Iran deploys forces in Iraq to fight Sunni militants

Iran Basij Forces
Iran Basij Forces

Faced with the threat of Sunni extremists eclipsing the power of Shiite-dominated Iraq, Iran sprang into action to aid its besieged Arab ally and deployed Revolutionary Guards units to Iraq, according to Iranian security sources.

At least three battalions of the Quds Forces, the elite overseas branch of the Guards, were dispatched to aid in the battle against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, an offshoot of al Qaeda rapidly gaining territory across Iraq, they said.

One Guards unit that was already in Iraq fought alongside the Iraqi army, offering guerrilla warfare advice and tactics and helped reclaim most of the city of Tikrit on Thursday.

Two Guards’ units, dispatched from Iran’s western border provinces on Wednesday, were tasked with protecting Baghdad and the holy Shiite cities of Karbala and Najaf, these security sources said.

General Qasem Sulaimani, the commander of the Quds Forces and one of the region’s most powerful military figures, traveled to Baghdad this week to help manage the swelling crisis, said a member of the Revolutionary Guards, or IRGC.

Qassimm al-Araji, an Iraqi Shiite lawmaker who heads the Badr Brigade bloc in parliament, posted a picture with Mr. Sulaimani holding hands in a room in Baghdad on his social-networking site with the caption, “Haj Qasem is here,” reported Iranian news sites affiliated with the IRGC on Wednesday. “Haj Qasem” is Mr. Sulaimani’s nom de guerre.

The rampant presence of an al Qaeda-affiliated group gaining support and territory presents Iranwith the biggest security and strategic challenge it has faced since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Iran has invested considerable financial, political and military resources over the past decade to ensure that Iraq emerged from the grip of Americans as a key Arab ally of the Islamic Republic and a strong Shiite-dominated state. The so-called Shiite crescent—stretching from Iran to Iraq, Lebanon and Syria—was forged largely as a result of this effort.

Syria’s conflict also turned Iraq into an important operational base for Iran to aid Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Shiite militia trained by Iran, weapons and cash flowed from Iran to Syria via roads and airports in Iraq.

“Iraq is viewed as a vital priority in Iran’s foreign policy in the region and they go to any length to protect this interest,” said Roozbeh Miribrahimi, an independent Iran expert based in New York.

Iran has also positioned troops on full alert along its border with Iraq and has given clearance to its air force to bomb ISIS rebel forces if they come within 100 kilometers, or 62 miles, from Iran’s border, according to an Iranian army general.

The two IRGC battalions that moved to Iraq on Wednesday were shifted from the Iranian border provinces of Urumieh and Lorestan, the Iranian security officials said.

Revolutionary Guards units that serve in Iran’s border provinces are the most experienced fighters in guerrilla warfare because of separatist ethnic uprisings in those regions. IRGC commanders dispatched to Syria also often hail from those provinces.

In addition, it was considering the transfer to Iraq of Shiite volunteer troops in Syria, if the initial deployments fail to turn the tide of battle in favor of Mr. Maliki’s government.

At stake for Iran in the current tumult in Iraq isn’t only the survival of a Shiite political ally in Baghdad, but the safety of Karbala and Najaf, which along with Mecca and Medina are considered sacred to Shiites world-wide.

An ISIS spokesman, Abu Mohamad al-Adnani, urged the group’s Sunni fighters to march toward the “filth-ridden” Karbala and “the city of polytheism” Najaf, where they would “settle their differences” with Mr. Maliki.

That coarsely worded threat further vindicates Iran’s view that the fight unfolding in Iraq is an existential sectarian battle between the two rivaling sects of Islam-Sunni and Shiite—and by default a proxy battle between their patrons Saudi Arabia and Iran.

“Until now we haven’t received any requests for help from Iraq. Iraq’s army is certainly capable in handling this,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afgham said Wednesday.

Iran’s President Hasa Rouhani cut short a religious celebration on Thursday and said he had to attend an emergency meeting of the country’s National Security Council about events in Iraq.

