Suicide bomber injures 20 in Beirut’s Hezbollah stronghold- Pictures


suicide bombing shatila 2Another suicide car bombing took place around midnight Monday, but this time near the Shatila round about in the Tayyouneh area at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injuring at least 20 people, National News Agency reported on Monday

The explosion happened near an army checkpoint and cafe Abu Abbas where football fans were watching the World Cup.

Military sources told LBCI television that no troops were hurt in the attack.

There were conflicting reports about the the suicide bomber . MTV said a “female suicide bomber” wanted to cross the checkpoint but blew up the vehicle ,a 1966 Mercedes 180 carrying a license plate with the number 144631/O when troops detected her suspicious behavior.”

An Nahar on the other hand reported that it was a male who was spotted minutes earlier near the cafe by two young men who said that he spoke in Syrian accent and appeared confused and scared and claimed his car broke down. The young men were suspicious and went to tell the army checkpoint about him and when he saw them near the checkpoint he blew up the vehicle .

“The force of the blast ejected the terrorist’s corpse to the wall of the fourth floor of a building at the site of the explosion,” NNA added.

This suicide car bombing comes three days after another suicide attack at the Dahr al-Baydar checkpoint in the east of the country left one Internal Security office dead and 33 wounded. The attack was the first inside Lebanon since March.

Most of the recent bombings in Lebanon have taken place in Hezbollah strongholds in southern Beirut and the Beqaa region.

Several Syrian rebel organizations claimed responsibility for the various  attacks which  were reportedly  in retaliation for Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian civil war.

Tens of thousands of Hezbollah fighters are helping the Syrian regime in its war against the Syrian rebels  who are trying to topple the 40 year old dictatorship of the Assad regime and the Baath party .

Here are more pics of the bombing attack:

suicide bombing shatila
A suicide car bombing at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injured at least 20 people Monday June 23, 2014


suicide bombing shatila 3
A suicide car bombing at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injured at least 20 people Monday June 23, 2014
suicide bombing shatila 4
A suicide car bombing at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injured at least 20 people Monday June 23, 2014
suicide bombing shatila 6
A suicide car bombing at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injured at least 20 people Monday June 23, 2014
suicide bombing shatila 8
A suicide car bombing at the entrance to Hezbollah’s stronghold of Dhahieh south of he capital Beirut injured at least 20 people Monday June 23, 2014


76 responses to “Suicide bomber injures 20 in Beirut’s Hezbollah stronghold- Pictures”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    I thought HA was stopping this from happening in Lebanon! Hmmmmmmmm

  2. AkhouManUki Avatar

    Here comes the Gezbollah crack down. God help us.

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      “This is what Bashar wants” -Michel Samaha

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        This is the work of Hezbushaitan. Now this event give a licence to kill the sunnis indiscriminately

        1. libnan1 Avatar

          Nothing wrong with that.

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            GMA has been kissing a lot of Sunni derrières lately.
            Are you sure you don’t want to edit what you wrote?

          2. Hannibal Avatar


          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            This is exactly why Aoun is bad news for Lebanon – expect to see more sectarian strife and the total leveling of anything called “middle ground”

          4. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Reason why Aoun will never see the presidency.

          5. libnan1 Avatar

            No need for presidancy. We are in control untill we get rid of every Sunni terrorist.

          6. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Hezbollah/Iran are leading the charge on that front. It’s amazing how Aoun has a nose for death and destruction – his entire political career is founded on that. A match made in heaven for Hezbollah!

          7. Humptygibtip Avatar

            On Target.

          8. Humptygibtip Avatar

            Try again in your native language….my dear “Hellinite”…:)

          9. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Hmm seems to me Aoun is begging to Harriri for control…

          10. barabie Avatar

            I see u r still as disgusting as ever

          11. libnan1 Avatar

            I’m glad yu still like to be disgusted. I take it no action for yu lately!!!! Any luck in NY and Miami?

          12. Humptygibtip Avatar

            How is it going for you and your fellow mutain’s and zionists in HELL….Any LUCK with MUFF MUNCHING in HELL?….my dear “Hellinite”..:)

          13. Humptygibtip Avatar

            Oh yeah….my dear “Hellinite”…:)

          14. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Where is Farq screaming bloody murder? I would think this sort of a comment would normally trigger a soap box episode.

