U.S. Evangelicals are reluctant to accept the historic, racial basis from such aversion, preferring to believe all Jews are, by definition, the children of Abraham.

    What is the spiritual and prophetic significance of the inbreeding of the Khazars into the stem of Judah? Does it threaten the Biblical promise of God’s ultimate restoration of the Jewish nation?

    Consider, for example, the Sephardic Jew the Jew most likely to inherit the actual genes of Abraham. Although we would like to believe he is untainted by Gentile admixture, again, the evidence suggests otherwise.

    Why is it that Jews living in Holland, Morocco, Italy or Turkey often resemble the inhabitants of their host country more than Jews living in other parts of the world?

    It is because, despite Rabbinic scriptures, Jews have intermarried with their host nations during the dispersion, just as they did in biblical times. During the past two thousand years, the beautiful daughters of Rebekah have been seduced or wooed by Gentile men. Jewish boys covet fair-haired, blue-eyed gentile girls. Today in America 40 percent of Jewish young men marry outside their race.

    Is this only a recent phenomena? Of course not.

    Intermarriage of such magnitude is indeed not unique to our time, but not the fact of intermarriage in Israel an indulgence by peasant or potentate from the beginning.

  28. Curiously, a study of Yiddish, the language of the Polish Khazars, also confirms the absence of authentic Jewry in Poland before the mid-17th Century. Yiddish, of course, began as the Jewish “lingua franca” language of commerce. It combined Hebrew with the East-Middle German spoken by the German bourgeoisie class which dominated Polish culture during the period in which Yiddish was formed.

    The fact of the matter is that if authentic Jews had been in Poland in the time of Yiddish’s evolution during and after the 15th Century, then words of the West German dialect spoken by Jews of the West would also be found in Yiddish. Yet, according to scholars, Yiddish is untainted by West German influence. In contrast to thousands of Hebrew, East German and Slavic words in Yiddish, there is not a West German word to be found proving that authentic Jews had no part in the cultural life which produced Yiddish.

    If Jews from the West had been unable to influence Yiddish which in the period of its formation was a linguistic “free-for-all” inviting the contributions of anyone, is it credible that they would have made any significant contribution to the gene-pool of the Polish Khazars? Hardly.

    It cannot be denied that from the day Khazaria was converted to Judaism Jews world-wide had been vaguely aware of a Jewish state to the East, and some may even have visited and intermarried.

    Yet such infinitesimal commingling of genuine Jewish blood in the veins of hundreds of thousands of Khazars would not have compared to the much more frequent inbreeding which must have inevitably occurred between the Khazars and the Hungarians, Russians and Poles who surrounded them.

  29. Even as late as the 15th and 16th centuries, Khazars continued to arrive and prosper in Poland, making Poland the “new Khazaria” to roughly a half million displaced Khazars. It was well into the 17th century before the racial isolation of the Khazar communities in Poland, Lithuania and Russia was significantly altered by contact with authentic descendants of Abraham form the West.

    During the Moslem conquests and after the Jewish exodus from Babylon in the 11th century, most “true” Jews had settled in the lands surrounding the Mediterranean, especially Spain.

    Only relatively small numbers of such Jews inhabited Northern Europe. Despite claims by Jewish historians that mass migrations of authentic Jews moved east into Khazar territories as a result of such calamities asthe Crusades, the Black Death and the Inquisition, Koestler thoroughly documents the absence of any historic basis for such alleged movements concerning genuine Jewish populations in the German Rhineland before and after the first Crusade.

    Ultimately, the first widespread contact between Khazars and Jews of the west occurred as a result of the anti-Semitic Chmelnicky massacres in Poland of 1648-49. A wave of Khazar migration began out of Poland to the west a migration which continued almost three centuries until the second World War.

    It is out of that migration, beginning mid-point in the 17th century, that the principle Jewish settlements of Europe, the United States and Israel have been formed.

  30. Just as there arc two different parts of Christianity, Catholic and Protestant, which have fought bitterly during the history of the world, there are likewise two parts of what is known as Judaism, the Orthodox Jewish Religion, and the Zionist Judaism by the Politics of Race.

    The Zionist Judaism today is not only made up of Kharzars/Jews but you will also find so-called Christians supporting their cause. Our government, Senate, House of Representative and Presidency is almost 100% Zionist/Kharzar, controlled that is why we are having some outrageous Zionist slanted laws pasted by these people that we have put in power with our vote of trust, so they could stab us in the back.

  31. The greatest source of pride for Jews is their belief that they are the “blood descendants of Abraham”. Out of that conviction has come not only “identity”, but deep “confirmation” through the ages; the “confirmation” results from a deliberate re-structuring of history.

    Modern scholars have, however, begun to question whether all who consider themselves Jews are in fact Jews at all. There is mounting evidence that the great majority of Jews today (the Ashkenazim or Eastern European Jews) are not the offspring of Abraham, but descendants of the ancient Central European nation of Khazaria, converted to Judaism in 740 A.D.

    Khazaria’s conversion to a Judaism is unquestioned.

    What remains in doubt is what became of the roughly two million Khazarians in the centuries following conversion?

    Did they dissolve into the nations of Central Europe?