“We, as the Islamic Republic of Iran, won’t tolerate this violence and terrorism…. We will fight and battle violence and extremism and terrorism in the region and the world,” he said in a speech.

ISIS’s rapid territorial gains in the past few days appeared to have caught Iranian officials by surprise and opened a debate within the regime over whether Iran should publicly enter the battle, citing the country’s strategic interest and ideological responsibility. Iranian officials also privately expressed concern about whether Mr. Maliki was capable of handling the turmoil.

Iran’s chief of police, Esmail Ahmadi-Moghaddam said the National Security Council would consider intervening in Iraq to “protect Shiite shrines and cities,” according to Iranian media.

Public opinion in Iran and among Shiites among the region appears to support a strong intervention from Iran and its Shiite allies such as Hezbollah to defeat the growing threat of al Qaeda’s resurgence in the region. This is in contrast to Syria’s war, where opinion is sharply divided on whether or not to support the regime or the opposition.

In chat rooms and social media many Iranians have expressed fear that sectarian conflict could spill over to Iran and claimed they are willing to volunteer for fighting in Iraq.

“I am proud to go fight alongside General Sulaimani [commander of Quds Forces]. Even if you hate the Islamic Republic’s regime, you can’t fathom an alternative like al Qaeda,” said Saber, a 25-year-old member of Iran’s Basij militia.

In the short-term, analysts say that the outcome of the crisis in Iraq will only strengthen and increase the influence of Iran and the Revolutionary Guards.

“The more insecure and isolated Maliki becomes, the more he will need Iran. The growth of ISIS presents a serious threat to Iran. So it would not be surprising to see the Guards become more involved in Iraq,” said Alireza Nader, a senior policy analyst at the Rand Corp.





150 responses to “Iran deploys forces in Iraq to fight Sunni militants”

  1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Well what’s Iran is waiting for? time to go to support the Shiite led gov’t against the ISIL. I don’t understand Iran mentality they have Maliki controlled from the begining. Yet they always hesitated to help his gov’t from these Jihadists. Its time for all out war against these maniacs.. but also Maliki need to share more power and stop making Sunnis as a second class citizen. otherwise we all can witness how much they welcome the jihadists because of the oppression of the gov’t. While I understand Saddam was worse but how could Iraq becomes a democracy if they don’t share power.

    1. IraniAngel Avatar

      what a strange comment.. i wonder what u wud have said if iran had done this from the begining in syria. if iran had intervented in syria back in 11 we wudnt be in this mess today.
      hezzy, assad n iran has been fighting this filthy isil n its like for three years n during the whole period of time they have been called the axis of evil by you n your kind.
      u as a christian shud go to janoub libnan n find 7assan nastryrallah n pull him outta his rat hole n kiss his a55 right now as shi3a 7ezzy n iran have saved yours!
      unbelievable, NOW u say they shud’ve done this from the begining. let me remind u that isil is short for islamic state of iraq n the LEVANT so they r coming for ya n then u will be begging us (iran) to come to ur rescue which i hope we wont as i wud love to see ur wife in a chador!

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        ISIL attack is pre arranged by Maliki

        Its my assumption based on the Syrian incident where Assad regime let ISIL take the Raqa city at ease and never attacked them. ISIL didnt attack assad regime either. Assad brought this group in when he was having a big trouble against the FSA. After the ISIL intervention the FSA has been fighting a two front war and this situation is gone in favor of the Assad regime.

        I have been following the Iraqi resistance for at least five months through some you tube channel. I have seen the Iraqi sunni tribal groups fighting against the Maliki force but I have never seen a single reference on ISIL in those channel. But surprisingly the media kept portraying the resistance as ISIL movement. Now those Jihadis in mask are brought in to action against the sunni tribal resistance when Maliki found himself caught by the balls. You dont know who they are behind the mask. I wont be surprise if they are Iranian revolutionary guard. Other benefit of this move is – Iran Assad regime and Nuri Maliki just got a licence to indiscriminately kill the true sunni resistance and civilian in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda/ISIL. Let the dust settle down and you may be surprised from the outcome in Iraq

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          i betcha

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            hohohohohohoho ……

          2. IraniAngel Avatar

            hi santa u r a little too early this year 😉

          3. I never knew santa was a drunk

          4. Patience2 Avatar

            You just don’t keep the right company.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Farqui. You work in a toyshop all your life … see what it makes YOU do.