          15. Humptygibtip Avatar

            Which comment Akhou? The one which my dear Hellinite made? You know he is wise and so peace loving.:)
            He deserves all the accolades he is getting. People like him never wants peace to prevail, just destruction and HELL…no wonder he is Hellinite’s best muff muncher!:)

        2. Reasonableman Avatar

          These bombings are killing and injuring syrians and refugees only… coincidence? Maybe not.

          The recent bombings are a cover up for the innocent lives hizblaat and the puppet soldiers traitors double agents of the LAF have tortured to death.

          Its a diverson look at the bigger picture, this method is used to hide the dead bodies and get sympathy from the international community, playing the part as damsel in distress.

    2. Humptygibtip Avatar

      Hezbusatan’s and rest of their handler’s arrogance will be their downfall. They are up against GOD here and we all know who WINS….the battle between GOOD and EVIL….:)
      Hope the nice peace loving people of beautiful Libnan are protected by HIM from these evildoers!

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Jet-fighters have ejection seats too. I guess no-one told the bomber that they also have parachutes, or that bouncing off a wall is not the same as being in ‘free-flight’.
    Not that he was promoting any freedom, of course, except his own.

  4. sweetvirgo Avatar

    Now let’s see how hezbollah will stop this from happening any further. Let’s see them “resist”

  5. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    This is getting ugly.. you kill me i kill you and there is no end in sight. Killing civilians is cowardly act done by twisted minds. Unfortunately Nassrallah praised such style of bombing long time ago. He described the bomber as being in Sauna and can’t wait to get out to a nice lounge that’s more comfortable and have cocktails and many goodies. He said these people will enter “Al Janna”. Unfortunately Mr. Nassrallah this is biting you and most likely innocent people because of your ventures in Syria and other areas in the world. These jihadists are biting Syria and eventually Iran because they’re the one who gave them safe heavens and facilitate their routes to Iraq. Iran is the one who armed even Al Qaada to kill Americans and even possibly kill Shiites to promote insecurities and sectarian indifferences. It was hezbollah who hit the Marine Barracks in Beirut and the embassy with Suicide Bombers. well as much as i despise the Jihadists they feel the same about you Nassrallah as much as you felt for the Americans then? Besides the Marines defended Lebanon from Israel and I still remember an An American Soldier got on top of Israeli tank to stop it from Advancing. Until the Khomeini regime took over and all hell broke loose. Also 9/11 was well planned and there are many indications Iran was heavily involved in it. what were so many AL Qaada Leaders doing in Iran at the time? are you telling me that Iran didn’t even know about it? Are you telling me that Iran who orchestrated many bombings abroad with the help of Hezbollah operatives to bomb train stations in Spain.. And other areas in Europe?? so now its biting us all because some in the west and arab worlds help finance those jihadists thinking they will be on their side. I just wish everyone goes home and let the people of Syria and Iraq manage their own countries without interference. I wish Syria and Iran and others leave Lebanon alone so we can manage our own affairs. Enough of this B.S. this is not going anywhere other than Hell.. time to make a stand fight these jihadists. Fight Iran and Hezbollah in syria and force Iraq and assad to make concessions by all responsible nations.. Enough terrorism from Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Israel and the pathetic jihadists..

    1. AkhouManUki Avatar

      Who is to say that Nasrallah isn’t behind these attacks? At the end of the day, they only help embolden his self-driven, Iranian-sponsored cause.

      1. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        We all know they had knowledge of Michel Samaha who had orders from Syria. The question is if they had any role at all (probably). We may never know.

      2. Humptygibtip Avatar

        Right On.

  6. William Petro Avatar
    William Petro

    what goes around comes around!

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Prove it

      1. William Petro Avatar
        William Petro

        You must know you cannot prove a negative!
        That’s why they so poplar in politics!

  7. Reasonableman Avatar

    These bombings are killing and injuring syrians and refugees only… coincidence? Maybe not.

    The recent bombings are a cover up for the innocent lives hizblaat and the puppet soldiers traitors double agents of the LAF have tortured to death.

    Its a diverson look at the bigger picture.

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