Hezbollah fighters seen fleeing Qalamoun in Al-Nusra Front video


Jabhat al Nusra fighter
Jabhat al Nusra fighter
Al-Nusra Front published on Monday a video on YouTube channel which shows Hezbollah fighters fleeing the battle front in a mountainous area in Syria’s Qalamoun region , according to a report by NOW

The video is titled: “A part of [the video showing] the expulsion of the rats of [Hezbollah] from the Qalamoun mountains near the Lebanese town of Nahle.”

According to NOW Hezbollah has left its post in the mountainous area of Nahle.

Several Hezbollah fighters were killed recently in the Qalamoun region according to Lebanese media reports



14 responses to “Hezbollah fighters seen fleeing Qalamoun in Al-Nusra Front video”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Again the music ….
    ‘Know when to walk away … know when to run.
    Time enough for counting, when the playing’s done.’

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Yes but trying showing it so we can convince Nassrallah supporters.. but wait they will say its the ISIS are fleeing not us.. because they always lie and deny anything that is accusatory to them and humble them.. After all they are the soldiers of Allah and God needs them so bad he can’t move without the protection of Hezbollah. B.S.

  3. $89733098 Avatar

    Quick where’s farq

    1. As per Mek, he was the one who ran the other way with lightning speed. He said his nickname now is “Fast as a stinky Fart.”

    2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      Be Nice Barabie.. you will never hear the end of it..lol

    3. AkhouManUki Avatar

      Mating with a donkey akeed. He’s been on the lookout for that prize donkey, something tells me he got lucky in more ways than one.

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    They were not fleeing, they just had to duck out for a while to visit Nasrallah in hospital for a bit, then come back for some more action!

  5. MekensehParty Avatar

    Did you see farq on the video?
    He’s the fastest runner
    That’s how he got his nickname: fast as a farq

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      he’s gonna laugh too …. ;-))

    2. Is he faster than Bolt? I bet he is as he ran from harms way with lightning speed! Did you say, “Fast as a stinky Fart”?

      1. MekensehParty Avatar

        I already used that joke in the past
        I was trying to be original 😉
        BTW farqs and farts are the same thing in Israeli skies
        lot of noise, lot of smells but really nothing to be worried about.

  6. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Sorry but if it’s a choice between hezbollah and nursa I choose hezbollah. I don’t agree with either one of them however i choose the lesser evil.

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      You sound like a quitter with that statement – who said you had to choose between two awful choices? Choose life my friend!

      1. sweetvirgo Avatar

        I said “IF” its a choice between the two. Nobody said I had to choose I was just making a statement. But let’s be honest here. If nursa or IS or what ever these thugs are called they are going around killing innocent people, making christians convert basically they are causing chaos. Yes my friend I’m fully aware of the chaos hezbollah is causing and continues to cause Lebanon. These two groups are fighting each other, frankly i don’t care if they kill each other but someone will come out on top.

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