      2. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Iran is not saving my ass and I am not kissing no low life iranian stooges. i would rather die then be saved by this M.F.
        I hate jihadists as much as i hate hezbollah. All I am saying Iran manipulating the situation in Iraq for a long time. they do lip service then they want the US to fight the jihadists. well you go fight them since Iraq is under Shiite control. I will be damned if I beg Iran to save me your jerk dumb ass comments from you.

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          all i know is that while u left leb for a nasty ghetto in america hezzy was doing a great job defending ur country n u have the nerve to hate them? who said u have the honor to hate them anyways? now get back to ur nasty ghetto n stay away from drugs kid
          ps i myself bitterly hate hezzy bcoz they prevent u from slaughtering one another like u did for 15 yrs.

          1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

            I do not live in the Ghetto you schmuck and i have a good life here. I left because i would not be able to live this good life there all because people like Hezzy. no i do not want to thank Hezzy for pretending to be an enemy of Israel while helping the Syrian to butcher Lebanese? while killing so many leaders just alone since 2005. There is nothing to thank them for.. i hope they and the jihadists, Iran and the syrian regime rot in hell and you can take Israel with you as well. I cannot believe what i am reading from people like you who forgot that for 30 years the Syrian had no mercy on us and still don’t. They never help us build Lebanon instead they built a terrorist machine for their own purposes and the higher goal of Iran. Or did you forget many of your scum leaders have reminded over and over that South Lebanon is the first line of Defense for Iran. what more proof do you want? if Iran, Syria and Hezbollah didn’t allow Fatah Al Islam and facilitated the passage and training of Al Qaada into Iraq. we would not be in this mess at all. I remember Nassrallah telling the LAF the camps are red line when they were trying to flush out Fatah Al Islam?? why isn’t Syria a red line for Nassrallah? who the hell are you to tell me that I should get down on my knees to kiss my butcher ass.. go to hell you and them.

          2. IraniAngel Avatar

            do u really think imma read all that crap?

      3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        Yah today I read that Al Qaada in Iraq is selling oil to the Syrian regime and that’s their main funding comes from. thanks to Assad who refused to bomb them before.. amazing how he picks to fight AL nusra and that group is fighting al qaada group from iraq. I wander what kind of conspiracy is this? Assad is befriending al Qaada in Iraq. they in return fighting AL Maliki.. yah strange comments allright. all i was saying is that Iran which is closest to Iraq was taking its sweet time to fight al qaada yet they want the americans to go back after they denied them a base there..

    2. wargame1 Avatar

      The whole thing is planned by Iran in order to officially invade Iraq. The Army of Maliki simply welcomed ISIL/Al-Qaeda like Assad welcomed ISIL/Al-Qaeda in Raqa city in Syria. Maliki was facing the resistance from the tribal sunni fighters. Maliki was losing ground and exposed himself as a sectarian maniac. Now Maliki and Iran used the same strategy as Assad did. Assad let ISIL take Raqa city when he was facing huge resistance from the FSA. Now FSA is fighting a two front war where Assad have become the ultimate beneficiary. Al-Qaeda/ISIL is a Iranian counter resistance force. Now the situation is apparently going in to Irans favor as they have created a legitimate pretext to “Protect Iraqi government against Al-Qaeda” . But the top leaders of Al-Qaeda live in Iran under the protection of Iranian government. What Iran is doing in Iraq is similar to what Putin is doing in Ukraine and its a blunder. At least 17 European countries will suffer from Gas supply if Putin tries to control/Monopolize the Gas supply. Similarly its Iran who are physically moving in to Iraq to take control of the Oil field in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda. Europe and USA are not stupid. The outcome will be bad for Iran and Russia and their stupid move will force Europe/USA reconcile with the Afghan Taliban (NOT PTT Pakistani fake Taliban run by Iran and India) and other sunni resistance in order to punish Iran and Russia.Northern Iraq is a oil rich province where Turkey have big interest. I wont be surprised to see a Turkish invasion in Northern Iraq. The greed will gather every greedy bastard to fight each other and die.

