Israel adds new spy technology to Lebanon border


An Israeli tank maneuvers near the site of an exchange of fire between Israeli and Lebanese troops along the border between Israel and Lebanon, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2010.The Israeli army planted on Monday a surveillance device along the technical fence to spy on Lebanon, the state-run National News Agency reported.

The wireless device was installed facing the observation point of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Indonesian battalion, on the Adaisseh road, NNA said.

Also Monday, Israeli helicopters hovered over the occupied Kfarshouba Hills and the Shabaa Farms area, the agency said.

In January, Israeli troops dismantled and removed two electronic devices from Adaisseh, which Lebanese authorities said were aimed at spying on Lebanon.

Since 2010 Israel has set up a series of “spy towers” along its border with Lebanon that As-Safir newspaper reported were unprecedented in scope, while Lebanon’s former Telecom Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui in late 2013 warned that the signals intelligence equipment could “detect everything that passes in the air.”

Israel’s border with Lebanon has been largely quiet since the 2006 war with Hizbullah.




18 responses to “Israel adds new spy technology to Lebanon border”

  1. Shirdel2142 Avatar

    Hey admin what happened the the website?? some of us where locked out,you guys got hacked or something!!!

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Yes admin what happebed, some of us began feeling withdrawel symptoms!!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Hohoho … YES, seems ‘our gang’ was feeling discomboobulated. 🙂
        I wait for a ‘report’ from techies.
        (nice we can agree to disagree ;-)))

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          First there was shock, then came denial, then confusion.
          Lol no puns intended..right? U kill me

    2. cook2half Avatar

      khob tarif kon koodoom keshfar hasti? 😛

      1. Shirdel2142 Avatar

        Filipin am alan,ye chand mahiye ke injam 🙂

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Interesting 😛

          1. Shirdel2142 Avatar

            Yeah man its a nice place,its just to humid for my liking,and to many mosquitos,think of vietnam just with out the VC.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            Too many bugs in Israel too in some places =(

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Wait until you see the report on E-Bola arriving at Beirut international ….

          4. Shirdel2142 Avatar

            Yeah but the mosquitos here are every where,in the streets,malls,parkings,just wanna get a big bug spray to spray the whole sky,i like bugs,just not the cockroaches.

    3. yalibnan Avatar

      Apologies for the blackout – there was a security incident. We’re glad to be back, and glad to have all of you back!

      To help reduce the risk of such incidents in the future, we have some changes in the works… stay tuned.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        We are happy again. 🙂 Just hope the ‘changes’ are not too much like Turkey’s. ;-)))

      2. cook2half Avatar

        Hi! :))))))))))

      3. Shirdel2142 Avatar

        A change we can believe in!!

  2. cook2half Avatar


    and LOL

  3. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Well, you know, there’s a lot of interesting wildlife in Southern Lebanon. So much to see!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      LOL .. yes … but I think it’s a way to keep selling ‘high-tech’ gadgets … Big Business has to make people believe in the need – and all ‘militaries’ pay 5X the price of any gadget, even a hammer. People will even run around searching out a ‘sale’ on the ‘military version’ before going to the Chinese brand. :-)))

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