Palestinian-American teen beaten by Israelis returns home


palestinian-american teen beaten by Israelis returns homeThe Palestinian-American teenager who relatives say was beaten by Israeli authorities has returned home to Florida and says he will never think of freedom in the same way again.

Tariq Abu Khdeir, 15, and his mother flew back to Tampa late Wednesday on a flight arriving from New York and were greeted by about 50 cheering supporters waving American and Palestinian flags. The Khdeirs had flown out of Israel earlier in the day.

“I am only 15 but I will never think of freedom the same as I did two months ago,” Tariq said upon arrival at Tampa International Airport. “No child, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli, deserves to die.”

The teenager said the thoughts and prayers of the supporters had helped him, adding “I got through these past two weeks because I knew you were all thinking of me.”

Now, he said, he just wanted some relaxation and time with friends. “It feels so good to be back in Tampa. Can I even put it in words? I can’t wait to go back to play with my friends and go fishing,” he added.

Hassan Shibly, the teen’s attorney and the executive director of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Monday that Tariq suffered head trauma and had to receive stitches on his face when beaten two weeks ago as he was arrested during a protest. Supporters say Tariq’s beating was videotaped. The Israeli justice ministry has said an investigation has been opened into the footage.




19 responses to “Palestinian-American teen beaten by Israelis returns home”

  1. AkhouManUki Avatar

    “No child, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli, deserves to die.”

    What a smart kid. If only the IDF felt this way too.

    1. Full John Avatar
      Full John

      They do. Lets hope Hizbulla will think this way too. After 100,000 dead in Syria its time to think.

      1. AkhouManUki Avatar

        Unfortunately the track record of the IDF does not give any indication that they value the lives of Palestinian civilians. Besides the reactionary footage they put out to show them aborting a mission due to children being there, history doesn’t lie – and there is no shortage of blood of dead Palestinian kids on the hands of Israel’s “defense” force.

        1. Each tom Avatar

          Actually, the joint chiefs praised israel for their actions on protecting civilians. Are you saying the U.S. Military is wrong?

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Yes, they are wrong. They are extremely biased towards Israel. Everyone and their mother knows this.

          2. Each tom Avatar

            Lol, and this is why they are adopting their tactics. Your statement makes no sense.

          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Do we really need to educate you on the influence of the Israeli lobby over American politics? Come on Tom, you are now starting to sound like an uneducated buffoon.

          4. Each tom Avatar

            Israel has an embassy like most countries, that is called diplomacy, not lobbying. American citizens lobby their government over many issues, that is called democracy. Are you against diplomacy or democracy?

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Now don’t you wish the Leaders of Hamas would be wise enough like this kid and save many kids and children and women from being killed cause of their dumb adventures..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Head north for ‘Summer Vacations’. 😉

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Sorry to break the news, but israeli tanks have moved into Gaza

  4. c03x1s7 Avatar

    The stone-throwing punk should be taken from his parents who have failed so horribly badly in their duties, endangering his life by allowing their sweet little idiot to go attack Israeli police.

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