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        I would not be surprised if Iran has a hand in all this in order to invade Iraq anyway and stay there. they will cement their foot in three places(Syria, Lebanon and Iraq). But I do not like those jiahdists so i hope they slaughter each other for all i care.

        1. wargame1 Avatar

          Those Jihadist are called Khawarij. They are pro Iranian but they identify themselves as sunni and the media portrays them as sunni too. The place where they invade in Iraq are sunni dominated area from where maliki was facing the most resistance.When ever Iran and other occupation force need to invade the Al-Qaeda magically appears. Let us not forget Afghanistan where we may also see a magical return of Al-Qaeda. Its a cunning strategy resembles to the medieval “Witch hunting” strategy. You may watch this youtube video about the Khawarij/Al-Qaeda

  2. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    Actually not upset with Iran for this move. Not comparable to Syria however.

    1. IraniAngel Avatar

      another stupid comment. sure u r not upset wid iran NOW that u can see that iran has been f u c k i n g right all the f u c k i n g time. now that u got the crazy isil breathing u down ur neck u suddenly approve the actions of iran???? n they do breath u down ur neck if they can head eastward they sure eventually wud head westward to leb as well. they overtook iraq in like a half day or less so they r able to takeover leb within an hour.
      Nothing has change in the actions of iran since day one the syrian conflict broke out. from day one iran has been fighting these criminals while u have been opposed! now have fun with ur sharia laws!!!

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        These Iranian backed ISIL/Khawarij incite the violence and lured the west in to invading Iraq and Afghanistan and made the sunnis suffer. Look at Iran !! they came out clean and didnt suffer a bit but as a result of this Al-Qaeda atrocities Iran have become the ultimate beneficiary although it is Iran where the top Al-Qaeda leaders live under the Iranian governments protection including the Son of Osma Bin Laden!!

        1. IraniAngel Avatar


      2. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Once again cant read.

        Ps. Instead of “wid” use “with”. That one extra letter makes a big difference.

      3. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        I think you forgot Iran and Syria funded al Qaeda to fight the US after it overthrew Saddam…

        1. I think you forgot who created Al Qaeda. Whether you admit it or not, the whole mess in the ME is because of the US and their protection of Israel.

          1. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            When it was created, it wasn’t an Islamist organization. When it grew under Iran and Syria’s finances, it was an Islamist organization. The US threw a cigarette in a forest while Iran purposefully poured gasoline on it. Looks like the winds changed and are blowing not only in the US’s direction, but your direction too.

          2. Go look up your history Real. Your uninformative and biased research is evident

          3. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            I did look it up. You lack research in general.

          4. IraniAngel Avatar

            what an imagination.. hey look santa is here just scroll up a little

          5. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            You’re right. Your imagination is a little wild. While I state facts you state things you imagine were true.

        2. IraniAngel Avatar

          what i forgot is that u r good at making up stuff

          1. The real lebanese Avatar
            The real lebanese

            Just the facts. Look it up and stop being ignorant please.

      4. AkhouManUki Avatar

        That’s a dirty mouth for an Angel – come on now – there are kids like manwardo in the audience, when you let the f word fly so free, you have to stop and think of the consequences.

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          u n i broke up remember? now i can talk however i want to lol

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            My little Irani friend, always remember that respect starts from within. Learn to respect your tongue with the words you choose to allow it to speak!