    Or did they remain relatively intact, migrating to such countries as Poland, Lithuania, and Russia, laying the foundation for the massive “Jewish” populations Eastern Europe the source of most Jews living in Russian and the United States today?

    To begin to unravel this question we will look at the Khazars in the Encyclopedia Judaica, the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, the Jewish Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia Britannica.

    The Thirteenth Tribe, the exhaustively researched study of the Khazars by the eminent modern Jewish writer, Arthur Koestler, provides us not only with vital background information, but conclusions about the final destiny of the Khazars (which the encyclopedias omit).

    Who were the Khazars? Where had they come from?

    The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic key position at the vital gateway between the Black Sea and the Caspian, where the great eastern powers of the period confronted each other. It acted as a buffer protecting Byzantium against invasions by the barbarian tribesmen of the northern steppes Bulgars, Magyars, Pechenegs. etc. and later the Vikings and the Russians.

    Of even more importance both from the point of view of Byzantine diplomacy and of European history, is the fact that the Khazar armies effectively blocked the Arab avalanche in its most devastating early stages, and thus prevented the Muslim conquest of Eastern Europe.

    The Khazars, according to the Encyclopedia Judaica, may have been the descendants of Attila the Hun. Like other Turkish peoples they manifested the strongest warlike traits yet were often gifted with commercial and artistic genius. At the peak of their prosperity and power they exacted tribute from no fewer than 30 nations of Central Europe over whom they held undisputed dominion.

    During the 8th century Khazaria found itself embarrassed. The other nations surrounding it were adopting to more advanced monotheistic religions of Byzantine Christianity or Islam, while Khazaria languished in theprimitive superstitions of a nation of nomads and warriors. It was time for a new religion.

    In 740 A.D. the Khagan summoned representatives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism to his presence, each being provided with the opportunity to state its case; in the end Judaism was accepted as Khazaria’s new religion, probably because it carried no obligation for military alliances, as did Byazantine Christianity and Islam.

    For over 400 years well into the 13th Century Judaism thrived as the state religion of several million Khazars.

    The Khazars, whose most educated guess as to who might be their founding father would have been Attila the Hun, came to believe they were descendants, not of the “Golden Horde,” but of Abraham. The Khazars studied Hebrew, venerated the Talmud and Torah, yearned for the coming of Messiah, and actually hoped to soon retake Jerusalem from the Moslems and return to “the land of their forefathers.”

    The Norsemen, or “Rus,” (forefathers of modern Russians), gradually gained the upper hand while Khazaria declined. The Rus made an alliance with Khazaria’s traditional ally, Byzantium, and together in 1016 A.D. they treacherously invaded and conquered Khazaria, bringing to an end the autonomy of one of the most powerful and strategic nations of the ancient world.

    In the following century the fabric of Khazarian life was further rent by invasions of the “Kumans,” a wild, barbaric horde from the steppes of Asia. Yet, far worse was the full scale invasion in 1245 of the terrible Mongol hordes led by Genghis Khan. Before the terror of Genghis Khan, not only the Khazars, but most inhabitants of Central Europe fled to the west. Yet the Khazars, traditionally a nation of nomads, had been migrating west and northwest for centuries even before the earlier invasions of the Rus.

    By the time of the Mongols, Khazar communities were well established in Hungary and the Ukraine, in the Balkans. Southern Russia, in Slavic lands, in Lithuania, hut most of all, Poland.

    With the first awakenings of civilization in Poland, beginning with the founding go the first Piast dynasty in 926 A.D., the Khazars, because of their commercial background as artisans, middlemen and traders, were especially welcome as settlers. It was not long before one Polish city contained five synagogues, while many towns had at least two. In fact, complaints began to come before the magistrates that Khazar synagogues, because of their height and opulence, were putting Christian edifices to shame.

    Legislation was demanded to limit them in size and number.

  32. The modern Jews are not the descendands of the ancient Israelites. For a start the ancient Jews were only 1 tribe of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the modern Jews like to pretend the other tribes eventually just became extinct and they are the only ancestors left of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

    Jacob’s twelve sons (in order of birth), Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin, become the ancestors of twelve tribes, with the exception of Joseph, whose two sons Mannasseh and Ephraim, who were adopted by Jacob, become tribal eponyms (Genesis 48).

    The modern “Jews” are not even Jews to begin with. They originate from Turkish/Mongolian coverts in about the 10th century who converted to Judaism en mass and were known as the Khazars. These people were the offspring of invading Mongolian hordes who ruled large parts of Southern Russia. A Jew by the name of Arthur Koestler wrote a book called “The Thirteenth Tribe” and exposed them.

  33. Leborigine Avatar

    Hehe, its like one dirty rat telling another dirty rat “you are dirtier than I am”!

  34. LEBANON101 Avatar

    F you kerd-ogan turkey kills more kurds evry year than israel has ever killed palestinans . lets not forgot what the palestinans and turks before them did to the people of lebanon . kerdogan sends fighters to fight in syria then they comne blow themselves up in beyrouth. NCHALA hizballah and israel will destory the salafist takfiri pigs like hamas and nusra

  35. LOL, Coming from the nation and leaders who are responsible for killing the Armenian and Kurds population, Greek in Cyprus and many other war crimes. Comparing to Ardogan, BIBI is a Saint.

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