A former Israeli spy launched the rockets from Lebanon


A Lebanese army expert dismantles two rockets that were found ready to fire into northern Israel, in the southern Lebanese village of Al-Mari, Lebanon, Friday, July. 11, 2014. The Lebanese army said in a statement that an "unknown side" fired three rockets Friday morning from the Marjayoun-Hasbaya region toward Israel. (Lotfallah Daher, AP / AP)
A Lebanese army expert dismantles two rockets that were found ready to fire into northern Israel, in the southern Lebanese village of Al-Mari, Lebanon, Friday, July. 11, 2014. The Lebanese army said in a statement that an “unknown side” fired three rockets Friday morning from the Marjayoun-Hasbaya region toward Israel. (Lotfallah Daher, AP / AP)
Samir Hussein Abu Qais, a former collaborator with Israel prior the year 2000, was arrested Friday for launching rockets at Israel from South Lebanon An-Nahar newspaper reported Saturday.

According to the paper, Abu Qais served his sentence at the Roumieh prison for spying for Israel after he handed himself over to the security forces.

He worked for former parliamentarian Faisal al-Daoud, the paper added. However, it did not explain the nature of his work with the MP.

As for the second detainee in the case, Hussein Ezzat Atwi, he was known to be a member of the Islamic Movement (Jamaa Islamia)

However, the movement denied its relation to the launching of rockets to Israel.

“The Islamic Movement has no intention to launch rockets or conduct any other [military activity], especially amid the sensitive situation that Lebanon is going through,” the movement’s MP Imad Hout told the daily.

An-Nahar also noted that Atwi held a PhD and taught at the Islamic Dawa faculty. He was also a member of Lebanon’s Coalition of Muslim Scholars.




6 responses to “A former Israeli spy launched the rockets from Lebanon”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Israel should have let UNIFIL handle the whole thing … AS they HAVE with the LAF. Wouldn’t have wasted some tank shells or made more noise killing birds.
    Obviously ‘scholarly fellows’, these two. Not that one could say the school was much good. :-)))
    And yes, too bad that’s all it seem to take to make ‘News Headlines’ of things from one country against another, when it’s only a few local misfits playing stupid.
    One ’round’ in jail wasn’t enough for the guy?? Idiot.

    1. Michaelinlondon1234 Avatar

      We do not know circumstances. It could be that Israel has just killed his family members (this is me speculating). or another. Political parties always jump on this stuff one way

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yah Michael … considering that selling an orange grown in Israel is akin to sleeping with the devil, and an offence that can also land one in jail, the whole ‘spy’ routine is thin. Too.
        I’d speculate the oranges were ‘genetically modified’ and had little listening devices grown in … but that’s just me talking. :-)))

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