        2. man-o-war Avatar

          Richard Cabeza,

          The only kid is the one I put in your mums belly. Now get back on your knees with mekenseh and juggle. If you continue with your jackassery I’ll make your mum swallow next time. We don’t want that.

          How’s that for immature comments? I can’t help it, she makes me feel young again…

          1. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Wow manweirdo is back – I had no idea your were into loubi b’zeit. Sa7tayn!

            You and Farqrallah need a new outlet to relieve anger and stress – clearly there’s the potential for you to take it out on innocent and defenseless women.

          2. man-o-war Avatar

            You go by akhoumanuki and I’m the weirdo, lol.

            Nothing like shagging your mum to relieve some anger and stress. She takes it like a champ and comes back for more.
            Your mum may be defenseless, but certainly not innocent ; ))

            We can stop this or you can continue making asinine comments and I’ll feel obliged to reply.

          3. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Fantastic ya Imm Anwar – you have taken it to a new level – you like to rape deceased women in their upper 90’s – I think that puts in you in a rare class of human beings. Congrats! There’s a special place in hell reserved for you next to your buddies Bashar and Hassouni.

          4. man-o-war Avatar

            Haha! It’s not rape if it’s consensual ; )

            If your mother is deceased than it must have been your wife or daughter I was shagging. My apologies.

            Richard Cabeza, will you be having fun in hell with us? Or are you going to heaven? You know, the boring place. No alcohol having, vanilla sex with virgins, and full of self righteous douchnozzles like yourself.

          5. AkhouManUki Avatar

            Go ahead and keep the lesbian fantasies going ya Imm Anwar, especially the ones where you get dead people to consent to being raped. I’m sure your mom must be proud of what you have become.

            Just remember that one day, when you finally sober up, you’ll realize that your mom raised you to the best of her ability despite the hardships she had to endure. There’s no reason for you to go around trying to rape mothers to try to get back at your mom, she did her best – honor her for that at least.

    2. IraniAngel Avatar

      i just cant get ur stupid comment outta my mind which is strange bcoz u really r a dot to me however after giving ur post several thoughts i can only come up with ONE valid explanation for ur sudden shift. the only reason why u have been opposed to everything iran has done to serve lebanese n syrian interest, gotta be that u r not a real lebanese as u claim urself to be since a REAL lebanese wud not abhor the protectors of leb the way u do. u r not really a REAL lebanese u r a REAL shame to everything n everyone lebanese.

      1. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        Having trouble reading. Please use correct grammar.

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          i can type in lebanese arabic but im not certain if u as a REAL lebanese wud understand

          1. Try typing Israeli. He may understand it better.

          2. IraniAngel Avatar

            blease read my reply to real in hebrew…ish

        2. IraniAngel Avatar

          khassan nasrallah n khizbullah r gonna kick tizak. this is the closest i can get to ur native language

          1. lol

          2. Hannibal Avatar


      2. MekensehParty Avatar

        For a Lebanese who calls himself IraniAngel tells a lot who you sold yourself to

        1. IraniAngel Avatar

          hahahahahahahaha i AM iranian hahahaha w bft5r ektir!! what the h made u think im lebanese

          1. MekensehParty Avatar

            Dr. Maher convinced you that you are Iranian
            you’re sample 213 from bint jbeil

          2. Alotta Fagina Avatar
            Alotta Fagina


          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            Hi back

          4. IraniAngel Avatar

            bt3’ar menni mish hek?

    3. Tell me Real, WTF is the difference. Aren’t these terrorist active in Syria as well. So it’s ok if they kill innocent people in Syria but in Iraq it’s a big no no.

      1. The real lebanese Avatar
        The real lebanese

        I dont support the terrorist in Syria. I don’t think you will ever understand this as I have explained this to you many times.

        1. You could have fooled me. You want them destroyed in Iraq and armed in Syria. Oh, that’s rite, you only want the MODERATES armed. How silly of me.

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            its not her fault her sh!t doesnt make any sense. she is just doing what she is paid for.

