Cheney on Obama: Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much


Dick CheneyMr. Cheney was U.S. vice president from 2001-09. Ms. Cheney was the deputy assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs from 2002-04 and 2005-06.



73 responses to “Cheney on Obama: Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much”

  1. Faiman Avatar

    Coming from a lowlife is a badge of honor for Obama

    1. arzatna1 Avatar

      Agreed about Cheney being a low life but you have to admit that Obama screwed up bigtime . If he took action on Syria as he promised to do we won’t be in this mess today in Iraq and Syria. Obama is slowly but surely becoming another Carter and this is not what the world expected of him. Time for leadership and courage

      1. man-o-war Avatar

        I don’t think what is happening in Iraq would have been prevented if the US acted on Syria. The terrorist there have been killing thousands of civilians every year since the Americans left. It actually might have emboldened the terrorist to make more moves. Post ASSad Syria would probably have given them a recruitment site and a safe haven. The Islamist extremist would start thinking that a caliphate is a reality.

        1. arzatna1 Avatar

          You and I may agree on many things but not this one. As you know the Syrian revolution started as a peaceful uprising. The only thing the Syrian protesters asked for was freedom, justice and reform. The regime of Bashar al-Assad responded with violence, torture, killings, massacres and bombings. No one is saying Obama should have supported the extremists but should have at least supported the Free Syrian Army when the uprising became militarized

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            It may have worked if they got involved right away, but once the foreign extremist got into the fight it was too late. They’re fighting for a completely different reason than the FSA. The FSA also joined up with these Islamist extremist at one point, until their true aspirations were revealed.

            ASSad was/is no angel, I agree. He handled the uprising the wrong way. They should have tried to compromise and given the revolution a voice. Maybe it would have worked and we wouldn’t be where we’re at today.

          2. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Bravo man, you made a clear point and the follow up was on point. I like to be impressed, and I am impressed!

        2. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          Post Assad Syria with the US help would’ve been started with the FSA. Now we see terrorist groups holding more land than any other force in the country thanks to the lack of foreign aid for the FSA.

          1. man-o-war Avatar

            Not sure it would have worked so well, look at Iraq. If there isn’t a way to protect the minority groups it won’t work. There has to be a way to share the power and protect minority rights.

          2. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            The FSA is rather protective over minorities. They even had a Christian as a president for a while. Thats one of their main points they are even fighting for,

  2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Yes you dickhead and you should have not invaded Iraq in the first place then we would not have to deal with Al Qaada exsistance there. Saddam was even against them. why remove someone who was also against Iran.. are you happy Dickhead that Iraq is three parts now divided?

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      Saddam took over Kuwait and was making plans to take over large parts of Saudi Arabia and surrounding countries simply for oil. There were also reports of chemical attacks and torture of civilians was very common.

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        well let’s put it this way.. then if we knew then that Saudi Arabia was going to produce the largest Al Qaada Network then we should have let Saddam take over then. However at the end before the US toppled him he was trying to be compliant. But Israel had a sore eye from him for a long time and they wanted him out. But nobody could tell whether Saddam was after Saudi arabia anyway. Bush Sr. was warned from overruning Iraq by Saudi Arabia. so if the Saudis were afraid, then why would then warn Bush?

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          Saudi Arabia wouldn’t go on to create the worlds largest al Qaeda network. It was created because Saudi Arabia chose the US help over Osama bin Laden and grew with Iran’s funding. And Saddam had tens of thousands of tanks in Kuwait, primarily near the border with SA. What could they possibly be doing there!?

      2. barabie Avatar

        And I guess u also believe saddam’s troops stole baby incubators. Amazing what people believe.

        1. The real lebanese Avatar
          The real lebanese

          I guess you support dictatorships who plan on expansion. Very similar to Russia.

    2. sweetvirgo Avatar

      I have to agree with you. US should have never invaded Iraq. There were never any chemical weapons found. It was Bush jr who just wanted him out. Iraq was better when Saddam was in power. Yes he was a dictator and killed innocent lives but look at Iraq now?? Look at the Middle East??

      1. “Iraq was better when Saddam was in power” I could not agree with you more Sweetvirgo, Just curious however, would you think the same thing if Assad was toppled. Would love to hear your insight on this.

        1. sweetvirgo Avatar

          I have mixed feelings with Assad. Don’t get me wrong I know he is a dictator. He is exactly like his father. I do want to see him toppled and I don’t. If he is toppled what is going to happen to Syria? What ever happens to Syria will spill over to Lebanon. Innocent lives be taken and for what? You might disagree and want to see Assad overthrown but I’m so afraid of who will take his seat.

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            So the levels of torture in both places was OK, until ‘the power’ was shifted?
            I guess it depends at any given moment on who the ‘power-brokers’ are ….

          2. sweetvirgo Avatar

            That’s not what I said. In my statement I wrote that I do and don’t want to see him toppled. I have a fear if he is overthrown Syria will be just like Iraq. It will spill into Lebanon and other middle eastern countries. Remember that most of these so called rebels are extremists and have no problem blowing up people. Either way it is horrible but what would you prefer? Assad falling and Syria falling into the hands of these thugs? They will march right into Lebanon.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah. I know what you meant.
            And I didn’t agree with that venture into Saddam-Land either. They won’t change the 2000-yr-old minds in a couple of decades. But having made an attempt, the follow-up now has been handled badly for sure, in the rush to get out of it altogether. And at least one ‘faction’ in those tribal lands didn’t want the ‘foreign help’ to be hanging around doing the helping.
            ‘Just send $$ – and weapons’ That’s the usual cry. They hate when the ‘givers’ want to know they are actually doing something for ‘the people’ ….

          4. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Question for you….do you want to see Assad overthrown?

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Dead would be best.
            But I admit … Until some of ‘the people’ began asking for ‘more porridge’, I didn’t give 2 shits about the man or the family … Syria generally is Lebanon’s big pain (has been and obviously from all we see lately still is), although everyone is swayed into thinking the big pain is ‘forever’ going to be Israel – and they try to make it so as much as possible.
            Well, Assad’s Gang was more selective about who they killed.
            The ISIS-type idiots just wreck havoc on anyone they don’t like the look of.
            There really ARE NOT so many of them. But a handful of terrorists can ‘off’ a lot of people before someone manages to whack them down.
            (Instant 2 million refugees from Mosul)
            The Muslim World allowed them to rise like a big business … and they finally produced their product ‘big-time’ in Iraq because the USA left the field … and the only hope is that ‘THAT World’ sees the mistake it made in concentrating all it’s hate on ‘The West’ or ‘Jews’ in general, while not doing anything for ‘the people’ except feed them the brainwashing.
            And the brainwashers are still there working … largely because they are well-washed too. Being a ‘power-broker’ doesn’t mean having any ‘smarts’.
            By the way, do you find Bush’s painting ‘artistic’? ;-))

          6. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Bush’s painting??

          7. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I hear he opened his own Gallerie. :-)))))
            I tried to imagine him in Montmartre, Paris. Just couldn’t …. :-)))))

          8. sweetvirgo Avatar


          9. Patience2 Avatar

            Encouraging (trying to hook ’em) customers to come into the Moulin Rouge, eh?

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            There are worse places. 😉

          11. To be honest with you, I really don’t care who rules Syria. As long as Lebanon is left alone, and these extremist are once and for all exterminated. BTW, all credit to you for your honestly. Most on this blog want Assad gone, however refuse to ask the most important questions you asked above.

          12. sweetvirgo Avatar

            Thank you….and I do agree with you. I think all these jihadists should be exterminated. I also think hezbollah should go Iran and stay there along with Aoun.

          13. well you and i both know that will never happen. whether you wish to admit it or not, lebanon needs HA

          14. IraniAngel Avatar

            they r not welcome here for obvious reasons… they r arabs n MUSLIMS

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