          2. I didn’t know he was a she. Or is it the other way around. :-))). Damn you Irani, now I’m confused. Lol

          3. MekensehParty Avatar

            They’re not going to be destroyed in Iraq or Syria
            Not without US involvement at least which is not going to come
            You claimed victory in Iraq way too soon
            you thought that you can control the Sunnis without the US support so lets see you opening yet another front and funneling more weapons and soldiers.
            PS: get ready for a 3rd front soon

    4. Alotta Fagina Avatar
      Alotta Fagina

      LOLOLOL same

    5. MekensehParty Avatar

      It’s the same case as Syria buddy
      Sunnis in their majority ARE extremists
      only that majority has been silent for too long and now it blew for all to see
      Iran is going to get involved in yet another war, ironically fighting the US enemies yet again
      It’s crumbling everywhere, they are fighting left right, north and south and a third front is in preparation before the internal front that will KO the mullahs

      1. IraniAngel Avatar

        beside the iran-iraq war which war has iran been ‘involved’ in?

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          does Syria ring a bell?
          or are you still in denial that Iranian forces are fighting with bashar?

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            oh it actually does ring a bell… but hey i support that war for the sake of u eventhough u dont realize it

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            for the sake of me??? hahaha
            I owe you now? LOLOLOL
            These ISIL that you smuggled to fight the Americans
            These Shia militias that you created in Iraq for the same purpose
            Today is the big day where all these soldiers of Allah are going to battle together and the blood will run up to the knees.
            Every one that falls on both camps is one less enemy.
            Every bullet that is fired is paid for by both our enemies and is meant to take the life or injure or even scratch the wall of our enemies.
            Keep claiming divine victories and noble causes, the Sunni sword is on the outskirt of Baghdad and you are shitting in your pants crying for help from the US that’s not going to come.

          3. IraniAngel Avatar

            why do u assume i believe in allah? allah is an arab god n islam is an arab religion which have nothing to do wid me. these wars r not about religion

          4. MekensehParty Avatar

            Why did you assume that I assumed this?

          5. IraniAngel Avatar

            u said something about allahs soldiers as if i support hizbullah bcoz they r muslims. i support hezzy despite of that

          6. MekensehParty Avatar

            hmm your analytical skills should be reprogrammed by Dr. Maher

          7. IraniAngel Avatar

            he shud start wid u

          8. MekensehParty Avatar

            Office of Dr. Maher
            Secret Minister of Propaganda
            Secret location #66
            Damascus – Syria
            Report on the behavior of sample 213 AKA IraniAngel
            June 14, 2014
            “The sample is a mess. Analytical skills heavily damaged by multiple reprogramings. Vocab and Grammar skills seem very hit as well.
            Actions to be taken: bring in for reprograming.”

          9. IraniAngel Avatar


          10. Leborigine Avatar

            This is the Iran that I would like to see, skater girls and freedom of speech!
            Apparently that’s a pic taken in a suburb in Tehran

          11. IraniAngel Avatar

            widout the 7ijab tehran wud be like LA, NY, london or any other western city

          12. Leborigine Avatar

            There is nothing wrong with the hijab, especially those ones. The problem is your government and the freedom of speech! Iran can be a great country without its dictatorship, I just have a problem with it because they are destroying my country with their proxies.

          13. IraniAngel Avatar

            wild guess here: leb widout hezzy wud likely be as f’ed as leb wid. no need to blame them for more than they r responsible for.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    One may begin to understand just how barbaric they actually are, when you hear ” …you can’t fathom an alternative like al Qaeda” coming from Saber, a 25-year-old member of Iran’s Basij militia. 😉 Even the ‘expert’ controllers are afraid of having that weirdest of all versions of ‘Sharia’ coming anywhere close to them. :-))
    And what’s happening at Arsal in Lebanon should have everyone shivering through the summer.

  4. Alotta Fagina Avatar
    Alotta Fagina

    Parts of Iraq belong to Iran anyway, time to change the Sykes-Picot map

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